2014-12-26 04:41:54 +01:00

1056 lines
38 KiB

// i18next, v1.7.5
// Copyright (c)2014 Jan Mühlemann (jamuhl).
// Distributed under MIT license
var i18n = require('../index')
, expect = require('expect.js')
, sinon = require('sinon');
describe('i18next.translate', function() {
var opts;
beforeEach(function() {
opts = {
lng: 'en-US',
fallbackLng: 'dev',
fallbackNS: [],
fallbackToDefaultNS: false,
fallbackOnNull: true,
fallbackOnEmpty: false,
load: 'all',
preload: [],
supportedLngs: [],
lowerCaseLng: false,
ns: 'translation',
resGetPath: 'test/locales/__lng__/__ns__.json',
resSetPath: 'test/locales/__lng__/new.__ns__.json',
saveMissing: false,
resStore: false,
returnObjectTrees: false,
interpolationPrefix: '__',
interpolationSuffix: '__',
postProcess: '',
parseMissingKey: '',
debug: false,
objectTreeKeyHandler: null,
lngWhitelist: null
describe('keys with non supported values', function() {
var resStore = {
dev: { translation: { } },
en: { translation: { } },
'en-US': {
translation: {
test: 'hi'
beforeEach(function(done) {
i18n.init(i18n.functions.extend(opts, { resStore: resStore }),
function(t) { done(); });
it('it should not break on null key', function() {
it('it should not break on undefined key', function() {
describe('resource is missing', function() {
var resStore = {
dev: { translation: { } },
en: { translation: { } },
'en-US': { translation: { } }
beforeEach(function(done) {
i18n.init(i18n.functions.extend(opts, { resStore: resStore }),
function(t) { done(); });
it('it should return key', function() {
it('it should return default value if set', function() {
expect(i18n.t('missing', { defaultValue: 'defaultOfMissing'}))'defaultOfMissing');
describe('with namespaces', function() {
it('it should return key', function() {
it('it should return default value if set', function() {
expect(i18n.t('translate:missing', { defaultValue: 'defaultOfMissing'}))'defaultOfMissing');
describe('and function parseMissingKey set', function() {
beforeEach(function(done) {
i18n.init(i18n.functions.extend(opts, {
parseMissingKey: function(key) {
var ret = key;
if (ret.indexOf(':')) {
ret = ret.substring(ret.lastIndexOf(':')+1, ret.length);
if (ret.indexOf('.')) {
ret = ret.substring(ret.lastIndexOf('.')+1, ret.length);
return ret;
}), function(t) { done(); });
it('it should parse key', function() {
it('it should return default value if set', function() {
expect(i18n.t('translate:missing', { defaultValue: 'defaultOfMissing'}))'defaultOfMissing');
describe('resource string is null', function() {
var resStore = {
dev: { translation: { key1: null, key2: { key3: null } } },
en: { translation: { } },
'en-US': { translation: { } }
beforeEach(function(done) {
i18n.init(i18n.functions.extend(opts, { resStore: resStore, returnObjectTrees: true, fallbackOnNull: false }),
function(t) { done(); });
it('it should translate value', function() {
expect(i18n.t('key2')).to.eql({ key3: null });
describe('with option fallbackOnNull = true', function() {
var resStore = {
dev: { translation: { key1: 'fallbackKey1', key2: { key3: 'fallbackKey3' } } },
en: { translation: { } },
'en-US': { translation: { key1: null, key2: { key3: null } } }
beforeEach(function(done) {
i18n.init(i18n.functions.extend(opts, { resStore: resStore, fallbackOnNull: true}),
function(t) { done(); });
it('it should translate to fallback value', function() {
describe('key with empty string value as valid option', function() {
var resStore = {
dev: { translation: { empty: '' } },
en: { translation: { } },
'en-US': { translation: { } }
beforeEach(function(done) {
i18n.init(i18n.functions.extend(opts, { resStore: resStore }),
function(t) { done(); });
it('it should translate correctly', function() {
describe('missing on unspecific', function() {
var resStore = {
dev: { translation: { empty: 'text' } },
en: { translation: { } },
'en-US': { translation: { empty: '' } }
beforeEach(function(done) {
i18n.init(i18n.functions.extend(opts, { resStore: resStore, lng: 'en' }),
function(t) { done(); });
