nier 98d72a1e95
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Translation: Custom menu/Application
2022-11-20 13:25:04 +00:00

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"Custom menu": "Custom menu"
"Enable the custom menu": "Enable the custom menu"
"No": "Нет"
"Yes": "Да"
"Menu": "Меню"
? 'Use the shortcut <span class="keyboard-key">Ctrl</span>+<span class="keyboard-key">o</span> to open and to hide the side menu. Use <span class="keyboard-key">tab</span> to navigate.'
: 'Используйте сочетание клавиш <span class="keyboard-key">Ctrl</span>+<span class="keyboard-key">o</span>, чтобы открыть или скрыть боковое меню. Используйте <span class="keyboard-key">Tab</span> для навигации.'
"Top menu": "Верхнее меню"
"Apps that not must be moved in the side menu": "Приложения не перемещаемые в боковое меню"
"If there is no selection then the global configuration is applied.": "If there is no selection then the global configuration is applied."
"Experimental": "Экспериментальный"
"Save": "Сохранить"
"You like this app and you want to support me?": "Вам нравится приложение или вы хотите поддержать меня?"
"Buy me a coffee ☕": "Купить мне чашку кофе ☕"
"Hidden": "Скрыто"
"Small": "Маленький"
"Normal": "Средний"
"Big": "Большой"
"Hidden icon": "Скрытая иконка"
"Small icon": "Маленькая иконка"
"Normal icon": "Средняя иконка"
"Big icon": "Большая иконка"
"Hidden text": "Скрытый текст"
"Small text": "Маленький текст"
"Normal text": "Средний текст"
"Big text": "Большой текст"
"Colors": "Цвета"
"Background color": "Цвет фона"
"Background color of current app": "Цвет фона выбранного приложения"
"Text color": "Цвет текста"
"Loader": "Загрузчик"
"Icon": "Иконка"
"Same color": "Такой же цвет"
"Opposite color": "Opposite color"
"Transparent": "Прозрачный"
"Opaque": "Opaque"
"Opener": "Opener"
"Default": "По-умолчанию"
"Default (dark)": "По-умолчанию (тёмный)"
"Hamburger": "Гамбургер"
"Hamburger (dark)": "Гамбургер (тёмный)"
"Hamburger 2": "Гамбургер 2"
"Hamburger 2 (dark)": "Гамбургер 2 (тёмный)"
"Before the logo": "Перед логотипом"
"After the logo": "После логотипа"
"Position": "Позиция"
"Show only the opener (hidden logo)": "Show only the opener (hidden logo)"
"Do not display the side menu and the opener if there is no application (eg: public pages).": "Do not display the side menu and the opener if there is no application (eg: public pages)."
"Panel": "Панеот"
"Open the menu when the mouse is hover the opener (automatically disabled on touch screens)": "Open the menu when the mouse is hover the opener (automatically disabled on touch screens)"
"Display the big menu": "Отобразить большое меню"
"Display the logo": "Показать лого"
"Icons and texts": "Иконки и текст"
"Loader enabled": "Loader enabled"
"Tips": "Советы"
"Always displayed": "Всегда отображается"
"This is the automatic behavior when the menu is always displayed.": "This is the automatic behavior when the menu is always displayed."
"Not compatible with touch screens.": "Не совместимо с сенсорными экранами"
"Big menu": "Большое меню"
"Live preview": "Live preview"
"Open apps in new tab": "Открывать приложения в новой вкладке"
"Use the global setting": "Use the global setting"
"Use my selection": "Use my selection"
"Show and hide the list of applications": "Показать или скрыть список приложений"
"Use the avatar instead of the logo": "Использовать аватар вместо логотипа"
"You do not have permission to change the settings.": "У вас нет разрешения изменять настройки"
"Force this configuration to users": "Force this configuration to users"
"Export the configuration": "Экспортировать конфигурацию"
"Purge the cache": "Очистить кэш"
"Show the link to settings": "Show the link to settings"
"The menu is enabled by default for users": "The menu is enabled by default for users"
"Except when the configuration is forced.": "Except when the configuration is forced."
"Apps that should not be displayed in the menu": "Apps that should not be displayed in the menu"
"This feature is only compatible with the <code>big menu</code> display.": "This feature is only compatible with the <code>big menu</code> display."
"The logo is a link to the default app": "The logo is a link to the default app"
"Others": "Прочие"
"Categories": "Категории"
"Customize sorting": "Customize sorting"
"Order by": "В порядке"
"Name": "Название"
"Customed": "Customed"
"Show and hide the list of categories": "Показать или скрыть список категорий"
"This parameters are used when Dark theme or Breeze Dark Theme are enabled.": "This parameters are used when Dark theme or Breeze Dark Theme are enabled."
"Dark mode colors": "Цвета тёмной темы"
"With categories": "С категориями"
"Custom categories": "Custom categories"
"Customize application categories": "Customize application categories"
"Reset to default": "Сбросить к значениям по-умолчанию"
"Applications": "Приложения"
"Applications kept in the top menu": "Applications kept in the top menu"
"Applications kept in the top menu but also shown in side menu": "Applications kept in the top menu but also shown in side menu"
"These applications must be selected in the previous option.": "These applications must be selected in the previous option."