"use strict"; (function() { /** @const */ var ON_LOCALHOST = !location.hostname.endsWith("copy.sh"); /** * @return {Object.} */ function get_query_arguments() { var query = location.search.substr(1).split("&"); var parameters = {}; for(var i = 0; i < query.length; i++) { var param = query[i].split("="); parameters[param[0]] = decodeURIComponent(param.slice(1).join("=")); } return parameters; } function set_title(text) { document.title = text + " - Virtual x86" + (DEBUG ? " - debug" : ""); const description = document.querySelector("meta[name=description]"); description && (description.content = "Running " + text); } function format_timestamp(time) { if(time < 60) { return time + "s"; } else if(time < 3600) { return (time / 60 | 0) + "m " + v86util.pad0(time % 60, 2) + "s"; } else { return (time / 3600 | 0) + "h " + v86util.pad0((time / 60 | 0) % 60, 2) + "m " + v86util.pad0(time % 60, 2) + "s"; } } var progress_ticks = 0; function show_progress(e) { var el = $("loading"); el.style.display = "block"; if(e.file_name.endsWith(".wasm")) { const parts = e.file_name.split("/"); el.textContent = "Fetching " + parts[parts.length - 1] + " ..."; return; } if(e.file_index === e.file_count - 1 && e.loaded >= e.total - 2048) { // last file is (almost) loaded el.textContent = "Done downloading. Starting now ..."; return; } var line = "Downloading images "; if(typeof e.file_index === "number" && e.file_count) { line += "[" + (e.file_index + 1) + "/" + e.file_count + "] "; } if(e.total && typeof e.loaded === "number") { var per100 = Math.floor(e.loaded / e.total * 100); per100 = Math.min(100, Math.max(0, per100)); var per50 = Math.floor(per100 / 2); line += per100 + "% ["; line += "#".repeat(per50); line += " ".repeat(50 - per50) + "]"; } else { line += ".".repeat(progress_ticks++ % 50); } el.textContent = line; } function $(id) { return document.getElementById(id); } function onload() { if(!window.WebAssembly) { alert("Your browser is not supported because it doesn't support WebAssembly"); return; } const script = document.createElement("script"); script.src = "build/xterm.js"; script.async = true; document.body.appendChild(script); var settings = {}; $("start_emulation").onclick = function() { $("boot_options").style.display = "none"; set_profile("custom"); var images = []; var last_file; var floppy_file = $("floppy_image").files[0]; if(floppy_file) { last_file = floppy_file; settings.fda = { buffer: floppy_file }; } var cd_file = $("cd_image").files[0]; if(cd_file) { last_file = cd_file; settings.cdrom = { buffer: cd_file }; } var hda_file = $("hda_image").files[0]; if(hda_file) { last_file = hda_file; settings.hda = { buffer: hda_file }; } var hdb_file = $("hdb_image") && $("hdb_image").files[0]; if(hdb_file) { last_file = hdb_file; settings.hdb = { buffer: hdb_file }; } if($("multiboot_image")) { var multiboot_file = $("multiboot_image").files[0]; if(multiboot_file) { last_file = multiboot_file; settings.multiboot = { buffer: multiboot_file }; } } if(last_file) { set_title(last_file.name); } start_emulation(settings); }; if(DEBUG) { debug_onload(settings); } const query_args = get_query_arguments(); const host = query_args["cdn"] || (ON_LOCALHOST ? "images/" : "//k.copy.sh/"); // Abandonware OS images are from https://winworldpc.com/library/operating-systems var oses = [ { id: "archlinux", name: "Arch Linux", memory_size: 512 * 1024 * 1024, vga_memory_size: 8 * 1024 * 1024, state: { url: host + "arch_state.bin.zst", }, filesystem: { baseurl: host + "arch/", }, }, { id: "archlinux-boot", name: "Arch Linux", memory_size: 512 * 1024 * 1024, vga_memory_size: 8 * 1024 * 1024, filesystem: { baseurl: host + "arch/", basefs: { url: host + "fs.json", }, }, cmdline: [ "rw apm=off vga=0x344 video=vesafb:ypan,vremap:8", "root=host9p rootfstype=9p rootflags=trans=virtio,cache=loose", "mitigations=off audit=0", "init_on_free=on", "tsc=reliable", "random.trust_cpu=on", "nowatchdog", "init=/usr/bin/init-openrc net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0", ].join(" "), bzimage_initrd_from_filesystem: true, }, { id: "copy/skiffos", name: "SkiffOS", cdrom: { url: host + "skiffos.iso", size: 124672000, async: true, fixed_chunk_size: 1024 * 1024, use_parts: !ON_LOCALHOST, }, memory_size: 512 * 1024 * 1024, }, { id: "serenity", name: "SerenityOS", hda: { url: host + "serenity-v2.img", size: 700448768, async: true, fixed_chunk_size: 1024 * 1024, use_parts: !ON_LOCALHOST, }, memory_size: 512 * 1024 * 1024, state: { url: host + "serenity_state-v3.bin.zst", }, homepage: "https://serenityos.org/", mac_address_translation: true, }, { id: "serenity-boot", name: "SerenityOS", hda: { url: host + "serenity-v2.img", size: 700448768, async: true, fixed_chunk_size: 1024 * 1024, use_parts: !ON_LOCALHOST, }, memory_size: 512 * 1024 * 1024, homepage: "https://serenityos.org/", }, { id: "serenity-old", name: "SerenityOS", hda: { url: host + "serenity.img", size: 876 * 1024 * 1024, async: true, fixed_chunk_size: 1024 * 1024, use_parts: !ON_LOCALHOST, }, memory_size: 512 * 1024 * 1024, state: { url: host + "serenity_state-v2.bin.zst", }, homepage: "https://serenityos.org/", }, { id: "serenity-old-boot", name: "SerenityOS", hda: { url: host + "serenity.img", size: 876 * 1024 * 1024, async: true, fixed_chunk_size: 1024 * 1024, use_parts: !ON_LOCALHOST, }, memory_size: 512 * 1024 * 1024, homepage: "https://serenityos.org/", }, { id: "redox", name: "Redox", hda: { url: host + "redox_demo_i686_2022-11-26_643_harddrive.img", size: 512 * 1024 * 1024, async: true, fixed_chunk_size: 1024 * 1024, use_parts: !ON_LOCALHOST, }, memory_size: 512 * 1024 * 1024, state: { url: host + "redox_state.bin.zst" }, homepage: "https://www.redox-os.org/", acpi: true, }, { id: "redox-boot", name: "Redox", hda: { url: host + "redox_demo_i686_2022-11-26_643_harddrive.img", size: 512 * 1024 * 1024, async: true, fixed_chunk_size: 1024 * 1024, use_parts: !ON_LOCALHOST, }, memory_size: 512 * 1024 * 1024, homepage: "https://www.redox-os.org/", acpi: true, }, { id: "helenos", memory_size: 256 * 1024 * 1024, cdrom: { url: host + "HelenOS-0.11.2-ia32.iso", size: 25765888, async: false, }, name: "HelenOS", homepage: "http://www.helenos.org/", }, { id: "fiwix", memory_size: 256 * 1024 * 1024, hda: { url: host + "fiwixos-3.2-i386.img", size: 1024 * 1024 * 1024, async: true, fixed_chunk_size: 1024 * 1024, use_parts: !ON_LOCALHOST, }, name: "FiwixOS", homepage: "https://www.fiwix.org/", }, { id: "haiku", memory_size: 512 * 1024 * 1024, hda: { url: host + "haiku-v2.img", size: 1 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024, async: true, fixed_chunk_size: 1024 * 1024, use_parts: !ON_LOCALHOST, }, state: { url: host + "haiku_state-v2.bin.zst", }, name: "Haiku", homepage: "https://www.haiku-os.org/", }, { id: "haiku-boot", memory_size: 512 * 1024 * 1024, hda: { url: host + "haiku-v2.img", size: 1 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024, async: true, fixed_chunk_size: 1024 * 1024, use_parts: !ON_LOCALHOST, }, name: "Haiku", homepage: "https://www.haiku-os.org/", }, { id: "msdos", hda: { url: host + "msdos.img", size: 8 * 1024 * 1024, async: false, }, boot_order: 0x132, name: "MS-DOS", }, { id: "freedos", fda: { url: host + "freedos722.img", size: 737280, async: false, }, name: "FreeDOS", }, { id: "psychdos", hda: { url: host + "psychdos.img", size: 549453824, async: true, fixed_chunk_size: 256 * 1024, use_parts: !ON_LOCALHOST, }, name: "PsychDOS", homepage: "https://psychoslinux.gitlab.io/DOS/INDEX.HTM", }, { id: "oberon", hda: { url: host + "oberon.img", size: 24 * 1024 * 1024, async: false, }, name: "Oberon", }, { id: "windows1", fda: { url: host + "windows101.img", size: 1474560, async: false, }, name: "Windows", }, { id: "linux26", cdrom: { url: host + "linux.iso", size: 6547456, async: false, }, name: "Linux", }, { id: "linux3", cdrom: { url: host + "linux3.iso", size: 8624128, async: false, }, name: "Linux", }, { id: "linux4", cdrom: { url: host + "linux4.iso", size: 7731200, async: false, }, name: "Linux", filesystem: {}, }, { id: "buildroot", bzimage: { url: host + "buildroot-bzimage.bin", size: 5166352, async: false, }, name: "Buildroot Linux", filesystem: {}, cmdline: "tsc=reliable mitigations=off random.trust_cpu=on", }, { id: "nodeos", bzimage: { url: host + "nodeos-kernel.bin", size: 14452000, async: false, }, name: "NodeOS", cmdline: "tsc=reliable mitigations=off random.trust_cpu=on", }, { id: "dsl", memory_size: 256 * 1024 * 1024, cdrom: { url: host + "dsl-4.11.rc2.iso", size: 52824064, async: false, }, name: "Damn Small Linux", homepage: "http://www.damnsmalllinux.org/", }, { id: "minix", name: "Minix", memory_size: 256 * 1024 * 1024, cdrom: { url: host + "minix-3.3.0.iso", size: 605581312, async: true, fixed_chunk_size: 1024 * 1024, use_parts: !ON_LOCALHOST, }, homepage: "https://www.minix3.org/", }, { id: "kolibrios", fda: { url: ON_LOCALHOST ? host + "kolibri.img" : "//builds.kolibrios.org/eng/data/data/kolibri.img", size: 1474560, async: false, }, name: "KolibriOS", homepage: "https://kolibrios.org/en/", }, { id: "kolibrios-fallback", fda: { url: host + "kolibri.img", size: 1474560, async: false, }, name: "KolibriOS", }, { id: "openbsd", hda: { url: host + "openbsd.img", size: 1073741824, async: true, fixed_chunk_size: 1024 * 1024, use_parts: !ON_LOCALHOST, }, state: { url: host + "openbsd_state.bin.zst", }, memory_size: 256 * 1024 * 1024, name: "OpenBSD", }, { id: "openbsd-boot", hda: { url: host + "openbsd.img", size: 1073741824, async: true, fixed_chunk_size: 1024 * 1024, use_parts: !ON_LOCALHOST, }, memory_size: 256 * 1024 * 1024, name: "OpenBSD", //acpi: true, // doesn't seem to work }, { id: "netbsd", hda: { url: host + "netbsd.img", size: 511000064, async: true, fixed_chunk_size: 1024 * 1024, use_parts: !ON_LOCALHOST, }, memory_size: 256 * 1024 * 1024, name: "NetBSD", }, { id: "solos", fda: { url: host + "os8.img", async: false, size: 1474560, }, name: "Sol OS", homepage: "http://oby.ro/os/", }, { id: "bootchess", fda: { url: host + "bootchess.img", async: false, size: 1474560, }, name: "BootChess", homepage: "http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=64962", }, { id: "bootbasic", fda: { url: host + "bootbasic.img", async: false, size: 1474560, }, name: "bootBASIC", homepage: "https://github.com/nanochess/bootBASIC", }, { id: "sectorlisp", fda: { url: host + "sectorlisp-friendly.bin", async: false, size: 512, }, name: "SectorLISP", homepage: "https://justine.lol/sectorlisp2/", }, { id: "sectorforth", fda: { url: host + "sectorforth.img", async: false, size: 512, }, name: "sectorforth", homepage: "https://github.com/cesarblum/sectorforth", }, { id: "floppybird", fda: { url: host + "floppybird.img", async: false, size: 1474560, }, name: "Floppy Bird", homepage: "http://mihail.co/floppybird", }, { id: "windows2000", memory_size: 512 * 1024 * 1024, hda: { url: host + "windows2k.img", size: 2 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024, async: true, fixed_chunk_size: 256 * 1024, use_parts: !ON_LOCALHOST, }, name: "Windows 2000", state: { url: host + "windows2k_state-v2.bin.zst", }, mac_address_translation: true, }, { id: "windows2000-boot", memory_size: 512 * 1024 * 1024, hda: { url: host + "windows2k.img", size: 2 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024, async: true, fixed_chunk_size: 256 * 1024, use_parts: !ON_LOCALHOST, }, boot_order: 0x132, name: "Windows 2000", }, { id: "windowsnt4", memory_size: 512 * 1024 * 1024, hda: { url: host + "winnt4_noacpi.img", size: 523837440, async: true, fixed_chunk_size: 256 * 1024, use_parts: !ON_LOCALHOST, }, name: "Windows NT 4.0", cpuid_level: 2, }, { id: "windowsnt3", memory_size: 256 * 1024 * 1024, hda: { url: host + "winnt31.img", size: 87 * 1024 * 1024, async: true, fixed_chunk_size: 256 * 1024, use_parts: !ON_LOCALHOST, }, name: "Windows NT 3.1", }, { id: "windows98", memory_size: 128 * 1024 * 1024, hda: { url: host + "windows98.img", size: 300 * 1024 * 1024, async: true, fixed_chunk_size: 256 * 1024, use_parts: !ON_LOCALHOST, }, name: "Windows 98", state: { url: host + "windows98_state.bin.zst", }, mac_address_translation: true, }, { id: "windows98-boot", memory_size: 128 * 1024 * 1024, hda: { url: host + "windows98.img", size: 300 * 1024 * 1024, async: true, fixed_chunk_size: 256 * 1024, use_parts: !ON_LOCALHOST, }, name: "Windows 98", }, { id: "windows95", memory_size: 32 * 1024 * 1024, hda: { url: host + "w95.img", size: 242049024, async: true, fixed_chunk_size: 256 * 1024, use_parts: !ON_LOCALHOST, }, name: "Windows 95", state: { url: host + "windows95_state.bin.zst", }, }, { id: "windows95-boot", memory_size: 32 * 1024 * 1024, hda: { url: host + "w95.img", size: 242049024, async: true, fixed_chunk_size: 256 * 1024, use_parts: !ON_LOCALHOST, }, name: "Windows 95", }, { id: "windows30", memory_size: 64 * 1024 * 1024, cdrom: { url: host + "Win30.iso", async: false, }, name: "Windows 3.0", }, { id: "windows31", memory_size: 64 * 1024 * 1024, hda: { url: host + "win31.img", async: false, size: 34463744, }, name: "Windows 3.1", }, { id: "freebsd", memory_size: 256 * 1024 * 1024, hda: { url: host + "freebsd.img", size: 2147483648, async: true, fixed_chunk_size: 1024 * 1024, use_parts: !ON_LOCALHOST, }, state: { url: host + "freebsd_state.bin.zst", }, name: "FreeBSD", }, { id: "freebsd-boot", memory_size: 256 * 1024 * 1024, hda: { url: host + "freebsd.img", size: 2147483648, async: true, fixed_chunk_size: 1024 * 1024, use_parts: !ON_LOCALHOST, }, name: "FreeBSD", }, { id: "reactos-livecd", memory_size: 256 * 1024 * 1024, hda: { url: host + "reactos-livecd-0.4.15-dev-73-g03c09c9-x86-gcc-lin-dbg.iso", size: 250609664, async: true, fixed_chunk_size: 1024 * 1024, use_parts: !ON_LOCALHOST, }, name: "ReactOS", homepage: "https://reactos.org/", }, { id: "reactos", memory_size: 512 * 1024 * 1024, hda: { url: host + "reactos.img", size: 500 * 1024 * 1024, async: true, fixed_chunk_size: 1024 * 1024, use_parts: !ON_LOCALHOST, }, state: { url: host + "reactos_state.bin.zst", }, mac_address_translation: true, name: "ReactOS", homepage: "https://reactos.org/", }, { id: "reactos-boot", memory_size: 512 * 1024 * 1024, hda: { url: host + "reactos.img", size: 500 * 1024 * 1024, async: true, fixed_chunk_size: 1024 * 1024, use_parts: !ON_LOCALHOST, }, name: "ReactOS", homepage: "https://reactos.org/", }, { id: "skift", cdrom: { url: host + "skift-20200910.iso", size: 64452608, async: false, }, name: "Skift", homepage: "https://skiftos.org/", }, { id: "snowdrop", fda: { url: host + "snowdrop.img", size: 1440 * 1024, async: false, }, name: "Snowdrop", homepage: "http://www.sebastianmihai.com/snowdrop/", }, { id: "openwrt", hda: { url: host + "openwrt-18.06.1-x86-legacy-combined-squashfs.img", size: 19846474, async: false, }, name: "OpenWrt", }, { id: "qnx", fda: { url: host + "qnx-demo-network-4.05.img", size: 1474560, async: false }, name: "QNX 4.05", }, { id: "9front", memory_size: 128 * 1024 * 