Kévin Gomez 23c05811d7 CS fixes
2014-09-15 13:37:23 +01:00

310 lines
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* This file is part of the PropelBundle package.
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
* @license MIT License
namespace Propel\PropelBundle\DataFixtures\Loader;
use Propel\PropelBundle\DataFixtures\AbstractDataHandler;
use Propel\PropelBundle\Util\PropelInflector;
use Propel\Generator\Model\PropelTypes;
use Propel\Runtime\ActiveRecord\ActiveRecordInterface;
use Propel\Runtime\Map\Exception\TableNotFoundException;
use Propel\Runtime\Map\TableMap;
use Propel\Runtime\Propel;
* Abstract class to manage a common logic to load datas.
* @author William Durand <>
abstract class AbstractDataLoader extends AbstractDataHandler implements DataLoaderInterface
* @var array
protected $deletedClasses = array();
* @var array
protected $object_references = array();
* Transforms a file containing data in an array.
* @param string $file A filename.
* @return array
abstract protected function transformDataToArray($file);
* {@inheritdoc}
public function load($files = array(), $connectionName)
$nbFiles = 0;
$this->deletedClasses = array();
$this->con = Propel::getConnection($connectionName);
try {
$datas = array();
foreach ($files as $file) {
$content = $this->transformDataToArray($file);
if (count($content) > 0) {
$datas = array_merge_recursive($datas, $content);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw $e;
return $nbFiles;
* Deletes current data.
* @param array $data The data to delete
protected function deleteCurrentData($data = null)
if ($data !== null) {
$classes = array_keys($data);
foreach (array_reverse($classes) as $class) {
$class = trim($class);
if (in_array($class, $this->deletedClasses)) {
* Delete data for a given class, and for its ancestors (if any).
* @param string $class Class name to delete
protected function deleteClassData($class)
$tableMap = $this->dbMap->getTable(constant(constant($class.'::TABLE_MAP').'::TABLE_NAME'));
$this->deletedClasses[] = $class;
// Remove ancestors data
if (false !== ($parentClass = get_parent_class(get_parent_class($class)))) {
$reflectionClass = new \ReflectionClass($parentClass);
if (!$reflectionClass->isAbstract()) {
* Loads the data using the generated data model.
* @param array|null $data The data to be loaded
protected function loadDataFromArray($data = null)
if ($data === null) {
foreach ($data as $class => $datas) {
// iterate through datas for this class
// might have been empty just for force a table to be emptied on import
if (!is_array($datas)) {
$class = trim($class);
if ('\\' == $class[0]) {
$class = substr($class, 1);
$tableMap = $this->dbMap->getTable(constant(constant($class.'::TABLE_MAP').'::TABLE_NAME'));
$column_names = $tableMap->getFieldnames(TableMap::TYPE_PHPNAME);
foreach ($datas as $key => $data) {
// create a new entry in the database
if (!class_exists($class)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Unknown class "%s".', $class));
$obj = new $class();
if (!$obj instanceof ActiveRecordInterface) {
throw new \RuntimeException(
sprintf('The class "%s" is not a Propel class. There is probably another class named "%s" somewhere.', $class, $class)
if (!is_array($data)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('You must give a name for each fixture data entry (class %s).', $class));
foreach ($data as $name => $value) {
if (is_array($value) && 's' === substr($name, -1)) {
try {
// many to many relationship
$this->loadManyToMany($obj, substr($name, 0, -1), $value);
} catch (TableNotFoundException $e) {
// Check whether this is actually an array stored in the object.
if ('Cannot fetch TableMap for undefined table: ' . substr($name, 0, -1) === $e->getMessage()) {
if (PropelTypes::PHP_ARRAY !== $tableMap->getColumn($name)->getType()
&& PropelTypes::OBJECT !== $tableMap->getColumn($name)->getType()) {
throw $e;
$isARealColumn = true;
if ($tableMap->hasColumn($name)) {
$column = $tableMap->getColumn($name);
} elseif ($tableMap->hasColumnByPhpName($name)) {
$column = $tableMap->getColumnByPhpName($name);
} else {
$isARealColumn = false;
// foreign key?
if ($isARealColumn) {
* A column, which is a PrimaryKey (self referencing, e.g. versionable behavior),
* but which is not a ForeignKey (e.g. delegatable behavior on 1:1 relation).
if ($column->isPrimaryKey() && null !== $value && !$column->isForeignKey()) {
if (isset($this->object_references[$this->cleanObjectRef($class.'_'.$value)])) {
$obj = $this->object_references[$this->cleanObjectRef($class.'_'.$value)];
if ($column->isForeignKey() && null !== $value) {
$relatedTable = $this->dbMap->getTable($column->getRelatedTableName());
if (!isset($this->object_references[$this->cleanObjectRef($relatedTable->getClassname().'_'.$value)])) {
var_dump($this->object_references, $this->cleanObjectRef($relatedTable->getClassname().'_'.$value));
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
sprintf('The object "%s" from class "%s" is not defined in your data file.', $value, $relatedTable->getClassname())
$value = $this
->getByName($column->getRelatedName(), TableMap::TYPE_COLNAME);
if (false !== $pos = array_search($name, $column_names)) {
$obj->setByPosition($pos, $value);
} elseif (is_callable(array($obj, $method = 'set'.ucfirst(PropelInflector::camelize($name))))) {
} else {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Column "%s" does not exist for class "%s".', $name, $class));
$this->saveParentReference($class, $key, $obj);
* Save a reference to the specified object (and its ancestors) before loading them.
* @param string $class Class name of passed object
* @param string $key Key identifying specified object
* @param ActiveRecordInterface $obj A Propel object
protected function saveParentReference($class, $key, &$obj)
if (!method_exists($obj, 'getPrimaryKey')) {
$this->object_references[$this->cleanObjectRef($class.'_'.$key)] = $obj;
// Get parent (schema ancestor) of parent (Propel base class) in case of inheritance
if (false !== ($parentClass = get_parent_class(get_parent_class($class)))) {
$reflectionClass = new \ReflectionClass($parentClass);
if (!$reflectionClass->isAbstract()) {
$parentObj = new $parentClass();
$this->saveParentReference($parentClass, $key, $parentObj);
* Loads many to many objects.
* @param ActiveRecordInterface $obj A Propel object
* @param string $middleTableName The middle table name
* @param array $values An array of values
protected function loadManyToMany($obj, $middleTableName, $values)
$middleTable = $this->dbMap->getTable($middleTableName);
$middleClass = $middleTable->getClassname();
$tableName = constant(constant(get_class($obj).'::TABLE_MAP').'::TABLE_NAME');
foreach ($middleTable->getColumns() as $column) {
if ($column->isForeignKey()) {
if ($tableName !== $column->getRelatedTableName()) {
$relatedClass = $this->dbMap->getTable($column->getRelatedTableName())->getClassname();
$relatedSetter = 'set' . $column->getRelation()->getName();
} else {
$setter = 'set' . $column->getRelation()->getName();
if (!isset($relatedClass)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Unable to find the many-to-many relationship for object "%s".', get_class($obj)));
foreach ($values as $value) {
if (!isset($this->object_references[$this->cleanObjectRef($relatedClass.'_'.$value)])) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
sprintf('The object "%s" from class "%s" is not defined in your data file.', $value, $relatedClass)
$middle = new $middleClass();
protected function cleanObjectRef($ref)
return $ref[0] === '\\' ? substr($ref, 1) : $ref;