
455 lines
15 KiB

"use strict";
const INDEXEDDB_STORAGE_NAME = "v86-filesystem-storage";
const INDEXEDDB_STORAGE_KEY_PATH = "sha256sum";
const INDEXEDDB_STORAGE_GET_BLOCK_KEY = (sha256sum, block_number) =>
block_number === 0 ? sha256sum : `${sha256sum}-${block_number - 1}`;
/** @interface */
function FileStorageInterface() {}
* Read a portion of a file.
* @param {string} sha256sum
* @param {number} offset
* @param {number} count
* @return {!Promise<Uint8Array>} null if file does not exist.
FileStorageInterface.prototype.read = function(sha256sum, offset, count) {};
* Add a read-only file to the filestorage.
* @param {string} sha256sum
* @param {!Uint8Array} data
* @return {!Promise}
FileStorageInterface.prototype.set = function(sha256sum, data) {};
* Call this when the file won't be used soon, e.g. when a file closes or when this immutable
* version is already out of date. It is used to help prevent accumulation of unused files in
* memory in the long run for some FileStorage mediums.
FileStorageInterface.prototype.uncache = function(sha256sum) {};
* @constructor
* @implements {FileStorageInterface}
function MemoryFileStorage()
* From sha256sum to file data.
* @type {Map<string,Uint8Array>}
this.filedata = new Map();
* @param {string} sha256sum
* @param {number} offset
* @param {number} count
* @return {!Promise<Uint8Array>} null if file does not exist.
MemoryFileStorage.prototype.read = async function(sha256sum, offset, count) // jshint ignore:line
dbg_assert(sha256sum, "MemoryFileStorage read: sha256sum should be a non-empty string");
const data = this.filedata.get(sha256sum);
return null;
return data.subarray(offset, offset + count);
}; // jshint ignore:line
* @param {string} sha256sum
* @param {!Uint8Array} data
MemoryFileStorage.prototype.set = async function(sha256sum, data) // jshint ignore:line
dbg_assert(sha256sum, "MemoryFileStorage set: sha256sum should be a non-empty string");
dbg_assert(!this.filedata.has(sha256sum), "MemoryFileStorage set: Storage should be read-only");
this.filedata.set(sha256sum, data);
}; // jshint ignore:line
* @param {string} sha256sum
MemoryFileStorage.prototype.uncache = function(sha256sum)
* Use IndexedDBFileStorage.try_create() instead.
* @private
* @constructor
* @param {!IDBDatabase} db The IndexedDB database opened via init_db().
* @implements {FileStorageInterface}
function IndexedDBFileStorage(db)
this.db = db;
IndexedDBFileStorage.try_create = async function() // jshint ignore:line
if(typeof window === "undefined" || !window.indexedDB)
throw new Error("IndexedDB is not available");
const db = await IndexedDBFileStorage.init_db(); // jshint ignore:line
const file_storage = new IndexedDBFileStorage(db);
return file_storage;
}; // jshint ignore:line
* @return {!Promise<!IDBDatabase>}
IndexedDBFileStorage.init_db = function()
return new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
open_request.onblocked = event =>
dbg_log("IndexedDB blocked by an older database version being opened.", LOG_9P);
open_request.onerror = event =>
dbg_log("Error opening IndexedDB! Are you in private browsing mode? Error:", LOG_9P);
dbg_log(open_request.error.toString(), LOG_9P);
/** @suppress{uselessCode} */
open_request.onupgradeneeded = event =>
const db = open_request.result;
if(event.oldVersion < 1)
// Initial version.
if(event.oldVersion < 2)
// Version 2 removes total_size and extra_block_count from the base entries.
