This commit is contained in:
Simon Vieille 2015-03-02 21:01:53 +01:00
commit 906eb57d4d
24 changed files with 2266 additions and 0 deletions

assets/css/main.css Normal file
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<hkern g1="quotedblleft" g2="O,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,OE" k="154" />
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<hkern g1="L" g2="V" k="246" />
<hkern g1="L" g2="W" k="195" />
<hkern g1="L" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="154" />
<hkern g1="L" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="276" />
<hkern g1="L" g2="quotedblleft" k="614" />
<hkern g1="L" g2="quotedblright" k="614" />
<hkern g1="L" g2="quoteleft" k="410" />
<hkern g1="L" g2="quoteright" k="410" />
<hkern g1="L" g2="e,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis" k="20" />
<hkern g1="L" g2="o,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe" k="20" />
<hkern g1="L" g2="hyphen" k="358" />
<hkern g1="m" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="41" />
<hkern g1="n,ntilde" g2="v" k="41" />
<hkern g1="n,ntilde" g2="w" k="41" />
<hkern g1="n,ntilde" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="41" />
<hkern g1="n,ntilde" g2="quotedblright" k="41" />
<hkern g1="n,ntilde" g2="quoteright" k="41" />
<hkern g1="N,Ntilde" g2="T" k="51" />
<hkern g1="o,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe" g2="v" k="31" />
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<hkern g1="o,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe" g2="quotedblright" k="51" />
<hkern g1="o,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe" g2="quoteright" k="51" />
<hkern g1="o,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe" g2="x" k="31" />
<hkern g1="O,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,OE" g2="T" k="82" />
<hkern g1="O,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,OE" g2="V" k="82" />
<hkern g1="O,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,OE" g2="W" k="82" />
<hkern g1="O,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,OE" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="113" />
<hkern g1="O,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,OE" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="102" />
<hkern g1="O,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,OE" g2="comma" k="51" />
<hkern g1="O,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,OE" g2="period" k="51" />
<hkern g1="O,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,OE" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae" k="41" />
<hkern g1="O,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,OE" g2="e,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis" k="20" />
<hkern g1="O,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,OE" g2="X" k="82" />
<hkern g1="P" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="195" />
<hkern g1="P" g2="comma" k="430" />
<hkern g1="P" g2="period" k="430" />
<hkern g1="P" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae" k="61" />
<hkern g1="P" g2="e,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis" k="61" />
<hkern g1="P" g2="o,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe" k="61" />
<hkern g1="P" g2="r" k="41" />
<hkern g1="P" g2="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" k="41" />
<hkern g1="P" g2="hyphen" k="246" />
<hkern g1="Q" g2="U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis" k="41" />
<hkern g1="r" g2="quoteright" k="-92" />
<hkern g1="r" g2="t" k="51" />
<hkern g1="r" g2="comma" k="113" />
<hkern g1="r" g2="period" k="113" />
<hkern g1="r" g2="r" k="51" />
<hkern g1="r" g2="hyphen" k="195" />
<hkern g1="r" g2="s" k="-41" />
<hkern g1="R" g2="T" k="61" />
<hkern g1="R" g2="V" k="61" />
<hkern g1="R" g2="W" k="61" />
<hkern g1="R" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="41" />
<hkern g1="R" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="82" />
<hkern g1="R" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae" k="41" />
<hkern g1="R" g2="e,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis" k="41" />
<hkern g1="R" g2="o,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe" k="41" />
<hkern g1="R" g2="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" k="41" />
<hkern g1="s,germandbls" g2="quoteright" k="-41" />
<hkern g1="S" g2="T" k="41" />
<hkern g1="S" g2="v" k="41" />
<hkern g1="S" g2="V" k="41" />
<hkern g1="S" g2="w" k="20" />
<hkern g1="S" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="41" />
<hkern g1="S" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="41" />
<hkern g1="S" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="41" />
<hkern g1="S" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae" k="41" />
