let menuCache = null const breakpointMobileWidth = 1024 const usePercentualAppMenuLimit = 0.8 const minAppsDesktop = 8 const handleMenuClick = (e, icon) => { let element = e.target while (element.tagName !== 'LI') { element = element.parentNode } const a = querySelector('a', element) if (a.getAttribute('target') !== '_blank' && e.which === 1 && !e.ctrlKey && !e.metaKey) { for (let tag of ['svg', 'div']) { let el = querySelector(tag, element) if (el) { el.remove() } } const loader = createElement('div', {'class': icon}) a.insertBefore(loader, querySelector('span', a)) } } const updateTopMenu = function() { const isMobile = window.innerWidth < breakpointMobileWidth const menu = querySelector('#appmenu') const moreApps = querySelector('#more-apps') const navigation = querySelector('#navigation') const navigationApps = querySelector('#apps ul') let apps = querySelectorAll('li', menu) let lastShownApp = null let appShown = [] if ((menu.innerHTML + menu.nextSibling.innerHTML) === menuCache) { return } navigationAppsHtml = '' for (let app of apps) { const dataId = app.getAttribute('data-id') if (dataId === null) { continue } if (topMenuApps.indexOf(dataId) === -1) { app.classList.add('hidden') app.classList.add('app-hidden') } else { app.classList.remove('hidden') app.classList.add('app-external-site') appShown.push(app) navigationAppsHtml = navigationAppsHtml + app.outerHTML } if (targetBlankApps.indexOf(dataId) !== -1) { querySelector('a', app).setAttribute('target', '_blank') } } navigationApps.innerHTML = navigationAppsHtml const rightHeaderWidth = querySelector('.header-right').offsetWidth const headerWidth = querySelector('header').offsetWidth let availableWidth = headerWidth availableWidth -= nextcloud.offsetWidth availableWidth -= querySelector('#header .side-menu-opener').offsetWidth availableWidth -= rightHeaderWidth > 230 ? rightHeaderWidth : 230 availableWidth *= isMobile ? usePercentualAppMenuLimit : 1 let appCount = Math.floor(availableWidth / querySelector('#appmenu li:not(.hidden)').offsetWidth) if (isMobile && appCount > minAppsDesktop) { appCount = minAppsDesktop } else if (!isMobile && appCount < minAppsDesktop) { appCount = minAppsDesktop } if (appCount === 0) { menu.classList.add('hidden') } else { menu.classList.remove('hidden') } menu.style.opacity = 1 if (appShown.length - 1 - appCount >= 1) { appCount-- } for (let item of querySelectorAll('a', moreApps)) { item.classList.remove('active') } let k = 0 let notInHeader = 0 for (let app of appShown) { const name = app.getAttribute('data-id') const item = querySelector('#apps li[data-id=' + name + '].app-external-site') if (k < appCount && appCount > 0) { app.classList.remove('hidden') lastShownApp = app item.classList.add('in-header') } else { app.classList.add('hidden') notInHeader++ item.classList.remove('in-header') const a = querySelector('a', app) if (appCount > 0 && a.classList.contains('active')) { lastShownApp.classList.add('hidden') app.classList.remove('hidden') notInHeader++ item.classList.add('in-header') } } k++ } // Hack for: // - https://github.com/nextcloud/server/blob/master/core/src/components/MainMenu.js#L97-L119 // - https://github.com/nextcloud/server/blob/master/core/src/components/MainMenu.js#L97-L119 jQuery(menu).undelegate('li:not(#more-apps) > a', 'click') jQuery(navigation).undelegate('a', 'click') const confs = [ { items: querySelectorAll('#navigation li'), icon: 'icon-loading-small' }, { items: querySelectorAll('li:not(#more-apps)', menu), icon: OCA.Theming && OCA.Theming.inverted ? 'icon-loading-small' : 'icon-loading-small-dark' }, ] for (let conf of confs) { for (let item of conf.items) { item.addEventListener('click', (e) => { handleMenuClick(e, conf.icon) }) } } for (let app of querySelectorAll('#apps li.app-external-site')) { const appId = app.getAttribute('data-id') if (app.classList.contains('in-header')) { for (let defs of querySelectorAll('svg defs', app)) { defs.remove() } } else { const svg = querySelector('svg', app) if (querySelectorAll('svg defs', app).length > 0) { return } const defs = ` ` svg.innerHTML = defs + svg.innerHTML for (let image of querySelectorAll('image', svg)) { image.setAttribute('filter', `url(#invertMenuMore-${appId})`) } svg.innerHTML = svg.innerHTML.replace(/fecolormatrix/g, 'feColorMatrix') } } if (notInHeader === 0) { moreApps.style.display = 'none' navigation.style.display = 'none' } else { moreApps.style.display = 'flex' } menuCache = menu.innerHTML + menu.nextSibling.innerHTML } setInterval(updateTopMenu, 1000)