"use strict"; /** @interface */ function FileStorageInterface() {} /** * Read a portion of a file. * @param {string} sha256sum * @param {number} offset * @param {number} count * @return {!Promise} null if file does not exist. */ FileStorageInterface.prototype.read = function(sha256sum, offset, count) {}; /** * Add a read-only file to the filestorage. * @param {string} sha256sum * @param {!Uint8Array} data * @return {!Promise} */ FileStorageInterface.prototype.cache = function(sha256sum, data) {}; /** * Call this when the file won't be used soon, e.g. when a file closes or when this immutable * version is already out of date. It is used to help prevent accumulation of unused files in * memory in the long run for some FileStorage mediums. */ FileStorageInterface.prototype.uncache = function(sha256sum) {}; /** * @constructor * @implements {FileStorageInterface} */ function MemoryFileStorage() { /** * From sha256sum to file data. * @type {Map} */ this.filedata = new Map(); } /** * @param {string} sha256sum * @param {number} offset * @param {number} count * @return {!Promise} null if file does not exist. */ MemoryFileStorage.prototype.read = async function(sha256sum, offset, count) { dbg_assert(sha256sum, "MemoryFileStorage read: sha256sum should be a non-empty string"); const data = this.filedata.get(sha256sum); if(!data) { return null; } return data.subarray(offset, offset + count); }; /** * @param {string} sha256sum * @param {!Uint8Array} data */ MemoryFileStorage.prototype.cache = async function(sha256sum, data) { dbg_assert(sha256sum, "MemoryFileStorage cache: sha256sum should be a non-empty string"); this.filedata.set(sha256sum, data); }; /** * @param {string} sha256sum */ MemoryFileStorage.prototype.uncache = function(sha256sum) { this.filedata.delete(sha256sum); }; /** * @constructor * @implements {FileStorageInterface} * @param {FileStorageInterface} file_storage * @param {string} baseurl */ function ServerFileStorageWrapper(file_storage, baseurl) { dbg_assert(baseurl, "ServerMemoryFileStorage: baseurl should not be empty"); this.storage = file_storage; this.baseurl = baseurl; } /** * @param {string} sha256sum * @return {!Promise} */ ServerFileStorageWrapper.prototype.load_from_server = function(sha256sum) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { v86util.load_file(this.baseurl + sha256sum, { done: async buffer => { const data = new Uint8Array(buffer); await this.cache(sha256sum, data); resolve(data); }}); }); }; /** * @param {string} sha256sum * @param {number} offset * @param {number} count * @return {!Promise} */ ServerFileStorageWrapper.prototype.read = async function(sha256sum, offset, count) { const data = await this.storage.read(sha256sum, offset, count); if(!data) { const full_file = await this.load_from_server(sha256sum); return full_file.subarray(offset, offset + count); } return data; }; /** * @param {string} sha256sum * @param {!Uint8Array} data */ ServerFileStorageWrapper.prototype.cache = async function(sha256sum, data) { return await this.storage.cache(sha256sum, data); }; /** * @param {string} sha256sum */ ServerFileStorageWrapper.prototype.uncache = function(sha256sum) { this.storage.uncache(sha256sum); }; // Closure Compiler's way of exporting if(typeof window !== "undefined") { window["MemoryFileStorage"] = MemoryFileStorage; window["ServerFileStorageWrapper"] = ServerFileStorageWrapper; } else if(typeof module !== "undefined" && typeof module.exports !== "undefined") { module.exports["MemoryFileStorage"] = MemoryFileStorage; module.exports["ServerFileStorageWrapper"] = ServerFileStorageWrapper; } else if(typeof importScripts === "function") { // web worker self["MemoryFileStorage"] = MemoryFileStorage; self["ServerFileStorageWrapper"] = ServerFileStorageWrapper; }