2013-11-06 01:12:55 +01:00

546 lines
15 KiB

"use strict";
/** @const */
/** @const */
/** @constructor */
function CDRom(dev, cd_buffer)
this.io = dev.io;
this.memory = dev.memory;
this.pic = dev.pic;
this.pci = dev.pci;
this.vendor_id = 0x1002;
this.class_revision = 0x106 << 16 | 0x01 << 8;
this.irq = 14;
this.iobase = 0xFFF10000;
this.sector_size = CDROM_SECTOR_SIZE;
this.buffer = cd_buffer;
this.atapi = true;
this.pci_id = 8;
CDRom.prototype = new AHCIDevice();
/** @constructor */
function HDD(dev, disk_buffer, nr)
var port = nr === 0 ? 0x1F0 : 0x170,
irq = nr === 0 ? 14 : 15;
var pic = dev.pic;
this.io = dev.io;
this.memory = dev.memory;
this.pic = dev.pic;
this.pci = dev.pci;
this.vendor_id = 0x1002;
this.class_revision = 0x106 << 16 | 0x01 << 8;
this.irq = irq;
this.iobase = 0xFFF00000;
this.sector_size = HD_SECTOR_SIZE;
this.sector_count = disk_buffer.byteLength / this.sector_size;
this.buffer = disk_buffer;
this.atapi = false;
this.pci_id = 0x10;
this.head_count = 16;
this.sectors_per_track = 63;
this.cylinder_count = disk_buffer.byteLength /
this.head_count / (this.sectors_per_track + 1) / this.sector_size;
dbg_assert(this.cylinder_count === (this.cylinder_count | 0));
dbg_assert(this.cylinder_count <= 16383);
var me = this;
// status
this.io.register_read(port | 7, read_status);
// alternate status, starting at 3f6/376
this.io.register_read(port | 0x206, read_status);
function read_status()
dbg_log("ATA read status", LOG_DISK);
var status = 0x50;
if(data_pointer < pio_data.length)
status |= 8;
return status;
var last_drive = 0xFF,
data_pointer = 0,
pio_data = [],
drq = false,
is_lba = 0,
slave = 0,
bytecount = 0,
sector = 0,
cylinder = 0,
head = 0;
function push_irq()
this.io.register_write(port | 6, function(data)
dbg_log("1F6 write " + h(data), LOG_DISK);
var slave = data & 0x10,
mode = data & 0xE0,
low = data & 0xF;
//drq = false;
is_lba = data >> 6 & 1;
head = data & 0xF;
last_drive = data;
this.io.register_write(port | 2, function(data)
dbg_log("1F2 write: " + data, LOG_DISK);
bytecount = data << 9;
bytecount = 256 << 9;
//bytecount = 1 << 9;
this.io.register_write(port | 3, function(data)
sector = data;
this.io.register_write(port | 4, function(data)
cylinder = cylinder & 0xFF00 | data;
this.io.register_write(port | 5, function(data)
cylinder = cylinder & 0xFF | data << 8;
this.io.register_write(port | 7, function(cmd)
if(cmd === 0xEC)
dbg_log("ATA identify device", LOG_DISK);
// identify device
// http://bochs.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/lxr/source/iodev/harddrv.cc#L2821
data_pointer = 0;
pio_data = new Uint8Array([
0x40, 0,
// 1 cylinders
me.cylinder_count, me.cylinder_count >> 8,
0, 0,
// 3 heads
me.head_count, me.head_count >> 8,
0, 0,
// 5
0, 0,
// sectors per track
me.sectors_per_track, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
// 10-19 serial number
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
// 15
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
// 20
3, 0, 0, 2, 4, 0,
// 23-26 firmware revision
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
// 27 model number
32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32,
32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32,
// 47
0, 0,
1, 0,
0, 3, // capabilities
