"use strict"; /** * @constructor * @param {CPU} cpu */ function DMA(cpu) { /** @const @type {CPU} */ this.cpu = cpu; this.channel_page = new Uint8Array(8); this.channel_pagehi = new Uint8Array(8); this.channel_addr = new Uint16Array(8); this.channel_addr_init = new Uint16Array(8); this.channel_count = new Uint16Array(8); this.channel_count_init = new Uint16Array(8); this.channel_mask = new Uint8Array(8); this.channel_mode = new Uint8Array(8); this.unmask_listeners = []; this.lsb_msb_flipflop = 0; var io = cpu.io; io.register_write(0x00, this, this.port_addr_write.bind(this, 0)); io.register_write(0x02, this, this.port_addr_write.bind(this, 1)); io.register_write(0x04, this, this.port_addr_write.bind(this, 2)); io.register_write(0x06, this, this.port_addr_write.bind(this, 3)); io.register_write(0x01, this, this.port_count_write.bind(this, 0)); io.register_write(0x03, this, this.port_count_write.bind(this, 1)); io.register_write(0x05, this, this.port_count_write.bind(this, 2)); io.register_write(0x07, this, this.port_count_write.bind(this, 3)); io.register_read(0x00, this, this.port_addr_read.bind(this, 0)); io.register_read(0x02, this, this.port_addr_read.bind(this, 1)); io.register_read(0x04, this, this.port_addr_read.bind(this, 2)); io.register_read(0x06, this, this.port_addr_read.bind(this, 3)); io.register_read(0x01, this, this.port_count_read.bind(this, 0)); io.register_read(0x03, this, this.port_count_read.bind(this, 1)); io.register_read(0x05, this, this.port_count_read.bind(this, 2)); io.register_read(0x07, this, this.port_count_read.bind(this, 3)); io.register_write(0xC0, this, this.port_addr_write.bind(this, 4)); io.register_write(0xC4, this, this.port_addr_write.bind(this, 5)); io.register_write(0xC8, this, this.port_addr_write.bind(this, 6)); io.register_write(0xCC, this, this.port_addr_write.bind(this, 7)); io.register_write(0xC2, this, this.port_count_write.bind(this, 4)); io.register_write(0xC6, this, this.port_count_write.bind(this, 5)); io.register_write(0xCA, this, this.port_count_write.bind(this, 6)); io.register_write(0xCE, this, this.port_count_write.bind(this, 7)); io.register_read(0xC0, this, this.port_addr_read.bind(this, 4)); io.register_read(0xC4, this, this.port_addr_read.bind(this, 5)); io.register_read(0xC8, this, this.port_addr_read.bind(this, 6)); io.register_read(0xCC, this, this.port_addr_read.bind(this, 7)); io.register_read(0xC2, this, this.port_count_read.bind(this, 4)); io.register_read(0xC6, this, this.port_count_read.bind(this, 5)); io.register_read(0xCA, this, this.port_count_read.bind(this, 6)); io.register_read(0xCE, this, this.port_count_read.bind(this, 7)); io.register_write(0x87, this, this.port_page_write.bind(this, 0)); io.register_write(0x83, this, this.port_page_write.bind(this, 1)); io.register_write(0x81, this, this.port_page_write.bind(this, 2)); io.register_write(0x82, this, this.port_page_write.bind(this, 3)); io.register_write(0x8F, this, this.port_page_write.bind(this, 4)); io.register_write(0x8B, this, this.port_page_write.bind(this, 5)); io.register_write(0x89, this, this.port_page_write.bind(this, 6)); io.register_write(0x8A, this, this.port_page_write.bind(this, 7)); io.register_read(0x87, this, this.port_page_read.bind(this, 0)); io.register_read(0x83, this, this.port_page_read.bind(this, 1)); io.register_read(0x81, this, this.port_page_read.bind(this, 2)); io.register_read(0x82, this, this.port_page_read.bind(this, 3)); io.register_read(0x8F, this, this.port_page_read.bind(this, 4)); io.register_read(0x8B, this, this.port_page_read.bind(this, 5)); io.register_read(0x89, this, this.port_page_read.bind(this, 6)); io.register_read(0x8A, this, this.port_page_read.bind(this, 7)); io.register_write(0x487, this, this.port_pagehi_write.bind(this, 0)); io.register_write(0x483, this, this.port_pagehi_write.bind(this, 1)); io.register_write(0x481, this, this.port_pagehi_write.bind(this, 2)); io.register_write(0x482, this, this.port_pagehi_write.bind(this, 3)); io.register_write(0x48B, this, this.port_pagehi_write.bind(this, 5)); io.register_write(0x489, this, this.port_pagehi_write.bind(this, 