it('it should translate correctly', function() {
describe('on specific language', function() {
var resStore = {
dev: { translation: { empty: 'text' } },
en: { translation: { } },
'en-US': { translation: { empty: '' } }
beforeEach(function(done) {
i18n.init(i18n.functions.extend(opts, { resStore: resStore }),
function(t) { done(); });
it('it should translate correctly', function() {
describe('key with empty string set to fallback if empty', function() {
var resStore = {
dev: { translation: { empty: '' } },
en: { translation: { } },
'en-US': { translation: { } }
beforeEach(function(done) {
i18n.init(i18n.functions.extend(opts, { resStore: resStore, fallbackOnEmpty: true }),
function(t) { done(); });
it('it should translate correctly', function() {
describe('missing on unspecific', function() {
var resStore = {
dev: { translation: { empty: 'text' } },
en: { translation: { } },
'en-US': { translation: { empty: '' } }
beforeEach(function(done) {
i18n.init(i18n.functions.extend(opts, { resStore: resStore, lng: 'en', fallbackOnEmpty: true }),
function(t) { done(); });
it('it should translate correctly', function() {
describe('on specific language', function() {
var resStore = {
dev: { translation: { empty: 'text' } },
en: { translation: { } },
'en-US': { translation: { empty: '' } }
beforeEach(function(done) {
i18n.init(i18n.functions.extend(opts, { resStore: resStore, fallbackOnEmpty: true }),
function(t) { done(); });
it('it should translate correctly', function() {
describe('resource key as array', function() {
var resStore = {
dev: { translation: { existing1: 'hello _name_', existing2: 'howdy __name__' } },
en: { translation: { } },
'en-US': { translation: { } }
beforeEach(function(done) {
i18n.init(i18n.functions.extend(opts, { resStore: resStore }),
function(t) { done(); });
describe('when none of the keys exist', function() {
it('return the same value as translating the last non-existent key', function() {
expect(i18n.t(['nonexistent1', 'nonexistent2'], {name: "Joe"})).to.equal(i18n.t('nonexistent2', {name: "Joe"}));
describe('when one of the keys exist', function() {
it('return the same value as translating the one existing key', function() {
expect(i18n.t(['nonexistent1', 'existing2'], {name: "Joe"})).to.equal(i18n.t('existing2', {name: "Joe"}));
describe('when two or more of the keys exist', function() {
it('return the same value as translating the first existing key', function() {
expect(i18n.t(['nonexistent1', 'existing2', 'existing1'], {name: "Joe"})).to.equal(i18n.t('existing2', {name: "Joe"}));
describe('resource string as array', function() {
var resStore = {
dev: { translation: { testarray: ["title", "text"] } },
en: { translation: { } },
'en-US': { translation: { } }
beforeEach(function(done) {
i18n.init(i18n.functions.extend(opts, { resStore: resStore }),
function(t) { done(); });
it('it should translate nested value', function() {
describe('accessing tree values', function() {
var resStore = {
dev: { translation: { } },
en: { translation: { } },
'en-US': {
translation: {
test: { 'simple_en-US': 'ok_from_en-US' }
beforeEach(function(done) {
i18n.init(i18n.functions.extend(opts, {
resStore: resStore }
), function(t) { done(); });
it('it should return nested string as usual', function() {
it('it should not fail silently on accessing an objectTree', function() {
expect(i18n.t('test'))'key \'translation:test (en-US)\' returned an object instead of string.');
describe('optional return an objectTree for UI components,...', function() {
describe('with init flag', function() {
var resStore = {
dev: { translation: {
test_dev: { res_dev: 'added __replace__' }
en: { translation: { } },
'en-US': {
translation: {
test_en_US: { res_en_US: 'added __replace__' }
beforeEach(function(done) {
i18n.init(i18n.functions.extend(opts, {
returnObjectTrees: true,
resStore: resStore }
), function(t) { done(); });
it('it should return objectTree applying options', function() {
expect(i18n.t('test_en_US', { replace: 'two' })).to.eql({ 'res_en_US': 'added two' });
