2020-08-30 19:29:54 -05:00

1934 lines
54 KiB

// -------------------------------------------------
// ----------------- FILESYSTEM---------------------
// -------------------------------------------------
// Implementation of a unix filesystem in memory.
"use strict";
var S_IRWXUGO = 0x1FF;
var S_IFMT = 0xF000;
var S_IFSOCK = 0xC000;
var S_IFLNK = 0xA000;
var S_IFREG = 0x8000;
var S_IFBLK = 0x6000;
var S_IFDIR = 0x4000;
var S_IFCHR = 0x2000;
//var S_IFIFO 0010000
//var S_ISUID 0004000
//var S_ISGID 0002000
//var S_ISVTX 0001000
var O_RDONLY = 0x0000; // open for reading only
var O_WRONLY = 0x0001; // open for writing only
var O_RDWR = 0x0002; // open for reading and writing
var O_ACCMODE = 0x0003; // mask for above modes
var STATUS_INVALID = -0x1;
var STATUS_OK = 0x0;
/** @const */ var JSONFS_VERSION = 3;
/** @const */ var JSONFS_IDX_NAME = 0;
/** @const */ var JSONFS_IDX_SIZE = 1;
/** @const */ var JSONFS_IDX_MTIME = 2;
/** @const */ var JSONFS_IDX_MODE = 3;
/** @const */ var JSONFS_IDX_UID = 4;
/** @const */ var JSONFS_IDX_GID = 5;
/** @const */ var JSONFS_IDX_TARGET = 6;
/** @const */ var JSONFS_IDX_SHA256 = 6;
* @constructor
* @param {FileStorage=} storage
* @param {{ last_qidnumber: number }=} qidcounter Another fs's qidcounter to synchronise with.
function FS(storage, qidcounter) {
/** @type {Array.<!Inode>} */
this.inodes = [];
this.events = [];
this.storage = storage;
this.qidcounter = qidcounter || { last_qidnumber: 0 };
this.OnLoaded = function() {};
//this.tar = new TAR(this);
this.inodedata = {};
this.total_size = 256 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
this.used_size = 0;
/** @type {!Array<!FSMountInfo>} */
this.mounts = [];
//RegisterMessage("LoadFilesystem", this.LoadFilesystem.bind(this) );
//RegisterMessage("MergeFile", this.MergeFile.bind(this) );
// function(data) {
// SendToMaster("tar", this.tar.Pack(data));
// }.bind(this)
// function(data) {
// SendToMaster("sync", this.tar.Pack(data));
// }.bind(this)
// root entry
this.CreateDirectory("", -1);
FS.prototype.get_state = function()
let state = [];
state[0] = this.inodes;
state[1] = this.qidcounter.last_qidnumber;
state[2] = [];
for(let entry of Object.entries(this.inodedata))
state[3] = this.total_size;
state[4] = this.used_size;
state = state.concat(this.mounts);
return state;
FS.prototype.set_state = function(state)
this.inodes = state[0].map(state => { const inode = new Inode(0); inode.set_state(state); return inode; });
this.qidcounter.last_qidnumber = state[1];
this.inodedata = {};
for(let [key, value] of state[2])
if(value.buffer.byteLength !== value.byteLength)
// make a copy if we didn't get one
value = value.slice();
this.inodedata[key] = value;
this.total_size = state[3];
this.used_size = state[4];
this.mounts = state.slice(5);
// -----------------------------------------------------
FS.prototype.AddEvent = function(id, OnEvent) {
var inode = this.inodes[id];
if (inode.status == STATUS_OK) {
else if(this.is_forwarder(inode))
this.follow_fs(inode).AddEvent(inode.foreign_id, OnEvent);
this.events.push({id: id, OnEvent: OnEvent});
FS.prototype.HandleEvent = function(id) {
const inode = this.inodes[id];
//message.Debug("number of events: " + this.events.length);
var newevents = [];
for(var i=0; i<this.events.length; i++) {
if (this.events[i].id == id) {
} else {
this.events = newevents;
FS.prototype.OnJSONLoaded = function(fs)
console.assert(fs, "Invalid fs passed to OnJSONLoaded");
var fsdata = JSON.parse(fs);
if(fsdata["version"] !== JSONFS_VERSION)
throw "The filesystem JSON format has changed. " +
"Please update your fs2json (https://github.com/copy/fs2json) and recreate the filesystem JSON.";
var fsroot = fsdata["fsroot"];
this.used_size = fsdata["size"];
var me = this;
for(var i = 0; i < fsroot.length; i++) {
me.LoadRecursive(fsroot[i], 0);
// console.time("Check");
// me.Check();
// console.timeEnd("Check");
me.OnLoaded = function() {};
}, 0);
