* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Propel\Bundle\PropelBundle\Tests\Form\ChoiceList; use Propel\Bundle\PropelBundle\Form\ChoiceList\ModelChoiceList; use Propel\Bundle\PropelBundle\Tests\Fixtures\Item; use Propel\Bundle\PropelBundle\Tests\Fixtures\ReadOnlyItem; use Propel\Bundle\PropelBundle\Tests\TestCase; use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\View\ChoiceView; class ModelChoiceListTest extends TestCase { const ITEM_CLASS = '\Propel\Bundle\PropelBundle\Tests\Fixtures\Item'; protected function setUp() { if (!class_exists('Symfony\Component\Form\Form')) { $this->markTestSkipped('The "Form" component is not available'); } if (!class_exists('Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess\PropertyAccessor')) { $this->markTestSkipped('The "PropertyAccessor" component is not available'); } } public function testEmptyChoicesReturnsEmpty() { $choiceList = new ModelChoiceList( self::ITEM_CLASS, 'value', array() ); $this->assertSame(array(), $choiceList->getChoices()); } public function testReadOnlyIsValidChoice() { $item = new ReadOnlyItem(); $choiceList = new ModelChoiceList( '\Propel\Bundle\PropelBundle\Tests\Fixtures\ReadOnlyItem', 'name', array( $item, ) ); $this->assertSame(array(42 => $item), $choiceList->getChoices()); } public function testFlattenedChoices() { $item1 = new Item(1, 'Foo'); $item2 = new Item(2, 'Bar'); $choiceList = new ModelChoiceList( self::ITEM_CLASS, 'value', array( $item1, $item2, ) ); $this->assertSame(array(1 => $item1, 2 => $item2), $choiceList->getChoices()); } public function testFlattenedPreferredChoices() { $item1 = new Item(1, 'Foo'); $item2 = new Item(2, 'Bar'); $choiceList = new ModelChoiceList( self::ITEM_CLASS, 'value', array( $item1, $item2, ), null, null, array( $item1 ) ); $this->assertSame(array(1 => $item1, 2 => $item2), $choiceList->getChoices()); $this->assertEquals(array(1 => new ChoiceView($item1, '1', 'Foo')), $choiceList->getPreferredViews()); } public function testNestedChoices() { $item1 = new Item(1, 'Foo'); $item2 = new Item(2, 'Bar'); $choiceList = new ModelChoiceList( self::ITEM_CLASS, 'value', array( 'group1' => array($item1), 'group2' => array($item2), ) ); $this->assertSame(array(1 => $item1, 2 => $item2), $choiceList->getChoices()); $this->assertEquals(array( 'group1' => array(1 => new ChoiceView($item1, '1', 'Foo')), 'group2' => array(2 => new ChoiceView($item2, '2', 'Bar')) ), $choiceList->getRemainingViews()); } public function testGroupBySupportsString() { $item1 = new Item(1, 'Foo', 'Group1'); $item2 = new Item(2, 'Bar', 'Group1'); $item3 = new Item(3, 'Baz', 'Group2'); $item4 = new Item(4, 'Boo!', null); $choiceList = new ModelChoiceList( self::ITEM_CLASS, 'value', array( $item1, $item2, $item3, $item4, ), null, 'groupName' ); $this->assertEquals(array(1 => $item1, 2 => $item2, 3 => $item3, 4 => $item4), $choiceList->getChoices()); $this->assertEquals(array( 'Group1' => array(1 => new ChoiceView($item1, '1', 'Foo'), 2 => new ChoiceView($item2, '2', 'Bar')), 'Group2' => array(3 => new ChoiceView($item3, '3', 'Baz')), 4 => new ChoiceView($item4, '4', 'Boo!') ), $choiceList->getRemainingViews()); } public function testGroupByInvalidPropertyPathReturnsFlatChoices() { $item1 = new Item(1, 'Foo', 'Group1'); $item2 = new Item(2, 'Bar', 'Group1'); $choiceList = new ModelChoiceList( self::ITEM_CLASS, 'value', array( $item1, $item2, ), null, 'child.that.does.not.exist' ); $this->assertEquals(array( 1 => $item1, 2 => $item2 ), $choiceList->getChoices()); } public function testGetValuesForChoices() { $item1 = new Item(1, 'Foo'); $item2 = new Item(2, 'Bar'); $choiceList = new ModelChoiceList( self::ITEM_CLASS, 'value', null, null, null, null ); $this->assertEquals(array(1, 2), $choiceList->getValuesForChoices(array($item1, $item2))); $this->assertEquals(array(1, 2), $choiceList->getIndicesForChoices(array($item1, $item2))); } public function testDifferentEqualObjectsAreChoosen() { $item = new Item(1, 'Foo'); $choiceList = new ModelChoiceList( self::ITEM_CLASS, 'value', array($item) ); $choosenItem = new Item(1, 'Foo'); $this->assertEquals(array(1), $choiceList->getIndicesForChoices(array($choosenItem))); } public function testGetIndicesForNullChoices() { $item = new Item(1, 'Foo'); $choiceList = new ModelChoiceList( self::ITEM_CLASS, 'value', array($item) ); $this->assertEquals(array(), $choiceList->getIndicesForChoices(array(null))); } }