// 50
0, 0,
0, 2,
0, 2,
7, 0,
// 54 cylinders
me.cylinder_count, me.cylinder_count >> 8,
// 55 heads
me.head_count, me.head_count >> 8,
// 56 sectors per track
me.sectors_per_track, 0,
// capacity in sectors
this.sector_count & 0xFF, this.sector_count >> 8 & 0xFF,
this.sector_count >> 16 & 0xFF, this.sector_count >> 24 & 0xFF,
0, 0,
// 60
this.sector_count & 0xFF, this.sector_count >> 8 & 0xFF,
this.sector_count >> 16 & 0xFF, this.sector_count >> 24 & 0xFF,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
// 65
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
// 70
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
// 75
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
// 80
0x7E, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
// 85
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
// 90
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
// 95
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
// 100
this.sector_count & 0xFF, this.sector_count >> 8 & 0xFF,
this.sector_count >> 16 & 0xFF, this.sector_count >> 24 & 0xFF,
else if(cmd === 0x91)
dbg_log("ATA cmd 91", LOG_DISK);
else if(cmd === 0x10)
// obsolete
dbg_log("ATA cmd 10", LOG_DISK);
else if(cmd = 0x27)
// READ NATIVE MAX ADDRESS EXT - read the actual size of the HD
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Host_protected_area
dbg_log("ATA cmd 27", LOG_DISK);
pio_data = [
0, 0, // error
0, 0, // count
// result
disk_buffer.byteLength & 0xff,
disk_buffer.byteLength >> 8 & 0xff,
disk_buffer.byteLength >> 16 & 0xff,
disk_buffer.byteLength >> 24 & 0xff,
0, 0,
0, 0, //
else if(cmd === 0x20)
if(DEBUG && is_lba)
throw "unimplemented";
var lba = (cylinder * me.head_count + head) * me.sectors_per_track + sector - 1;
dbg_log("ATA read: from=" + h(lba * me.sector_size) + " chs=" + cylinder + "/" + head + "/" + sector + " length=" + h(bytecount), LOG_DISK);
me.buffer.get(lba * me.sector_size, bytecount, function(data)
data_pointer = 0;
pio_data = data;
dbg_log("New ATA cmd on 1F7: " + h(cmd), LOG_DISK);
this.io.register_read(port | 0, function()
if(data_pointer < pio_data.length)
dbg_log("Read 1F0: " + h(pio_data[data_pointer], 2), LOG_DISK);
if((data_pointer & 511) === 0)
return pio_data[data_pointer++] & 0xFF;
dbg_log("Read 1F0: empty", LOG_DISK);
return 0;
this.io.register_read(port | 1, function()
dbg_log("Read 1F1", LOG_DISK);
return 0xFF;
this.io.register_read(port | 2, function()
dbg_log("Read 1F2", LOG_DISK);
return 0xFF;
this.io.register_read(port | 3, function()
dbg_log("Read 1F3", LOG_DISK);
return 0xFF;
this.io.register_read(port | 6, function()
dbg_log("Read 1F6", LOG_DISK);
return last_drive;
HDD.prototype = new AHCIDevice();
/** @constructor */
function AHCIDevice()
var me,
this.init = function()
me = this;
memory = this.memory;
this.pci.register_device(this, this.pci_id);
this.memory.mmap_register(this.iobase, 0x4000, true, mmio_read, mmio_write);
var host_ctl = 0,
host_caps = 1,
host_ports_impl = 1,
host_intbits = 1,
function atapi_command_read(atapi, dest, byte_len)
var lba = Math.to_be32(memory.read32s(atapi + 2)),
count = Math.to_be16(memory.read16(atapi + 7)),
flags = memory.read8(atapi + 1),
//bytecount = Math.min(count * me.sector_size, byte_len + 1);
bytecount = count * me.sector_size;
