[ { "version": "1.12.0", "changes": [ "Adding 'reset settings' button" ] }, { "version": "1.11.1", "changes": [ "Removing multipass until I figure out why it's broken" ] }, { "version": "1.11.0", "changes": [ "Ctrl/cmd-o now opens file picker (thanks Patrick Kettner)" ] }, { "version": "1.10.3", "changes": [ "Improving results output (thanks Pierre Giraud)", "Renaming 'code' tab 'markup' (thanks Pierre Giraud)" ] }, { "version": "1.10.2", "changes": [ "Fixing remembered-settings regression" ] }, { "version": "1.10.1", "changes": [ "Fixing version tracking regression" ] }, { "version": "1.10.0", "changes": [ "Latest SVGO", "Minor performance improvements" ] }, { "version": "1.9.1", "changes": [ "Fixed bug if 'show original' setting was saved" ] }, { "version": "1.9.0", "changes": [ "Settings are now remembered (thanks Simon Knox)", "Fixed drag & drop issue (thanks Simon Knox)", "Improved keyboard interaction (thanks Ahmad Shadeed)" ] }, { "version": "1.8.0", "changes": [ "New icon (thanks to Anna Debenham)" ] }, { "version": "1.7.0", "changes": [ "Button to change background color (thanks to Una Kravets)" ] }, { "version": "1.6.1", "changes": [ "HTMLmin broke my stuff" ] }, { "version": "1.6.0", "changes": [ "Copy-to-clipboard button" ] }, { "version": "1.5.1", "changes": [ "Minor CSS change" ] }, { "version": "1.5.0", "changes": [ "Updating SVGO" ] }, { "version": "1.4.3", "changes": [ "Fixing layout in Chrome beta." ] }, { "version": "1.4.2", "changes": [ "Better cache cleanup." ] }, { "version": "1.4.1", "changes": [ "Fixes to 'remove hidden items'." ] }, { "version": "1.4.0", "changes": [ "Updated to SVGO v0.5.1, bringing:", "Remove useless defs option.", "Round number in number lists.", "And loads of fixes!" ] }, { "version": "1.3.0", "changes": [ "Using manifest spec for icons etc." ] }, { "version": "1.2.4", "changes": [ "Download button now works in IE." ] }, { "version": "1.2.3", "changes": [ "Fixing bug introduced by browserify." ] }, { "version": "1.2.2", "changes": [ "Better font loading." ] }, { "version": "1.2.1", "changes": [ "Lots of performance improvements." ] }, { "version": "1.2.0", "changes": [ "Code view.", "Prettify code option." ] }, { "version": "1.1.7", "changes": [ "Performance improvements." ] }, { "version": "1.1.6", "changes": [ "Fix zooming with mouse wheels." ] }, { "version": "1.1.5", "changes": [ "Removing erroneous scrollbars in Firefox." ] }, { "version": "1.1.4", "changes": [ "Fixed 'about' link." ] }, { "version": "1.1.3", "changes": [ "Reverting some painting stuff until I get a handle on the performance.", "Using simpler demo SVG." ] }, { "version": "1.1.2", "changes": [ "Sharper rendering on desktop Chrome & Safari.", "Fixed right mouse button issue." ] }, { "version": "1.1.1", "changes": [ "Reset zooming on image load." ] }, { "version": "1.1.0", "changes": [ "Click/touch and drag panning.", "Pinch zooming.", "Wheel zooming." ] }, { "version": "1.0.4", "changes": [ "Fixing checkered background in IE.", "Improving slider touch interaction." ] }, { "version": "1.0.3", "changes": [ "Fixing SVG output in Firefox." ] }, { "version": "1.0.2", "changes": [ "Caching fonts for offline use.", "Removing tap delay on iPhone/iPad.", "Fixing iOS add-to-homescreen.", "Better mobile demo image." ] }, { "version": "1.0.1", "changes": [ "Layout fixes.", "Better mobile keyboard handling.", "A lighter demo SVG for mobile.", "Fixing drag & drop." ] }, { "version": "1.0.0", "changes": [ "First release." ] } ]