<hkern g1="S" g2="e,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis" k="41" />
<hkern g1="S" g2="o,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe" k="41" />
<hkern g1="S" g2="c,ccedilla" k="41" />
<hkern g1="t" g2="t" k="51" />
<hkern g1="T" g2="O,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,OE" k="82" />
<hkern g1="T" g2="w" k="195" />
<hkern g1="T" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="195" />
<hkern g1="T" g2="guillemotleft" k="358" />
<hkern g1="T" g2="guillemotright" k="358" />
<hkern g1="T" g2="guilsinglleft" k="307" />
<hkern g1="T" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="154" />
<hkern g1="T" g2="J" k="256" />
<hkern g1="T" g2="comma" k="348" />
<hkern g1="T" g2="period" k="348" />
<hkern g1="T" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae" k="236" />
<hkern g1="T" g2="e,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis" k="236" />
<hkern g1="T" g2="o,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe" k="236" />
<hkern g1="T" g2="r" k="195" />
<hkern g1="T" g2="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" k="195" />
<hkern g1="T" g2="hyphen" k="348" />
<hkern g1="T" g2="i,igrave,iacute,icircumflex,idieresis" k="-41" />
<hkern g1="T" g2="colon" k="276" />
<hkern g1="T" g2="guilsinglright" k="256" />
<hkern g1="T" g2="semicolon" k="276" />
<hkern g1="U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis" g2="comma" k="51" />
<hkern g1="U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis" g2="period" k="51" />
<hkern g1="v" g2="comma" k="123" />
<hkern g1="v" g2="period" k="123" />
<hkern g1="v" g2="o,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe" k="31" />
<hkern g1="v" g2="hyphen" k="51" />
<hkern g1="V" g2="C,Ccedilla" k="41" />
<hkern g1="V" g2="G" k="82" />
<hkern g1="V" g2="O,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,OE" k="82" />
<hkern g1="V" g2="guillemotleft" k="205" />
<hkern g1="V" g2="guillemotright" k="205" />
<hkern g1="V" g2="guilsinglleft" k="205" />
<hkern g1="V" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="113" />
<hkern g1="V" g2="comma" k="195" />
<hkern g1="V" g2="period" k="195" />
<hkern g1="V" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae" k="154" />
<hkern g1="V" g2="e,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis" k="154" />
<hkern g1="V" g2="o,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe" k="154" />
<hkern g1="V" g2="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" k="113" />
<hkern g1="V" g2="hyphen" k="195" />
<hkern g1="V" g2="i,igrave,iacute,icircumflex,idieresis" k="51" />
<hkern g1="V" g2="colon" k="154" />
<hkern g1="V" g2="guilsinglright" k="154" />
<hkern g1="V" g2="semicolon" k="154" />
<hkern g1="w" g2="comma" k="41" />
<hkern g1="w" g2="period" k="41" />
<hkern g1="w" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae" k="41" />
<hkern g1="w" g2="hyphen" k="51" />
<hkern g1="W" g2="O,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,OE" k="82" />
<hkern g1="W" g2="y,yacute,ydieresis" k="51" />
<hkern g1="W" g2="guillemotleft" k="154" />
<hkern g1="W" g2="guillemotright" k="154" />
<hkern g1="W" g2="guilsinglleft" k="154" />
<hkern g1="W" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="82" />
<hkern g1="W" g2="comma" k="113" />
<hkern g1="W" g2="period" k="113" />
<hkern g1="W" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae" k="113" />
<hkern g1="W" g2="e,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis" k="113" />
<hkern g1="W" g2="o,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe" k="113" />
<hkern g1="W" g2="r" k="51" />
<hkern g1="W" g2="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" k="51" />
<hkern g1="W" g2="hyphen" k="82" />
<hkern g1="W" g2="colon" k="82" />
<hkern g1="W" g2="guilsinglright" k="102" />
<hkern g1="W" g2="semicolon" k="82" />
<hkern g1="x" g2="o,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe" k="31" />
<hkern g1="x" g2="hyphen" k="102" />
<hkern g1="X" g2="O,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,OE" k="41" />
<hkern g1="y,yacute,ydieresis" g2="comma" k="113" />
<hkern g1="y,yacute,ydieresis" g2="period" k="113" />
<hkern g1="y,yacute,ydieresis" g2="hyphen" k="51" />
<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="C,Ccedilla" k="82" />
<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="O,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,OE" k="82" />
<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="guillemotleft" k="307" />
<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="guillemotright" k="256" />
<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="guilsinglleft" k="205" />
<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="236" />
