*/ class MailNotifier { /** * @var Swift_Mailer */ protected $mailer; /** * @var array */ protected $attachments = []; /** * @var array */ protected $recipients = []; /** * @var array */ protected $bccRecipients = []; /** * @var string */ protected $subject; /** * @var string */ protected $from; /** * @var string */ protected $replyTo; /** * Constructor. * * @param BasicNotifier $basicNotifier * @param Swift_Mailer $mail */ public function __construct(TwigEnvironment $twig, Swift_Mailer $mailer) { $this->mailer = $mailer; $this->twig = $twig; } /** * @return EmailNotifier */ public function setMailer(Swift_Mailer $mailer): self { $this->mailer = $mailer; return $this; } public function getMailer(): Swift_Mailer { return $this->mailer; } /** * @return EmailNotifier */ public function setRecipients(array $recipients): self { $this->recipients = $recipients; return $this; } public function getRecipients(): array { return $this->recipients; } /** * @return EmailNotifier */ public function setBccRecipients(array $bccRecipients): self { $this->bccRecipients = $bccRecipients; return $this; } public function getBccRecipients(): array { return $this->bccRecipients; } /** * @param string $subject * * @return EmailNotifier */ public function setSubject(?string $subject): self { $this->subject = $subject; return $this; } public function getSubject(): string { return $this->subject; } /** * @param mixed $from * * @return EmailNotifier */ public function setFrom($from): self { $this->from = $from; return $this; } /** * @return mixed */ public function getFrom(): ?string { return $this->from; } /** * Set the value of "replyTo". * * @param string $replyTo * * @return EmailNotifier */ public function setReplyTo($replyTo): self { $this->replyTo = $replyTo; return $this; } /* * Get the value of "replyTo". * * @return string */ public function getReplyTo(): ?string { return $this->replyTo; } /** * @return EmailNotifier */ public function setAttachments(array $attachments): self { $this->attachments = $attachments; return $this; } public function getAttachments(): array { return $this->attachments; } /** * @return EmailNotifier */ public function addRecipient(string $email, bool $isBcc = false): self { if (!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Invalid email "%s".', $email)); } if ($isBcc) { if (!in_array($email, $this->bccRecipients)) { $this->bccRecipients[] = $email; } } else { if (!in_array($email, $this->recipients)) { $this->recipients[] = $email; } } return $this; } /** * @return EmailNotifier */ public function addRecipients(array $emails, bool $isBcc = false): self { foreach ($emails as $email) { $this->addRecipient($email, $isBcc); } return $this; } /** * @return EmailNotifier */ public function addRecipientByAccount(Account $account, bool $isBcc = false): self { return $this->addRecipient($account->getEmail(), $isBcc); } /** * @param mixed $accounts * * @return EmailNotifier */ public function addRecipientsByAccounts($accounts, bool $isBcc = false) { if (!is_array($accounts)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('The "accounts" parameter must be an array or an instance of ObjectCollection'); } foreach ($accounts as $account) { $this->addRecipientByAccount($account, $isBcc); } return $this; } /** * @return EmailNotifier */ public function addAttachment(string $attachment): self { if (!in_array($attachment, $this->attachments)) { $this->attachments[] = $attachment; } return $this; } /** * @return EmailNotifier */ public function addAttachments(array $attachments): self { foreach ($attachments as $attachment) { $this->addAttachment($attachment); } return $this; } /** * @return EmailNotifier */ public function init(): self { $this ->setSubject(null) ->setRecipients([]) ->setBccRecipients([]) ->setAttachments([]) ; return $this; } /** * @return EmailNotifier */ public function notify(string $template, array $data = [], string $type = 'text/html'): self { $message = $this->createMessage( $this->twig->render( $template, $data ), $type ); $this->mailer->send($message); return $this; } protected function createMessage(string $body, string $type = 'text/html'): Swift_Message { $message = new Swift_Message(); if ($this->getSubject()) { $message->setSubject($this->getSubject()); } if ($this->getFrom()) { $message->setFrom($this->getFrom()); } if ($this->getReplyTo()) { $message->setReplyTo($this->getReplyTo()); } if (count($this->getRecipients()) > 0) { $message->setTo($this->getRecipients()); } if (count($this->getBccRecipients()) > 0) { $message->setBcc($this->getBccRecipients()); } foreach ($this->getAttachments() as $attachment) { if (is_object($attachment) && $attachment instanceof Swift_Attachment) { $message->attach($attachment); } elseif (is_string($attachment) && file_exists($attachment) && is_readable($attachment) && !is_dir($attachment)) { $message->attach(Swift_Attachment::fromPath($attachment)); } } $message->setBody($body, $type); return $message; } }