# **This project is abandoned. Please use https://gitnet.fr/deblan/remote-i3wm-go** Remote i3-wm WS =============== This project is a POC for managing a GNU/Linux desktop (with i3-wm). It implements an interface for running: * `amixer` * `i3-msg` * `xdotool` * `playerctl` * `import` It allows you to: * change the i3-wm workspaces * manage volume and spotify * send text and shortcuts * move the pointer, scroll and click * make a screenshot and show the live screen …by using a web interface with your phone. ![](https://upload.deblan.org/u/2018-02/5a7b3064.png) ![](https://upload.deblan.org/u/2018-02/5a7b2217.png) ![](https://upload.deblan.org/u/2018-02/5a7b221a.png) ![](https://upload.deblan.org/u/2018-02/5a7b221d.png) Installation ------------ **Requirements** * PHP7 * composer ``` $ git clone https://gitnet.fr/deblan/remote-i3wm-ws.git $ cd remote-i3wm-ws/ $ cd client && composer install && cd .. $ cd server && composer install && cd .. $ php -S -t client/& $ php server/src/resource/server.php ``` The server can be run with verbosity: * `-v` or `--verbose` to show server messages * `-m` or `--message` to show client messages * `-b` or `--bind` to define server address to bind (default: ``) Open `http://your.local.ip:15000` and enjoy! If you want to start/stop/restart the websocket easily: ``` $ export SERVER_OPTIONS="-v" $ server/server start $ server/server stop $ server/server restart ```