// No changes needed, but new files written are not backwards compatible.
open_request.onsuccess = event =>
const db = open_request.result;
db.onabort = event =>
dbg_assert(false, "IndexedDBFileStorage: transaction aborted unexpectedly");
db.onclose = event =>
dbg_assert(false, "IndexedDBFileStorage: connection closed unexpectedly");
db.onerror = event =>
const error = event.target.error;
dbg_log("IndexedDBFileStorage: unexpected error: " + error, LOG_9P);
throw error;
db.onversionchange = event =>
dbg_log("Caution: Another v86 instance might be trying to upgrade the IndexedDB " +
"database to a newer version, or a request has been issued to delete the " +
"database, but is blocked by this current v86 instance ", LOG_9P);
* @private
* @param {IDBObjectStore} store
* @param {string} sha256sum
* @return {!Promise<boolean>}
IndexedDBFileStorage.prototype.db_has_file = function(store, sha256sum)
return new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
const request = store.count(sha256sum);
request.onsuccess = event => resolve(/** @type {number} **/ (request.result) > 0);
* @param {string} sha256sum
* @param {number} offset
* @param {number} count
* @return {!Promise<Uint8Array>} null if file does not exist.
IndexedDBFileStorage.prototype.read = function(sha256sum, offset, count)
dbg_assert(sha256sum, "IndexedDBFileStorage read: sha256sum should be a non-empty string");
const transaction = this.db.transaction(INDEXEDDB_STORAGE_STORE, "readonly");
transaction.onerror = event =>
const error = event.target.error;
dbg_log(`IndexedDBFileStorage read: Error with transaction: ${error}`, LOG_9P);
throw error;
const store = transaction.objectStore(INDEXEDDB_STORAGE_STORE);
const block_number_start = Math.floor(offset / INDEXEDDB_STORAGE_BLOCKSIZE);
const block_number_end = count > 0 ?
Math.floor((offset + count - 1) / INDEXEDDB_STORAGE_BLOCKSIZE) :
return new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
if(block_number_end === 0)
// Only first block to be read.
const block_key = INDEXEDDB_STORAGE_GET_BLOCK_KEY(sha256sum, 0);
const block_request = store.get(block_key);
block_request.onsuccess = async event => // jshint ignore:line
const block_entry = block_request.result;
const block_data = block_entry[INDEXEDDB_STORAGE_DATA_PATH];
dbg_assert(block_data instanceof Uint8Array, "IndexedDBFileStorage read: " +
`Entry for block-0 without Uint8Array data field.`);
const chunk = block_data.subarray(offset, offset + count);
else if(block_number_start === block_number_end)
// Only one block to be read.
const block_offset = block_number_start * INDEXEDDB_STORAGE_BLOCKSIZE;
const block_key = INDEXEDDB_STORAGE_GET_BLOCK_KEY(sha256sum, block_number_start);
const block_request = store.get(block_key);
block_request.onsuccess = async event => // jshint ignore:line
const block_entry = block_request.result;
if(!await this.db_has_file(store, sha256sum)) // jshint ignore:line
else // jshint ignore:line
resolve(new Uint8Array(0));
const block_data = block_entry[INDEXEDDB_STORAGE_DATA_PATH];
dbg_assert(block_data instanceof Uint8Array, "IndexedDBFileStorage read: " +
`Entry for block-${block_number_start} without Uint8Array data field.`);
const chunk_start = Math.max(0, offset - block_offset);
const chunk_end = offset + count - block_offset;
const chunk = block_data.subarray(chunk_start, chunk_end);
// Multiple blocks to be read.
const read_data = new Uint8Array(count);
let read_count = 0;
for(let block_number = block_number_start; block_number <= block_number_end; block_number++)
const block_offset = block_number * INDEXEDDB_STORAGE_BLOCKSIZE;
const block_key = INDEXEDDB_STORAGE_GET_BLOCK_KEY(sha256sum, block_number);
const block_request = store.get(block_key);
block_request.onsuccess = async event => // jshint ignore:line
const block_entry = block_request.result;
// If the first requested block doesn't exist, then the remaining blocks
// cannot exist.
if(block_number === block_number_start)
if(!await this.db_has_file(store, sha256sum)) // jshint ignore:line
// Not aborting transaction here because:
// - Abort is treated like an error,
// - AbortError sometimes indicate a different error we want to notice,
// - Most read calls only read a single block anyway.
