Reto Brunner 0d209fce09 Clear obsolete mentions upon channel part
Currently, the mentions only track the chanID and MsgID.
However, when we part a channel the chanID becomes orphaned.

Considering that mentions from a parted channel probably aren't
that relevant, let's automatically clear them when we part.
Should the user really want to look at them again, they can re-join
the channel and get the scroll back that way.
2021-12-29 16:46:16 +01:00

51 lines
1.2 KiB

"use strict";
const Msg = require("../../models/msg");
const Chan = require("../../models/chan");
const Helper = require("../../helper");
exports.commands = ["close", "leave", "part"];
exports.allowDisconnected = true;
exports.input = function (network, chan, cmd, args) {
let target = chan;
if (args.length > 0) {
const newTarget = network.getChannel(args[0]);
if (typeof newTarget !== "undefined") {
// If first argument is a channel user is in, part that channel
target = newTarget;
if (target.type === Chan.Type.LOBBY) {
new Msg({
type: Msg.Type.ERROR,
text: "You can not part from networks, use /quit instead.",
// If target is not a channel or we are not connected, instantly remove the channel
// Otherwise send part to the server and wait for response
if (
target.type !== Chan.Type.CHANNEL ||
target.state === Chan.State.PARTED ||
!network.irc ||
!network.irc.connection ||
) {
this.part(network, target);
} else {
const partMessage = args.join(" ") || network.leaveMessage || Helper.config.leaveMessage;
network.irc.part(, partMessage);
return true;