<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="comma" k="328" />
<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="period" k="328" />
<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae" k="195" />
<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="e,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis" k="195" />
<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="o,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe" k="195" />
<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis" k="113" />
<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="hyphen" k="338" />
<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="i,igrave,iacute,icircumflex,idieresis" k="72" />
<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="colon" k="184" />
<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="guilsinglright" k="154" />
<hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" g2="semicolon" k="184" />
<hkern g1="z" g2="e,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis" k="41" />
<hkern g1="z" g2="o,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe" k="41" />
<hkern g1="guillemotleft" g2="T" k="410" />
<hkern g1="guillemotleft" g2="V" k="205" />
<hkern g1="guillemotleft" g2="W" k="154" />
<hkern g1="guillemotleft" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="307" />
<hkern g1="guillemotleft" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="102" />
<hkern g1="guillemotright" g2="T" k="410" />
<hkern g1="guillemotright" g2="V" k="205" />
<hkern g1="guillemotright" g2="W" k="154" />
<hkern g1="guillemotright" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="358" />
<hkern g1="guillemotright" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="154" />
<hkern g1="guilsinglleft" g2="T" k="307" />
<hkern g1="guilsinglleft" g2="V" k="154" />
<hkern g1="guilsinglleft" g2="W" k="102" />
<hkern g1="guilsinglleft" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="205" />
<hkern g1="guilsinglright" g2="T" k="358" />
<hkern g1="guilsinglright" g2="V" k="205" />
<hkern g1="guilsinglright" g2="W" k="154" />
<hkern g1="guilsinglright" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="307" />
<hkern g1="guilsinglright" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="102" />
<hkern g1="quotedblbase" g2="T" k="461" />
<hkern g1="quotedblbase" g2="V" k="410" />
<hkern g1="quotedblbase" g2="W" k="307" />
<hkern g1="quotedblbase" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="512" />
<hkern g1="quotedblleft" g2="O,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,OE" k="102" />
<hkern g1="quotedblleft" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="317" />
<hkern g1="quotedblleft" g2="e,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis" k="184" />
<hkern g1="quotedblleft" g2="o,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe" k="184" />
<hkern g1="quotedblright" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="358" />
<hkern g1="quotedblright" g2="o,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe" k="184" />
<hkern g1="quoteleft" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="256" />
<hkern g1="quoteleft" g2="e,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis" k="154" />
<hkern g1="quoteleft" g2="o,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,oe" k="154" />
<hkern g1="quoteright" g2="v" k="123" />
<hkern g1="quoteright" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="297" />
<hkern g1="quoteright" g2="t" k="-41" />
<hkern g1="quoteright" g2="r" k="123" />
<hkern g1="quoteright" g2="s" k="205" />
<hkern g1="quoteright" g2="d" k="236" />
<hkern g1="space" g2="T" k="369" />
<hkern g1="space" g2="V" k="205" />
<hkern g1="space" g2="W" k="205" />
<hkern g1="space" g2="Y,Yacute,Ydieresis" k="369" />
<hkern g1="space" g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE" k="102" />


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View file

@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
* jQuery.LocalScroll
* Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Ariel Flesler - aflesler(at)gmail(dot)com |
* Dual licensed under MIT and GPL.
* Date: 3/11/2009
* @projectDescription Animated scrolling navigation, using anchors.
* @author Ariel Flesler
* @version 1.2.7
* @id jQuery.fn.localScroll
* @param {Object} settings Hash of settings, it is passed in to jQuery.ScrollTo, none is required.
* @return {jQuery} Returns the same jQuery object, for chaining.
* @example $('ul.links').localScroll();
* @example $('ul.links').localScroll({ filter:'.animated', duration:400, axis:'x' });
* @example $.localScroll({ target:'#pane', axis:'xy', queue:true, event:'mouseover' });
* Notes:
* - The plugin requires jQuery.ScrollTo.
