Michael de Wit f128c947ab Refactor plugin to be compatible with Drone 0.5 (#13)
* Refactor plugin to be compatible with Drone 0.5

* Add vendor files

* Re-add logo.svg, make loading environment from .env file optional, and use drone-go/template


* Fix issue with date formatting, update the DOCS, and improve types

* Add working directory and volume mount to README example
2017-01-16 13:20:59 +01:00

15 lines
306 B

// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build go1.4
package unix
import "syscall"
func Unsetenv(key string) error {
// This was added in Go 1.4.
return syscall.Unsetenv(key)