package handler import ( "fmt" "net/http" "time" "" "" "" "" ) func ValidSession(next echo.HandlerFunc) echo.HandlerFunc { return func(c echo.Context) error { if !isValidSession(c) { nextURL := c.Request().URL if nextURL != nil && c.Request().Method == http.MethodGet { return c.Redirect(http.StatusTemporaryRedirect, fmt.Sprintf(util.BasePath+"/login?next=%s", c.Request().URL)) } else { return c.Redirect(http.StatusTemporaryRedirect, util.BasePath+"/login") } } return next(c) } } // RefreshSession must only be used after ValidSession middleware // RefreshSession checks if the session is eligible for the refresh, but doesn't check if it's fully valid func RefreshSession(next echo.HandlerFunc) echo.HandlerFunc { return func(c echo.Context) error { doRefreshSession(c) return next(c) } } func NeedsAdmin(next echo.HandlerFunc) echo.HandlerFunc { return func(c echo.Context) error { if !isAdmin(c) { return c.Redirect(http.StatusTemporaryRedirect, util.BasePath+"/") } return next(c) } } func isValidSession(c echo.Context) bool { if util.DisableLogin { return true } sess, _ := session.Get("session", c) cookie, err := c.Cookie("session_token") if err != nil || sess.Values["session_token"] != cookie.Value { return false } // Check time bounds createdAt := getCreatedAt(sess) updatedAt := getUpdatedAt(sess) maxAge := getMaxAge(sess) // Temporary session is considered valid within 24h if browser is not closed before // This value is not saved and is used as virtual expiration if maxAge == 0 { maxAge = 86400 } expiration := updatedAt + int64(maxAge) now := time.Now().UTC().Unix() if updatedAt > now || expiration < now || createdAt+util.SessionMaxDuration < now { return false } // Check if user still exists and unchanged username := fmt.Sprintf("%s", sess.Values["username"]) userHash := getUserHash(sess) if uHash, ok := util.DBUsersToCRC32[username]; !ok || userHash != uHash { return false } return true } // Refreshes a "remember me" session when the user visits web pages (not API) // Session must be valid before calling this function // Refresh is performed at most once per 24h func doRefreshSession(c echo.Context) { if util.DisableLogin { return } sess, _ := session.Get("session", c) maxAge := getMaxAge(sess) if maxAge <= 0 { return } oldCookie, err := c.Cookie("session_token") if err != nil || sess.Values["session_token"] != oldCookie.Value { return } // Refresh no sooner than 24h createdAt := getCreatedAt(sess) updatedAt := getUpdatedAt(sess) expiration := updatedAt + int64(getMaxAge(sess)) now := time.Now().UTC().Unix() if updatedAt > now || expiration < now || now-updatedAt < 86_400 || createdAt+util.SessionMaxDuration < now { return } cookiePath := util.GetCookiePath() sess.Values["updated_at"] = now sess.Options = &sessions.Options{ Path: cookiePath, MaxAge: maxAge, HttpOnly: true, SameSite: http.SameSiteLaxMode, } sess.Save(c.Request(), c.Response()) cookie := new(http.Cookie) cookie.Name = "session_token" cookie.Path = cookiePath cookie.Value = oldCookie.Value cookie.MaxAge = maxAge cookie.HttpOnly = true cookie.SameSite = http.SameSiteLaxMode c.SetCookie(cookie) } // Get time in seconds this session is valid without updating func getMaxAge(sess *sessions.Session) int { if util.DisableLogin { return 0 } maxAge := sess.Values["max_age"] switch typedMaxAge := maxAge.(type) { case int: return typedMaxAge default: return 0 } } // Get a timestamp in seconds of the time the session was created func getCreatedAt(sess *sessions.Session) int64 { if util.DisableLogin { return 0 } createdAt := sess.Values["created_at"] switch typedCreatedAt := createdAt.(type) { case int64: return typedCreatedAt default: return 0 } } // Get a timestamp in seconds of the last session update func getUpdatedAt(sess *sessions.Session) int64 { if util.DisableLogin { return 0 } lastUpdate := sess.Values["updated_at"] switch typedLastUpdate := lastUpdate.(type) { case int64: return typedLastUpdate default: return 0 } } // Get CRC32 of a user at the moment of log in // Any changes to user will result in logout of other (not updated) sessions func getUserHash(sess *sessions.Session) uint32 { if util.DisableLogin { return 0 } userHash := sess.Values["user_hash"] switch typedUserHash := userHash.(type) { case uint32: return typedUserHash default: return 0 } } // currentUser to get username of logged in user func currentUser(c echo.Context) string { if util.DisableLogin { return "" } sess, _ := session.Get("session", c) username := fmt.Sprintf("%s", sess.Values["username"]) return username } // isAdmin to get user type: admin or manager func isAdmin(c echo.Context) bool { if util.DisableLogin { return true } sess, _ := session.Get("session", c) admin := fmt.Sprintf("%t", sess.Values["admin"]) return admin == "true" } func setUser(c echo.Context, username string, admin bool, userCRC32 uint32) { sess, _ := session.Get("session", c) sess.Values["username"] = username sess.Values["user_hash"] = userCRC32 sess.Values["admin"] = admin sess.Save(c.Request(), c.Response()) } // clearSession to remove current session func clearSession(c echo.Context) { sess, _ := session.Get("session", c) sess.Values["username"] = "" sess.Values["user_hash"] = 0 sess.Values["admin"] = false sess.Values["session_token"] = "" sess.Values["max_age"] = -1 sess.Options.MaxAge = -1 sess.Save(c.Request(), c.Response()) cookiePath := util.GetCookiePath() cookie, err := c.Cookie("session_token") if err != nil { cookie = new(http.Cookie) } cookie.Name = "session_token" cookie.Path = cookiePath cookie.MaxAge = -1 cookie.HttpOnly = true cookie.SameSite = http.SameSiteLaxMode c.SetCookie(cookie) }