"use strict"; // https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/x86/boot.txt const LINUX_BOOT_HDR_SETUP_SECTS = 0x1F1; const LINUX_BOOT_HDR_SYSSIZE = 0x1F4; const LINUX_BOOT_HDR_VIDMODE = 0x1FA; const LINUX_BOOT_HDR_BOOT_FLAG = 0x1FE; const LINUX_BOOT_HDR_HEADER = 0x202; const LINUX_BOOT_HDR_VERSION = 0x206; const LINUX_BOOT_HDR_TYPE_OF_LOADER = 0x210; const LINUX_BOOT_HDR_LOADFLAGS = 0x211; const LINUX_BOOT_HDR_CODE32_START = 0x214; const LINUX_BOOT_HDR_RAMDISK_IMAGE = 0x218; const LINUX_BOOT_HDR_RAMDISK_SIZE = 0x21C; const LINUX_BOOT_HDR_HEAP_END_PTR = 0x224; const LINUX_BOOT_HDR_CMD_LINE_PTR = 0x228; const LINUX_BOOT_HDR_INITRD_ADDR_MAX = 0x22C; const LINUX_BOOT_HDR_KERNEL_ALIGNMENT = 0x230; const LINUX_BOOT_HDR_RELOCATABLE_KERNEL = 0x234; const LINUX_BOOT_HDR_MIN_ALIGNMENT = 0x235; const LINUX_BOOT_HDR_XLOADFLAGS = 0x236; const LINUX_BOOT_HDR_CMDLINE_SIZE = 0x238; const LINUX_BOOT_HDR_PAYLOAD_OFFSET = 0x248; const LINUX_BOOT_HDR_PAYLOAD_LENGTH = 0x24C; const LINUX_BOOT_HDR_PREF_ADDRESS = 0x258; const LINUX_BOOT_HDR_INIT_SIZE = 0x260; const LINUX_BOOT_HDR_CHECKSUM1 = 0xAA55; const LINUX_BOOT_HDR_CHECKSUM2 = 0x53726448; const LINUX_BOOT_HDR_TYPE_OF_LOADER_NOT_ASSIGNED = 0xFF; const LINUX_BOOT_HDR_LOADFLAGS_LOADED_HIGH = 1 << 0; const LINUX_BOOT_HDR_LOADFLAGS_QUIET_FLAG = 1 << 5; const LINUX_BOOT_HDR_LOADFLAGS_KEEP_SEGMENTS = 1 << 6; const LINUX_BOOT_HDR_LOADFLAGS_CAN_USE_HEAPS = 1 << 7; function load_kernel(mem8, bzimage, initrd, cmdline) { dbg_log("Trying to load kernel of size " + bzimage.byteLength); const KERNEL_HIGH_ADDRESS = 0x100000; // Put the initrd at the 64 MB boundary. This means the minimum memory size // is 64 MB plus the size of the initrd. // Note: If set too low, kernel may fail to load the initrd with "invalid magic at start of compressed archive" const INITRD_ADDRESS = 64 << 20; const quiet = false; const bzimage8 = new Uint8Array(bzimage); const bzimage16 = new Uint16Array(bzimage); const bzimage32 = new Uint32Array(bzimage); const setup_sects = bzimage8[LINUX_BOOT_HDR_SETUP_SECTS] || 4; const syssize = bzimage32[LINUX_BOOT_HDR_SYSSIZE >> 2] << 4; const vidmode = bzimage16[LINUX_BOOT_HDR_VIDMODE >> 1]; const checksum1 = bzimage16[LINUX_BOOT_HDR_BOOT_FLAG >> 1]; if(checksum1 !== LINUX_BOOT_HDR_CHECKSUM1) { dbg_log("Bad checksum1: " + h(checksum1)); return; } // Not aligned, so split into two 16-bit reads const checksum2 = bzimage16[LINUX_BOOT_HDR_HEADER >> 1] | bzimage16[LINUX_BOOT_HDR_HEADER + 2 >> 1] << 16; if(checksum2 !== LINUX_BOOT_HDR_CHECKSUM2) { dbg_log("Bad checksum2: " + h(checksum2)); return; } const protocol = bzimage16[LINUX_BOOT_HDR_VERSION >> 1]; dbg_assert(protocol >= 0x202); // older not supported by us const flags = bzimage8[LINUX_BOOT_HDR_LOADFLAGS]; dbg_assert(flags & LINUX_BOOT_HDR_LOADFLAGS_LOADED_HIGH); // low kernels not supported by us // we don't relocate the kernel, so we don't care much about most of these const flags2 = bzimage16[LINUX_BOOT_HDR_XLOADFLAGS >> 1]; const initrd_addr_max = bzimage32[LINUX_BOOT_HDR_INITRD_ADDR_MAX >> 2]; const kernel_alignment = bzimage32[LINUX_BOOT_HDR_KERNEL_ALIGNMENT >> 2]; const relocatable_kernel = bzimage8[LINUX_BOOT_HDR_RELOCATABLE_KERNEL]; const min_alignment = bzimage8[LINUX_BOOT_HDR_MIN_ALIGNMENT]; const cmdline_size = bzimage32[LINUX_BOOT_HDR_CMDLINE_SIZE >> 2]; const payload_offset = bzimage32[LINUX_BOOT_HDR_PAYLOAD_OFFSET >> 2]; const payload_length = bzimage32[LINUX_BOOT_HDR_PAYLOAD_LENGTH >> 2]; const pref_address = bzimage32[LINUX_BOOT_HDR_PREF_ADDRESS >> 2]; const pref_address_high = bzimage32[LINUX_BOOT_HDR_PREF_ADDRESS + 4 >> 2]; const init_size = bzimage32[LINUX_BOOT_HDR_INIT_SIZE >> 2]; dbg_log("kernel boot protocol version: " + h(protocol)); dbg_log("flags=" + h(flags) + " xflags=" + h(flags2)); dbg_log("code32_start=" + h(bzimage32[LINUX_BOOT_HDR_CODE32_START >> 2])); dbg_log("initrd_addr_max=" + h(initrd_addr_max)); dbg_log("kernel_alignment=" + h(kernel_alignment)); dbg_log("relocatable=" + relocatable_kernel); dbg_log("min_alignment=" + h(min_alignment)); dbg_log("cmdline max=" + h(cmdline_size)); dbg_log("payload offset=" + h(payload_offset) + " size=" + h(payload_length)); dbg_log("pref_address=" + h(pref_address_high) + ":" + h(pref_address)); dbg_log("init_size=" + h(init_size)); const real_mode_segment = 0x8000; const base_ptr = real_mode_segment << 4; const heap_end = 0xE000; const heap_end_ptr = heap_end - 0x200; // fill in the kernel boot header with infos the kernel needs to know bzimage8[LINUX_BOOT_HDR_TYPE_OF_LOADER] = LINUX_BOOT_HDR_TYPE_OF_LOADER_NOT_ASSIGNED; const new_flags = (quiet ? flags | LINUX_BOOT_HDR_LOADFLAGS_QUIET_FLAG : flags & ~LINUX_BOOT_HDR_LOADFLAGS_QUIET_FLAG) & ~LINUX_BOOT_HDR_LOADFLAGS_KEEP_SEGMENTS | LINUX_BOOT_HDR_LOADFLAGS_CAN_USE_HEAPS; bzimage8[LINUX_BOOT_HDR_LOADFLAGS] = new_flags; bzimage16[LINUX_BOOT_HDR_HEAP_END_PTR >> 1] = heap_end_ptr; // should parse the vga=... paramter from cmdline here, but we don't really care bzimage16[LINUX_BOOT_HDR_VIDMODE >> 1] = 0xFFFF; // normal dbg_log("heap_end_ptr=" + h(heap_end_ptr)); cmdline += "\x00"; dbg_assert(cmdline.length < cmdline_size); const cmd_line_ptr = base_ptr + heap_end; dbg_log("cmd_line_ptr=" + h(cmd_line_ptr)); bzimage32[LINUX_BOOT_HDR_CMD_LINE_PTR >> 2] = cmd_line_ptr; for(let i = 0; i < cmdline.length; i++) { mem8[cmd_line_ptr + i] = cmdline.charCodeAt(i); } const prot_mode_kernel_start = (setup_sects + 1) * 512; dbg_log("prot_mode_kernel_start=" + h(prot_mode_kernel_start)); const real_mode_kernel = new Uint8Array(bzimage, 0, prot_mode_kernel_start); const protected_mode_kernel = new Uint8Array(bzimage, prot_mode_kernel_start); let ramdisk_address = 0; let ramdisk_size = 0; if(initrd) { ramdisk_address = INITRD_ADDRESS; ramdisk_size = initrd.byteLength; dbg_assert(KERNEL_HIGH_ADDRESS + protected_mode_kernel.length < ramdisk_address); mem8.set(new Uint8Array(initrd), ramdisk_address); } bzimage32[LINUX_BOOT_HDR_RAMDISK_IMAGE >> 2] = ramdisk_address; bzimage32[LINUX_BOOT_HDR_RAMDISK_SIZE >> 2] = ramdisk_size; dbg_assert(base_ptr + real_mode_kernel.length < 0xA0000); mem8.set(real_mode_kernel, base_ptr); mem8.set(protected_mode_kernel, KERNEL_HIGH_ADDRESS); return { option_rom: { name: "genroms/kernel.bin", data: make_linux_boot_rom(real_mode_segment, heap_end), } }; } function make_linux_boot_rom(real_mode_segment, heap_end) { // This rom will be executed by seabios after its initialisation // It sets up segment registers, the stack and calls the kernel real mode entry point const SIZE = 0x200; const data8 = new Uint8Array(0x100); const data16 = new Uint16Array(data8.buffer); data16[0] = 0xAA55; data8[2] = SIZE / 0x200; let i = 3; data8[i++] = 0xFA; // cli data8[i++] = 0xB8; // mov ax, real_mode_segment data8[i++] = real_mode_segment >> 0; data8[i++] = real_mode_segment >> 8; data8[i++] = 0x8E; // mov es, ax data8[i++] = 0xC0; data8[i++] = 0x8E; // mov ds, ax data8[i++] = 0xD8; data8[i++] = 0x8E; // mov fs, ax data8[i++] = 0xE0; data8[i++] = 0x8E; // mov gs, ax data8[i++] = 0xE8; data8[i++] = 0x8E; // mov ss, ax data8[i++] = 0xD0; data8[i++] = 0xBC; // mov sp, heap_end data8[i++] = heap_end >> 0; data8[i++] = heap_end >> 8; data8[i++] = 0xEA; // jmp (real_mode_segment+0x20):0x0 data8[i++] = 0x00; data8[i++] = 0x00; data8[i++] = real_mode_segment + 0x20 >> 0; data8[i++] = real_mode_segment + 0x20 >> 8; dbg_assert(i < SIZE); const checksum_index = i; data8[checksum_index] = 0; let checksum = 0; for(let i = 0; i < data8.length; i++) { checksum += data8[i]; } data8[checksum_index] = -checksum; return data8; }