6)); io.register_write(0x48A, this, this.port_pagehi_write.bind(this, 7)); io.register_read(0x487, this, this.port_pagehi_read.bind(this, 0)); io.register_read(0x483, this, this.port_pagehi_read.bind(this, 1)); io.register_read(0x481, this, this.port_pagehi_read.bind(this, 2)); io.register_read(0x482, this, this.port_pagehi_read.bind(this, 3)); io.register_read(0x48B, this, this.port_pagehi_read.bind(this, 5)); io.register_read(0x489, this, this.port_pagehi_read.bind(this, 6)); io.register_read(0x48A, this, this.port_pagehi_read.bind(this, 7)); io.register_write(0x0A, this, this.port_singlemask_write.bind(this, 0)); io.register_write(0xD4, this, this.port_singlemask_write.bind(this, 4)); io.register_write(0x0F, this, this.port_multimask_write.bind(this, 0)); io.register_write(0xDE, this, this.port_multimask_write.bind(this, 4)); io.register_read(0x0F, this, this.port_multimask_read.bind(this, 0)); io.register_read(0xDE, this, this.port_multimask_read.bind(this, 4)); io.register_write(0x0B, this, this.port_mode_write.bind(this, 0)); io.register_write(0xD6, this, this.port_mode_write.bind(this, 4)); io.register_write(0x0C, this, this.portC_write); io.register_write(0xD8, this, this.portC_write); } DMA.prototype.get_state = function() { return [ this.channel_page, this.channel_pagehi, this.channel_addr, this.channel_addr_init, this.channel_count, this.channel_count_init, this.channel_mask, this.channel_mode, this.lsb_msb_flipflop, ]; }; DMA.prototype.set_state = function(state) { this.channel_page = state[0]; this.channel_pagehi = state[1]; this.channel_addr = state[2]; this.channel_addr_init = state[3]; this.channel_count = state[4]; this.channel_count_init = state[5]; this.channel_mask = state[6]; this.channel_mode = state[7]; this.lsb_msb_flipflop = state[8]; }; DMA.prototype.port_count_write = function(channel, data_byte) { dbg_log("count write [" + channel + "] = " + h(data_byte), LOG_DMA); this.channel_count[channel] = this.flipflop_get(this.channel_count[channel], data_byte, false); this.channel_count_init[channel] = this.flipflop_get(this.channel_count_init[channel], data_byte, true); }; DMA.prototype.port_count_read = function(channel) { dbg_log("count read [" + channel + "] -> " + h(this.channel_count[channel]), LOG_DMA); return this.flipflop_read(this.channel_count[channel]); }; DMA.prototype.port_addr_write = function(channel, data_byte) { dbg_log("addr write [" + channel + "] = " + h(data_byte), LOG_DMA); this.channel_addr[channel] = this.flipflop_get(this.channel_addr[channel], data_byte, false); this.channel_addr_init[channel] = this.flipflop_get(this.channel_addr_init[channel], data_byte, true); }; DMA.prototype.port_addr_read = function(channel) { dbg_log("addr read [" + channel + "] -> " + h(this.channel_addr[channel]), LOG_DMA); return this.flipflop_read(this.channel_addr[channel]); }; DMA.prototype.port_pagehi_write = function(channel, data_byte) { dbg_log("pagehi write [" + channel + "] = " + h(data_byte), LOG_DMA); this.channel_pagehi[channel] = data_byte; }; DMA.prototype.port_pagehi_read = function(channel) { dbg_log("pagehi read [" + channel + "]", LOG_DMA); return this.channel_pagehi[channel]; }; DMA.prototype.port_page_write = function(channel, data_byte) { dbg_log("page write [" + channel + "] = " + h(data_byte), LOG_DMA); this.channel_page[channel] = data_byte; }; DMA.prototype.port_page_read = function(channel) { dbg_log("page read [" + channel + "]", LOG_DMA); return this.channel_page[channel]; }; DMA.prototype.port_singlemask_write = function(channel_offset, data_byte) { var channel = (data_byte & 0x3) + channel_offset; var value = data_byte & 0x4 ? 