* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Propel\Bundle\PropelBundle\Form; use Propel\Runtime\Map\RelationMap; use Propel\Generator\Model\PropelTypes; use Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeGuesserInterface; use Symfony\Component\Form\Guess\Guess; use Symfony\Component\Form\Guess\TypeGuess; use Symfony\Component\Form\Guess\ValueGuess; /** * Propel Type guesser. * * @author Fabien Potencier */ class TypeGuesser implements FormTypeGuesserInterface { private $cache = array(); /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function guessType($class, $property) { if (!$table = $this->getTable($class)) { return new TypeGuess('text', array(), Guess::LOW_CONFIDENCE); } foreach ($table->getRelations() as $relation) { if ($relation->getType() === RelationMap::MANY_TO_ONE) { if (strtolower($property) === strtolower($relation->getName())) { return new TypeGuess('model', array( 'class' => $relation->getForeignTable()->getClassName(), 'multiple' => false, ), Guess::HIGH_CONFIDENCE); } } elseif ($relation->getType() === RelationMap::ONE_TO_MANY) { if (strtolower($property) === strtolower($relation->getPluralName())) { return new TypeGuess('model', array( 'class' => $relation->getForeignTable()->getClassName(), 'multiple' => true, ), Guess::HIGH_CONFIDENCE); } } elseif ($relation->getType() === RelationMap::MANY_TO_MANY) { if (strtolower($property) == strtolower($relation->getPluralName())) { return new TypeGuess('model', array( 'class' => $relation->getLocalTable()->getClassName(), 'multiple' => true, ), Guess::HIGH_CONFIDENCE); } } } if (!$column = $this->getColumn($class, $property)) { return new TypeGuess('text', array(), Guess::LOW_CONFIDENCE); } switch ($column->getType()) { case PropelTypes::BOOLEAN: case PropelTypes::BOOLEAN_EMU: return new TypeGuess('checkbox', array(), Guess::HIGH_CONFIDENCE); case PropelTypes::TIMESTAMP: case PropelTypes::BU_TIMESTAMP: return new TypeGuess('datetime', array(), Guess::HIGH_CONFIDENCE); case PropelTypes::DATE: case PropelTypes::BU_DATE: return new TypeGuess('date', array(), Guess::HIGH_CONFIDENCE); case PropelTypes::TIME: return new TypeGuess('time', array(), Guess::HIGH_CONFIDENCE); case PropelTypes::FLOAT: case PropelTypes::REAL: case PropelTypes::DOUBLE: case PropelTypes::DECIMAL: return new TypeGuess('number', array(), Guess::MEDIUM_CONFIDENCE); case PropelTypes::TINYINT: case PropelTypes::SMALLINT: case PropelTypes::INTEGER: case PropelTypes::BIGINT: case PropelTypes::NUMERIC: return new TypeGuess('integer', array(), Guess::MEDIUM_CONFIDENCE); case PropelTypes::ENUM: case PropelTypes::CHAR: if ($column->getValueSet()) { //check if this is mysql enum $choices = $column->getValueSet(); $labels = array_map('ucfirst', $choices); return new TypeGuess('choice', array('choices' => array_combine($choices, $labels)), Guess::MEDIUM_CONFIDENCE); } case PropelTypes::VARCHAR: return new TypeGuess('text', array(), Guess::MEDIUM_CONFIDENCE); case PropelTypes::LONGVARCHAR: case PropelTypes::BLOB: case PropelTypes::CLOB: case PropelTypes::CLOB_EMU: return new TypeGuess('textarea', array(), Guess::MEDIUM_CONFIDENCE); default: return new TypeGuess('text', array(), Guess::LOW_CONFIDENCE); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function guessRequired($class, $property) { if ($column = $this->getColumn($class, $property)) { return new ValueGuess($column->isNotNull(), Guess::HIGH_CONFIDENCE); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function guessMaxLength($class, $property) { if ($column = $this->getColumn($class, $property)) { if ($column->isText()) { return new ValueGuess($column->getSize(), Guess::HIGH_CONFIDENCE); } switch ($column->getType()) { case PropelTypes::FLOAT: case PropelTypes::REAL: case PropelTypes::DOUBLE: case PropelTypes::DECIMAL: return new ValueGuess(null, Guess::MEDIUM_CONFIDENCE); } } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function guessPattern($class, $property) { if ($column = $this->getColumn($class, $property)) { switch ($column->getType()) { case PropelTypes::FLOAT: case PropelTypes::REAL: case PropelTypes::DOUBLE: case PropelTypes::DECIMAL: return new ValueGuess(null, Guess::MEDIUM_CONFIDENCE); } } } protected function getTable($class) { if (isset($this->cache[$class])) { return $this->cache[$class]; } if (class_exists($queryClass = $class.'Query')) { $query = new $queryClass(); return $this->cache[$class] = $query->getTableMap(); } } protected function getColumn($class, $property) { if (isset($this->cache[$class.'::'.$property])) { return $this->cache[$class.'::'.$property]; } $table = $this->getTable($class); if ($table && $table->hasColumn($property)) { return $this->cache[$class.'::'.$property] = $table->getColumn($property); } } }