FS.prototype.LoadRecursive = function(data, parentid)
var inode = this.CreateInode();
const name = data[JSONFS_IDX_NAME];
inode.size = data[JSONFS_IDX_SIZE];
inode.mtime = data[JSONFS_IDX_MTIME];
inode.ctime = inode.mtime;
inode.atime = inode.mtime;
inode.mode = data[JSONFS_IDX_MODE];
inode.uid = data[JSONFS_IDX_UID];
inode.gid = data[JSONFS_IDX_GID];
var ifmt = inode.mode & S_IFMT;
if(ifmt === S_IFDIR)
inode.updatedir = true;
this.PushInode(inode, parentid, name);
this.LoadDir(this.inodes.length - 1, data[JSONFS_IDX_TARGET]);
else if(ifmt === S_IFREG)
inode.sha256sum = data[JSONFS_IDX_SHA256];
this.PushInode(inode, parentid, name);
else if(ifmt === S_IFLNK)
inode.symlink = data[JSONFS_IDX_TARGET];
this.PushInode(inode, parentid, name);
else if(ifmt === S_IFSOCK)
// socket: ignore
dbg_log("Unexpected ifmt: " + h(ifmt) + " (" + name + ")");
FS.prototype.LoadDir = function(parentid, children)
for(var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
this.LoadRecursive(children[i], parentid);
// -----------------------------------------------------
* @private
* @param {Inode} inode
* @return {boolean}
FS.prototype.should_be_linked = function(inode)
// Note: Non-root forwarder inode could still have a non-forwarder parent, so don't use
// parent inode to check.
return !this.is_forwarder(inode) || inode.foreign_id === 0;
* @private
* @param {number} parentid
* @param {number} idx
* @param {string} name
FS.prototype.link_under_dir = function(parentid, idx, name)
const inode = this.inodes[idx];
const parent_inode = this.inodes[parentid];
"Filesystem: Shouldn't link under fowarder parents");
"Filesystem: Can't link under non-directories");
"Filesystem: Can't link across filesystems apart from their root");
dbg_assert(inode.nlinks >= 0,
"Filesystem: Found negative nlinks value of " + inode.nlinks);
"Filesystem: Name '" + name + "' is already taken");
parent_inode.direntries.set(name, idx);
parent_inode.updatedir = true;
"Filesystem: Cannot link a directory twice");
if(!inode.direntries.has(".")) inode.nlinks++;
inode.direntries.set(".", idx);
inode.direntries.set("..", parentid);
inode.updatedir = true;
* @private
* @param {number} parentid
* @param {string} name
FS.prototype.unlink_from_dir = function(parentid, name)
const idx = this.Search(parentid, name);
const inode = this.inodes[idx];
const parent_inode = this.inodes[parentid];
dbg_assert(!this.is_forwarder(parent_inode), "Filesystem: Can't unlink from fowarders");
dbg_assert(this.IsDirectory(parentid), "Filesystem: Can't unlink from non-directories");
const exists = parent_inode.direntries.delete(name);
dbg_assert(false, "Filesystem: Can't unlink non-existent file: " + name);
parent_inode.updatedir = true;
dbg_assert(inode.direntries.get("..") === parentid,
"Filesystem: Found directory with bad parent id");
inode.updatedir = true;
dbg_assert(inode.nlinks >= 0,
"Filesystem: Found negative nlinks value of " + inode.nlinks);
FS.prototype.PushInode = function(inode, parentid, name) {
if (parentid != -1) {
inode.fid = this.inodes.length - 1;
this.link_under_dir(parentid, inode.fid, name);
} else {
if (this.inodes.length == 0) { // if root directory
inode.direntries.set(".", 0);
inode.direntries.set("..", 0);
inode.nlinks = 2;
message.Debug("Error in Filesystem: Pushed inode with name = "+ name + " has no parent");
/** @constructor */
function Inode(qidnumber)
this.updatedir = false; // did the directory listing changed?
this.direntries = new Map(); // maps filename to inode id
this.status = 0;
this.size = 0x0;
this.uid = 0x0;
this.gid = 0x0;
this.fid = 0;
this.ctime = 0;
this.atime = 0;
this.mtime = 0;
this.major = 0x0;
this.minor = 0x0;
this.symlink = "";
this.mode = 0x01ED;
this.qid = {
type: 0,
version: 0,
path: qidnumber,
this.caps = undefined;
this.nlinks = 0;
this.dirty = false; // has this file changed?
this.sha256sum = "";
/** @type{!Array<!FSLockRegion>} */
this.locks = []; // lock regions applied to the file, sorted by starting offset.
