package parser import ( "fmt" "regexp" "strconv" "strings" "unicode/utf8" . "" "" . "" ) type associativity int const ( left associativity = iota + 1 right ) type operator struct { precedence int associativity associativity } type builtin struct { arity int } var unaryOperators = map[string]operator{ "not": {50, left}, "!": {50, left}, "-": {500, left}, "+": {500, left}, } var binaryOperators = map[string]operator{ "or": {10, left}, "||": {10, left}, "and": {15, left}, "&&": {15, left}, "==": {20, left}, "!=": {20, left}, "<": {20, left}, ">": {20, left}, ">=": {20, left}, "<=": {20, left}, "not in": {20, left}, "in": {20, left}, "matches": {20, left}, "contains": {20, left}, "startsWith": {20, left}, "endsWith": {20, left}, "..": {25, left}, "+": {30, left}, "-": {30, left}, "*": {60, left}, "/": {60, left}, "%": {60, left}, "**": {70, right}, } var builtins = map[string]builtin{ "len": {1}, "all": {2}, "none": {2}, "any": {2}, "one": {2}, "filter": {2}, "map": {2}, "count": {2}, } type parser struct { tokens []Token current Token pos int err *file.Error depth int // closure call depth } type Tree struct { Node Node Source *file.Source } func Parse(input string) (*Tree, error) { source := file.NewSource(input) tokens, err := Lex(source) if err != nil { return nil, err } p := &parser{ tokens: tokens, current: tokens[0], } node := p.parseExpression(0) if !p.current.Is(EOF) { p.error("unexpected token %v", p.current) } if p.err != nil { return nil, p.err.Bind(source) } return &Tree{ Node: node, Source: source, }, nil } func (p *parser) error(format string, args ...interface{}) { if p.err == nil { // show first error p.err = &file.Error{ Location: p.current.Location, Message: fmt.Sprintf(format, args...), } } } func (p *parser) next() { p.pos++ if p.pos >= len(p.tokens) { p.error("unexpected end of expression") return } p.current = p.tokens[p.pos] } func (p *parser) expect(kind Kind, values ...string) { if p.current.Is(kind, values...) { return } p.error("unexpected token %v", p.current) } // parse functions func (p *parser) parseExpression(precedence int) Node { nodeLeft := p.parsePrimary() token := p.current for token.Is(Operator) && p.err == nil { if op, ok := binaryOperators[token.Value]; ok { if op.precedence >= precedence { var nodeRight Node if op.associativity == left { nodeRight = p.parseExpression(op.precedence + 1) } else { nodeRight = p.parseExpression(op.precedence) } if token.Is(Operator, "matches") { var r *regexp.Regexp var err error if s, ok := nodeRight.(*StringNode); ok { r, err = regexp.Compile(s.Value) if err != nil { p.error("%v", err) } } nodeLeft = &MatchesNode{ Regexp: r, Left: nodeLeft, Right: nodeRight, } nodeLeft.SetLocation(token.Location) } else { nodeLeft = &BinaryNode{ Operator: token.Value, Left: nodeLeft, Right: nodeRight, } nodeLeft.SetLocation(token.Location) } token = p.current continue } } break } if precedence == 0 { nodeLeft = p.parseConditionalExpression(nodeLeft) } return nodeLeft } func (p *parser) parsePrimary() Node { token := p.current if token.Is(Operator) { if op, ok := unaryOperators[token.Value]; ok { expr := p.parseExpression(op.precedence) node := &UnaryNode{ Operator: token.Value, Node: expr, } node.SetLocation(token.Location) return p.parsePostfixExpression(node) } } if token.Is(Bracket, "(") { expr := p.parseExpression(0) p.expect(Bracket, ")") // "an opened parenthesis is not properly closed" return p.parsePostfixExpression(expr) } if p.depth > 0 { if token.Is(Operator, "#") || token.Is(Operator, ".") { if token.Is(Operator, "#") { } node := &PointerNode{} node.SetLocation(token.Location) return p.parsePostfixExpression(node) } } else { if token.Is(Operator, "#") || token.Is(Operator, ".") { p.error("cannot use pointer accessor outside closure") } } return p.parsePrimaryExpression() } func (p *parser) parseConditionalExpression(node Node) Node { var expr1, expr2 Node for p.current.Is(Operator, "?") && p.err == nil { if !p.current.Is(Operator, ":") { expr1 = p.parseExpression(0) p.expect(Operator, ":") expr2 = p.parseExpression(0) } else { expr1 = node expr2 = p.parseExpression(0) } node = &ConditionalNode{ Cond: node, Exp1: expr1, Exp2: expr2, } } return node } func (p *parser) parsePrimaryExpression() Node { var node Node token := p.current switch token.Kind { case Identifier: switch token.Value { case "true": node := &BoolNode{Value: true} node.SetLocation(token.Location) return node case "false": node := &BoolNode{Value: false} node.SetLocation(token.Location) return node case "nil": node := &NilNode{} node.SetLocation(token.Location) return node default: node = p.parseIdentifierExpression(token, p.current) } case Number: value := strings.Replace(token.Value, "_", "", -1) if strings.ContainsAny(value, ".eE") { number, err := strconv.ParseFloat(value, 64) if err != nil { p.error("invalid float literal: %v", err) } node := &FloatNode{Value: number} node.SetLocation(token.Location) return node } else if strings.Contains(value, "x") { number, err := strconv.ParseInt(value, 0, 64) if err != nil { p.error("invalid hex literal: %v", err) } node := &IntegerNode{Value: int(number)} node.SetLocation(token.Location) return node } else { number, err := strconv.ParseInt(value, 10, 64) if err != nil { p.error("invalid