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extern "C" {
fn extF80M_add(x: *const F80, y: *const F80, ptr: *mut F80);
fn extF80M_sub(x: *const F80, y: *const F80, ptr: *mut F80);
fn extF80M_mul(x: *const F80, y: *const F80, ptr: *mut F80);
fn extF80M_div(x: *const F80, y: *const F80, ptr: *mut F80);
//fn extF80M_rem(x: *const F80, y: *const F80, ptr: *mut F80);
fn extF80M_sqrt(x: *const F80, ptr: *mut F80);
fn extF80M_roundToInt(x: *const F80, rounding_mode: u8, raise_inexact: bool, dst: *mut F80);
fn extF80M_eq(x: *const F80, y: *const F80) -> bool;
//fn extF80M_eq_signaling(x: *const F80, y: *const F80) -> bool;
//fn extF80M_le(x: *const F80, y: *const F80) -> bool;
//fn extF80M_le_quiet(x: *const F80, y: *const F80) -> bool;
fn extF80M_lt(x: *const F80, y: *const F80) -> bool;
fn extF80M_lt_quiet(x: *const F80, y: *const F80) -> bool;
fn extF80M_to_i32(src: *const F80, rounding_mode: u8, raise_inexact: bool) -> i32;
fn extF80M_to_i64(src: *const F80, rounding_mode: u8, raise_inexact: bool) -> i64;
fn i32_to_extF80M(src: i32, dst: *mut F80);
fn i64_to_extF80M(src: i64, dst: *mut F80);
fn f32_to_extF80M(src: i32, dst: *mut F80);
fn f64_to_extF80M(src: u64, dst: *mut F80);
fn extF80M_to_f32(src: *const F80) -> i32;
fn extF80M_to_f64(src: *const F80) -> u64;
static mut softfloat_roundingMode: u8;
static mut extF80_roundingPrecision: u8;
static mut softfloat_exceptionFlags: u8;
pub enum RoundingMode {
pub enum Precision {
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct F80 {
pub mantissa: u64,
pub sign_exponent: u16,
impl F80 {
pub const ZERO: F80 = F80 {
mantissa: 0,
sign_exponent: 0,
pub const ONE: F80 = F80 {
mantissa: 0x8000000000000000,
sign_exponent: 0x3FFF,
pub const LN_10: F80 = F80 {
mantissa: 0x935D8DDDAAA8B000,
sign_exponent: 0x4000,
pub const LN_2: F80 = F80 {
mantissa: 0xB17217F7D1CF7800,
sign_exponent: 0x3FFE,
pub const PI: F80 = F80 {
mantissa: 0xC90FDAA22168C000,
sign_exponent: 0x4000,
pub const LOG2_E: F80 = F80 {
mantissa: 0xB8AA3B295C17F000,
sign_exponent: 0x3FFF,
pub const INDEFINITE_NAN: F80 = F80 {
mantissa: 0xC000000000000000,
sign_exponent: 0x7FFF,
pub const POS_INFINITY: F80 = F80 {
mantissa: 0x8000000000000000,
sign_exponent: 0x7FFF,
pub const NEG_INFINITY: F80 = F80 {
mantissa: 0x8000000000000000,
sign_exponent: 0xFFFF,
pub fn sign(&self) -> bool { (self.sign_exponent >> 15) == 1 }
pub fn exponent(&self) -> i16 { (self.sign_exponent as i16 & 0x7FFF) - 0x3FFF }
pub fn of_i32(src: i32) -> F80 {
let mut x = F80::ZERO;
unsafe {
i32_to_extF80M(src, &mut x)
pub fn of_i64(src: i64) -> F80 {
let mut x = F80::ZERO;
unsafe {
i64_to_extF80M(src, &mut x)
pub fn of_f32(src: i32) -> F80 {
let mut x = F80::ZERO;
unsafe {
f32_to_extF80M(src, &mut x)
pub fn of_f64(src: u64) -> F80 {
let mut x = F80::ZERO;
unsafe {
f64_to_extF80M(src, &mut x)
fn of_f64x(src: f64) -> F80 { F80::of_f64(unsafe { std::mem::transmute(src) }) }
pub fn to_f32(&self) -> i32 { unsafe { extF80M_to_f32(self) } }
pub fn to_f64(&self) -> u64 { unsafe { extF80M_to_f64(self) } }
fn to_f64x(&self) -> f64 { unsafe { std::mem::transmute(extF80M_to_f64(self)) } }
pub fn to_i32(&self) -> i32 { unsafe { extF80M_to_i32(self, softfloat_roundingMode, false) } }
pub fn to_i64(&self) -> i64 { unsafe { extF80M_to_i64(self, softfloat_roundingMode, false) } }
pub fn cos(self) -> F80 { F80::of_f64x(self.to_f64x().cos()) }
pub fn sin(self) -> F80 { F80::of_f64x(self.to_f64x().sin()) }
