Fabian b96f984963 Use softfloat f80 for x87 fpu
This fixes several long-standing issues with x87 float emulation, in particular:

- 80 bit precision floats, fixing Haiku after its switch to musl libc (hrev53728)
- the precision bit in the x87 control word
- fucom and fucomi (unordered comparisons)
- aliasing of x87 and mmx registers
- rounding during conversion to integers

Operations that are not implemented in softfloat were implemented by
converting to f64 (sine, pow, ln, etc.) and thus operate with lower

Softfloat has been combined into a single file using a script [0] and checked into the repository.

[0] 57df21e2eb/contrib/single_file_libs/combine.sh
2020-12-31 19:14:32 -06:00

306 lines
8.7 KiB

extern "C" {
fn extF80M_add(x: *const F80, y: *const F80, ptr: *mut F80);
fn extF80M_sub(x: *const F80, y: *const F80, ptr: *mut F80);
fn extF80M_mul(x: *const F80, y: *const F80, ptr: *mut F80);
fn extF80M_div(x: *const F80, y: *const F80, ptr: *mut F80);
//fn extF80M_rem(x: *const F80, y: *const F80, ptr: *mut F80);
fn extF80M_sqrt(x: *const F80, ptr: *mut F80);
fn extF80M_roundToInt(x: *const F80, rounding_mode: u8, raise_inexact: bool, dst: *mut F80);
fn extF80M_eq(x: *const F80, y: *const F80) -> bool;
//fn extF80M_eq_signaling(x: *const F80, y: *const F80) -> bool;
//fn extF80M_le(x: *const F80, y: *const F80) -> bool;
//fn extF80M_le_quiet(x: *const F80, y: *const F80) -> bool;
fn extF80M_lt(x: *const F80, y: *const F80) -> bool;
fn extF80M_lt_quiet(x: *const F80, y: *const F80) -> bool;
fn extF80M_to_i32(src: *const F80, rounding_mode: u8, raise_inexact: bool) -> i32;
fn extF80M_to_i64(src: *const F80, rounding_mode: u8, raise_inexact: bool) -> i64;
fn i32_to_extF80M(src: i32, dst: *mut F80);
fn i64_to_extF80M(src: i64, dst: *mut F80);
fn f32_to_extF80M(src: i32, dst: *mut F80);
fn f64_to_extF80M(src: u64, dst: *mut F80);
fn extF80M_to_f32(src: *const F80) -> i32;
fn extF80M_to_f64(src: *const F80) -> u64;
static mut softfloat_roundingMode: u8;
static mut extF80_roundingPrecision: u8;
static mut softfloat_exceptionFlags: u8;
pub enum RoundingMode {
pub enum Precision {
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct F80 {
pub mantissa: u64,
pub sign_exponent: u16,
impl F80 {
pub const ZERO: F80 = F80 {
mantissa: 0,
sign_exponent: 0,
pub const ONE: F80 = F80 {
mantissa: 0x8000000000000000,
sign_exponent: 0x3FFF,
pub const LN_10: F80 = F80 {
mantissa: 0x935D8DDDAAA8B000,
sign_exponent: 0x4000,
pub const LN_2: F80 = F80 {
mantissa: 0xB17217F7D1CF7800,
sign_exponent: 0x3FFE,
pub const PI: F80 = F80 {
mantissa: 0xC90FDAA22168C000,
sign_exponent: 0x4000,
pub const LOG2_E: F80 = F80 {
mantissa: 0xB8AA3B295C17F000,
sign_exponent: 0x3FFF,
pub const INDEFINITE_NAN: F80 = F80 {
mantissa: 0xC000000000000000,
sign_exponent: 0x7FFF,
pub const POS_INFINITY: F80 = F80 {
mantissa: 0x8000000000000000,
sign_exponent: 0x7FFF,
pub const NEG_INFINITY: F80 = F80 {
mantissa: 0x8000000000000000,
sign_exponent: 0xFFFF,
pub fn sign(&self) -> bool { (self.sign_exponent >> 15) == 1 }
pub fn exponent(&self) -> i16 { (self.sign_exponent as i16 & 0x7FFF) - 0x3FFF }
pub fn of_i32(src: i32) -> F80 {
let mut x = F80::ZERO;
unsafe {
i32_to_extF80M(src, &mut x)
pub fn of_i64(src: i64) -> F80 {
let mut x = F80::ZERO;
unsafe {
i64_to_extF80M(src, &mut x)
pub fn of_f32(src: i32) -> F80 {
let mut x = F80::ZERO;
unsafe {
f32_to_extF80M(src, &mut x)
pub fn of_f64(src: u64) -> F80 {
let mut x = F80::ZERO;
unsafe {
f64_to_extF80M(src, &mut x)
fn of_f64x(src: f64) -> F80 { F80::of_f64(unsafe { std::mem::transmute(src) }) }
pub fn to_f32(&self) -> i32 { unsafe { extF80M_to_f32(self) } }
pub fn to_f64(&self) -> u64 { unsafe { extF80M_to_f64(self) } }
fn to_f64x(&self) -> f64 { unsafe { std::mem::transmute(extF80M_to_f64(self)) } }