* - The hash of settings, is passed to jQuery.ScrollTo, so the settings are valid for that plugin as well.
* - jQuery.localScroll can be used if the desired links, are all over the document, it accepts the same settings.
* - If the setting 'lazy' is set to true, then the binding will still work for later added anchors.
* - If onBefore returns false, the event is ignored.
;(function( $ ){
var URI = location.href.replace(/#.*/,''); // local url without hash
var $localScroll = $.localScroll = function( settings ){
$('body').localScroll( settings );
// Many of these defaults, belong to jQuery.ScrollTo, check it's demo for an example of each option.
// @see
// The defaults are public and can be overriden.
$localScroll.defaults = {
duration:1000, // How long to animate.
axis:'y', // Which of top and left should be modified.
event:'click', // On which event to react.
stop:true, // Avoid queuing animations
target: window, // What to scroll (selector or element). The whole window by default.
reset: true // Used by $.localScroll.hash. If true, elements' scroll is resetted before actual scrolling
lock:false, // ignore events if already animating
lazy:false, // if true, links can be added later, and will still work.
filter:null, // filter some anchors out of the matched elements.
hash: false // if true, the hash of the selected link, will appear on the address bar.
// If the URL contains a hash, it will scroll to the pointed element
$localScroll.hash = function( settings ){
if( location.hash ){
settings = $.extend( {}, $localScroll.defaults, settings );
settings.hash = false; // can't be true
if( settings.reset ){
var d = settings.duration;
delete settings.duration;
$( 0, settings );
settings.duration = d;
scroll( 0, location, settings );
$.fn.localScroll = function( settings ){
settings = $.extend( {}, $localScroll.defaults, settings );
return settings.lazy ?
// use event delegation, more links can be added later.
this.bind( settings.event, function( e ){
// Could use closest(), but that would leave out jQuery -1.3.x
var a = $([,]).filter(filter)[0];
// if a valid link was clicked
if( a )
scroll( e, a, settings ); // do scroll.
}) :
// bind concretely, to each matching link
.filter( filter ).bind( settings.event, function(e){
scroll( e, this, settings );
function filter(){// is this a link that points to an anchor and passes a possible filter ? href is checked to avoid a bug in FF.
return !!this.href && !!this.hash && this.href.replace(this.hash,'') == URI && (!settings.filter || $(this).is( settings.filter ));
function scroll( e, link, settings ){
var id = link.hash.slice(1),
elem = document.getElementById(id) || document.getElementsByName(id)[0];
if ( !elem )
if( e )
var $target = $( );
if( settings.lock && $':animated') ||
settings.onBefore &&, e, elem, $target) === false )
if( settings.stop )
$target.stop(true); // remove all its animations
if( settings.hash ){
var attr = == id ? 'id' : 'name',
$a = $('<a> </a>').attr(attr, id).css({
top: $(window).scrollTop(),
left: $(window).scrollLeft()
elem[attr] = '';
location = link.hash;
elem[attr] = id;
.scrollTo( elem, settings ) // do scroll
.trigger('notify.serialScroll',[elem]); // notify serialScroll about this change
})( jQuery );

View file

@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
* jQuery.ScrollTo
* Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Ariel Flesler - aflesler(at)gmail(dot)com |
* Dual licensed under MIT and GPL.
* Date: 3/9/2009
* @projectDescription Easy element scrolling using jQuery.
* Works with jQuery +1.2.6. Tested on FF 2/3, IE 6/7/8, Opera 9.5/6, Safari 3, Chrome 1 on WinXP.
* @author Ariel Flesler
* @version 1.4.1
* @id jQuery.scrollTo
* @id jQuery.fn.scrollTo
* @param {String, Number, DOMElement, jQuery, Object} target Where to scroll the matched elements.
* The different options for target are:
* - A number position (will be applied to all axes).
* - A string position ('44', '100px', '+=90', etc ) will be applied to all axes
* - A jQuery/DOM element ( logically, child of the element to scroll )
* - A string selector, that will be relative to the element to scroll ( 'li:eq(2)', etc )
* - A hash { top:x, left:y }, x and y can be any kind of number/string like above.
* - The string 'max' for go-to-end.