1024, hda: { url: host + "9front-8963.f84cf1e60427675514fb056cc1723e45da01e043.386.iso", size: 477452288, async: true, fixed_chunk_size: 1024 * 1024, use_parts: !ON_LOCALHOST, }, state: { url: host + "9front_state-v2.bin.zst", }, acpi: true, name: "9front", homepage: "https://9front.org/", }, { id: "9front-boot", memory_size: 128 * 1024 * 1024, hda: { url: host + "9front-8963.f84cf1e60427675514fb056cc1723e45da01e043.386.iso", size: 477452288, async: true, fixed_chunk_size: 1024 * 1024, use_parts: !ON_LOCALHOST, }, acpi: true, name: "9front", homepage: "https://9front.org/", }, { id: "mobius", fda: { url: host + "mobius-fd-release5.img", size: 1474560, async: false, }, name: "Mobius", }, { id: "android", memory_size: 512 * 1024 * 1024, cdrom: { url: host + "android-x86-1.6-r2.iso", size: 54661120, async: true, fixed_chunk_size: 1024 * 1024, use_parts: !ON_LOCALHOST, }, name: "Android", }, { id: "android4", memory_size: 512 * 1024 * 1024, cdrom: { url: host + "android_x86_nonsse3_4.4r1_20140904.iso", size: 247463936, async: true, fixed_chunk_size: 1024 * 1024, use_parts: !ON_LOCALHOST, }, name: "Android", }, { id: "tinycore", memory_size: 256 * 1024 * 1024, hda: { url: host + "TinyCore-11.0.iso", async: false, }, name: "Tinycore", homepage: "http://www.tinycorelinux.net/", }, { id: "freenos", memory_size: 256 * 1024 * 1024, cdrom: { url: host + "FreeNOS-1.0.3.iso", async: false, size: 11014144, }, name: "FreeNOS", acpi: true, homepage: "http://www.freenos.org/", }, ]; if(DEBUG) { // see tests/kvm-unit-tests/x86/ var tests = [ "realmode", // All tests below require an APIC "cmpxchg8b", "port80", "setjmp", "sieve", "hypercall", // crashes "init", // stops execution "msr", // TODO: Expects 64 bit msrs "smap", // test stops, SMAP not enabled "tsc_adjust", // TODO: IA32_TSC_ADJUST "tsc", // TODO: rdtscp "rmap_chain", // crashes "memory", // missing mfence (uninteresting) "taskswitch", // TODO: Jump "taskswitch2", // TODO: Call TSS "eventinj", // Missing #nt "ioapic", "apic", ]; for(let test of tests) { oses.push({ name: "Test case: " + test, id: "test-" + test, memory_size: 128 * 1024 * 1024, multiboot: { url: "tests/kvm-unit-tests/x86/" + test + ".flat", } }); } } var profile = query_args["profile"]; if(!profile && !DEBUG) { const link = document.createElement("link"); link.rel = "prefetch"; link.href = "build/v86.wasm"; document.head.appendChild(link); } if(query_args["use_bochs_bios"]) { settings.use_bochs_bios = true; } const m = parseInt(query_args["m"], 10); if(m > 0) { settings.memory_size = Math.max(16, m) * 1024 * 1024; } const vram = parseInt(query_args["vram"], 10); if(vram > 0) { settings.vga_memory_size = vram * 1024 * 1024; } settings.networking_proxy = query_args["networking_proxy"]; settings.audio = query_args["audio"] !== "0"; settings.acpi = query_args["acpi"]; for(var i = 0; i < oses.length; i++) { var infos = oses[i]; if(profile === infos.id) { start_profile(infos); return; } var element = $("start_" + infos.id); if(element) { element.onclick = function(infos, element, e) { e.preventDefault(); set_profile(infos.id); element.blur(); start_profile(infos); }.bind(this, infos, element); } } if(profile === "custom") { if(query_args["hda.url"]) { settings.hda = { size: parseInt(query_args["hda.size"], 10) || undefined, url: query_args["hda.url"], async: true, }; } if(query_args["cdrom.url"]) { settings.cdrom = { size: parseInt(query_args["cdrom.size"], 10) || undefined, url: query_args["cdrom.url"], async: true, }; } if(query_args["fda.url"]) { settings.fda = { size: parseInt(query_args["fda.size"], 10) || undefined, url: query_args["fda.url"], async: false, }; } if(settings.fda || settings.cdrom || settings.hda) { $("boot_options").style.display = "none"; start_emulation(settings, done); } } else if(/^[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+\/[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+$/g.test(profile)) { // experimental: server that allows user-uploaded images const base = "https://v86-user-images.b-cdn.net/" + profile; fetch(base + "/profile.json") .then(response => response.json()) .then(p => { function handle_image(o) { return o && { url: base + "/" + o["url"], async: o["async"], size: o["size"] }; } start_profile({ id: p["id"], name: p["name"], memory_size: p["memory_size"], vga_memory_size: p["vga_memory_size"], acpi: p["acpi"], boot_order: p["boot_order"], hda: handle_image(p["hda"]), cdrom: handle_image(p["cdrom"]), fda: handle_image(p["fda"]), multiboot: handle_image(p["multiboot"]), bzimage: handle_image(p["bzimage"]), initrd: handle_image(p["initrd"]), }); }) .catch(e => alert("Profile not found: " + profile)); } function start_profile(infos) { $("boot_options").style.display = "none"; set_title(infos.name); settings.filesystem = infos.filesystem; if(infos.state) { $("reset").style.display = "none"; settings.initial_state = infos.state; } settings.fda = infos.fda; settings.cdrom = infos.cdrom; settings.hda = infos.hda; settings.multiboot = infos.multiboot; settings.bzimage = infos.bzimage; settings.initrd = infos.initrd; settings.cmdline = infos.cmdline; settings.bzimage_initrd_from_filesystem = infos.bzimage_initrd_from_filesystem; settings.mac_address_translation = infos.mac_address_translation; settings.cpuid_level = infos.cpuid_level; settings.acpi = (!infos.state && settings.acpi !