{{define "title"}} Global Settings {{end}} {{define "top_css"}} {{end}} {{define "username"}} {{ .username }} {{end}} {{define "page_title"}} Global Settings {{end}} {{define "page_content"}}

Wireguard Global Settings


1. Endpoint Address
The public IP address of your Wireguard server that the client will connect to. Click on Suggest button to auto detect the public IP address of your server.
2. DNS Servers
The DNS servers will be set to client config.
3. MTU
The MTU will be set to server config. By default it is 1420. You might want to adjust the MTU size if your connection (e.g PPPoE, 3G, satellite network, etc) has a low MTU.
Leave blank to omit this setting in the Server config.
4. Persistent Keepalive
By default, WireGuard peers remain silent while they do not need to communicate, so peers located behind a NAT and/or firewall may be unreachable from other peers until they reach out to other peers themselves. Adding PersistentKeepalive can ensure that the connection remains open.
Leave blank to omit this setting in the Client config.
5. Forward Mark
Set an fwmark on all packets going out of WireGuard's UDP socket. Default value: 0xca6c
6. Wireguard Config File Path
The path of your Wireguard server config file. Please make sure the parent directory exists and is writable.
{{end}} {{define "bottom_js"}} {{end}}