2013-11-24 16:37:54 +00:00

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namespace Propel\PropelBundle\Tests\Fixtures\Model\Map;
use Acme\DemoBundle\Model\Book;
use Acme\DemoBundle\Model\BookQuery;
use Propel\Runtime\Propel;
use Propel\Runtime\ActiveQuery\Criteria;
use Propel\Runtime\ActiveQuery\InstancePoolTrait;
use Propel\Runtime\Connection\ConnectionInterface;
use Propel\Runtime\Exception\PropelException;
use Propel\Runtime\Map\RelationMap;
use Propel\Runtime\Map\TableMap;
use Propel\Runtime\Map\TableMapTrait;
* This class defines the structure of the 'book' table.
* This map class is used by Propel to do runtime db structure discovery.
* For example, the createSelectSql() method checks the type of a given column used in an
* ORDER BY clause to know whether it needs to apply SQL to make the ORDER BY case-insensitive
* (i.e. if it's a text column type).
class BookTableMap extends TableMap
use InstancePoolTrait;
use TableMapTrait;
* The (dot-path) name of this class
const CLASS_NAME = 'src.Acme.DemoBundle.Model.Map.BookTableMap';
* The default database name for this class
const DATABASE_NAME = 'default';
* The table name for this class
const TABLE_NAME = 'book';
* The related Propel class for this table
const OM_CLASS = '\\Propel\\PropelBundle\\Tests\\Fixtures\\Model\\Book';
* A class that can be returned by this tableMap
const CLASS_DEFAULT = 'src.Acme.DemoBundle.Model.Book';
* The total number of columns
const NUM_COLUMNS = 5;
* The number of lazy-loaded columns
* The number of columns to hydrate (NUM_COLUMNS - NUM_LAZY_LOAD_COLUMNS)
* the column name for the ID field
const ID = 'book.ID';
* the column name for the NAME field
const NAME = 'book.NAME';
* the column name for the SLUG field
const SLUG = 'book.SLUG';
* the column name for the ISBN field
const ISBN = 'book.ISBN';
* the column name for the AUTHOR_ID field
const AUTHOR_ID = 'book.AUTHOR_ID';
* The default string format for model objects of the related table
* holds an array of fieldnames
* first dimension keys are the type constants
* e.g. self::$fieldNames[self::TYPE_PHPNAME][0] = 'Id'
protected static $fieldNames = array (
self::TYPE_PHPNAME => array('Id', 'Name', 'Slug', 'Isbn', 'AuthorId', ),
self::TYPE_STUDLYPHPNAME => array('id', 'name', 'slug', 'isbn', 'authorId', ),
self::TYPE_COLNAME => array(BookTableMap::ID, BookTableMap::NAME, BookTableMap::SLUG, BookTableMap::ISBN, BookTableMap::AUTHOR_ID, ),
self::TYPE_RAW_COLNAME => array('ID', 'NAME', 'SLUG', 'ISBN', 'AUTHOR_ID', ),
self::TYPE_FIELDNAME => array('id', 'name', 'slug', 'ISBN', 'author_id', ),
self::TYPE_NUM => array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, )
* holds an array of keys for quick access to the fieldnames array
* first dimension keys are the type constants
* e.g. self::$fieldKeys[self::TYPE_PHPNAME]['Id'] = 0
protected static $fieldKeys = array (
self::TYPE_PHPNAME => array('Id' => 0, 'Name' => 1, 'Slug' => 2, 'Isbn' => 3, 'AuthorId' => 4, ),
self::TYPE_STUDLYPHPNAME => array('id' => 0, 'name' => 1, 'slug' => 2, 'isbn' => 3, 'authorId' => 4, ),
self::TYPE_COLNAME => array(BookTableMap::ID => 0, BookTableMap::NAME => 1, BookTableMap::SLUG => 2, BookTableMap::ISBN => 3, BookTableMap::AUTHOR_ID => 4, ),
self::TYPE_RAW_COLNAME => array('ID' => 0, 'NAME' => 1, 'SLUG' => 2, 'ISBN' => 3, 'AUTHOR_ID' => 4, ),
self::TYPE_FIELDNAME => array('id' => 0, 'name' => 1, 'slug' => 2, 'ISBN' => 3, 'author_id' => 4, ),
self::TYPE_NUM => array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, )
* Initialize the table attributes and columns
* Relations are not initialized by this method since they are lazy loaded
* @return void
* @throws PropelException
public function initialize()
// attributes
// columns
$this->addPrimaryKey('ID', 'Id', 'INTEGER', true, null, null);
$this->addColumn('NAME', 'Name', 'VARCHAR', false, 100, null);
$this->addColumn('SLUG', 'Slug', 'VARCHAR', false, 100, null);
$this->getColumn('NAME', false)->setPrimaryString(true);
$this->addColumn('ISBN', 'Isbn', 'VARCHAR', false, 20, null);
} // initialize()
* Build the RelationMap objects for this table relationships
public function buildRelations()
} // buildRelations()
* Retrieves a string version of the primary key from the DB resultset row that can be used to uniquely identify a row in this table.