* @param {Number} duration The OVERALL length of the animation, this argument can be the settings object instead.
* @param {Object,Function} settings Optional set of settings or the onAfter callback.
* @option {String} axis Which axis must be scrolled, use 'x', 'y', 'xy' or 'yx'.
* @option {Number} duration The OVERALL length of the animation.
* @option {String} easing The easing method for the animation.
* @option {Boolean} margin If true, the margin of the target element will be deducted from the final position.
* @option {Object, Number} offset Add/deduct from the end position. One number for both axes or { top:x, left:y }.
* @option {Object, Number} over Add/deduct the height/width multiplied by 'over', can be { top:x, left:y } when using both axes.
* @option {Boolean} queue If true, and both axis are given, the 2nd axis will only be animated after the first one ends.
* @option {Function} onAfter Function to be called after the scrolling ends.
* @option {Function} onAfterFirst If queuing is activated, this function will be called after the first scrolling ends.
* @return {jQuery} Returns the same jQuery object, for chaining.
* @desc Scroll to a fixed position
* @example $('div').scrollTo( 340 );
* @desc Scroll relatively to the actual position
* @example $('div').scrollTo( '+=340px', { axis:'y' } );
* @dec Scroll using a selector (relative to the scrolled element)
* @example $('div').scrollTo( 'p.paragraph:eq(2)', 500, { easing:'swing', queue:true, axis:'xy' } );
* @ Scroll to a DOM element (same for jQuery object)
* @example var second_child = document.getElementById('container').firstChild.nextSibling;
* $('#container').scrollTo( second_child, { duration:500, axis:'x', onAfter:function(){
* alert('scrolled!!');
* }});
* @desc Scroll on both axes, to different values
* @example $('div').scrollTo( { top: 300, left:'+=200' }, { axis:'xy', offset:-20 } );
;(function( $ ){
var $scrollTo = $.scrollTo = function( target, duration, settings ){
$(window).scrollTo( target, duration, settings );
$scrollTo.defaults = {
duration: parseFloat($.fn.jquery) >= 1.3 ? 0 : 1
// Returns the element that needs to be animated to scroll the window.
// Kept for backwards compatibility (specially for localScroll & serialScroll)
$scrollTo.window = function( scope ){
return $(window).scrollable();
// Hack, hack, hack... stay away!
// Returns the real elements to scroll (supports window/iframes, documents and regular nodes)
$.fn.scrollable = function(){
var elem = this,
isWin = !elem.nodeName || $.inArray( elem.nodeName.toLowerCase(), ['iframe','#document','html','body'] ) != -1;
if( !isWin )
return elem;
var doc = (elem.contentWindow || elem).document || elem.ownerDocument || elem;
return $.browser.safari || doc.compatMode == 'BackCompat' ?
doc.body :
$.fn.scrollTo = function( target, duration, settings ){
if( typeof duration == 'object' ){
settings = duration;
duration = 0;
if( typeof settings == 'function' )
settings = { onAfter:settings };
if( target == 'max' )
target = 9e9;
settings = $.extend( {}, $scrollTo.defaults, settings );
// Speed is still recognized for backwards compatibility
duration = duration || settings.speed || settings.duration;
// Make sure the settings are given right
settings.queue = settings.queue && settings.axis.length > 1;
if( settings.queue )
// Let's keep the overall duration
duration /= 2;
settings.offset = both( settings.offset );
settings.over = both( settings.over );
return this.scrollable().each(function(){
var elem = this,
$elem = $(elem),
targ = target, toff, attr = {},
win = $'html,body');
switch( typeof targ ){
// A number will pass the regex
case 'number':
case 'string':
if( /^([+-]=)?\d+(\.\d+)?(px)?$/.test(targ) ){
targ = both( targ );
// We are done
// Relative selector, no break!
