setName('types:tree') ->setDescription('Show types and terms') ->addOption('terms', 't', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Show terms') ->addOption('filter', 'f', InputOption::VALUE_OPTIONAL, 'Filter types by ID or by name') ->setHelp(" List all types of terms and terms. Usage: types:tree [OPTIONS]"); } protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $client = new Client(); $configLoader = new ConfigLoader(); if (!isset($configLoader->getConfig()['auth']['token'])) { $output->writeln('You must login.'); return; } $client->setAuthorization($configLoader->getConfig()['auth']['token']); try { $categoriesReponse = $client->getCategoriesTree(); $termsResponse = $client->getTermsTree(); foreach (array($categoriesReponse, $termsResponse) as $response) { if ($response->hasError()) { $output->writeln(sprintf( '%s (%d)', $response->getErrorMessage(), $response->getErrorCode() )); return; } } $filter = $input->getOption('filter'); if (!empty($filter)) { if (is_numeric($filter)) { $filter = (int) $filter; } } foreach ($termsResponse->getData() as $categoryId => $termTypes) { $stop = false; foreach ($termTypes as $termTypeId => $termType) { if ($filter !== null) { if (is_int($filter)) { if ((int) $termTypeId === $filter) { $stop = true; } else { continue; } } else { if (0 === preg_match(sprintf('/%s/U', preg_quote($filter)), $termType['type'])) { continue; } } } $output->writeln(sprintf('%3d %s', $termTypeId, $termType['type'])); if ($input->getOption('terms')) { $isFirst = true; foreach ($termType['terms'] as $termId => $term) { $char = '|'; if ($isFirst) { $isFirst = false; $char = '`'; } $output->writeln(sprintf(' %s- %4d %s', $char, $termId, $term)); } $output->writeln(''); } if ($stop) { return; } } } } catch (ClientException $e) { $output->writeln(sprintf('An error occured. %s', $e->getMessage())); } } }