Awal Garg 8222d2e6e0 Squash
restore memcpy comment
delete all the things!
fix jshint issues
restore memcpy comment
remove duplicate fxsave assignment
Count cache drops
Use already available physical address instead of calling read_imm8
Remove useless assertion
Just move around to reduce later diff
Run jit paging test with assertions enabled
Run jit-paging test on CI
Extend jit-paging test
Fix deleting invalidated code across memory pages
Add jit-paging test to gitlab ci
Remove jit_in_progress
Clean up old comments, use bool for jit_jump
Fix state image not begin garbage collected
Add ENABLE_PROFILER_TIMES to configure slow profiling times
Move to jit_generate and jit_run_interpreted to separate function
Add missing struct field
Fix: Don't write jit cache entry until no more faults can happen
Download image for jit paging test
Add missing initialiser
Mark jit_{generate,run_interpreted} as static
Specify full path to profiler.h
Clean up duplicate/missing declaration after rebase
mmap error handling, line length and fix some warnings
remove further unused code
move js imports to single header file
2020-07-21 20:10:13 -05:00

459 lines
12 KiB

"use strict";
* @constructor
* @param {CPU} cpu
function FloppyController(cpu, fda_image, fdb_image)
/** @const @type {IO|undefined} */
this.io = cpu.io;
/** @const @type {CPU} */
this.cpu = cpu;
/** @const @type {DMA} */
this.dma = cpu.devices.dma;
this.bytes_expecting = 0;
this.receiving_command = new Uint8Array(10);
this.receiving_index = 0;
this.next_command = null;
this.response_data = new Uint8Array(10);
this.response_index = 0;
this.response_length = 0;
this.floppy_size = 0;
/* const */
this.fda_image = fda_image;
/* const */
this.fdb_image = fdb_image;
this.status_reg0 = 0;
this.status_reg1 = 0;
this.status_reg2 = 0;
this.drive = 0;
this.last_cylinder = 0;
this.last_head = 0;
this.last_sector = 1;
// this should actually be write-only ... but people read it anyway
this.dor = 0;
// Needed for CD emulation provided by seabios
cpu.devices.rtc.cmos_write(CMOS_FLOPPY_DRIVE_TYPE, 4 << 4);
this.sectors_per_track = 0;
this.number_of_heads = 0;
this.number_of_cylinders = 0;
this.floppy_size = 0;
this.floppy_size = fda_image.byteLength;
var floppy_types = {
160 : { type: 1, tracks: 40, sectors: 8 , heads: 1 },
180 : { type: 1, tracks: 40, sectors: 9 , heads: 1 },
200 : { type: 1, tracks: 40, sectors: 10, heads: 1 },
320 : { type: 1, tracks: 40, sectors: 8 , heads: 2 },
360 : { type: 1, tracks: 40, sectors: 9 , heads: 2 },
400 : { type: 1, tracks: 40, sectors: 10, heads: 2 },
720 : { type: 3, tracks: 80, sectors: 9 , heads: 2 },
1200 : { type: 2, tracks: 80, sectors: 15, heads: 2 },
1440 : { type: 4, tracks: 80, sectors: 18, heads: 2 },
1722 : { type: 5, tracks: 82, sectors: 21, heads: 2 },
2880 : { type: 5, tracks: 80, sectors: 36, heads: 2 },
var number_of_cylinders,
floppy_type = floppy_types[this.floppy_size >> 10];
if(floppy_type && (this.floppy_size & 0x3FF) === 0)
cpu.devices.rtc.cmos_write(CMOS_FLOPPY_DRIVE_TYPE, floppy_type.type << 4);
sectors_per_track = floppy_type.sectors;
number_of_heads = floppy_type.heads;
number_of_cylinders = floppy_type.tracks;
throw "Unknown floppy size: " + h(fda_image.byteLength);
this.sectors_per_track = sectors_per_track;
this.number_of_heads = number_of_heads;
this.number_of_cylinders = number_of_cylinders;
this.io.register_read(0x3F0, this, this.port3F0_read);
this.io.register_read(0x3F2, this, this.port3F2_read);
