2022-04-11 18:29:44 +02:00

210 lines
6.6 KiB

require __DIR__.'/../../vendor/autoload.php';
use Ratchet\Server\IoServer;
use Ratchet\Http\HttpServer;
use Ratchet\WebSocket\WsServer;
use Ratchet\ConnectionInterface;
$options = getopt(
['verbose', 'message', 'bind:']
$serverOutput = new Output(isset($options['v']) || isset($options['verbose']));
$messageOutput = new Output(isset($options['message']));
$server = new Server($serverOutput);
$shell = new Shell();
$server->addMessageHandler('pointer', function (ConnectionInterface $from, array $data) use ($shell, $messageOutput) {
$x = $data['x'] ?? null;
$y = $data['y'] ?? null;
$click = $data['click'] ?? null;
if ($x !== null && $y !== null) {
$mouseLocations = $shell->exec('xdotool getmouselocation');
preg_match('/x:(\d+) y:(\d+) /', $mouseLocations, $matches);
$mouseX = (int) ($matches[1] + $x * 2.5);
$mouseY = (int) ($matches[2] + $y * 2.5);
$shell->exec('xdotool mousemove %s %s', $mouseX, $mouseY);
$messageOutput->writeln('Pointer moved');
} elseif ($click !== null) {
if ($click === 'left') {
$shell->exec('xdotool click 1');
$messageOutput->writeln('Left click');
} elseif ($click === 'middle') {
$shell->exec('xdotool click 2');
$messageOutput->writeln('Middle click');
} elseif ($click === 'right') {
$shell->exec('xdotool click 3');
$messageOutput->writeln('Right click');
$server->addMessageHandler('scroll', function (ConnectionInterface $from, array $data) use ($shell, $messageOutput) {
$value = $data['value'] ?? null;
if ($value === 'down') {
$shell->exec('xdotool click 5 && xdotool click 5');
$messageOutput->writeln('Scrolling down');
} elseif ($value === 'up') {
$shell->exec('xdotool click 4 && xdotool click 4');
$messageOutput->writeln('Scrolling up');
$server->addMessageHandler('workspace', function (ConnectionInterface $from, array $data) use ($shell, $messageOutput) {
$value = $data['value'] ?? null;
if (!empty($value)) {
$shell->exec("i3-msg 'workspace \"%s\"'", $value);
$messageOutput->writeln('Workspace changed');
$server->addMessageHandler('volume', function (ConnectionInterface $from, array $data) use ($shell, $messageOutput) {
$value = $data['value'] ?? null;
if ($value === null) {
if ($value === 'up') {
$shell->exec('amixer set Master 2%%+');
$from->send(json_encode(['type' => 'response', 'value' => 'Volume up']));
$messageOutput->writeln('Volume up');
} elseif ($value === 'down') {
$shell->exec('amixer set Master 2%%-');
$from->send(json_encode(['type' => 'response', 'value' => 'Volume down']));
$messageOutput->writeln('Volume down');
} else {
$shell->exec('amixer set Master %d%%', (int) $value);
$from->send(json_encode(['type' => 'response', 'value' => sprintf('Volume set to %d%%', $value)]));
$messageOutput->writeln(sprintf('Volume set to %d%%', $value));
$server->addMessageHandler('media', function (ConnectionInterface $from, array $data) use ($shell, $messageOutput) {
$value = $data['value'] ?? null;
if ($value === 'playpause') {
$cmd = 'play-pause';
} elseif ($value === 'next') {
$cmd = 'next';
} elseif ($value === 'prev') {
$cmd = 'previous';
if (!empty($cmd)) {
$shell->exec('playerctl -p spotify %s', $cmd);
$status = trim($shell->exec('playerctl -p spotify status'));
if ($status === 'Playing') {
$song = $shell->exec('playerctl -p spotify metadata xesam:title');
$from->send(json_encode(['type' => 'response', 'value' => 'Playing: '.$song]));
$messageOutput->writeln('Spotify playing');
} else {
$from->send(json_encode(['type' => 'response', 'value' => 'Paused']));
$messageOutput->writeln('Spotify paused');
$server->addMessageHandler('keys', function (ConnectionInterface $from, array $data) use ($shell, $messageOutput) {
$value = $data['value'] ?? null;
if (!empty($value)) {
$keys = explode(',', $value);
foreach ($keys as $k => $v) {
if ($v === 'win') {
$keys[$k] = 'super';
} elseif ($v === 'ctrl') {
$keys[$k] = 'Control_L';
} elseif ($v === 'alt') {
$keys[$k] = 'Alt_L';
$value = implode('+', $keys);
$shell->exec('xdotool key %s', escapeshellarg($value));
$messageOutput->writeln('Key pressed');
$server->addMessageHandler('key', function (ConnectionInterface $from, array $data) use ($shell, $messageOutput) {
$value = $data['value'] ?? null;
$map = [
'up' => 'Up',
'down' => 'Down',
'left' => 'Left',
'right' => 'Right',
'tab' => 'Tab',
'backspace' => 'BackSpace',
'enter' => 'Return',
'space' => 'space',
'escape' => 'Escape',
if (!empty($value) && isset($map[$value])) {
$shell->exec('xdotool key %s', $map[$value]);
$messageOutput->writeln('Key pressed');
$server->addMessageHandler('text', function (ConnectionInterface $from, array $data) use ($shell, $messageOutput) {
$value = $data['value'] ?? null;
if (trim($value) !== '') {
$shell->exec('xdotool type %s', escapeshellarg($value));
$messageOutput->writeln('Text wrote');
$server->addMessageHandler('screenshot', function (ConnectionInterface $from, array $data) use ($shell, $messageOutput) {
$tmpFilename = sprintf('%s/remote_i3wm_ws_screenshot.lock', sys_get_temp_dir());
if (file_exists($tmpFilename) && time() - filemtime($tmpFilename) < 10) {
$content = $shell->exec('import -window root -quality 10 -display :0 jpeg:-');
if (!empty($content)) {
$base64 = base64_encode($content);
'type' => 'screenshot',
'value' => $base64,
$server->addMessageHandler('messages', function (ConnectionInterface $from, array $data) use ($server, $serverOutput) {
$value = $data['value'] ?? [];
foreach ($value as $msg) {
$server->onMessage($from, json_encode($msg));
usleep(1000000 / 3);
$webSocker = IoServer::factory(
new HttpServer(new WsServer($server)),
$options['b'] ?? $options['bind'] ?? ''