expect(i18n.t('test_en_US', { replace: 'three' })).to.eql({ 'res_en_US': 'added three' });
expect(i18n.t('test_en_US', { replace: 'four' })).to.eql({ 'res_en_US': 'added four' });
// from fallback
expect(i18n.t('test_dev', { replace: 'two' })).to.eql({ 'res_dev': 'added two' });
describe('with flag in options', function() {
var resStore = {
dev: { translation: { } },
en: { translation: { } },
'en-US': {
translation: {
test: { res: 'added __replace__',
id: 0,
regex: /test/,
func: function () {},
template: '4',
title: 'About...',
text: 'Site description',
media: ['test']
beforeEach(function(done) {
i18n.init(i18n.functions.extend(opts, {
returnObjectTrees: false,
resStore: resStore }),
function(t) { done(); } );
it('it should return objectTree', function() {
expect(i18n.t('test', { returnObjectTrees: true, replace: 'two' })).to.eql({
res: 'added two',
id: 0,
regex: resStore['en-US'].translation.test.regex,
func: resStore['en-US'].translation.test.func,
template: '4',
title: 'About...',
text: 'Site description',
media: ['test']
//expect(i18n.t('test', { returnObjectTrees: true, replace: 'three' })).to.eql({ 'res': 'added three' });
//expect(i18n.t('test', { returnObjectTrees: true, replace: 'four' })).to.eql({ 'res': 'added four' });
describe('resource nesting', function() {
var resStore = {
dev: { translation: { nesting1: '1 $t(nesting2)' } },
en: { translation: { nesting2: '2 $t(nesting3)' } },
'en-US': { translation: { nesting3: '3' } }
beforeEach(function(done) {
i18n.init(i18n.functions.extend(opts, { resStore: resStore }),
function(t) { done(); });
it('it should translate nested value', function() {
expect(i18n.t('nesting1'))'1 2 3');
it('it should apply nested value on defaultValue', function() {
expect(i18n.t('nesting_default', {defaultValue: '0 $t(nesting1)'}))'0 1 2 3');
describe('resource nesting syntax error', function() {
var resStore = {
dev: { translation: { nesting1: '1 $t(nesting2' } },
en: { translation: { nesting2: '2 $t(nesting3)' } },
'en-US': { translation: { nesting3: '3' } }
beforeEach(function(done) {
i18n.init(i18n.functions.extend(opts, { resStore: resStore }),
function(t) { done(); });
it('it should translate nested value', function() {
describe('with setting new options', function() {
var resStore = {
dev: { translation: {
nesting1: '$t(nesting2, {"count": __girls__}) and __count__ boy',
nesting1_plural: '$t(nesting2, {"count": __girls__}) and __count__ boys'
} },
en: { translation: {
nesting2: '__count__ girl',
nesting2_plural: '__count__ girls'
} }
beforeEach(function(done) {
i18n.init(i18n.functions.extend(opts, { resStore: resStore }),
function(t) { done(); });
it('it should translate nested value and set new options', function() {
expect(i18n.t('nesting1', {count: 2, girls: 3}))'3 girls and 2 boys');
expect(i18n.t('nesting1', {count: 1, girls: 3}))'3 girls and 1 boy');
describe('interpolation - replacing values inside a string', function() {
describe('default i18next way', function() {
var resStore = {
dev: { translation: { } },
en: { translation: { } },
'en-US': {
translation: {
interpolationTest1: 'added __toAdd__',
interpolationTest2: 'added __toAdd__ __toAdd__ twice',
interpolationTest3: 'added __child.one__ __child.two__',
interpolationTest4: 'added __child.grandChild.three__'
beforeEach(function(done) {
i18n.init(i18n.functions.extend(opts, { resStore: resStore }),
function(t) { done(); });
it('it should replace passed in key/values', function() {
expect(i18n.t('interpolationTest1', {toAdd: 'something'}))'added something');
expect(i18n.t('interpolationTest2', {toAdd: 'something'}))'added something something twice');
expect(i18n.t('interpolationTest3', { child: { one: '1', two: '2'}}))'added 1 2');
expect(i18n.t('interpolationTest4', { child: { grandChild: { three: '3'}}}))'added 3');
it('it should replace passed in key/values in replace member', function() {
expect(i18n.t('interpolationTest1', { replace: {toAdd: 'something'} }))'added something');
expect(i18n.t('interpolationTest2', { replace: {toAdd: 'something'} }))'added something something twice');