// For forwarders:
this.mount_id = -1; // which fs in this.mounts does this inode forward to?
this.foreign_id = -1; // which foreign inode id does it represent?
//this.qid_type = 0;
//this.qid_version = 0;
//this.qid_path = qidnumber;
Inode.prototype.get_state = function()
const state = [];
state[0] = this.updatedir;
state[1] = [...this.direntries];
state[2] = this.locks;
state[4] = this.status;
state[6] = this.size;
state[7] = this.uid;
state[8] = this.gid;
state[9] = this.fid;
state[10] = this.ctime;
state[11] = this.atime;
state[12] = this.mtime;
state[13] = this.major;
state[14] = this.minor;
state[15] = this.symlink;
state[16] = this.mode;
state[17] = this.qid.type;
state[18] = this.qid.version;
state[19] = this.qid.path;
state[20] = this.caps;
state[21] = this.nlinks;
state[22] = this.dirty;
state[23] = this.mount_id;
state[24] = this.foreign_id;
state[25] = this.sha256sum;
return state;
Inode.prototype.set_state = function(state)
this.updatedir = state[0];
this.direntries = new Map(state[1]);
this.locks = [];
for(const lock_state of state[2])
const lock = new FSLockRegion();
this.status = state[4];
this.size = state[6];
this.uid = state[7];
this.gid = state[8];
this.fid = state[9];
this.ctime = state[10];
this.atime = state[11];
this.mtime = state[12];
this.major = state[13];
this.minor = state[14];
this.symlink = state[15];
this.mode = state[16];
this.qid.type = state[17];
this.qid.version = state[18];
this.qid.path = state[19];
this.caps = state[20];
this.nlinks = state[21];
this.dirty = state[22];
this.mount_id = state[23];
this.foreign_id = state[24];
this.sha256sum = state[25];
* Clones given inode to new idx, effectively diverting the inode to new idx value.
* Hence, original idx value is now free to use without losing the original information.
* @private
* @param {number} parentid Parent of target to divert.
* @param {string} filename Name of target to divert.
* @return {number} New idx of diversion.
FS.prototype.divert = function(parentid, filename)
const old_idx = this.Search(parentid, filename);
const old_inode = this.inodes[old_idx];
const new_inode = new Inode(-1);
dbg_assert(old_inode, "Filesystem divert: name (" + filename + ") not found");
dbg_assert(this.IsDirectory(old_idx) || old_inode.nlinks <= 1,
"Filesystem: can't divert hardlinked file '" + filename + "' with nlinks=" +
// Shallow copy is alright.
Object.assign(new_inode, old_inode);
const idx = this.inodes.length;
new_inode.fid = idx;
// Relink references
this.mounts[old_inode.mount_id].backtrack.set(old_inode.foreign_id, idx);
this.unlink_from_dir(parentid, filename);
this.link_under_dir(parentid, idx, filename);
// Update children
if(this.IsDirectory(old_idx) && !this.is_forwarder(old_inode))
for(const [name, child_id] of new_inode.direntries)
if(name === "." || name === "..") continue;
this.inodes[child_id].direntries.set("..", idx);
// Relocate local data if any.
this.inodedata[idx] = this.inodedata[old_idx];
delete this.inodedata[old_idx];
// Retire old reference information.
old_inode.direntries = new Map();
old_inode.nlinks = 0;
return idx;
* Copy all non-redundant info.
* References left untouched: local idx value and links
* @private
* @param {!Inode} src_inode
* @param {!Inode} dest_inode
FS.prototype.copy_inode = function(src_inode, dest_inode)
Object.assign(dest_inode, src_inode, {
fid: dest_inode.fid,
direntries: dest_inode.direntries,
nlinks: dest_inode.nlinks,
FS.prototype.CreateInode = function() {
//console.log("CreateInode", Error().stack);
const now = Math.round(Date.now() / 1000);
const inode = new Inode(++this.qidcounter.last_qidnumber);
inode.atime = inode.ctime = inode.mtime = now;
return inode;
// Note: parentid = -1 for initial root directory.
