#!/bin/sh SCRIPT_NAME="$(realpath "$0")" SCRIPT_PATH="$(dirname "$SCRIPT_NAME")" PATH="$SCRIPT_PATH/../share/bin/:$PATH" export SCRIPT_NAME export SCRIPT_PATH export PATH cd "$SCRIPT_PATH/../" . ./etc/config exit_if_empty() { if [ -z "$1" ]; then if [ -n "$2" ]; then printf "%s\\n" "$2" fi exit 1 fi } ########################## # Collect of information # ########################## TITLE="Deblan network - New website" DOMAIN="$(form_input -t "$TITLE" -l "Domain" -r)" exit_if_empty "$DOMAIN" "Aborded! (DOMAIN_EMPTY)" DOMAIN_ALIASES="$(form_input -t "$TITLE" -l "Aliase(s)")" WEB_HTTP="$(form_yes_no -t "$TITLE" -l "Support of HTTP (recommanded)")" WEB_HTTPS="$(form_yes_no -t "$TITLE" -l "Support of HTTPS (recommanded)")" if [ "$WEB_HTTP" = "yes" ] && [ "$WEB_HTTPS" = "yes" ]; then WEB_HTTPS_FORCE="$(form_yes_no -t "$TITLE" -l "Redirect HTTP to HTTPS (recommanded)")" else WEB_HTTPS_FORCE="no" fi #if [ "$WEB_HTTPS" = "yes" ]; then # WEB_HTTPS_GENERATE_CERTIFICATE="$(form_yes_no -t "$TITLE" -l "Retrieve certificate using LE")" #fi DOCUMENT_ROOT="$(form_input -t "$TITLE" -l "Document Root" -d "/var/www/service-web/www/$DOMAIN/web")" PHP_ENABLED="$(form_yes_no -t "$TITLE" -l "Support of PHP")" exit_if_empty "$DOCUMENT_ROOT" "Aborded! (SYSTEM_USERNAME_EMPTY)" if [ "$PHP_ENABLED" = "yes" ]; then PHP_VERSION="$(form_choices -t "$TITLE" -l "Version of PHP" \ "7.3" "PHP 7.3 (recommanded)" \ "7.2" "PHP 7.2" \ "7.1" "PHP 7.1" \ "5.6" "PHP 5.6 (not recommanded)")" exit_if_empty "$PHP_VERSION" "Aborded! (PHP_VERSION_EMPTY)" fi USER_PASSWORD="$(tr -dc "0123456789!@#$%()[]*@<>abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" < /dev/urandom | head -c 20)" SYSTEM_USER_USERNAME="$(form_input -t "$TITLE" -l "System username" -d "web" -r)" SYSTEM_USER_GROUP="webgroup" SYSTEM_USER_PASSWORD=$( PASSWORD="$USER_PASSWORD" SALT=$(date +'%S') export PASSWORD export SALT crypt ) exit_if_empty "$SYSTEM_USER_USERNAME" "Aborded! (SYSTEM_USERNAME_EMPTY)" ################ # Confirmation # ################ export DOMAIN export DOMAIN_ALIASES export DOCUMENT_ROOT export SYSTEM_USER_USERNAME export SYSTEM_USER_GROUP export PHP_ENABLED export PHP_VERSION export WEB_HTTP export WEB_HTTPS export WEB_HTTPS_FORCE TMP_FILE="/tmp/vhost-add-$(tr -dc "qwertQWERTasdfgASDFGzxcvbZXCVB" < /dev/urandom | head -c 16)" template summary > "$TMP_FILE" chmod 600 "$TMP_FILE" whiptail --textbox "$TMP_FILE" 25 80 rm "$TMP_FILE" CONTINUE="$(form_yes_no -t "$TITLE" -l "Do you confirm?" -n)" if [ "$CONTINUE" = "no" ]; then printf "Aborded!\\n" exit 0 fi ############################### # User and directory creation # ############################### useradd -G "$SYSTEM_USER_GROUP" -s /bin/zsh -m -p "$SYSTEM_USER_PASSWORD" -d "/services/web/www/$DOMAIN" "$SYSTEM_USER_USERNAME" -k /etc/skel/ chgrp www-data "/services/web/www/$DOMAIN" chmod o-r "/services/web/www/$DOMAIN" ####################### # Make configurations # ####################### SERVICES_TO_RELOAD="apache2" SYSTEM_USER_ID="$(id -u "$SYSTEM_USER_USERNAME")" PHP_FPM_PORT=$((SYSTEM_USER_ID + 12000)) if [ "$WEB_HTTP" = "yes" ]; then VHOST_FILE_SA="/etc/apache2/sites-available/${DOMAIN}.${WEB_HTTP_PORT}.conf" VHOST_FILE_SE="/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/${DOMAIN}.${WEB_HTTP_PORT}.conf" PORT=$WEB_HTTP_PORT template vhost-http > "$VHOST_FILE_SA" ln -rs "$VHOST_FILE_SA" "$VHOST_FILE_SE" fi if [ "$WEB_HTTPS" = "yes" ]; then VHOST_FILE_SA="/etc/apache2/sites-available/${DOMAIN}.${WEB_HTTPS_PORT}.conf" VHOST_FILE_SE="/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/${DOMAIN}.${WEB_HTTPS_PORT}.conf" PORT=$WEB_HTTPS_PORT template vhost-https > "$VHOST_FILE_SA" ln -rs "$VHOST_FILE_SA" "$VHOST_FILE_SE" fi if [ "$PHP_ENABLED" = "yes" ]; then if [ "$PHP_VERSION" = "5.6" ]; then SERVICES_TO_RELOAD="$SERVICES_TO_RELOAD php5-fpm" PHP_FPM_FILE="/etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/${SYSTEM_USER_USERNAME}.conf" else SERVICES_TO_RELOAD="$SERVICES_TO_RELOAD php${PHP_VERSION}-fpm" PHP_FPM_FILE="/etc/php/$PHP_VERSION/fpm/pool.d/${SYSTEM_USER_USERNAME}.conf" fi export PHP_FPM_PORT template php-fpm > "$PHP_FPM_FILE" fi for SERVICE in $SERVICES_TO_RELOAD; do service $SERVICE reload done export USER_PASSWORD TMP_FILE="/tmp/vhost-add-$(tr -dc "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789" < /dev/urandom | head -c 16)" template result > "$TMP_FILE" chmod 600 "$TMP_FILE" whiptail --textbox "$TMP_FILE" 25 80 rm "$TMP_FILE"