Fabian 01061dc4b6 The final Rust porting
This commit contains the final changes requires for porting all C code
to Rust and from emscripten to llvm:

- tools/wasm-patch-indirect-function-table.js: A script that rewrites
  the wasm generated by llvm to remove the table limit
- tools/rust-lld-wrapper: A wrapper around rust-lld that removes
  arguments forced by rustc that break compilation for us
- src/rust/cpu2/Makefile: A monstrosity to postprocess c2rust's output
- gen/generate_interpreter.js: Ported to produce Rust instead of C
- src/rust/*: A few functions and macros to connect the old Rust code
  and the new Rust code
- src/*.js: Removes the loading of the old emscripten wasm module and
  adapts imports and exports from emscripten to llvm
2020-08-30 19:29:53 -05:00

25 lines
424 B

name = "v86oxide"
version = "0.1.0"
publish = false
quickcheck = "0.6.2"
crate-type = ["cdylib"]
path = "src/rust/lib.rs"
lto = false
# XXX: 2 -> removes debug information in later rust verions
# 0 -> requires more imports that are optimised away
opt-level = 2
panic = "abort"
overflow-checks = false
lto = true
incremental = false
panic = "abort"