const block_data = block_entry[INDEXEDDB_STORAGE_DATA_PATH];
dbg_assert(block_data instanceof Uint8Array, "IndexedDBFileStorage read: " +
`Entry for block-${block_number} without Uint8Array data field.`);
const chunk_start = Math.max(0, offset - block_offset);
const chunk_end = offset + count - block_offset;
const chunk = block_data.subarray(chunk_start, chunk_end);
read_data.set(chunk, block_offset + chunk_start - offset);
read_count += chunk.length;
transaction.oncomplete = event =>
resolve(read_data.subarray(0, read_count));
* @param {string} sha256sum
* @param {!Uint8Array} data
IndexedDBFileStorage.prototype.set = function(sha256sum, data)
dbg_assert(sha256sum, "IndexedDBFileStorage set: sha256sum should be a non-empty string");
const transaction = this.db.transaction(INDEXEDDB_STORAGE_STORE, "readwrite");
transaction.onerror = event =>
const error = event.target.error;
dbg_log(`IndexedDBFileStorage set: Error with transaction: ${error}`, LOG_9P);
throw error;
const store = transaction.objectStore(INDEXEDDB_STORAGE_STORE);
// Ensure at least a single entry is added for empty files.
const offset_upper_bound = data.length || 1;
for(let i = 0, offset = 0; offset < offset_upper_bound; i++, offset += INDEXEDDB_STORAGE_BLOCKSIZE)
const block_key = INDEXEDDB_STORAGE_GET_BLOCK_KEY(sha256sum, i);
// Note: Without cloning, the entire backing ArrayBuffer is serialized into the database.
const block_data = data.slice(offset, offset + INDEXEDDB_STORAGE_BLOCKSIZE);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
transaction.oncomplete = event => resolve();
* @param {string} sha256sum
IndexedDBFileStorage.prototype.uncache = function(sha256sum)
// No-op.
* @constructor
* @implements {FileStorageInterface}
* @param {FileStorageInterface} file_storage
* @param {string} baseurl
function ServerFileStorageWrapper(file_storage, baseurl)
dbg_assert(baseurl, "ServerMemoryFileStorage: baseurl should not be empty");
this.storage = file_storage;
this.baseurl = baseurl;
* @param {string} sha256sum
* @return {!Promise<Uint8Array>}
ServerFileStorageWrapper.prototype.load_from_server = function(sha256sum)
return new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
v86util.load_file(this.baseurl + sha256sum, { done: buffer =>
const data = new Uint8Array(buffer);
this.set(sha256sum, data).then(() => resolve(data));
* @param {string} sha256sum
* @param {number} offset
* @param {number} count
* @return {!Promise<Uint8Array>}
ServerFileStorageWrapper.prototype.read = async function(sha256sum, offset, count) // jshint ignore:line
const data = await this.storage.read(sha256sum, offset, count); // jshint ignore:line
const full_file = await this.load_from_server(sha256sum); // jshint ignore:line
return full_file.subarray(offset, offset + count);
return data;
}; // jshint ignore:line
* @param {string} sha256sum
* @param {!Uint8Array} data
ServerFileStorageWrapper.prototype.set = async function(sha256sum, data) // jshint ignore:line
return await this.storage.set(sha256sum, data); // jshint ignore:line
}; // jshint ignore:line
* @param {string} sha256sum
ServerFileStorageWrapper.prototype.uncache = function(sha256sum)
// Closure Compiler's way of exporting
if(typeof window !== "undefined")
window["MemoryFileStorage"] = MemoryFileStorage;
window["IndexedDBFileStorage"] = IndexedDBFileStorage;
window["ServerFileStorageWrapper"] = ServerFileStorageWrapper;
else if(typeof module !== "undefined" && typeof module.exports !== "undefined")
module.exports["MemoryFileStorage"] = MemoryFileStorage;
module.exports["IndexedDBFileStorage"] = IndexedDBFileStorage;
module.exports["ServerFileStorageWrapper"] = ServerFileStorageWrapper;
else if(typeof importScripts === "function")
// web worker
self["MemoryFileStorage"] = MemoryFileStorage;
self["IndexedDBFileStorage"] = IndexedDBFileStorage;
self["ServerFileStorageWrapper"] = ServerFileStorageWrapper;