expect(i18n.t('interpolationTest3', { replace: { child: { one: '1', two: '2'}} }))'added 1 2');
expect(i18n.t('interpolationTest4', { replace: { child: { grandChild: { three: '3'}}} }))'added 3');
it("it should not escape HTML", function() {
expect(i18n.t('interpolationTest1', {toAdd: '<html>'}))'added <html>');
it('it should replace passed in key/values on defaultValue', function() {
expect(i18n.t('interpolationTest5', {defaultValue: 'added __toAdd__', toAdd: 'something'}))'added something');
it("it should escape dollar signs in replacement values", function() {
expect(i18n.t('interpolationTest1', {toAdd: '$&'}))'added $&');
describe('default i18next way - different prefix/suffix', function() {
var resStore = {
dev: { translation: { } },
en: { translation: { } },
'en-US': {
translation: {
interpolationTest1: 'added *toAdd*',
interpolationTest2: 'added *toAdd* *toAdd* twice',
interpolationTest3: 'added ** *child.two*',
interpolationTest4: 'added *child.grandChild.three*'
beforeEach(function(done) {
i18n.init(i18n.functions.extend(opts, {
resStore: resStore,
interpolationPrefix: '*',
interpolationSuffix: '*'
}), function(t) { done(); });
it('it should replace passed in key/values', function() {
expect(i18n.t('interpolationTest1', {toAdd: 'something'}))'added something');
expect(i18n.t('interpolationTest2', {toAdd: 'something'}))'added something something twice');
expect(i18n.t('interpolationTest3', { child: { one: '1', two: '2'}}))'added 1 2');
expect(i18n.t('interpolationTest4', { child: { grandChild: { three: '3'}}}))'added 3');
it('it should replace passed in key/values on defaultValue', function() {
expect(i18n.t('interpolationTest5', {defaultValue: 'added *toAdd*', toAdd: 'something'}))'added something');
describe('default i18next way - different prefix/suffix via options', function() {
var resStore = {
dev: { translation: { } },
en: { translation: { } },
'en-US': {
translation: {
interpolationTest1: 'added *toAdd*',
interpolationTest2: 'added *toAdd* *toAdd* twice',
interpolationTest3: 'added ** *child.two*',
interpolationTest4: 'added *child.grandChild.three*',
interpolationTest5: 'added *count*',
interpolationTest5_plural: 'added *count*'
beforeEach(function(done) {
i18n.init(i18n.functions.extend(opts, {
resStore: resStore
}), function(t) { done(); });
it('it should replace passed in key/values', function() {
expect(i18n.t('interpolationTest1', {toAdd: 'something', interpolationPrefix: '*', interpolationSuffix: '*'}))'added something');
expect(i18n.t('interpolationTest2', {toAdd: 'something', interpolationPrefix: '*', interpolationSuffix: '*'}))'added something something twice');
expect(i18n.t('interpolationTest3', { child: { one: '1', two: '2'}, interpolationPrefix: '*', interpolationSuffix: '*'}))'added 1 2');
expect(i18n.t('interpolationTest4', { child: { grandChild: { three: '3'}}, interpolationPrefix: '*', interpolationSuffix: '*'}))'added 3');
expect(i18n.t('interpolationTest5', { count: 3, interpolationPrefix: '*', interpolationSuffix: '*'}))'added 3');
it('it should replace passed in key/values on defaultValue', function() {
expect(i18n.t('interpolationTest6', {defaultValue: 'added *toAdd*', toAdd: 'something', interpolationPrefix: '*', interpolationSuffix: '*'}))'added something');
describe('default i18next way - with escaping interpolated arguments per default', function () {
var resStore = {
dev: { translation: { } },
en: { translation: { } },
'en-US': {
translation: {
interpolationTest1: 'added __toAdd__',
interpolationTest5: 'added __toAddHTML__',
interpolationTest6: 'added __child.oneHTML__',
interpolationTest7: 'added __toAddHTML__ __toAdd__'
beforeEach(function(done) {
i18n.init(i18n.functions.extend(opts, {
resStore: resStore,
escapeInterpolation: true
}), function(t) { done(); });
it("it should escape HTML", function() {
expect(i18n.t('interpolationTest1', {toAdd: '<html>'}))'added &lt;html&gt;');
it("it should not escape when HTML is suffixed", function() {