== undefined) ? settings.acpi : infos.acpi; settings.memory_size = (!infos.state && settings.memory_size) ? settings.memory_size : infos.memory_size; settings.vga_memory_size = (!infos.state && settings.vga_memory_size) ? settings.vga_memory_size : infos.vga_memory_size; settings.id = infos.id; if(infos.boot_order !== undefined) { settings.boot_order = infos.boot_order; } let chunk_size = parseInt(query_args["chunk_size"], 10); if(chunk_size >= 0) { if(chunk_size) { chunk_size = Math.min(4 * 1024 * 1024, Math.max(512, chunk_size)); chunk_size = 1 << Math.ceil(Math.log2(chunk_size)); } else { chunk_size = undefined; } if(settings.hda) { settings.hda.fixed_chunk_size = chunk_size; } if(settings.cdrom) { settings.cdrom.fixed_chunk_size = chunk_size; } } if(!DEBUG && infos.homepage) { $("description").style.display = "block"; const link = document.createElement("a"); link.href = infos.homepage; link.textContent = infos.name; link.target = "_blank"; $("description").appendChild(document.createTextNode("Running ")); $("description").appendChild(link); } start_emulation(settings, done); } function done(emulator) { if(query_args["c"]) { setTimeout(function() { //emulator.serial0_send(query_args["c"] + "\n"); emulator.keyboard_send_text(query_args["c"] + "\n"); }, 25); } } } function debug_onload(settings) { // called on window.onload, in debug mode var log_levels = $("log_levels"); if(log_levels) { for(var i = 0; i < LOG_NAMES.length; i++) { var mask = LOG_NAMES[i][0]; if(mask === 1) continue; var name = LOG_NAMES[i][1].toLowerCase(), input = document.createElement("input"), label = document.createElement("label"); input.type = "checkbox"; label.htmlFor = input.id = "log_" + name; if(LOG_LEVEL & mask) { input.checked = true; } input.mask = mask; label.appendChild(input); label.appendChild(document.createTextNode(v86util.pads(name, 4) + " ")); log_levels.appendChild(label); if(i === Math.floor(LOG_NAMES.length / 2)) { log_levels.appendChild(document.createTextNode("\n")); } } log_levels.onchange = function(e) { var target = e.target, mask = target.mask; if(target.checked) { LOG_LEVEL |= mask; } else { LOG_LEVEL &= ~mask; } target.blur(); }; } } window.addEventListener("load", onload, false); // old webkit fires popstate on every load, fuck webkit // https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=63040 window.addEventListener("load", function() { setTimeout(function() { window.addEventListener("popstate", onpopstate); }, 0); }); // works in firefox and chromium if(document.readyState === "complete") { onload(); } /** @param {?=} done */ function start_emulation(settings, done) { /** @const */ var MB = 1024 * 1024; var memory_size = settings.memory_size; if(!memory_size) { memory_size = parseInt($("memory_size").value, 10) * MB; if(!memory_size) { alert("Invalid memory size - reset to 128MB"); memory_size = 128 * MB; } } var vga_memory_size = settings.vga_memory_size; if(!vga_memory_size) { vga_memory_size = parseInt($("video_memory_size").value, 10) * MB; if(!vga_memory_size) { alert("Invalid video memory size - reset to 8MB"); vga_memory_size = 8 * MB; } } if(!settings.fda) { var floppy_file = $("floppy_image").files[0]; if(floppy_file) { settings.fda = { buffer: floppy_file }; } } if(!settings.bzimage) { var bzimage = $("bzimage").files[0]; if(bzimage) { settings.bzimage = { buffer: bzimage }; } } if(!settings.initrd) { var initrd = $("initrd").files[0]; if(initrd) { settings.initrd = { buffer: initrd }; } } const networking_proxy = settings.networking_proxy === undefined ? $("networking_proxy").value : settings.networking_proxy; const disable_audio = settings.audio === undefined ? $("disable_audio").checked : !settings.audio; const enable_acpi = settings.acpi === undefined ? $("enable_acpi").checked : settings.acpi; /** @const */ var BIOSPATH = "bios/"; if(settings.use_bochs_bios) { var biosfile = "bochs-bios.bin"; var vgabiosfile = "bochs-vgabios.bin"; } else { var biosfile = DEBUG ? "seabios-debug.bin" : "seabios.bin"; var vgabiosfile = DEBUG ? "vgabios-debug.bin" : "vgabios.bin"; } var bios; var vga_bios; // a bios is only needed if the machine is booted if(!settings.initial_state) { bios = { url: BIOSPATH + biosfile, }; vga_bios = { url: BIOSPATH + vgabiosfile, }; } var emulator = new V86Starter({ "memory_size": memory_size, "vga_memory_size": vga_memory_size, "screen_container": $("screen_container"), "serial_container_xtermjs": $("terminal"), "boot_order": settings.boot_order || parseInt($("boot_order").value, 16) || 0, "network_relay_url": ON_LOCALHOST ? "ws://localhost:8080/" : networking_proxy, "bios": bios, "vga_bios": vga_bios, "fda": settings.fda, "hda": settings.hda, "hdb": settings.hdb, "cdrom": settings.cdrom, "multiboot": settings.multiboot, "bzimage": settings.bzimage, "initrd": settings.initrd, "cmdline": settings.cmdline, "bzimage_initrd_from_filesystem": settings.bzimage_initrd_from_filesystem, "acpi": enable_acpi, "initial_state": settings.initial_state, "filesystem": settings.filesystem || {}, "disable_speaker": disable_audio, "mac_address_translation": settings.mac_address_translation, "cpuid_level": settings.cpuid_level, "autostart": true, }); if(DEBUG) window["emulator"] = emulator; emulator.add_listener("emulator-ready", function() { if(DEBUG) { debug_start(emulator); } if(emulator.v86.cpu.wm.exports["profiler_is_enabled"]()) { const CLEAR_STATS = false; var panel = document.createElement("pre"); document.body.appendChild(panel); setInterval(function() { if(!emulator.is_running()) { return; } const text = print_stats.stats_to_string(emulator.v86.cpu); panel.textContent = text; CLEAR_STATS && emulator.v86.cpu.clear_opstats(); }, CLEAR_STATS ? 5000 : 1000); } if(settings.id === "dsl" || settings.id === "helenos") { setTimeout(() => { // hack: Start automatically emulator.keyboard_send_text("\n"); }, 3000); } else if(settings.id === "android" || settings.id === "android4") { setTimeout(() => { // hack: select vesa mode and start automatically emulator.keyboard_send_scancodes([0xe050, 0xe050 | 0x80]); emulator.keyboard_send_text("\n"); }, 3000); } init_ui(settings, emulator); done && done(emulator); }); emulator.add_listener("download-progress", function(e) { show_progress(e); }); emulator.add_listener("download-error", function(e) { var el = $("loading"); el.style.display = "block"; el.textContent = "Loading " + e.file_name + " failed. Check your connection " + "and reload the page to try again."; }); } /** * @param {Object} settings * @param {V86Starter} emulator */ function init_ui(settings, emulator) { $("boot_options").style.display = "none"; $("loading").style.display = "none"; $("runtime_options").style.display = "block"; $("runtime_infos").style.display = "block"; $("screen_container").style.display = "block"; if(settings.filesystem) { init_filesystem_panel(emulator); } else { emulator.add_listener("9p-attach", function() { init_filesystem_panel(emulator); }); } $("run").onclick = function() { if(emulator.is_running()) { $("run").value = "Run"; emulator.stop(); } else { $("run").value = "Pause"; emulator.run(); } $("run").blur(); }; $("exit").onclick = function() { emulator.stop(); location.href = location.pathname; }; $("lock_mouse").onclick = function() { if(!mouse_is_enabled) { $("toggle_mouse").onclick(); } emulator.lock_mouse(); $("lock_mouse").blur(); }; var mouse_is_enabled = true; $("toggle_mouse").onclick = function() { mouse_is_enabled = !mouse_is_enabled; emulator.mouse_set_status(mouse_is_enabled); $("toggle_mouse").value = (mouse_is_enabled ? "Dis" : "En") + "able mouse"; $("toggle_mouse").blur(); }; var last_tick = 0; var running_time = 0; var last_instr_counter = 0; var interval = null; var os_uses_mouse = false; var total_instructions = 0; function update_info() { var now = Date.now(); var instruction_counter = emulator.get_instruction_counter(); if(instruction_counter < last_instr_counter) { // 32-bit wrap-around last_instr_counter -= 0x100000000; } var last_ips = instruction_counter - last_instr_counter; last_instr_counter = instruction_counter; total_instructions += last_ips; var delta_time = now - last_tick; if(delta_time) { running_time += delta_time; last_tick = now; $("speed").textContent = (last_ips / 1000 / delta_time).toFixed(1); $("avg_speed").textContent = (total_instructions / 1000 / running_time).toFixed(1); $("running_time").textContent = format_timestamp(running_time / 1000 | 0); } } emulator.add_listener("emulator-started", function() { last_tick = Date.now(); interval = setInterval(update_info, 1000); }); emulator.add_listener("emulator-stopped", function() { update_info(); if(interval !== null) { clearInterval(interval); } }); var stats_9p = { read: 0, write: 0, files: [], }; emulator.add_listener("9p-read-start", function(args) { const file = args[0]; stats_9p.files.push(file); $("info_filesystem").style.display = "block"; $("info_filesystem_status").textContent = "Loading ..."; $("info_filesystem_last_file").textContent = file; }); emulator.add_listener("9p-read-end", function(args) { stats_9p.read += args[1]; $("info_filesystem_bytes_read").textContent = stats_9p.read; const file = args[0]; stats_9p.files = stats_9p.files.filter(f => f !