this.io.register_read(0x3F4, this, this.port3F4_read);
this.io.register_read(0x3F5, this, this.port3F5_read);
this.io.register_read(0x3F7, this, this.port3F7_read);
this.io.register_write(0x3F2, this, this.port3F2_write);
this.io.register_write(0x3F5, this, this.port3F5_write);
FloppyController.prototype.get_state = function()
var state = [];
state[0] = this.bytes_expecting;
state[1] = this.receiving_command;
state[2] = this.receiving_index;
//state[3] = this.next_command;
state[4] = this.response_data;
state[5] = this.response_index;
state[6] = this.response_length;
state[7] = this.floppy_size;
state[8] = this.status_reg0;
state[9] = this.status_reg1;
state[10] = this.status_reg2;
state[11] = this.drive;
state[12] = this.last_cylinder;
state[13] = this.last_head;
state[14] = this.last_sector;
state[15] = this.dor;
state[16] = this.sectors_per_track;
state[17] = this.number_of_heads;
state[18] = this.number_of_cylinders;
return state;
FloppyController.prototype.set_state = function(state)
this.bytes_expecting = state[0];
this.receiving_command = state[1];
this.receiving_index = state[2];
this.next_command = state[3];
this.response_data = state[4];
this.response_index = state[5];
this.response_length = state[6];
this.floppy_size = state[7];
this.status_reg0 = state[8];
this.status_reg1 = state[9];
this.status_reg2 = state[10];
this.drive = state[11];
this.last_cylinder = state[12];
this.last_head = state[13];
this.last_sector = state[14];
this.dor = state[15];
this.sectors_per_track = state[16];
this.number_of_heads = state[17];
this.number_of_cylinders = state[18];
FloppyController.prototype.port3F0_read = function()
dbg_log("3F0 read", LOG_FLOPPY);
return 0;
FloppyController.prototype.port3F4_read = function()
dbg_log("3F4 read", LOG_FLOPPY);
var return_byte = 0x80;
if(this.response_index < this.response_length)
return_byte |= 0x40 | 0x10;
if((this.dor & 8) === 0)
return_byte |= 0x20;
return return_byte;
FloppyController.prototype.port3F7_read = function()
dbg_log("3F7 read", LOG_FLOPPY);
return 0x00;
FloppyController.prototype.port3F5_read = function()
if(this.response_index < this.response_length)
dbg_log("3F5 read: " + this.response_data[this.response_index], LOG_FLOPPY);
return this.response_data[this.response_index++];
dbg_log("3F5 read, empty", LOG_FLOPPY);
return 0xFF;
FloppyController.prototype.port3F5_write = function(reg_byte)
if(!this.fda_image) return;
dbg_log("3F5 write " + h(reg_byte), LOG_FLOPPY);
if(this.bytes_expecting > 0)
this.receiving_command[this.receiving_index++] = reg_byte;
if(this.bytes_expecting === 0)
var log = "3F5 command received: ";
for(var i = 0; i < this.receiving_index; i++)
log += h(this.receiving_command[i]) + " ";
dbg_log(log, LOG_FLOPPY);
this.next_command.call(this, this.receiving_command);
//case 2:
//this.next_command = read_complete_track;
//this.bytes_expecting = 8;
case 0x03:
this.next_command = this.fix_drive_data;
this.bytes_expecting = 2;
case 0x04:
this.next_command = this.check_drive_status;
this.bytes_expecting = 1;
case 0x05:
case 0xC5:
this.next_command = function(args) { this.do_sector(true, args); };
this.bytes_expecting = 8;
case 0xE6:
this.next_command = function(args) { this.do_sector(false, args); };
this.bytes_expecting = 8;
case 0x07:
this.next_command = this.calibrate;
this.bytes_expecting = 1;
case 0x08:
case 0x4A:
this.next_command = this.read_sector_id;
this.bytes_expecting = 1;
case 0x0F:
this.bytes_expecting = 2;
this.next_command = this.seek;