expect(i18n.t('interpolationTest5', {toAdd: '<html>'}))'added <html>');
expect(i18n.t('interpolationTest6', { child: { one: '<1>'}}))'added <1>');
it("it should support both escaping and not escaping HTML", function() {
expect(i18n.t('interpolationTest7', {toAdd: '<html>', escapeInterpolation: true}))'added <html> &lt;html&gt;');
it("it should escape dollar signs in replacement values", function() {
expect(i18n.t('interpolationTest1', {toAdd: '$&'}))'added $&amp;');
describe('default i18next way - with escaping interpolated arguments per default via options', function () {
var resStore = {
dev: { translation: { } },
en: { translation: { } },
'en-US': {
translation: {
interpolationTest1: 'added __toAdd__',
interpolationTest5: 'added __toAddHTML__',
interpolationTest6: 'added __child.oneHTML__',
interpolationTest7: 'added __toAddHTML__ __toAdd__'
beforeEach(function(done) {
i18n.init(i18n.functions.extend(opts, {
resStore: resStore
}), function(t) { done(); });
it("it should escape HTML", function() {
expect(i18n.t('interpolationTest1', {toAdd: '<html>', escapeInterpolation: true}))'added &lt;html&gt;');
it("it should not escape when HTML is suffixed", function() {
expect(i18n.t('interpolationTest5', {toAdd: '<html>', escapeInterpolation: true}))'added <html>');
expect(i18n.t('interpolationTest6', { child: { one: '<1>', escapeInterpolation: true}}))'added <1>');
it("it should support both escaping and not escaping HTML", function() {
expect(i18n.t('interpolationTest7', {toAdd: '<html>', escapeInterpolation: true}))'added <html> &lt;html&gt;');
it("it should escape dollar signs in replacement values", function() {
expect(i18n.t('interpolationTest1', {toAdd: '$&'}))'added $&amp;');
describe('using sprintf', function() {
var resStore = {
dev: { translation: { } },
en: { translation: { } },
'en-US': {
translation: {
interpolationTest1: 'The first 4 letters of the english alphabet are: %s, %s, %s and %s',
interpolationTest2: 'Hello %(users[0].name)s, %(users[1].name)s and %(users[2].name)s',
interpolationTest3: 'The last letter of the english alphabet is %s'
beforeEach(function(done) {
i18n.init(i18n.functions.extend(opts, { resStore: resStore }),
function(t) { done(); });
it('it should replace passed in key/values', function() {
expect(i18n.t('interpolationTest1', {postProcess: 'sprintf', sprintf: ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']}))'The first 4 letters of the english alphabet are: a, b, c and d');
expect(i18n.t('interpolationTest2', {postProcess: 'sprintf', sprintf: { users: [{name: 'Dolly'}, {name: 'Molly'}, {name: 'Polly'}] } }))'Hello Dolly, Molly and Polly');
it('it should recognize the sprintf syntax and automatically add the sprintf processor', function() {
expect(i18n.t('interpolationTest1', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd'))'The first 4 letters of the english alphabet are: a, b, c and d');
expect(i18n.t('interpolationTest3', 'z'))'The last letter of the english alphabet is z');
describe('plural usage', function() {
describe('basic usage - singular and plural form', function() {
var resStore = {
dev: { 'ns.2': {
pluralTest: 'singular from ns.2',
pluralTest_plural: 'plural from ns.2',
pluralTestWithCount: '__count__ item from ns.2',
pluralTestWithCount_plural: '__count__ items from ns.2'
en: { },
'en-US': {
'ns.1': {
pluralTest: 'singular',
pluralTest_plural: 'plural',
pluralTestWithCount: '__count__ item',
pluralTestWithCount_plural: '__count__ items'
beforeEach(function(done) {
i18n.init(i18n.functions.extend(opts, {
resStore: resStore,
ns: { namespaces: ['ns.1', 'ns.2'], defaultNs: 'ns.1'}
function(t) { done(); });
it('it should provide correct plural or singular form', function() {
expect(i18n.t('pluralTest', {count: 0}))'plural');
expect(i18n.t('pluralTest', {count: 1}))'singular');
expect(i18n.t('pluralTest', {count: 2}))'plural');
expect(i18n.t('pluralTest', {count: 7}))'plural');
expect(i18n.t('pluralTestWithCount', {count: 0}))'0 items');
expect(i18n.t('pluralTestWithCount', {count: 1}))'1 item');