pub fn tan(self) -> F80 { F80::of_f64x(self.to_f64x().tan()) }
pub fn atan(self) -> F80 { F80::of_f64x(self.to_f64x().atan()) }
pub fn atan2(self, other: F80) -> F80 { F80::of_f64x(self.to_f64x().atan2(other.to_f64x())) }
pub fn log2(self) -> F80 { F80::of_f64x(self.to_f64x().log2()) }
pub fn ln(self) -> F80 { F80::of_f64x(self.to_f64x().ln()) }
pub fn abs(self) -> F80 {
F80 {
mantissa: self.mantissa,
sign_exponent: self.sign_exponent & !0x8000,
pub fn two_pow(self) -> F80 { F80::of_f64x(2.0f64.powf(self.to_f64x())) }
pub fn round(self) -> F80 {
let mut result = F80::ZERO;
unsafe {
extF80M_roundToInt(&self, softfloat_roundingMode, false, &mut result)
pub fn trunc(self) -> F80 {
let mut result = F80::ZERO;
unsafe {
extF80M_roundToInt(&self, 1, false, &mut result)
pub fn sqrt(self) -> F80 {
let mut result = F80::ZERO;
unsafe {
extF80M_sqrt(&self, &mut result)
pub fn is_finite(self) -> bool {
// TODO: Can probably be done more efficiently
self != F80::POS_INFINITY && self != F80::NEG_INFINITY
pub fn is_nan(self) -> bool {
// TODO: Can probably be done more efficiently
self != self
pub fn set_rounding_mode(mode: RoundingMode) {
unsafe {
softfloat_roundingMode = match mode {
RoundingMode::NearEven => 0,
RoundingMode::Trunc => 1,
RoundingMode::Floor => 2,
RoundingMode::Ceil => 3,
pub fn set_precision(precision: Precision) {
unsafe {
extF80_roundingPrecision = match precision {
Precision::P80 => 80,
Precision::P64 => 64,
Precision::P32 => 32,
pub fn get_exception_flags() -> u8 {
let f = unsafe { softfloat_exceptionFlags };
// translate softfloat's flags to x87 status flags
f >> 4 & 1 | f >> 1 & 4 | f << 3 & 16
pub fn clear_exception_flags() { unsafe { softfloat_exceptionFlags = 0 } }
pub fn partial_cmp_quiet(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<std::cmp::Ordering> {
// TODO: Can probably be done more efficiently
if unsafe { extF80M_lt_quiet(self, other) } {
else if unsafe { extF80M_lt_quiet(other, self) } {
else if self == other {
else {
impl std::ops::Add for F80 {
type Output = F80;
fn add(self, other: Self) -> Self {
let mut result = F80::ZERO;
unsafe {
extF80M_add(&self, &other, &mut result)
impl std::ops::Sub for F80 {
type Output = F80;
fn sub(self, other: Self) -> Self {
let mut result = F80::ZERO;
unsafe {
extF80M_sub(&self, &other, &mut result)
impl std::ops::Neg for F80 {
type Output = F80;
fn neg(self) -> Self {
let mut result = self;
result.sign_exponent ^= 1 << 15;
impl std::ops::Mul for F80 {
type Output = F80;
fn mul(self, other: Self) -> Self {
let mut result = F80::ZERO;
unsafe {
extF80M_mul(&self, &other, &mut result)
impl std::ops::Div for F80 {
type Output = F80;
fn div(self, other: Self) -> Self {
let mut result = F80::ZERO;
unsafe {
extF80M_div(&self, &other, &mut result)
impl std::ops::Rem for F80 {
type Output = F80;
fn rem(self, other: Self) -> Self {
let quot = (self / other).trunc();
self - quot * other
// Uses round-to-nearest instead of truncation
//let mut result = F80::ZERO;
//unsafe {
// extF80M_rem(&self, &other, &mut result)
impl PartialEq for F80 {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { unsafe { extF80M_eq(self, other) } }
impl PartialOrd for F80 {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<std::cmp::Ordering> {
// TODO: Can probably be done more efficiently
if unsafe { extF80M_lt(self, other) } {
else if unsafe { extF80M_lt(other, self) } {
else if self == other {
else {