/** * @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ let elements = [] const selector = '#side-menu-message'; const userConfig = (name, value, callbacks) => { const url = OC.generateUrl('/apps/side_menu/personalSetting/valueSet') $.post(url, {name: name, value: value}, callbacks.success) .fail(callbacks.error) } const appConfig = (name, value, callbacks) => { OCP.AppConfig.setValue('side_menu', name, value, callbacks) } const saveSettings = (key) => { const element = elements.get(key) let value let name if (jQuery(element).is('[data-checkbox]')) { name = jQuery(element).attr('data-name') const inputs = jQuery('input[name="' + name + '[]"]:checked') value = [] inputs.each((i, v) => { value.push(v.value) }) value = JSON.stringify(value) } else { name = jQuery(element).attr('name') value = jQuery(element).val() } const size = elements.length if (name === 'cache') { ++value } const callbacks = { success: () => { OC.msg.finishedSuccess( selector, t('side_menu', (key + 1) + '/' + size) ) if (key < size - 1) { saveSettings(++key) } else { OC.msg.finishedSuccess(selector, t('side_menu', 'Saved')) } }, error: () => { OC.msg.finishedError(selector, t('side_menu', 'Error while saving "' + element + '"')) } } if (jQuery(element).is('[data-personal]')) { userConfig(name, value, callbacks) } else { appConfig(name, value, callbacks) } } const elementToggler = (element) => { jQuery(element).toggle() } jQuery(document).ready(() => { elements = jQuery('.side-menu-setting') jQuery('#side-menu-save').on('click', (event) => { event.preventDefault() OC.msg.startSaving(selector) saveSettings(0) }); jQuery('.side-menu-display').on('click', (event) => { var target = jQuery(event.target) jQuery('.side-menu-display').removeClass('is-active') target.addClass('is-active') jQuery('#side-menu-always-displayed').val(target.attr('data-alwaysdiplayed')) jQuery('#side-menu-big-menu').val(target.attr('data-bigmenu')) }) jQuery('.side-menu-setting-live').on('change', (event) => { var target = jQuery(event.target) var name = target.attr('name') var value = target.val() if ('background-color-opacity' === name) { return $('#side-menu-background-color, #side-menu-background-color-to').trigger('change'); } else if ('dark-mode-background-color-opacity' === name) { return $('#side-menu-dark-mode-background-color, #side-menu-dark-mode-background-color-to').trigger('change'); } if (name === 'opener') { var url = OC.generateUrl(`/apps/side_menu/img/${value}.svg`).replace('/index.php', '') value = `url(${url})`; } if (name === 'icon-invert-filter' || name === 'icon-opacity') { value/=100; } if (['dark-mode-background-color', 'dark-mode-background-color-to'].indexOf(name) > -1) { var opacity = parseInt($('#side-menu-dark-mode-background-color-opacity').val() * 255 / 100); value = [value, opacity.toString(16)].join(''); } else if (['background-color', 'background-color-to'].indexOf(name) > -1) { var opacity = parseInt($('#side-menu-background-color-opacity').val() * 255 / 100); value = [value, opacity.toString(16)].join(''); } document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--side-menu-' + name, value) }) jQuery('.side-menu-toggler').on('click', (event) => { var target = jQuery(event.target) var element = target.attr('data-target') elementToggler(element) }) jQuery("#categories-list .side-menu-setting-list").sortable({ forcePlaceholderSize: true, placeholder: 'placeholder', stop: function (event, ui) { let value = [] jQuery('#categories-list .side-menu-setting-list-item').each(function() { value.push(jQuery(this).attr('data-id')) }); value = JSON.stringify(value) jQuery('input[name="categories-order"]').val(value) } }); });