pub fn to_i32(&self) -> i32 { unsafe { extF80M_to_i32(self, softfloat_roundingMode, false) } }
pub fn to_i64(&self) -> i64 { unsafe { extF80M_to_i64(self, softfloat_roundingMode, false) } }
pub fn cos(self) -> F80 { F80::of_f64x(self.to_f64x().cos()) }
pub fn sin(self) -> F80 { F80::of_f64x(self.to_f64x().sin()) }
pub fn tan(self) -> F80 { F80::of_f64x(self.to_f64x().tan()) }
pub fn atan(self) -> F80 { F80::of_f64x(self.to_f64x().atan()) }
pub fn atan2(self, other: F80) -> F80 { F80::of_f64x(self.to_f64x().atan2(other.to_f64x())) }
pub fn log2(self) -> F80 { F80::of_f64x(self.to_f64x().log2()) }
pub fn ln(self) -> F80 { F80::of_f64x(self.to_f64x().ln()) }
pub fn abs(self) -> F80 {
F80 {
mantissa: self.mantissa,
sign_exponent: self.sign_exponent & !0x8000,
pub fn two_pow(self) -> F80 { F80::of_f64x(2.0f64.powf(self.to_f64x())) }
pub fn round(self) -> F80 {
let mut result = F80::ZERO;
unsafe {
extF80M_roundToInt(&self, softfloat_roundingMode, false, &mut result)
pub fn trunc(self) -> F80 {
let mut result = F80::ZERO;
unsafe {
extF80M_roundToInt(&self, 1, false, &mut result)
pub fn sqrt(self) -> F80 {
let mut result = F80::ZERO;
unsafe {
extF80M_sqrt(&self, &mut result)
pub fn is_finite(self) -> bool {
// TODO: Can probably be done more efficiently
self != F80::POS_INFINITY && self != F80::NEG_INFINITY
pub fn is_nan(self) -> bool {
// TODO: Can probably be done more efficiently
self != self
pub fn set_rounding_mode(mode: RoundingMode) {
unsafe {
softfloat_roundingMode = match mode {
RoundingMode::NearEven => 0,
RoundingMode::Trunc => 1,
RoundingMode::Floor => 2,
RoundingMode::Ceil => 3,
pub fn set_precision(precision: Precision) {
unsafe {
extF80_roundingPrecision = match precision {
Precision::P80 => 80,
Precision::P64 => 64,
Precision::P32 => 32,
pub fn get_exception_flags() -> u8 {
let f = unsafe { softfloat_exceptionFlags };
// translate softfloat's flags to x87 status flags
f >> 4 & 1 | f >> 1 & 4 | f << 3 & 16
pub fn clear_exception_flags() { unsafe { softfloat_exceptionFlags = 0 } }
pub fn partial_cmp_quiet(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<std::cmp::Ordering> {
// TODO: Can probably be done more efficiently
if unsafe { extF80M_lt_quiet(self, other) } {
else if unsafe { extF80M_lt_quiet(other, self) } {
else if self == other {
else {
impl std::ops::Add for F80 {
type Output = F80;
fn add(self, other: Self) -> Self {
let mut result = F80::ZERO;
unsafe {
extF80M_add(&self, &other, &mut result)
impl std::ops::Sub for F80 {
type Output = F80;
fn sub(self, other: Self) -> Self {
let mut result = F80::ZERO;
unsafe {
extF80M_sub(&self, &other, &mut result)
impl std::ops::Neg for F80 {
type Output = F80;
fn neg(self) -> Self {
let mut result = self;
result.sign_exponent ^= 1 << 15;
impl std::ops::Mul for F80 {
type Output = F80;
fn mul(self, other: Self) -> Self {
let mut result = F80::ZERO;
unsafe {
extF80M_mul(&self, &other, &mut result)
impl std::ops::Div for F80 {
type Output = F80;
fn div(self, other: Self) -> Self {
let mut result = F80::ZERO;
unsafe {
extF80M_div(&self, &other, &mut result)
impl std::ops::Rem for F80 {
type Output = F80;
fn rem(self, other: Self) -> Self {
let quot = (self / other).trunc();
self - quot * other
// Uses round-to-nearest instead of truncation
//let mut result = F80::ZERO;
//unsafe {
// extF80M_rem(&self, &other, &mut result)
impl PartialEq for F80 {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { unsafe { extF80M_eq(self, other) } }
impl PartialOrd for F80 {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<std::cmp::Ordering> {
// TODO: Can probably be done more efficiently
if unsafe { extF80M_lt(self, other) } {
else if unsafe { extF80M_lt(other, self) } {
else if self == other {
else {