* For tables with a single-column primary key, that simple pkey value will be returned. For tables with
* a multi-column primary key, a serialize()d version of the primary key will be returned.
* @param array $row resultset row.
* @param int $offset The 0-based offset for reading from the resultset row.
* @param string $indexType One of the class type constants TableMap::TYPE_PHPNAME, TableMap::TYPE_STUDLYPHPNAME
public static function getPrimaryKeyHashFromRow($row, $offset = 0, $indexType = TableMap::TYPE_NUM)
// If the PK cannot be derived from the row, return NULL.
if ($row[TableMap::TYPE_NUM == $indexType ? 0 + $offset : static::translateFieldName('Id', TableMap::TYPE_PHPNAME, $indexType)] === null) {
return null;
return (string) $row[TableMap::TYPE_NUM == $indexType ? 0 + $offset : static::translateFieldName('Id', TableMap::TYPE_PHPNAME, $indexType)];
* Retrieves the primary key from the DB resultset row
* For tables with a single-column primary key, that simple pkey value will be returned. For tables with
* a multi-column primary key, an array of the primary key columns will be returned.
* @param array $row resultset row.
* @param int $offset The 0-based offset for reading from the resultset row.
* @param string $indexType One of the class type constants TableMap::TYPE_PHPNAME, TableMap::TYPE_STUDLYPHPNAME
* @return mixed The primary key of the row
public static function getPrimaryKeyFromRow($row, $offset = 0, $indexType = TableMap::TYPE_NUM)
return (int) $row[
$indexType == TableMap::TYPE_NUM
? 0 + $offset
: self::translateFieldName('Id', TableMap::TYPE_PHPNAME, $indexType)
* The class that the tableMap will make instances of.
* If $withPrefix is true, the returned path
* uses a dot-path notation which is translated into a path
* relative to a location on the PHP include_path.
* (e.g. -> 'path/to/MyClass.php')
* @param boolean $withPrefix Whether or not to return the path with the class name
* @return string
public static function getOMClass($withPrefix = true)
return $withPrefix ? BookTableMap::CLASS_DEFAULT : BookTableMap::OM_CLASS;
* Populates an object of the default type or an object that inherit from the default.
* @param array $row row returned by DataFetcher->fetch().
* @param int $offset The 0-based offset for reading from the resultset row.
* @param string $indexType The index type of $row. Mostly DataFetcher->getIndexType().
One of the class type constants TableMap::TYPE_PHPNAME, TableMap::TYPE_STUDLYPHPNAME
* @throws PropelException Any exceptions caught during processing will be
* rethrown wrapped into a PropelException.
* @return array (Book object, last column rank)
public static function populateObject($row, $offset = 0, $indexType = TableMap::TYPE_NUM)
$key = BookTableMap::getPrimaryKeyHashFromRow($row, $offset, $indexType);
if (null !== ($obj = BookTableMap::getInstanceFromPool($key))) {
// We no longer rehydrate the object, since this can cause data loss.
// See
// $obj->hydrate($row, $offset, true); // rehydrate
$col = $offset + BookTableMap::NUM_HYDRATE_COLUMNS;
} else {
$cls = BookTableMap::OM_CLASS;
$obj = new $cls();
$col = $obj->hydrate($row, $offset, false, $indexType);
BookTableMap::addInstanceToPool($obj, $key);
return array($obj, $col);
* The returned array will contain objects of the default type or
* objects that inherit from the default.
* @param DataFetcherInterface $dataFetcher
* @return array
* @throws PropelException Any exceptions caught during processing will be
* rethrown wrapped into a PropelException.
public static function populateObjects(DataFetcherInterface $dataFetcher)
$results = array();
// set the class once to avoid overhead in the loop
$cls = static::getOMClass(false);
// populate the object(s)
while ($row = $dataFetcher->fetch()) {
$key = BookTableMap::getPrimaryKeyHashFromRow($row, 0, $dataFetcher->getIndexType());
if (null !== ($obj = BookTableMap::getInstanceFromPool($key))) {
// We no longer rehydrate the object, since this can cause data loss.