case 0x0E:
// dump regs
dbg_log("dump registers", LOG_FLOPPY);
this.response_data[0] = 0x80;
this.response_index = 0;
this.response_length = 1;
this.bytes_expecting = 0;
dbg_assert(false, "Unimplemented floppy command call " + h(reg_byte));
this.receiving_index = 0;
FloppyController.prototype.port3F2_read = function()
dbg_log("read 3F2: DOR", LOG_FLOPPY);
return this.dor;
FloppyController.prototype.port3F2_write = function(value)
if((value & 4) === 4 && (this.dor & 4) === 0)
// reset
dbg_log("start motors: " + h(value >> 4), LOG_FLOPPY);
dbg_log("enable dma: " + !!(value & 8), LOG_FLOPPY);
dbg_log("reset fdc: " + !!(value & 4), LOG_FLOPPY);
dbg_log("drive select: " + (value & 3), LOG_FLOPPY);
dbg_log("DOR = " + h(value), LOG_FLOPPY);
this.dor = value;
FloppyController.prototype.check_drive_status = function(args)
dbg_log("check drive status", LOG_FLOPPY);
this.response_index = 0;
this.response_length = 1;
this.response_data[0] = 1 << 5;
FloppyController.prototype.seek = function(args)
dbg_log("seek", LOG_FLOPPY);
dbg_assert((args[0] & 3) === 0, "Unhandled seek drive");
this.last_cylinder = args[1];
this.last_head = args[0] >> 2 & 1;
FloppyController.prototype.calibrate = function(args)
dbg_log("floppy calibrate", LOG_FLOPPY);
FloppyController.prototype.check_interrupt_status = function()
// do not trigger an interrupt here
dbg_log("floppy check interrupt status", LOG_FLOPPY);
this.response_index = 0;
this.response_length = 2;
this.response_data[0] = 1 << 5;
this.response_data[1] = this.last_cylinder;
FloppyController.prototype.do_sector = function(is_write, args)
var head = args[2],
cylinder = args[1],
sector = args[3],
sector_size = 128 << args[4],
read_count = args[5] - args[3] + 1,
read_offset = ((head + this.number_of_heads * cylinder) * this.sectors_per_track + sector - 1) * sector_size;
dbg_log("Floppy " + (is_write ? "Write" : "Read"), LOG_FLOPPY);
dbg_log("from " + h(read_offset) + " length " + h(read_count * sector_size), LOG_FLOPPY);
dbg_log(cylinder + " / " + head + " / " + sector, LOG_FLOPPY);
dbg_log("FDC: sector count is zero, use data length instead", LOG_FLOPPY);
this.dma.do_write(this.fda_image, read_offset, read_count * sector_size, 2, this.done.bind(this, args, cylinder, head, sector));
this.dma.do_read(this.fda_image, read_offset, read_count * sector_size, 2, this.done.bind(this, args, cylinder, head, sector));
FloppyController.prototype.done = function(args, cylinder, head, sector, error)
// TODO: Set appropriate bits
if(sector > this.sectors_per_track)
sector = 1;
if(head >= this.number_of_heads)
head = 0;
this.last_cylinder = cylinder;
this.last_head = head;
this.last_sector = sector;
this.response_index = 0;
this.response_length = 7;
this.response_data[0] = head << 2 | 0x20;
this.response_data[1] = 0;
this.response_data[2] = 0;
this.response_data[3] = cylinder;
this.response_data[4] = head;
this.response_data[5] = sector;
this.response_data[6] = args[4];
FloppyController.prototype.fix_drive_data = function(args)
dbg_log("floppy fix drive data " + args, LOG_FLOPPY);
FloppyController.prototype.read_sector_id = function(args)
dbg_log("floppy read sector id " + args, LOG_FLOPPY);
this.response_index = 0;
this.response_length = 7;
this.response_data[0] = 0;
this.response_data[1] = 0;
this.response_data[2] = 0;
this.response_data[3] = 0;
this.response_data[4] = 0;
this.response_data[5] = 0;
this.response_data[6] = 0;
FloppyController.prototype.raise_irq = function()
if(this.dor & 8)