--- name: Woodpecker Email author: Simon Vieille icon: https://gitnet.fr/deblan/woodpecker-email/raw/branch/develop/logo.svg description: plugin to send build status notifications via Email. tags: [notifications, email] containerImage: deblan/woodpecker-email containerImageUrl: https://hub.docker.com/r/deblan/woodpecker-email url: https://gitnet.fr/deblan/woodpecker-email --- ## Settings | Settings Name | Required | Type | Description | Documentation | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | dsn | yes | `string` | Mail transport configuration | [Documentation](https://symfony.com/doc/current/mailer.html#tls-peer-verification) | | from.address | yes | `string` | Email address of the sender | | | from.name | no | `0string` | Name of the sender | | | recipients | no | `string` or `list` | List of recipients to send this mail to (besides the commit author) | YAML list or comma separated list | | recipients_only | no | `boolean` | Exclude the committer | | | content.subject | no | `string` | Define the email subject template | | | content.body | no | `string` | Define the email body template | | | attachments | no | `string` or `list` | List of files to attach | YAML list or comma separated list | ### Example ``` steps: mail: image: deblan/woodpecker-email-php settings: dsn: "smtp://username:password@mail.example.com:587?verify_peer=1" from: address: "woodpecker@example.com" name: "Woodpecker" evaluate: "build.status == 'failure' or prev_pipeline.status == 'failure'" recipients: - dev1@example.com - dev2@example.com recipients_only: false content: subject: "[{{ pipeline.status }}] {{ repo.full_name }} ({{ commit.branch }} - {{ commit.sha[0:8] }}" body: | {{ commit.sha }}
{{ pipeline.status }}
{{ commit.author_email }}
attachments: - log/* ``` ### Evaluation and content See the [Twig documentation](https://twig.symfony.com/doc/3.x/). | Variable | Value | | --- | --- | | `workspace` | `CI_WORKSPACE` | | `repo.full_name` | `CI_REPO` | | `repo.owner` | `CI_REPO_OWNER` | | `repo.name` | `CI_REPO_NAME` | | `repo.url` | `CI_REPO_URL` | | `commit.sha` | `CI_COMMIT_SHA` | | `commit.ref` | `CI_COMMIT_REF` | | `commit.branch` | `CI_COMMIT_BRANCH` | | `commit.source_branch` | `CI_COMMIT_SOURCE_BRANCH` | | `commit.target_branch` | `CI_COMMIT_TARGET_BRANCH` | | `commit.tag` | `CI_COMMIT_TAG` | | `commit.pull_request` | `CI_COMMIT_PULL_REQUEST` | | `commit.pull_request_labels` | `CI_COMMIT_PULL_REQUEST_LABELS` | | `commit.message` | `CI_COMMIT_MESSAGE` | | `commit.author` | `CI_COMMIT_AUTHOR` | | `commit.author_email` | `CI_COMMIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL` | | `commit.author_avatar` | `CI_COMMIT_AUTHOR_AVATAR` | | `prev_commit.sha` | `CI_PREV_COMMIT_SHA` | | `prev_commit.ref` | `CI_PREV_COMMIT_REF` | | `prev_commit.branch` | `CI_PREV_COMMIT_BRANCH` | | `prev_commit.source_branch` | `CI_PREV_COMMIT_SOURCE_BRANCH` | | `prev_commit.target_branch` | `CI_PREV_COMMIT_TARGET_BRANCH` | | `prev_commit.message` | `CI_PREV_COMMIT_MESSAGE` | | `prev_commit.author` | `CI_PREV_COMMIT_AUTHOR` | | `prev_commit.author_email` | `CI_PREV_COMMIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL` | | `prev_commit.author_avatar` | `CI_PREV_COMMIT_AUTHOR_AVATAR` | | `prev_commit.url` | `CI_PREV_COMMIT_URL` | | `pipeline.number` | `CI_PIPELINE_NUMBER` | | `pipeline.parent` | `CI_PIPELINE_PARENT` | | `pipeline.event` | `CI_PIPELINE_EVENT` | | `pipeline.url` | `CI_PIPELINE_URL` | | `pipeline.deploy_target` | `CI_PIPELINE_DEPLOY_TARGET` | | `pipeline.status` | `CI_PIPELINE_STATUS` | | `pipeline.created_at` | `CI_PIPELINE_CREATED` | | `pipeline.stared_at` | `CI_PIPELINE_STARTED` | | `pipeline.finished_at` | `CI_PIPELINE_FINISHED` | | `prev_pipeline.number` | `CI_PREV_PIPELINE_NUMBER` | | `prev_pipeline.parent` | `CI_PREV_PIPELINE_PARENT` | | `prev_pipeline.event` | `CI_PREV_PIPELINE_EVENT` | | `prev_pipeline.url` | `CI_PREV_PIPELINE_URL` | | `prev_pipeline.deploy_target` | `CI_PREV_PIPELINE_DEPLOY_TARGET` | | `prev_pipeline.status` | `CI_PREV_PIPELINE_STATUS` | | `prev_pipeline.created_at` | `CI_PREV_PIPELINE_CREATED` | | `prev_pipeline.stared_at` | `CI_PREV_PIPELINE_STARTED` | | `prev_pipeline.finished_at` | `CI_PREV_PIPELINE_FINISHED` | | `workflow.name` | `WORKFLOW_NAME` | | `step.name` | `CI_STEP_NAME` | | `step.number` | `CI_STEP_NUMBER` | | `step.status` | `CI_STEP_STATUS` | | `step.start_at` | `CI_STEP_STARTED` | | `step.finished_at` | `CI_STEP_FINISHED` | | `step.url` | `CI_STEP_URL` | [dsn_doc]: https://symfony.com/doc/current/mailer.html#tls-peer-verification