== file); if(stats_9p.files[0]) { $("info_filesystem_last_file").textContent = stats_9p.files[0]; } else { $("info_filesystem_status").textContent = "Idle"; } }); emulator.add_listener("9p-write-end", function(args) { stats_9p.write += args[1]; $("info_filesystem_bytes_written").textContent = stats_9p.write; if(!stats_9p.files[0]) { $("info_filesystem_last_file").textContent = args[0]; } }); var stats_storage = { read: 0, read_sectors: 0, write: 0, write_sectors: 0, }; emulator.add_listener("ide-read-start", function() { $("info_storage").style.display = "block"; $("info_storage_status").textContent = "Loading ..."; }); emulator.add_listener("ide-read-end", function(args) { stats_storage.read += args[1]; stats_storage.read_sectors += args[2]; $("info_storage_status").textContent = "Idle"; $("info_storage_bytes_read").textContent = stats_storage.read; $("info_storage_sectors_read").textContent = stats_storage.read_sectors; }); emulator.add_listener("ide-write-end", function(args) { stats_storage.write += args[1]; stats_storage.write_sectors += args[2]; $("info_storage_bytes_written").textContent = stats_storage.write; $("info_storage_sectors_written").textContent = stats_storage.write_sectors; }); var stats_net = { bytes_transmitted: 0, bytes_received: 0, }; emulator.add_listener("eth-receive-end", function(args) { stats_net.bytes_received += args[0]; $("info_network").style.display = "block"; $("info_network_bytes_received").textContent = stats_net.bytes_received; }); emulator.add_listener("eth-transmit-end", function(args) { stats_net.bytes_transmitted += args[0]; $("info_network").style.display = "block"; $("info_network_bytes_transmitted").textContent = stats_net.bytes_transmitted; }); emulator.add_listener("mouse-enable", function(is_enabled) { os_uses_mouse = is_enabled; $("info_mouse_enabled").textContent = is_enabled ? "Yes" : "No"; }); emulator.add_listener("screen-set-mode", function(is_graphical) { if(is_graphical) { $("info_vga_mode").textContent = "Graphical"; } else { $("info_vga_mode").textContent = "Text"; $("info_res").textContent = "-"; $("info_bpp").textContent = "-"; } }); emulator.add_listener("screen-set-size-graphical", function(args) { $("info_res").textContent = args[0] + "x" + args[1]; $("info_bpp").textContent = args[4]; }); $("reset").onclick = function() { emulator.restart(); $("reset").blur(); }; add_image_download_button(settings.hda, "hda"); add_image_download_button(settings.hdb, "hdb"); add_image_download_button(settings.fda, "fda"); add_image_download_button(settings.fdb, "fdb"); add_image_download_button(settings.cdrom, "cdrom"); function add_image_download_button(obj, type) { var elem = $("get_" + type + "_image"); if(!obj || obj.size > 100 * 1024 * 1024) { elem.style.display = "none"; return; } elem.onclick = function(e) { let buffer = emulator.disk_images[type]; let filename = buffer.file && buffer.file.name || (settings.id + (type === "cdrom" ? ".iso" : ".img")); if(buffer.get_as_file) { var file = buffer.get_as_file(filename); download(file, filename); } else { buffer.get_buffer(function(b) { if(b) { dump_file(b, filename); } else { alert("The file could not be loaded. Maybe it's too big?"); } }); } elem.blur(); }; } $("memory_dump").onclick = function() { const mem8 = emulator.v86.cpu.mem8; dump_file(new Uint8Array(mem8.buffer, mem8.byteOffset, mem8.length), "v86memory.bin"); $("memory_dump").blur(); }; //$("memory_dump_dmp").onclick = function() //{ // var memory = emulator.v86.cpu.mem8; // var memory_size = memory.length; // var page_size = 4096; // var header = new Uint8Array(4096); // var header32 = new Int32Array(header.buffer); // header32[0] = 0x45474150; // 'PAGE' // header32[1] = 0x504D5544; // 'DUMP' // header32[0x10 >> 2] = emulator.v86.cpu.cr[3]; // DirectoryTableBase // header32[0x24 >> 2] = 1; // NumberProcessors // header32[0xf88 >> 2] = 1; // DumpType: full dump // header32[0xfa0 >> 2] = header.length + memory_size; // RequiredDumpSpace // header32[0x064 + 0 >> 2] = 1; // NumberOfRuns // header32[0x064 + 4 >> 2] = memory_size / page_size; // NumberOfPages // header32[0x064 + 8 >> 2] = 0; // BasePage // header32[0x064 + 12 >> 2] = memory_size / page_size; // PageCount // dump_file([header, memory], "v86memory.dmp"); // $("memory_dump_dmp").blur(); //}; $("capture_network_traffic").onclick = function() { this.value = "0 packets"; let capture = []; function do_capture(direction, data) { capture.push({ direction, time: performance.now() / 1000, hex_dump: hex_dump(data) }); $("capture_network_traffic").value = capture.length + " packets"; } emulator.emulator_bus.register("net0-receive", do_capture.bind(this, "I")); emulator.add_listener("net0-send", do_capture.bind(this, "O")); this.onclick = function() { const capture_raw = capture.map(({ direction, time, hex_dump }) => { // https://www.wireshark.org/docs/wsug_html_chunked/ChIOImportSection.html // In wireshark: file -> import from hex -> tick direction indication, timestamp %s.