// See
// $obj->hydrate($row, 0, true); // rehydrate
$results[] = $obj;
} else {
$obj = new $cls();
$results[] = $obj;
BookTableMap::addInstanceToPool($obj, $key);
} // if key exists
return $results;
* Add all the columns needed to create a new object.
* Note: any columns that were marked with lazyLoad="true" in the
* XML schema will not be added to the select list and only loaded
* on demand.
* @param Criteria $criteria object containing the columns to add.
* @param string $alias optional table alias
* @throws PropelException Any exceptions caught during processing will be
* rethrown wrapped into a PropelException.
public static function addSelectColumns(Criteria $criteria, $alias = null)
if (null === $alias) {
} else {
$criteria->addSelectColumn($alias . '.ID');
$criteria->addSelectColumn($alias . '.NAME');
$criteria->addSelectColumn($alias . '.SLUG');
$criteria->addSelectColumn($alias . '.ISBN');
$criteria->addSelectColumn($alias . '.AUTHOR_ID');
* Returns the TableMap related to this object.
* This method is not needed for general use but a specific application could have a need.
* @return TableMap
* @throws PropelException Any exceptions caught during processing will be
* rethrown wrapped into a PropelException.
public static function getTableMap()
return Propel::getServiceContainer()->getDatabaseMap(BookTableMap::DATABASE_NAME)->getTable(BookTableMap::TABLE_NAME);
* Add a TableMap instance to the database for this tableMap class.
public static function buildTableMap()
$dbMap = Propel::getServiceContainer()->getDatabaseMap(BookTableMap::DATABASE_NAME);
if (!$dbMap->hasTable(BookTableMap::TABLE_NAME)) {
$dbMap->addTableObject(new BookTableMap());
* Performs a DELETE on the database, given a Book or Criteria object OR a primary key value.
* @param mixed $values Criteria or Book object or primary key or array of primary keys
* which is used to create the DELETE statement
* @param ConnectionInterface $con the connection to use
* @return int The number of affected rows (if supported by underlying database driver). This includes CASCADE-related rows
* if supported by native driver or if emulated using Propel.
* @throws PropelException Any exceptions caught during processing will be
* rethrown wrapped into a PropelException.
public static function doDelete($values, ConnectionInterface $con = null)
if (null === $con) {
$con = Propel::getServiceContainer()->getWriteConnection(BookTableMap::DATABASE_NAME);
if ($values instanceof Criteria) {
// rename for clarity
$criteria = $values;
} elseif ($values instanceof \Acme\DemoBundle\Model\Book) { // it's a model object
// create criteria based on pk values
$criteria = $values->buildPkeyCriteria();
} else { // it's a primary key, or an array of pks
$criteria = new Criteria(BookTableMap::DATABASE_NAME);
$criteria->add(BookTableMap::ID, (array) $values, Criteria::IN);
$query = BookQuery::create()->mergeWith($criteria);
if ($values instanceof Criteria) { BookTableMap::clearInstancePool();
} elseif (!is_object($values)) { // it's a primary key, or an array of pks
foreach ((array) $values as $singleval) { BookTableMap::removeInstanceFromPool($singleval);
return $query->delete($con);
* Deletes all rows from the book table.
* @param ConnectionInterface $con the connection to use
* @return int The number of affected rows (if supported by underlying database driver).
public static function doDeleteAll(ConnectionInterface $con = null)
return BookQuery::create()->doDeleteAll($con);
* Performs an INSERT on the database, given a Book or Criteria object.
* @param mixed $criteria Criteria or Book object containing data that is used to create the INSERT statement.
* @param ConnectionInterface $con the ConnectionInterface connection to use
* @return mixed The new primary key.
* @throws PropelException Any exceptions caught during processing will be
* rethrown wrapped into a PropelException.
public static function doInsert($criteria, ConnectionInterface $con = null)
if (null === $con) {
$con = Propel::getServiceContainer()->getWriteConnection(BookTableMap::DATABASE_NAME);
if ($criteria instanceof Criteria) {
$criteria = clone $criteria; // rename for clarity
} else {
$criteria = $criteria->buildCriteria(); // build Criteria from Book object
if ($criteria->containsKey(BookTableMap::ID) && $criteria->keyContainsValue(BookTableMap::ID) ) {
throw new PropelException('Cannot insert a value for auto-increment primary key ('.BookTableMap::ID.')');
// Set the correct dbName
$query = BookQuery::create()->mergeWith($criteria);
try {
// use transaction because $criteria could contain info
// for more than one table (I guess, conceivably)
$pk = $query->doInsert($con);
} catch (PropelException $e) {
throw $e;
return $pk;
} // BookTableMap
// This is the static code needed to register the TableMap for this table with the main Propel class.