function renderClientList(data) { $.each(data, function(index, obj) { // render client status css tag style let clientStatusHtml = '>' if (obj.Client.enabled) { clientStatusHtml = `style="visibility: hidden;">` } // render client allocated ip addresses let allocatedIpsHtml = ""; $.each(obj.Client.allocated_ips, function(index, obj) { allocatedIpsHtml += `${obj} `; }) // render client allowed ip addresses let allowedIpsHtml = ""; $.each(obj.Client.allowed_ips, function(index, obj) { allowedIpsHtml += `${obj} `; }) // render client html content let html = `

${} ${} ${prettyDateTime(obj.Client.created_at)} ${prettyDateTime(obj.Client.updated_at)} ${obj.Client.use_server_dns ? 'DNS enabled' : 'DNS disabled'} IP Allocation` + allocatedIpsHtml + `Allowed IPs` + allowedIpsHtml +`
` // add the client html elements to the list $('#client-list').append(html); }); } function renderUserList(data) { $.each(data, function(index, obj) { let clientStatusHtml = '>' // render user html content let html = `

${obj.username} ${obj.admin? 'Administrator':'Manager'}
` // add the user html elements to the list $('#users-list').append(html); }); } function prettyDateTime(timeStr) { const dt = new Date(timeStr); const offsetMs = dt.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000; const dateLocal = new Date(dt.getTime() - offsetMs); return dateLocal.toISOString().slice(0, 19).replace(/-/g, "/").replace("T", " "); }