expect(i18n.t('pluralTestWithCount', {count: 7}))'7 items');
it('it should provide correct plural or singular form for second namespace', function() {
expect(i18n.t('ns.2:pluralTest', {count: 0}))'plural from ns.2');
expect(i18n.t('ns.2:pluralTest', {count: 1}))'singular from ns.2');
expect(i18n.t('ns.2:pluralTest', {count: 2}))'plural from ns.2');
expect(i18n.t('ns.2:pluralTest', {count: 7}))'plural from ns.2');
expect(i18n.t('ns.2:pluralTestWithCount', {count: 1}))'1 item from ns.2');
expect(i18n.t('ns.2:pluralTestWithCount', {count: 7}))'7 items from ns.2');
describe('basic usage - singular and plural form on fallbacks', function() {
var resStore = {
'fr': {
'translation': {}
'en': {
'translation': {
pluralTest: 'singular',
pluralTest_plural: 'plural',
pluralTestWithCount: '__count__ item',
pluralTestWithCount_plural: '__count__ items'
beforeEach(function(done) {
i18n.init(i18n.functions.extend(opts, {
resStore: resStore,
lng: 'fr',
fallbackLng: 'en'
function(t) { done(); });
it('it should provide correct plural or singular form', function() {
expect(i18n.t('pluralTest', {count: 0}))'plural');
expect(i18n.t('pluralTest', {count: 1}))'singular');
expect(i18n.t('pluralTest', {count: 2}))'plural');
expect(i18n.t('pluralTest', {count: 7}))'plural');
expect(i18n.t('pluralTestWithCount', {count: 0}))'0 items');
expect(i18n.t('pluralTestWithCount', {count: 1}))'1 item');
expect(i18n.t('pluralTestWithCount', {count: 7}))'7 items');
describe('basic usage 2 - singular and plural form in french', function() {
var resStore = {
dev: { 'ns.2': {
pluralTest: 'singular from ns.2',
pluralTest_plural: 'plural from ns.2',
pluralTestWithCount: '__count__ item from ns.2',
pluralTestWithCount_plural: '__count__ items from ns.2'
en: { },
'fr': {
'ns.1': {
pluralTest: 'singular',
pluralTest_plural: 'plural',
pluralTestWithCount: '__count__ item',
pluralTestWithCount_plural: '__count__ items'
beforeEach(function(done) {
i18n.init(i18n.functions.extend(opts, {
lng: 'fr',
resStore: resStore,
ns: { namespaces: ['ns.1', 'ns.2'], defaultNs: 'ns.1'}
function(t) { done(); });
it('it should provide correct plural or singular form', function() {
expect(i18n.t('pluralTest', {count: 0}))'singular');
expect(i18n.t('pluralTest', {count: 1}))'singular');
expect(i18n.t('pluralTest', {count: 2}))'plural');
expect(i18n.t('pluralTest', {count: 7}))'plural');
expect(i18n.t('pluralTestWithCount', {count: 0}))'0 item');
expect(i18n.t('pluralTestWithCount', {count: 1}))'1 item');
expect(i18n.t('pluralTestWithCount', {count: 7}))'7 items');
describe('extended usage - multiple plural forms - ar', function() {
var resStore = {
dev: { translation: { } },
ar: { translation: {
key: 'singular',
key_plural_0: 'zero',
key_plural_2: 'two',
key_plural_3: 'few',
key_plural_11: 'many',
key_plural_100: 'plural'
'ar-??': { translation: { } }
beforeEach(function(done) {
i18n.init(i18n.functions.extend(opts, { lng: 'ar', resStore: resStore }),
function(t) { done(); });
it('it should provide correct plural forms', function() {
expect(i18n.t('key', {count: 0}))'zero');
expect(i18n.t('key', {count: 1}))'singular');
expect(i18n.t('key', {count: 2}))'two');
expect(i18n.t('key', {count: 3}))'few');
expect(i18n.t('key', {count: 4}))'few');
expect(i18n.t('key', {count: 104}))'few');
expect(i18n.t('key', {count: 11}))'many');
expect(i18n.t('key', {count: 99}))'many');
expect(i18n.t('key', {count: 199}))'many');
expect(i18n.t('key', {count: 100}))'plural');
describe('extended usage - multiple plural forms - ru', function() {
var resStore = {
dev: { translation: { } },
ru: { translation: {
key: '1,21,31',
key_plural_2: '2,3,4',
key_plural_5: '0,5,6'
'ru-??': { translation: { } }
beforeEach(function(done) {
i18n.init(i18n.functions.extend(opts, { lng: 'ru', resStore: resStore }),
function(t) { done(); });
it('it should provide correct plural forms', function() {
expect(i18n.t('key', {count: 0}))'0,5,6');
expect(i18n.t('key', {count: 1}))'1,21,31');
expect(i18n.t('key', {count: 2}))'2,3,4');