dbg_log("CD read lba=" + h(lba) +
" lbacount=" + h(count) +
" bytelen=" + h(byte_len) +
" copycount=" + h(bytecount) +
" flags=" + h(flags) +
" buf=" + h(dest, 8), LOG_CD);
me.buffer.get(lba * me.sector_size, bytecount, function(data)
memory.write_blob(data, dest);
function ata_command_rw(cmd_fis, dest, is_read)
var lba = memory.read32s(cmd_fis + 4) & 0xFFFFFF,
count = memory.read16(cmd_fis + 12),
bytecount = count * me.sector_size;
dbg_log("ahci " + (is_read ? "read" : "write") + ": lba=" + h(lba, 8) +
" count=" + h(count, 4) +
" dest=" + h(dest, 8));
this.buffer.get(lba * me.sector_size, bytecount, function(data)
memory.write_blob(data, dest);
this.buffer.set(lba * me.sector_size,
new Uint8Array(memory.buffer, dest, bytecount),
function mmio_read(addr)
case 0:
return host_caps;
case 4:
return host_ctl;
case 0xC:
return host_ports_impl;
case 0x128:
return 0x03;
case 0x110:
return host_intbits;
dbg_log("New PCI mmio read from " + h(addr, 8), LOG_CD);
function mmio_write(addr, value)
case 0x100:
port_lst_addr = value;
dbg_log("lst at " + h(value, 8), LOG_CD);
case 0x108:
port_fis_addr = value;
dbg_log("fis at " + h(value, 8), LOG_CD);
case 0x118:
dbg_log("port cmd: " + h(value, 8), LOG_CD);
case 0x138:
ctba_addr = memory.read32s(port_lst_addr + 8),
first_prdt_start = ctba_addr + 0x80,
flags = memory.read16(port_lst_addr),
prdt_addr = memory.read32s(first_prdt_start) + 0x100000000 * memory.read32s(first_prdt_start + 4),
prdt_len = memory.read32s(ctba_addr + 0x80 + 0xC) & 0xFFF,
atapi_command = memory.read8(ctba_addr + 0x40),
fis_command = memory.read8(ctba_addr + 2),
dma_fis_start = port_fis_addr + 0,
pio_fis_start = port_fis_addr + 0x20,
d2h_fis_start = port_fis_addr + 0x40,
ufis_start = port_fis_addr + 0x60,
command_fis_start = ctba_addr + 0,
atapi_command_start = ctba_addr + 0x40;
if((fis_command === 0xA0 || fis_command === 0xA1) &&
// status success
memory.write8(d2h_fis_start + 2, 0x40);
dbg_log("ctba at " + h(ctba_addr), LOG_CD);
dbg_log("prdt at " + h(prdt_addr), LOG_CD);
dbg_log("flags: " + h(flags, 2), LOG_CD);
dbg_log("cmd fis command: " + h(fis_command, 2), LOG_CD);
dbg_log("fis LBA=" + h(memory.read32s(command_fis_start + 4) & 0xffffff), LOG_CD);
dbg_log("Prdts count: " + h(memory.read16(port_lst_addr + 2)), LOG_CD);
dbg_log("PRD byte count: " + h(memory.read32s(port_lst_addr + 4)), LOG_CD);
dbg_log("First prdt byte count: " + h(memory.read32s(ctba_addr + 0x80 + 0xC)), LOG_CD);
if(fis_command === 0xC8 || fis_command === 0xCA)
ata_command_rw(command_fis_start, prdt_addr, fis_command === 0xC8);
else if(fis_command === 0xEC)
// number of sectors
memory.write32(prdt_addr + 120, me.buffer.byteLength / me.sector_size);
else if(fis_command === 0xA1)
// is CD
memory.write32(prdt_addr, 0x0500);
else if(fis_command === 0xA0)
if(atapi_command === 0x28)
atapi_command_read(ctba_addr + 0x40, prdt_addr, prdt_len);
else if(atapi_command === 0x2a)
// write
dbg_log("atapi - unimplemented write", LOG_CD);
else if(atapi_command === 0x25)
// read capacity
dbg_log("atapi - unimplemented read cap", LOG_CD);
dbg_log("atapi - unimplemented " + h(atapi_command, 2), LOG_CD);
dbg_log("unimplemented fis command: " + h(fis_command, 2));
dbg_log("PCI mmio write addr=" + h(addr, 8) + " value=" + h(value, 8), LOG_CD);