Tobias Kappé 07c9264884 Read standard output and standard error of child process using stream_select.
If a process filled up the buffer of the standard error pipe before closing the
standard output pipe, it would hang. As a result, the call to
stream_get_contents for the standard output pipe would not return, as the
standard error pipe needs to be read from in order for the process to continue.
This change uses stream_select to read from both pipes whenever data becomes
2016-08-27 14:15:19 +02:00

105 lines
3.5 KiB

* PHPCI - Continuous Integration for PHP
* @copyright Copyright 2015, Block 8 Limited.
* @license
* @link
namespace Tests\PHPCI\Plugin\Helper;
use PHPCI\Helper\UnixCommandExecutor;
class CommandExecutorTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
* @var UnixCommandExecutor
protected $testedExecutor;
protected function setUp()
if (IS_WIN) {
$this->markTestSkipped("Cannot test UnixCommandExecutor on ".PHP_OS);
$mockBuildLogger = $this->prophesize('PHPCI\Logging\BuildLogger');
$class = IS_WIN ? 'PHPCI\Helper\WindowsCommandExecutor' : 'PHPCI\Helper\UnixCommandExecutor';
$this->testedExecutor = new $class($mockBuildLogger->reveal(), __DIR__ . "/");
public function testGetLastOutput_ReturnsOutputOfCommand()
$this->testedExecutor->executeCommand(array('echo "%s"', 'Hello World'));
$output = $this->testedExecutor->getLastOutput();
$this->assertEquals("Hello World", $output);
public function testGetLastOutput_ForgetsPreviousCommandOutput()
$this->testedExecutor->executeCommand(array('echo "%s"', 'Hello World'));
$this->testedExecutor->executeCommand(array('echo "%s"', 'Hello Tester'));
$output = $this->testedExecutor->getLastOutput();
$this->assertEquals("Hello Tester", $output);
public function testExecuteCommand_ReturnsTrueForValidCommands()
$returnValue = $this->testedExecutor->executeCommand(array('echo "%s"', 'Hello World'));
public function testExecuteCommand_ReturnsFalseForInvalidCommands()
$returnValue = $this->testedExecutor->executeCommand(array('eerfdcvcho "%s" > /dev/null 2>&1', 'Hello World'));
* Runs a script that generates an output that fills the standard error
* buffer first, followed by the standard output buffer. The function
* should be able to read from both streams, thereby preventing the child
* process from blocking because one of its buffers is full.
public function testExecuteCommand_AlternatesBothBuffers()
$length = 80000;
$script = <<<EOD
/bin/sh -c 'data="$(printf %%${length}s | tr " " "-")"; >&2 echo "\$data"; >&1 echo "\$data"'
$data = str_repeat("-", $length);
$returnValue = $this->testedExecutor->executeCommand(array($script));
$this->assertEquals($data, trim($this->testedExecutor->getLastOutput()));
$this->assertEquals($data, trim($this->testedExecutor->getLastError()));
public function testFindBinary_ReturnsPathInSpecifiedRoot()
$thisFileName = "CommandExecutorTest.php";
$returnValue = $this->testedExecutor->findBinary($thisFileName);
$this->assertEquals(__DIR__ . "/" . $thisFileName, $returnValue);
* @expectedException \Exception
* @expectedMessageRegex WorldWidePeace
public function testFindBinary_ThrowsWhenNotFound()
$thisFileName = "WorldWidePeace";
public function testFindBinary_ReturnsNullWihQuietArgument()
$thisFileName = "WorldWidePeace";
$this->assertNull($this->testedExecutor->findBinary($thisFileName, true));