expect(i18n.t('key', {count: 3}))'2,3,4');
expect(i18n.t('key', {count: 4}))'2,3,4');
expect(i18n.t('key', {count: 104}))'2,3,4');
expect(i18n.t('key', {count: 11}))'0,5,6');
expect(i18n.t('key', {count: 24}))'2,3,4');
expect(i18n.t('key', {count: 25}))'0,5,6');
expect(i18n.t('key', {count: 99}))'0,5,6');
expect(i18n.t('key', {count: 199}))'0,5,6');
expect(i18n.t('key', {count: 100}))'0,5,6');
describe('extended usage - ask for a key in a language with a different plural form', function() {
var resStore = {
en: { translation: {
zh: { translation: {
key: 'singular_zh'
beforeEach(function(done) {
i18n.init(i18n.functions.extend(opts, { lng: 'zh', resStore: resStore }),
function(t) { done(); });
it('it should provide translation for passed in language with 1 item', function() {
expect(i18n.t('key', { lng: 'en', count:1 }))'singular_en');
it('it should provide translation for passed in language with 2 items', function() {
expect(i18n.t('key', { lng: 'en', count:2 }))'plural_en');
describe('context usage', function() {
describe('basic usage', function() {
var resStore = {
dev: { 'ns.2': {
friend_context: 'A friend from ns2',
friend_context_male: 'A boyfriend from ns2',
friend_context_female: 'A girlfriend from ns2'
en: { 'ns.1': {
friend_context: 'A friend',
friend_context_male: 'A boyfriend',
friend_context_female: 'A girlfriend'
'en-US': { translation: { } }
beforeEach(function(done) {
i18n.init(i18n.functions.extend(opts, {
resStore: resStore,
ns: { namespaces: ['ns.1', 'ns.2'], defaultNs: 'ns.1'}
function(t) { done(); });
it('it should provide correct context form', function() {
expect(i18n.t('friend_context'))'A friend');
expect(i18n.t('friend_context', {context: ''}))'A friend');
expect(i18n.t('friend_context', {context: 'male'}))'A boyfriend');
expect(i18n.t('friend_context', {context: 'female'}))'A girlfriend');
it('it should provide correct context form for second namespace', function() {
expect(i18n.t('ns.2:friend_context'))'A friend from ns2');
expect(i18n.t('ns.2:friend_context', {context: ''}))'A friend from ns2');
expect(i18n.t('ns.2:friend_context', {context: 'male'}))'A boyfriend from ns2');
expect(i18n.t('ns.2:friend_context', {context: 'female'}))'A girlfriend from ns2');
describe('extended usage - in combination with plurals', function() {
var resStore = {
dev: { translation: { } },
en: { translation: {
friend_context: '__count__ friend',
friend_context_male: '__count__ boyfriend',
friend_context_female: '__count__ girlfriend',
friend_context_plural: '__count__ friends',
friend_context_male_plural: '__count__ boyfriends',
friend_context_female_plural: '__count__ girlfriends'
'en-US': { translation: { } }
beforeEach(function(done) {
i18n.init(i18n.functions.extend(opts, { resStore: resStore }),
function(t) { done(); });
it('it should provide correct context with plural forms', function() {
expect(i18n.t('friend_context', { count: 1 }))'1 friend');
expect(i18n.t('friend_context', {context: '', count: 1 }))'1 friend');
expect(i18n.t('friend_context', {context: 'male', count: 1 }))'1 boyfriend');
expect(i18n.t('friend_context', {context: 'female', count: 1 }))'1 girlfriend');
expect(i18n.t('friend_context', { count: 10 }))'10 friends');
expect(i18n.t('friend_context', {context: '', count: 10 }))'10 friends');
expect(i18n.t('friend_context', {context: 'male', count: 10 }))'10 boyfriends');
expect(i18n.t('friend_context', {context: 'female', count: 10 }))'10 girlfriends');
describe('with passed in languages different from set one', function() {
beforeEach(function(done) {
i18n.init(i18n.functions.extend(opts, {
preload: ['de-DE'] }),
function(t) { done(); });
it('it should provide translation for passed in language', function() {
expect(i18n.t('simple_de', { lng: 'de-DE' }))'ok_from_de');
describe('with language not preloaded', function() {
it('it should provide translation for passed in language after loading file sync', function() {
var expectedValue = i18n.clientVersion ? 'simple_fr' : 'ok_from_fr';
expect(i18n.t('simple_fr', { lng: 'fr' }));