1 : 0; dbg_log("singlechannel mask write [" + channel + "] = " + value, LOG_DMA); this.update_mask(channel, value); }; DMA.prototype.port_multimask_write = function(channel_offset, data_byte) { dbg_log("multichannel mask write: " + h(data_byte), LOG_DMA); for(var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { this.update_mask(channel_offset + i, data_byte & (1 << i)); } }; DMA.prototype.port_multimask_read = function(channel_offset) { var value = 0; value |= this.channel_mask[channel_offset + 0]; value |= this.channel_mask[channel_offset + 1] << 1; value |= this.channel_mask[channel_offset + 2] << 2; value |= this.channel_mask[channel_offset + 3] << 3; dbg_log("multichannel mask read: " + h(value), LOG_DMA); return value; }; DMA.prototype.port_mode_write = function(channel_offset, data_byte) { var channel = (data_byte & 0x3) + channel_offset; dbg_log("mode write [" + channel + "] = " + h(data_byte), LOG_DMA); this.channel_mode[channel] = data_byte; }; DMA.prototype.portC_write = function(data_byte) { dbg_log("flipflop reset", LOG_DMA); this.lsb_msb_flipflop = 0; }; DMA.prototype.on_unmask = function(fn, this_value) { this.unmask_listeners.push({ fn: fn, this_value: this_value, }); }; DMA.prototype.update_mask = function(channel, value) { if(this.channel_mask[channel] !== value) { this.channel_mask[channel] = value; if(!value) { dbg_log("firing on_unmask(" + channel + ")", LOG_DMA); for(var i = 0; i < this.unmask_listeners.length; i++) { this.unmask_listeners[i].fn.call( this.unmask_listeners[i].this_value, channel ); } } } }; // read data, write to memory DMA.prototype.do_read = function(buffer, start, len, channel, fn) { var read_count = this.count_get_8bit(channel), addr = this.address_get_8bit(channel); dbg_log("DMA write channel " + channel, LOG_DMA); dbg_log("to " + h(addr) + " len " + h(read_count), LOG_DMA); if(len < read_count) { dbg_log("DMA should read more than provided: " + h(len) + " " + h(read_count), LOG_DMA); } if(start + read_count > buffer.byteLength) { dbg_log("DMA read outside of buffer", LOG_DMA); fn(true); } else { var cpu = this.cpu; this.channel_addr[channel] += read_count; buffer.get(start, read_count, function(data) { cpu.write_blob(data, addr); fn(false); }); } }; // write data, read memory // start and len in bytes DMA.prototype.do_write = function(buffer, start, len, channel, fn) { var read_count = (this.channel_count[channel] + 1) & 0xFFFF, bytes_per_count = channel >= 5 ? 2 : 1, read_bytes = read_count * bytes_per_count, addr = this.address_get_8bit(channel), unfinished = false, want_more = false, autoinit = this.channel_mode[channel] & 0x10; dbg_log("DMA write channel " + channel, LOG_DMA); dbg_log("to " + h(addr) + " len " + h(read_bytes), LOG_DMA); if(len < read_bytes) { dbg_log("DMA should read more than provided", LOG_DMA); read_count = Math.floor(len / bytes_per_count); read_bytes = read_count * bytes_per_count; unfinished = true; } else if(len > read_bytes) { dbg_log("DMA attempted to read more than provided", LOG_DMA); want_more = true; } if(start + read_bytes > buffer.byteLength) { dbg_log("DMA write outside of buffer", LOG_DMA); fn(true); } else { this.channel_addr[channel] += read_count; this.channel_count[channel] -= read_count; // when complete, counter should underflow to 0xFFFF if(!unfinished && autoinit) { dbg_log("DMA autoinit", LOG_DMA); this.channel_addr[channel] = this.channel_addr_init[channel]; this.channel_count[channel] = this.channel_count_init[channel]; } buffer.set(start, this.cpu.mem8.subarray(addr, addr + read_bytes), () => { if(want_more && autoinit) { dbg_log("DMA continuing from start", LOG_DMA); this.do_write(buffer, start + read_bytes, len - read_bytes, channel, fn); } else { fn(false); } } ); } }; DMA.prototype.address_get_8bit = function(channel) { var addr = this.channel_addr[channel]; // http://wiki.osdev.org/ISA_DMA#16_bit_issues if(channel >= 5) { addr = (addr << 1); } addr &= 0xFFFF; addr |= this.channel_page[channel] << 16; addr |= this.channel_pagehi[channel] << 24; return addr; }; DMA.prototype.count_get_8bit = function(channel) { var count = this.channel_count[channel] + 1; if(channel >= 5) { count *= 2; } return count; }; DMA.prototype.flipflop_get = function(old_dword, new_byte, continuing) { if(!continuing) { this.lsb_msb_flipflop ^= 1; } if(this.lsb_msb_flipflop) { // low byte return old_dword & ~0xFF | new_byte; } else { // high byte return old_dword & ~0xFF00 | new_byte << 8; } }; DMA.prototype.flipflop_read = function(dword) { this.lsb_msb_flipflop ^= 1; if(this.lsb_msb_flipflop) { // low byte return dword & 0xFF; } else { // high byte return (dword >> 8) & 0xFF; } };