integer literal: %v", err) } node := &IntegerNode{Value: int(number)} node.SetLocation(token.Location) return node } case String: node := &StringNode{Value: token.Value} node.SetLocation(token.Location) return node default: if token.Is(Bracket, "[") { node = p.parseArrayExpression(token) } else if token.Is(Bracket, "{") { node = p.parseMapExpression(token) } else { p.error("unexpected token %v", token) } } return p.parsePostfixExpression(node) } func (p *parser) parseIdentifierExpression(token, next Token) Node { var node Node if p.current.Is(Bracket, "(") { var arguments []Node if b, ok := builtins[token.Value]; ok { p.expect(Bracket, "(") // TODO: Add builtins signatures. if b.arity == 1 { arguments = make([]Node, 1) arguments[0] = p.parseExpression(0) } else if b.arity == 2 { arguments = make([]Node, 2) arguments[0] = p.parseExpression(0) p.expect(Operator, ",") arguments[1] = p.parseClosure() } p.expect(Bracket, ")") node = &BuiltinNode{ Name: token.Value, Arguments: arguments, } node.SetLocation(token.Location) } else { arguments = p.parseArguments() node = &FunctionNode{ Name: token.Value, Arguments: arguments, } node.SetLocation(token.Location) } } else { var nilsafe bool if next.Value == "?." { nilsafe = true } node = &IdentifierNode{Value: token.Value, NilSafe: nilsafe} node.SetLocation(token.Location) } return node } func (p *parser) parseClosure() Node { token := p.current p.expect(Bracket, "{") p.depth++ node := p.parseExpression(0) p.depth-- p.expect(Bracket, "}") closure := &ClosureNode{ Node: node, } closure.SetLocation(token.Location) return closure } func (p *parser) parseArrayExpression(token Token) Node { nodes := make([]Node, 0) p.expect(Bracket, "[") for !p.current.Is(Bracket, "]") && p.err == nil { if len(nodes) > 0 { p.expect(Operator, ",") if p.current.Is(Bracket, "]") { goto end } } node := p.parseExpression(0) nodes = append(nodes, node) } end: p.expect(Bracket, "]") node := &ArrayNode{Nodes: nodes} node.SetLocation(token.Location) return node } func (p *parser) parseMapExpression(token Token) Node { p.expect(Bracket, "{") nodes := make([]Node, 0) for !p.current.Is(Bracket, "}") && p.err == nil { if len(nodes) > 0 { p.expect(Operator, ",") if p.current.Is(Bracket, "}") { goto end } if p.current.Is(Operator, ",") { p.error("unexpected token %v", p.current) } } var key Node // a map key can be: // * a number // * a string // * a identifier, which is equivalent to a string // * an expression, which must be enclosed in parentheses -- (1 + 2) if p.current.Is(Number) || p.current.Is(String) || p.current.Is(Identifier) { key = &StringNode{Value: p.current.Value} key.SetLocation(token.Location) } else if p.current.Is(Bracket, "(") { key = p.parseExpression(0) } else { p.error("a map key must be a quoted string, a number, a identifier, or an expression enclosed in parentheses (unexpected token %v)", p.current) } p.expect(Operator, ":") node := p.parseExpression(0) pair := &PairNode{Key: key, Value: node} pair.SetLocation(token.Location) nodes = append(nodes, pair) } end: p.expect(Bracket, "}") node := &MapNode{Pairs: nodes} node.SetLocation(token.Location) return node } func (p *parser) parsePostfixExpression(node Node) Node { token := p.current var nilsafe bool for (token.Is(Operator) || token.Is(Bracket)) && p.err == nil { if token.Value == "." || token.Value == "?." { if token.Value == "?." { nilsafe = true } token = p.current if token.Kind != Identifier && // Operators like "not" and "matches" are valid methods or property names. (token.Kind != Operator || !isValidIdentifier(token.Value)) { p.error("expected name") } if p.current.Is(Bracket, "(") { arguments := p.parseArguments() node = &MethodNode{ Node: node, Method: token.Value, Arguments: arguments, NilSafe: nilsafe, } node.SetLocation(token.Location) } else { node = &PropertyNode{ Node: node, Property: token.Value, NilSafe: nilsafe, } node.SetLocation(token.Location) } } else if token.Value == "[" { var from, to Node if p.current.Is(Operator, ":") { // slice without from [:1] if !p.current.Is(Bracket, "]") { // slice without from and to [:] to = p.parseExpression(0) } node = &SliceNode{ Node: node, To: to, } node.SetLocation(token.Location) p.expect(Bracket, "]") } else { from = p.parseExpression(0) if p.current.Is(Operator, ":") { if !p.current.Is(Bracket, "]") { // slice without to [1:] to = p.parseExpression(0) } node = &SliceNode{ Node: node, From: from, To: to, } node.SetLocation(token.Location) p.expect(Bracket, "]") } else { // Slice operator [:] was not found, it should by just index node. node = &IndexNode{ Node: node, Index: from, } node.SetLocation(token.Location) p.expect(Bracket, "]") } } } else { break } token = p.current } return node } func isValidIdentifier(str string) bool { if len(str) == 0 { return false } h, w := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str) if !IsAlphabetic(h) { return false } for _, r := range str[w:] { if !IsAlphaNumeric(r) { return false } } return true } func (p *parser) parseArguments() []Node { p.expect(Bracket, "(") nodes := make([]Node, 0) for !p.current.Is(Bracket, ")") && p.err == nil { if len(nodes) > 0 { p.expect(Operator, ",") } node := p.parseExpression(0) nodes = append(nodes, node) } p.expect(Bracket, ")") return nodes }