#!/usr/bin/env node "use strict"; const assert = require("assert").strict; const fs = require("fs"); const path = require("path"); const x86_table = require("./x86_table"); const rust_ast = require("./rust_ast"); const { hex, mkdirpSync, get_switch_value, get_switch_exist, finalize_table_rust } = require("./util"); const OUT_DIR = path.join(__dirname, "..", "src/rust/gen/"); mkdirpSync(OUT_DIR); const table_arg = get_switch_value("--table"); const gen_all = get_switch_exist("--all"); const to_generate = { jit: gen_all || table_arg === "jit", jit0f: gen_all || table_arg === "jit0f", }; assert( Object.keys(to_generate).some(k => to_generate[k]), "Pass --table [jit|jit0f] or --all to pick which tables to generate" ); gen_table(); function gen_read_imm_call(op, size_variant) { let size = (op.os || op.opcode % 2 === 1) ? size_variant : 8; if(op.imm8 || op.imm8s || op.imm16 || op.imm1632 || op.imm32 || op.immaddr) { if(op.imm8) { return "ctx.cpu.read_imm8()"; } else if(op.imm8s) { return "ctx.cpu.read_imm8s()"; } else { if(op.immaddr) { // immaddr: depends on address size return "ctx.cpu.read_moffs()"; } else { assert(op.imm1632 || op.imm16 || op.imm32); if(op.imm1632 && size === 16 || op.imm16) { return "ctx.cpu.read_imm16()"; } else { assert(op.imm1632 && size === 32 || op.imm32); return "ctx.cpu.read_imm32()"; } } } } else { return undefined; } } function gen_call(name, args) { args = args || []; return `${name}(${args.join(", ")});`; } /* * Current naming scheme: * instr(16|32|)_(66|F2|F3)?0F?[0-9a-f]{2}(_[0-7])?(_mem|_reg|) */ function make_instruction_name(encoding, size) { const suffix = encoding.os ? String(size) : ""; const opcode_hex = hex(encoding.opcode & 0xFF, 2); const first_prefix = (encoding.opcode & 0xFF00) === 0 ? "" : hex(encoding.opcode >> 8 & 0xFF, 2); const second_prefix = (encoding.opcode & 0xFF0000) === 0 ? "" : hex(encoding.opcode >> 16 & 0xFF, 2); const fixed_g_suffix = encoding.fixed_g === undefined ? "" : `_${encoding.fixed_g}`; assert(first_prefix === "" || first_prefix === "0F" || first_prefix === "F2" || first_prefix === "F3"); assert(second_prefix === "" || second_prefix === "66" || second_prefix === "F2" || second_prefix === "F3"); return `instr${suffix}_${second_prefix}${first_prefix}${opcode_hex}${fixed_g_suffix}`; } function gen_instruction_body(encodings, size) { const encoding = encodings[0]; let has_66 = []; let has_F2 = []; let has_F3 = []; let no_prefix = []; for(let e of encodings) { if((e.opcode >>> 16) === 0x66) has_66.push(e); else if((e.opcode >>> 8 & 0xFF) === 0xF2 || (e.opcode >>> 16) === 0xF2) has_F2.push(e); else if((e.opcode >>> 8 & 0xFF) === 0xF3 || (e.opcode >>> 16) === 0xF3) has_F3.push(e); else no_prefix.push(e); } if(has_F2.length || has_F3.length) { assert((encoding.opcode & 0xFF0000) === 0 || (encoding.opcode & 0xFF00) === 0x0F00); } if(has_66.length) { assert((encoding.opcode & 0xFF00) === 0x0F00); } const code = []; if(encoding.e) { code.push("let modrm_byte = ctx.cpu.read_imm8();"); } if(has_66.length || has_F2.length || has_F3.length) { const if_blocks = []; if(has_66.length) { const body = gen_instruction_body_after_prefix(has_66, size); if_blocks.push({ condition: "ctx.cpu.prefixes & ::prefix::PREFIX_66 != 0", body, }); } if(has_F2.length) { const body = gen_instruction_body_after_prefix(has_F2, size); if_blocks.push({ condition: "ctx.cpu.prefixes & ::prefix::PREFIX_F2 != 0", body, }); } if(has_F3.length) { const body = gen_instruction_body_after_prefix(has_F3, size); if_blocks.push({ condition: "ctx.cpu.prefixes & ::prefix::PREFIX_F3 != 0", body, }); } const else_block = { body: gen_instruction_body_after_prefix(no_prefix, size), }; return [].concat( code, { type: "if-else", if_blocks, else_block, } ); } else { return [].concat( code, gen_instruction_body_after_prefix(encodings, size) ); } } function gen_instruction_body_after_prefix(encodings, size) { const encoding = encodings[0]; if(encoding.fixed_g !