%f return direction + " " + time.toFixed(6) + hex_dump + "\n"; }).join(""); dump_file(capture_raw, "traffic.hex"); capture = []; this.value = "0 packets"; }; }; $("save_state").onclick = async function() { const result = await emulator.save_state(); dump_file(result, "v86state.bin"); $("save_state").blur(); }; $("load_state").onclick = function() { $("load_state_input").click(); $("load_state").blur(); }; $("load_state_input").onchange = async function() { var file = this.files[0]; if(!file) { return; } var was_running = emulator.is_running(); if(was_running) { await emulator.stop(); } var filereader = new FileReader(); filereader.onload = async function(e) { try { await emulator.restore_state(e.target.result); } catch(err) { alert("Something bad happened while restoring the state:\n" + err + "\n\n" + "Note that the current configuration must be the same as the original"); throw err; } if(was_running) { emulator.run(); } }; filereader.readAsArrayBuffer(file); this.value = ""; }; $("ctrlaltdel").onclick = function() { emulator.keyboard_send_scancodes([ 0x1D, // ctrl 0x38, // alt 0x53, // delete // break codes 0x1D | 0x80, 0x38 | 0x80, 0x53 | 0x80, ]); $("ctrlaltdel").blur(); }; $("alttab").onclick = function() { emulator.keyboard_send_scancodes([ 0x38, // alt 0x0F, // tab ]); setTimeout(function() { emulator.keyboard_send_scancodes([ 0x38 | 0x80, 0x0F | 0x80, ]); }, 100); $("alttab").blur(); }; $("scale").onchange = function() { var n = parseFloat(this.value); if(n || n > 0) { emulator.screen_set_scale(n, n); } }; $("fullscreen").onclick = function() { emulator.screen_go_fullscreen(); }; $("screen_container").onclick = function() { if(mouse_is_enabled && os_uses_mouse) { emulator.lock_mouse(); $("lock_mouse").blur(); } else { // allow text selection if(window.getSelection().isCollapsed) { let phone_keyboard = document.getElementsByClassName("phone_keyboard")[0]; // stop mobile browser from scrolling into view when the keyboard is shown phone_keyboard.style.top = document.body.scrollTop + 100 + "px"; phone_keyboard.style.left = document.body.scrollLeft + 100 + "px"; phone_keyboard.focus(); } } }; const phone_keyboard = document.getElementsByClassName("phone_keyboard")[0]; phone_keyboard.setAttribute("autocorrect", "off"); phone_keyboard.setAttribute("autocapitalize", "off"); phone_keyboard.setAttribute("spellcheck", "false"); phone_keyboard.tabIndex = 0; $("screen_container").addEventListener("mousedown", e => { phone_keyboard.focus(); }, false); $("take_screenshot").onclick = function() { const image = emulator.screen_make_screenshot(); try { const w = window.open(""); w.document.write(image.outerHTML); } catch(e) {} $("take_screenshot").blur(); }; if(emulator.speaker_adapter) { let is_muted = false; $("mute").onclick = function() { if(is_muted) { emulator.speaker_adapter.mixer.set_volume(1, undefined); is_muted = false; $("mute").value = "Mute"; } else { emulator.speaker_adapter.mixer.set_volume(0, undefined); is_muted = true; $("mute").value = "Unmute"; } $("mute").blur(); }; } else { $("mute").remove(); } window.addEventListener("keydown", ctrl_w_rescue, false); window.addEventListener("keyup", ctrl_w_rescue, false); window.addEventListener("blur", ctrl_w_rescue, false); function ctrl_w_rescue(e) { if(e.ctrlKey) { window.onbeforeunload = function() { window.onbeforeunload = null; return "CTRL-W cannot be sent to the emulator."; }; } else { window.onbeforeunload = null; } } } function init_filesystem_panel(emulator) { $("filesystem_panel").style.display = "block"; $("filesystem_send_file").onchange = function() { Array.prototype.forEach.call(this.files, function(file) { var loader = new v86util.SyncFileBuffer(file); loader.onload = function() { loader.get_buffer(async function(buffer) { await emulator.create_file("/" + file.name, new Uint8Array(buffer)); }); }; loader.load(); }, this); this.value = ""; this.blur(); }; $("filesystem_get_file").onkeypress = async function(e) { if(e.which !== 13) { return; } this.disabled = true; let result; try { result = await emulator.read_file(this.value); } catch(err) { console.log(err); } this.disabled = false; if(result) { var filename = this.value.replace(/\/$/, "").split("/"); filename = filename[filename.length - 1] || "root"; dump_file(result, filename); this.value = ""; } else { alert("Can't read file"); } }; } function debug_start(emulator) { if(!emulator.v86) { return; } // called as soon as soon as emulation is started, in debug mode var debug = emulator.v86.cpu.debug; $("dump_gdt").onclick = debug.dump_gdt_ldt.bind(debug); $("dump_idt").onclick = debug.dump_idt.bind(debug); $("dump_regs").onclick = debug.dump_regs.bind(debug); $("dump_pt").onclick = debug.dump_page_structures.bind(debug); $("dump_log").onclick = function() { dump_file(log_data.join(""), "v86.log"); }; var cpu = emulator.v86.cpu; $("debug_panel").style.display = "block"; setInterval(function() { $("debug_panel").textContent = cpu.debug.get_regs_short().join("\n") + "\n" + cpu.debug.get_state(); $("dump_log").value = "Dump log" + (log_data.length ? " (" + log_data.length + " lines)" : ""); }, 1000); // helps debugging window.emulator = emulator; window.cpu = cpu; window.dump_file = dump_file; } function onpopstate(e) { location.reload(); } function set_profile(prof) { if(window.history.pushState) { window.history.pushState({ profile: prof }, "", "?profile=" + prof); } } })();