8 Upgrade from a previous version
neil edited this page 2021-10-11 15:51:21 +00:00

This page will list all necessary edits following every update.

sncf updates

From 1.0.x to 1.1.x

You now need to use cargo run --release --no-default-features --features sqlite to compile, unless you want to migrate to PostgreSQL or MySQL. See this page for more information.

From 1.1.x to 1.2.x

The configuration option cookie_key has been added. To upgrade:

  • Generate a cookie key using openssl rand -base64 32
  • add the line cookie_key = "<your-base64-encoded-key>" in the configuration file
  • change config_version = 1 to config_version = 2. Save and upgrade.

Nextcloud / NC Forms updates

From 19.x to 20.x

  1. Ensure you have a compatible sncf version: check the compatibility table.

  2. Upgrade Nextcloud.

  3. Disable / remove the following apps in the admin apps page (https://xxx/settings/apps/enabled) :

    • Dashboard
    • User status
    • Weather status
  4. You're good to go!

From 20.x to 21.x

  1. Upgrade Nextcloud.
  2. Remove new apps installed by Nextcloud, only keep the four apps we use: Forms, AppOrder, Custom CSS and Theming.
  3. There are new CSS rules for this version (to cover new Nextcloud Forms features), you need to update your custom CSS rules according to the setup guide.
  4. Upgrade and test sncf.

From 21.x to 22.x

  1. Upgrade Nextcloud.
  2. Remove all apps except Forms, Custom CSS and Theming. (Remove Circles.)
  3. Update the CSS rules
  4. Upgrade and test sncf.