Improve arch docs

This commit is contained in:
Fabian 2022-02-11 22:02:36 +01:00
parent 4fa37f354f
commit ecae2b1837

View file

@ -64,8 +64,7 @@ cat > packer/template.json << 'EOF'
"boot_command": [
"<enter><wait30><enteropenssl passwd help<wait10>",
"usermod --password $(echo root | openssl passwd -1 -stdin) root<enter><wait5>",
"echo 'root:magic' | chpasswd<enter><wait5>",
"echo root:root | chpasswd<enter><wait5>",
"systemctl start sshd<enter>"
"headless": true,
@ -78,7 +77,7 @@ cat > packer/template.json << 'EOF'
"ssh_wait_timeout": "120s",
"ssh_pty": true,
"ssh_username": "root",
"ssh_password": "magic",
"ssh_password": "root",
"ssh_port": 22,
"format": "raw",
"vm_name": "archlinux",
@ -188,11 +187,7 @@ EOF
# want to use the network filesystem you only need these. The 9p, 9pnet and 9pnet_virtio
# modules are needed for being able to mount 9p network filesystems using the emulator.
echo "Configure mkinitcpio for 9p"
sed -i 's/MODULES=()/MODULES=(atkbd i8042 psmouse virtio_pci 9p 9pnet 9pnet_virtio)/g' /mnt/etc/mkinitcpio.conf
# dump mkinitcpio.conf to check if MODULES get actually set
cat /mnt/etc/mkinitcpio.conf
sed -i 's/MODULES=()/MODULES=(atkbd i8042 libps2 serio serio_raw psmouse virtio_pci virtio_pci_modern_dev 9p 9pnet 9pnet_virtio fscache netfs)/g' /mnt/etc/mkinitcpio.conf
# Because we want to mount the root filesystem over the network during boot, we need to
# hook into initcpio. If you do not want to mount the root filesystem during boot but
@ -392,7 +387,7 @@ Now that we have everything we need to host a server that serves an Archlinux en
Create a checkout of v86 and run `make build/libv86.js`.
We can then edit `examples/arch.html`, we have two options:
1. Boot the arclinux from the 9p filesystem (generated .bin artifacts at `/output/images/arch`):
1. Boot Arch Linux from the 9p filesystem (generated .bin artifacts at `/output/images/arch`):
filesystem: {
@ -470,7 +465,6 @@ rmmod ne2k-pci
To bring the network up, run:
modprobe ne2k-pci
ip link set enp0s5 up
dhcpcd -w4 enp0s5
@ -494,4 +488,3 @@ ssh -R 1122:localhost:22
Now on the `` server you should be able to SSH into your browser tab by running `ssh root@localhost -p 1122`.