targ = $(targ,this);
case 'object':
// DOMElement / jQuery
if( || )
// Get the real position of the target
toff = (targ = $(targ)).offset();
$.each( settings.axis.split(''), function( i, axis ){
var Pos = axis == 'x' ? 'Left' : 'Top',
pos = Pos.toLowerCase(),
key = 'scroll' + Pos,
old = elem[key],
Dim = axis == 'x' ? 'Width' : 'Height';
if( toff ){// jQuery / DOMElement
attr[key] = toff[pos] + ( win ? 0 : old - $elem.offset()[pos] );
// If it's a dom element, reduce the margin
if( settings.margin ){
attr[key] -= parseInt(targ.css('margin'+Pos)) || 0;
attr[key] -= parseInt(targ.css('border'+Pos+'Width')) || 0;
attr[key] += settings.offset[pos] || 0;
if( settings.over[pos] )
// Scroll to a fraction of its width/height
attr[key] += targ[Dim.toLowerCase()]() * settings.over[pos];
attr[key] = targ[pos];
// Number or 'number'
if( /^\d+$/.test(attr[key]) )
// Check the limits
attr[key] = attr[key] <= 0 ? 0 : Math.min( attr[key], max(Dim) );
// Queueing axes
if( !i && settings.queue ){
// Don't waste time animating, if there's no need.
if( old != attr[key] )
// Intermediate animation
animate( settings.onAfterFirst );
// Don't animate this axis again in the next iteration.
delete attr[key];
animate( settings.onAfter );
function animate( callback ){
$elem.animate( attr, duration, settings.easing, callback && function(){, target, settings);
// Max scrolling position, works on quirks mode
// It only fails (not too badly) on IE, quirks mode.
function max( Dim ){
var scroll = 'scroll'+Dim;
if( !win )
return elem[scroll];
var size = 'client' + Dim,
html = elem.ownerDocument.documentElement,
body = elem.ownerDocument.body;
return Math.max( html[scroll], body[scroll] )
- Math.min( html[size] , body[size] );
function both( val ){
return typeof val == 'object' ? val : { top:val, left:val };
})( jQuery );

View file

@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
(function($) {
var version = '1.4.13',
optionOverrides = {},
defaults = {
exclude: [],
offset: 0,
// one of 'top' or 'left'
direction: 'top',
// jQuery set of elements you wish to scroll (for $.smoothScroll).
// if null (default), $('html, body').firstScrollable() is used.
scrollElement: null,
// only use if you want to override default behavior
scrollTarget: null,
// fn(opts) function to be called before scrolling occurs.
// `this` is the element(s) being scrolled
beforeScroll: function() {},
// fn(opts) function to be called after scrolling occurs.
// `this` is the triggering element
afterScroll: function() {},
easing: 'swing',
speed: 400,
// coefficient for "auto" speed
autoCoefficent: 2,
// $.fn.smoothScroll only: whether to prevent the default click action
preventDefault: true
getScrollable = function(opts) {
var scrollable = [],
scrolled = false,
dir = opts.dir && opts.dir == 'left' ? 'scrollLeft' : 'scrollTop';
this.each(function() {
if (this == document || this == window) { return; }
var el = $(this);
if ( el[dir]() > 0 ) {
} else {
// if scroll(Top|Left) === 0, nudge the element 1px and see if it moves
scrolled = el[dir]() > 0;
if ( scrolled ) {
// then put it back, of course
// If no scrollable elements, fall back to <body>,
// if it's in the jQuery collection
// (doing this because Safari sets scrollTop async,
// so can't set it to 1 and immediately get the value.)
