2015-11-16 15:21:15 +00:00

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* PHPCI - Continuous Integration for PHP
* @copyright Copyright 2014, Block 8 Limited.
* @license
* @link
namespace PHPCI\Plugin;
use PHPCI;
use PHPCI\Builder;
use PHPCI\Model\Build;
* PHP Lint Plugin - Provides access to PHP lint functionality.
* @author Dan Cryer <>
* @package PHPCI
* @subpackage Plugins
class Lint implements PHPCI\Plugin, PHPCI\ZeroConfigPlugin
protected $directories;
protected $recursive = true;
protected $ignore;
protected $phpci;
protected $build;
protected $errors = 0;
* Standard Constructor
* $options['directory'] Output Directory. Default: %BUILDPATH%
* $options['filename'] Phar Filename. Default: build.phar
* $options['regexp'] Regular Expression Filename Capture. Default: /\.php$/
* $options['stub'] Stub Content. No Default Value
* @param Builder $phpci
* @param Build $build
* @param array $options
public function __construct(Builder $phpci, Build $build, array $options = array())
$this->phpci = $phpci;
$this->build = $build;
$this->directories = array('');
$this->ignore = $phpci->ignore;
if (!empty($options['directory'])) {
$this->directories[] = $options['directory'];
if (!empty($options['directories'])) {
$this->directories = $options['directories'];
if (array_key_exists('recursive', $options)) {
$this->recursive = $options['recursive'];
* Check if this plugin can be executed.
* @param $stage
* @param Builder $builder
* @param Build $build
* @return bool
public static function canExecute($stage, Builder $builder, Build $build)
if ($stage == 'test') {
return true;
return false;
* Executes parallel lint
public function execute()
$this->phpci->quiet = true;
$success = true;
$php = $this->phpci->findBinary('php');
foreach ($this->directories as $dir) {
if (!$this->lintDirectory($php, $dir)) {
$success = false;
$this->phpci->quiet = false;
$this->build->storeMeta('phplint-warnings', $this->errors);
return $success;
* Lint an item (file or directory) by calling the appropriate method.
* @param $php
* @param $item
* @param $itemPath
* @return bool
protected function lintItem($php, $item, $itemPath)
$success = true;
if ($item->isFile() && $item->getExtension() == 'php' && !$this->lintFile($php, $itemPath)) {
$success = false;
} elseif ($item->isDir() && $this->recursive && !$this->lintDirectory($php, $itemPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)) {
$success = false;
return $success;
* Run php -l against a directory of files.
* @param $php
* @param $path
* @return bool
protected function lintDirectory($php, $path)
$success = true;
$directory = new \DirectoryIterator($this->phpci->buildPath . $path);
foreach ($directory as $item) {
if ($item->isDot()) {
$itemPath = $path . $item->getFilename();
if (in_array($itemPath, $this->ignore)) {
if (!$this->lintItem($php, $item, $itemPath)) {
$success = false;
return $success;
* Run php -l against a specific file.
* @param $php
* @param $path
* @return bool
protected function lintFile($php, $path)
if (!$this->phpci->executeCommand($php . ' -d error_reporting=E_ALL -d display_errors=0 -n -l "%s" 2>&1', $this->phpci->buildPath . $path)) {
$output = $this->phpci->getLastOutput();
preg_match('/Parse error:\s*syntax error,(.+?)\s+in\s+.+?\s*line\s+(\d+)/', $output, $matches);
$line = trim($matches[2]);
trim((string) $matches[1]),
(int) $line
$success = false;
return $success;