== undefined) { assert(encoding.e); // instruction with modrm byte where the middle 3 bits encode the instruction // group by opcode without prefix plus middle bits of modrm byte let cases = encodings.reduce((cases_by_opcode, case_) => { assert(typeof case_.fixed_g === "number"); cases_by_opcode[case_.opcode & 0xFFFF | case_.fixed_g << 16] = case_; return cases_by_opcode; }, Object.create(null)); cases = Object.values(cases).sort((e1, e2) => e1.fixed_g - e2.fixed_g); return [ { type: "switch", condition: "modrm_byte >> 3 & 7", cases: cases.map(case_ => { const fixed_g = case_.fixed_g; const body = gen_instruction_body_after_fixed_g(case_, size); return { conditions: [fixed_g], body, }; }), default_case: { body: [].concat( gen_call(`::codegen::gen_trigger_ud`, ["ctx"]), "*instr_flags |= ::jit::JIT_INSTR_BLOCK_BOUNDARY_FLAG;" ), } }, ]; } else { assert(encodings.length === 1); return gen_instruction_body_after_fixed_g(encodings[0], size); } } function gen_instruction_body_after_fixed_g(encoding, size) { const instruction_postfix = []; if(encoding.block_boundary || (!encoding.custom && encoding.e)) { instruction_postfix.push("*instr_flags |= ::jit::JIT_INSTR_BLOCK_BOUNDARY_FLAG;"); } const instruction_prefix = []; if(encoding.task_switch_test || encoding.sse) { instruction_prefix.push( gen_call(encoding.sse ? "::codegen::gen_task_switch_test_mmx" : "::codegen::gen_task_switch_test", ["ctx"]) ); } const imm_read = gen_read_imm_call(encoding, size); const imm_read_bindings = []; if(imm_read) { imm_read_bindings.push(`let imm = ${imm_read} as u32;`); } const instruction_name = make_instruction_name(encoding, size); if(!encoding.prefix) { if(encoding.custom) { } else { instruction_prefix.push( gen_call("::codegen::gen_move_registers_from_locals_to_memory", ["ctx"]) ); instruction_postfix.push( gen_call("::codegen::gen_move_registers_from_memory_to_locals", ["ctx"]) ); } } if(encoding.e) { const reg_postfix = []; const mem_postfix = []; if(encoding.mem_ud) { mem_postfix.push( "*instr_flags |= ::jit::JIT_INSTR_BLOCK_BOUNDARY_FLAG;" ); } if(encoding.reg_ud) { reg_postfix.push( "*instr_flags |= ::jit::JIT_INSTR_BLOCK_BOUNDARY_FLAG;" ); } if(encoding.ignore_mod) { assert(!imm_read, "Unexpected instruction (ignore mod with immediate value)"); // Has modrm byte, but the 2 mod bits are ignored and both // operands are always registers (0f20-0f24) const args = ["ctx.builder", `"${instruction_name}"`, "(modrm_byte & 7) as u32", "(modrm_byte >> 3 & 7) as u32"]; return [].concat( instruction_prefix, gen_call(`::codegen::gen_fn${args.length - 2}_const`, args), reg_postfix, instruction_postfix ); } else if(encoding.custom) { const mem_args = ["ctx", "addr"]; const reg_args = ["ctx", "(modrm_byte & 7) as u32"]; if(encoding.fixed_g === undefined) { mem_args.push("(modrm_byte >> 3 & 7) as u32"); reg_args.push("(modrm_byte >> 3 & 7) as u32"); } if(imm_read) { mem_args.push("imm"); reg_args.push("imm"); } return [].concat( instruction_prefix, { type: "if-else", if_blocks: [{ condition: "modrm_byte < 0xC0", body: [].concat( "let addr = ::modrm::decode(ctx.cpu, modrm_byte);", imm_read_bindings, gen_call(`::jit_instructions::${instruction_name}_mem_jit`, mem_args), mem_postfix ), }], else_block: { body: [].concat( imm_read_bindings, gen_call(`::jit_instructions::${instruction_name}_reg_jit`, reg_args), reg_postfix ), }, }, instruction_postfix ); } else { const mem_args = ["ctx.builder", `"${instruction_name}_mem"`]; const reg_args = ["ctx.builder", `"${instruction_name}_reg"`, "(modrm_byte & 7) as u32"]; if(encoding.fixed_g === undefined) { mem_args.push("(modrm_byte >> 3 & 7) as u32"); reg_args.push("(modrm_byte >> 3 & 7) as u32"); } if(imm_read) { mem_args.push("imm"); reg_args.push("imm"); } return [].concat( instruction_prefix, { type: "if-else", if_blocks: [{ condition: "modrm_byte < 0xC0", body: [].concat( "let addr = ::modrm::decode(ctx.cpu, modrm_byte);", gen_call(`::codegen::gen_modrm_resolve`, ["ctx", "addr"]), imm_read_bindings, gen_call(`::codegen::gen_modrm_fn${mem_args.length - 2}`, mem_args), mem_postfix ), }], else_block: { body: [].concat( imm_read_bindings, gen_call(`::codegen::gen_fn${reg_args.length - 2}_const`, reg_args), reg_postfix ), }, }, instruction_postfix ); } } else if(encoding.prefix || encoding.custom) { // custom, but not modrm const args = ["ctx"]; if(imm_read) { args.push("imm"); } if(encoding.prefix) { args.push("instr_flags"); } return [].concat( instruction_prefix, imm_read_bindings, gen_call(`::jit_instructions::${instruction_name}_jit`, args), instruction_postfix ); } else { // instruction without modrm byte or prefix const args = ["ctx.builder", `"${instruction_name}"`]; if(imm_read) { args.push("imm"); } if(encoding.extra_imm16) { assert(imm_read); imm_read_bindings.push(`let imm2 = ctx.cpu.read_imm16() as u32;`); args.push("imm2"); } else if(encoding.extra_imm8) { assert(imm_read); imm_read_bindings.push(`let imm2 = ctx.cpu.read_imm8() as u32;`); args.push("imm2"); } return [].concat( instruction_prefix, imm_read_bindings, gen_call(`::codegen::gen_fn${args.length - 2}_const`, args), instruction_postfix ); } } function gen_table() { let by_opcode = Object.create(null); let by_opcode0f = Object.create(null); for(let o of x86_table) { let opcode = o.opcode; if((opcode & 0xFF00) === 0x0F00) { opcode &= 0xFF; by_opcode0f[opcode] = by_opcode0f[opcode] || []; by_opcode0f[opcode].push(o); } else { opcode &= 0xFF; by_opcode[opcode] = by_opcode[opcode] || []; by_opcode[opcode].push(o); } } let cases = []; for(let opcode = 0; opcode < 0x100; opcode++) { let encoding = by_opcode[opcode]; assert(encoding && encoding.length); let opcode_hex = hex(opcode, 2); let opcode_high_hex = hex(opcode | 0x100, 2); if(encoding[0].os) { cases.push({ conditions: [`0x${opcode_hex}`], body: gen_instruction_body(encoding, 16), }); cases.push({ conditions: [`0x${opcode_high_hex}`], body: gen_instruction_body(encoding, 32), }); } else { cases.push({ conditions: [`0x${opcode_hex}`, `0x${opcode_high_hex}`], body: gen_instruction_body(encoding, undefined), }); } } const table = { type: "switch", condition: "opcode", cases, default_case: { body: ["assert!(false);"] }, }; if(to_generate.jit) { const code = [ "#[cfg_attr(rustfmt, rustfmt_skip)]", "pub fn jit(opcode: u32, ctx: &mut ::jit::JitContext, instr_flags: &mut u32) {", table, "}", ]; finalize_table_rust( OUT_DIR, "jit.rs", rust_ast.print_syntax_tree([].concat(code)).join("\n") + "\n" ); } const cases0f = []; for(let opcode = 0; opcode < 0x100; opcode++) { let encoding = by_opcode0f[opcode]; assert(encoding && encoding.length); let opcode_hex = hex(opcode, 2); let opcode_high_hex = hex(opcode | 0x100, 2); if(encoding[0].os) { cases0f.push({ conditions: [`0x${opcode_hex}`], body: gen_instruction_body(encoding, 16), }); cases0f.push({ conditions: [`0x${opcode_high_hex}`], body: gen_instruction_body(encoding, 32), }); } else { let block = { conditions: [`0x${opcode_hex}`, `0x${opcode_high_hex}`], body: gen_instruction_body(encoding, undefined), }; cases0f.push(block); } } const table0f = { type: "switch", condition: "opcode", cases: cases0f, default_case: { body: ["assert!(false);"] }, }; if(to_generate.jit0f) { const code = [ "#[cfg_attr(rustfmt, rustfmt_skip)]", "pub fn jit(opcode: u32, ctx: &mut ::jit::JitContext, instr_flags: &mut u32) {", table0f, "}", ]; finalize_table_rust( OUT_DIR, "jit0f.rs", rust_ast.print_syntax_tree([].concat(code)).join("\n") + "\n" ); } }