if (!scrollable.length) {
this.each(function(index) {
if (this.nodeName === 'BODY') {
scrollable = [this];
// Use the first scrollable element if we're calling firstScrollable()
if ( opts.el === 'first' && scrollable.length > 1 ) {
scrollable = [ scrollable[0] ];
return scrollable;
isTouch = 'ontouchend' in document;
scrollable: function(dir) {
var scrl =, {dir: dir});
return this.pushStack(scrl);
firstScrollable: function(dir) {
var scrl =, {el: 'first', dir: dir});
return this.pushStack(scrl);
smoothScroll: function(options, extra) {
options = options || {};
if ( options === 'options' ) {
if ( !extra ) {
return this.first().data('ssOpts');
return this.each(function() {
var $this = $(this),
opts = $.extend($'ssOpts') || {}, extra);
$(this).data('ssOpts', opts);
var opts = $.extend({}, $.fn.smoothScroll.defaults, options),
locationPath = $.smoothScroll.filterPath(location.pathname);
.bind('click.smoothscroll', function(event) {
var link = this,
$link = $(this),
thisOpts = $.extend({}, opts, $'ssOpts') || {}),
exclude = opts.exclude,
excludeWithin = thisOpts.excludeWithin,
elCounter = 0, ewlCounter = 0,
include = true,
clickOpts = {},
hostMatch = ((location.hostname === link.hostname) || !link.hostname),
pathMatch = thisOpts.scrollTarget || ( $.smoothScroll.filterPath(link.pathname) || locationPath ) === locationPath,
thisHash = escapeSelector(link.hash);
if ( !thisOpts.scrollTarget && (!hostMatch || !pathMatch || !thisHash) ) {
include = false;
} else {
while (include && elCounter < exclude.length) {
if ($[elCounter++]))) {
include = false;
while ( include && ewlCounter < excludeWithin.length ) {
if ($link.closest(excludeWithin[ewlCounter++]).length) {
include = false;
if ( include ) {
if ( thisOpts.preventDefault ) {
$.extend( clickOpts, thisOpts, {
scrollTarget: thisOpts.scrollTarget || thisHash,
link: link
$.smoothScroll( clickOpts );
return this;
$.smoothScroll = function(options, px) {
if ( options === 'options' && typeof px === 'object' ) {
return $.extend(optionOverrides, px);
var opts, $scroller, scrollTargetOffset, speed,
scrollerOffset = 0,
offPos = 'offset',
scrollDir = 'scrollTop',
aniProps = {},
aniOpts = {},
scrollprops = [];
if (typeof options === 'number') {
opts = $.extend({link: null}, $.fn.smoothScroll.defaults, optionOverrides);
scrollTargetOffset = options;
} else {
opts = $.extend({link: null}, $.fn.smoothScroll.defaults, options || {}, optionOverrides);
if (opts.scrollElement) {
offPos = 'position';
if (opts.scrollElement.css('position') == 'static') {
opts.scrollElement.css('position', 'relative');
scrollDir = opts.direction == 'left' ? 'scrollLeft' : scrollDir;
if ( opts.scrollElement ) {
$scroller = opts.scrollElement;
if ( !(/^(?:HTML|BODY)$/).test($scroller[0].nodeName) ) {
scrollerOffset = $scroller[scrollDir]();
} else {
$scroller = $('html, body').firstScrollable(opts.direction);
// beforeScroll callback function must fire before calculating offset$scroller, opts);
scrollTargetOffset = (typeof options === 'number') ? options :
px ||
( $(opts.scrollTarget)[offPos]() &&
$(opts.scrollTarget)[offPos]()[opts.direction] ) ||
aniProps[scrollDir] = scrollTargetOffset + scrollerOffset + opts.offset;
speed = opts.speed;
// automatically calculate the speed of the scroll based on distance / coefficient
if (speed === 'auto') {
// if aniProps[scrollDir] == 0 then we'll use scrollTop() value instead
speed = aniProps[scrollDir] || $scroller.scrollTop();
// divide the speed by the coefficient
speed = speed / opts.autoCoefficent;
aniOpts = {
duration: speed,
easing: opts.easing,
complete: function() {, opts);
if (opts.step) {
aniOpts.step = opts.step;
if ($scroller.length) {
$scroller.stop().animate(aniProps, aniOpts);
} else {, opts);
$.smoothScroll.version = version;
$.smoothScroll.filterPath = function(string) {
return string
// default options
$.fn.smoothScroll.defaults = defaults;
function escapeSelector (str) {
return str.replace(/(:|\.)/g,'\\$1');

assets/js/main.js Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
$('.section').css('min-height', $(window).height());
$('#chat iframe').css('min-height', $(window).height() - 64);
$('#channel').keyup(function() {
var channels = $(this).val().replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9,]/g, '').split(',');
if (channels.length) {
var uri_channels = [];
$(channels).each(function(i, v) {
if (v.length) {
uri_channels.push('%23' + v);
if (uri_channels.length) {
var url = '' + uri_channels.join(',');
$('#html input').val('<iframe src="' + url + '" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="100%"></iframe>');
$('#link').attr('href', url);
return true;
return false;

deploy/deploy Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
DIR=$(dirname "$0")
rsync -avz -e ssh --exclude-from="$DIR/excluded_files" "$DIR"/../*

favicon.ico Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 937 B

index.php Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
require 'lib/functions.php';
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./assets/css/main.css" />
<title>Neutral Network : Libre, Sécurisé et Neutre</title>
<div id="top">
<div class="container">
<div id="neutralnetwork">
<div id="name">NEUTRALNETWORK.ORG</div>
<div id="topic"><strong>Libre</strong>, <strong>sécurisé</strong> et <strong>neutre</strong></div>
<div id="nav">
<nav class="container">
<a href="#home">Accueil</a>
<a href="#join">Nous rejoindre</a>
<section id="home" class="section">
<div class="container">
<span id="connect">
<a href="#chat" target="_blank" class="button">SE CONNECTER AU CHAT</a>
<a id="insert" href="#embed">Insérer le chat dans mon site</a>
Neutral Network est un <strong>réseau IRC</strong><br />
<strong>indépendant</strong>, <strong>libre</strong>, <strong>sécurisé</strong> qui croit<br />
en la <strong>neutralité du net</strong> qui veut prouver<br />
que le Minitel est révolu.
<section id="join" class="section">
<div class="container">
<h1>Nous rejoindre en 3 étapes !</h1>
<article class="step">
<div class="number">1</div>
<div class="help">
<strong>Le client IRC</strong><br />
Vous pouvez utiliser le
<a href="#chat" target="_blank"><strong>client IRC que nous mettons à disposition</strong></a>.<br />
Cependant, vous pouvez en télécharger librement.
<article class="step">
<div class="number">2</div>
<div class="help">
<strong>La configuration</strong><br />
Le serveur principal du réseau est <strong></strong>. Le port par défaut<br />
est <strong>6667</strong> mais nous vous invitons à <strong>sécuriser vos échanges</strong> en chiffrant les messages<br />
via <strong>SSL et le port 6668</strong>.
<article class="step">
<div class="number">3</div>
<div class="help">
<strong>Et c'est tout</strong><br />
Pour vous aider à comprendre comment ça marche, faites un tour sur notre <a href="#faq"><strong>FAQ</strong></a><br />
et éclatez-vous ! Si vous désirez <a href="#embed"><strong>insérer le chat sur votre site, c'est tout à fait possible !</strong></a>
<section id="embed" class="section">
<div class="container">
<div class="help">
Le salon est l'espace dans lequel vous allez pour discuter avec vos amis.<br />
On parle aussi de <em>canal</em> ou de <em>channel</em>. Seuls les lettres et les chiffres sont autorisés.
<br />
<strong>Sur quel(s) salon(s) voulez-vous échanger ? (exemple : linux, manga, musique)</strong>
<input type="text" id="channel" placeholder="linux, manga, musique, ..." required />
<div id="html">
<label for="channel">Code à insérer :</label>
<input type="text" />
<div class="help">
Vous pouvez aussi partager <a target="_blank" id="link" href="">ce lien</a>.
<section id="chat" class="section">
<iframe src="" frameborder="0"></iframe>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="./assets/js/jquery/jquery.smooth-scroll.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="./assets/js/main.js"></script>

lib/functions.php Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
function redirect($url)
return die(header('Location: '.$url));
function get_user_culture()
$cultures = ['en', 'fr'];
$default = 'fr';
return (isset($_COOKIE['culture']) && in_array($_COOKIE['culture'], $cultures)) ? $_COOKIE['culture'] : $default;
function set_user_culture($culture)
setcookie('culture', $culture, time() + 3600 * 24 * 365);
function secure_connection()
if (in_array($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], ['localhost'])) {
return true;
if ($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] !== '' || empty($_SERVER['HTTPS'])) {
function __($str)
global $contents;
return isset($contents->{$str}->{get_user_culture()}) ? $contents->{$str}->{get_user_culture()} : $str;
function decorate_irc_client()
if (empty($_COOKIE['opt1'])) {
time() + 3600 * 24 * 365