FS.prototype.CreateDirectory = function(name, parentid) {
const parent_inode = this.inodes[parentid];
if(parentid >= 0 && this.is_forwarder(parent_inode))
const foreign_parentid = parent_inode.foreign_id;
const foreign_id = this.follow_fs(parent_inode).CreateDirectory(name, foreign_parentid);
return this.create_forwarder(parent_inode.mount_id, foreign_id);
var x = this.CreateInode();
x.mode = 0x01FF | S_IFDIR;
x.updatedir = true;
if (parentid >= 0) {
x.uid = this.inodes[parentid].uid;
x.gid = this.inodes[parentid].gid;
x.mode = (this.inodes[parentid].mode & 0x1FF) | S_IFDIR;
x.qid.type = S_IFDIR >> 8;
this.PushInode(x, parentid, name);
this.NotifyListeners(this.inodes.length-1, 'newdir');
return this.inodes.length-1;
FS.prototype.CreateFile = function(filename, parentid) {
const parent_inode = this.inodes[parentid];
const foreign_parentid = parent_inode.foreign_id;
const foreign_id = this.follow_fs(parent_inode).CreateFile(filename, foreign_parentid);
return this.create_forwarder(parent_inode.mount_id, foreign_id);
var x = this.CreateInode();
x.dirty = true;
x.uid = this.inodes[parentid].uid;
x.gid = this.inodes[parentid].gid;
x.qid.type = S_IFREG >> 8;
x.mode = (this.inodes[parentid].mode & 0x1B6) | S_IFREG;
this.PushInode(x, parentid, filename);
this.NotifyListeners(this.inodes.length-1, 'newfile');
return this.inodes.length-1;
FS.prototype.CreateNode = function(filename, parentid, major, minor) {
const parent_inode = this.inodes[parentid];
const foreign_parentid = parent_inode.foreign_id;
const foreign_id =
this.follow_fs(parent_inode).CreateNode(filename, foreign_parentid, major, minor);
return this.create_forwarder(parent_inode.mount_id, foreign_id);
var x = this.CreateInode();
x.major = major;
x.minor = minor;
x.uid = this.inodes[parentid].uid;
x.gid = this.inodes[parentid].gid;
x.qid.type = S_IFSOCK >> 8;
x.mode = (this.inodes[parentid].mode & 0x1B6);
this.PushInode(x, parentid, filename);
return this.inodes.length-1;
FS.prototype.CreateSymlink = function(filename, parentid, symlink) {
const parent_inode = this.inodes[parentid];
const foreign_parentid = parent_inode.foreign_id;
const foreign_id =
this.follow_fs(parent_inode).CreateSymlink(filename, foreign_parentid, symlink);
return this.create_forwarder(parent_inode.mount_id, foreign_id);
var x = this.CreateInode();
x.uid = this.inodes[parentid].uid;
x.gid = this.inodes[parentid].gid;
x.qid.type = S_IFLNK >> 8;
x.symlink = symlink;
x.mode = S_IFLNK;
this.PushInode(x, parentid, filename);
return this.inodes.length-1;
FS.prototype.CreateTextFile = async function(filename, parentid, str) { // jshint ignore:line
const parent_inode = this.inodes[parentid];
const foreign_parentid = parent_inode.foreign_id;
const foreign_id =
this.follow_fs(parent_inode).CreateTextFile(filename, foreign_parentid, str);
return this.create_forwarder(parent_inode.mount_id, foreign_id);
var id = this.CreateFile(filename, parentid);
var x = this.inodes[id];
var data = new Uint8Array(str.length);
x.dirty = true;
x.size = str.length;
for (var j = 0; j < str.length; j++) {
data[j] = str.charCodeAt(j);
await this.set_data(id, data); // jshint ignore:line
return id;
}; // jshint ignore:line
* @param {Uint8Array} buffer
FS.prototype.CreateBinaryFile = async function(filename, parentid, buffer) { // jshint ignore:line
const parent_inode = this.inodes[parentid];
const foreign_parentid = parent_inode.foreign_id;
const foreign_id =
this.follow_fs(parent_inode).CreateBinaryFile(filename, foreign_parentid, buffer);
return this.create_forwarder(parent_inode.mount_id, foreign_id);
var id = this.CreateFile(filename, parentid);
var x = this.inodes[id];
var data = new Uint8Array(buffer.length);
x.dirty = true;
await this.set_data(id, data); // jshint ignore:line
x.size = buffer.length;
return id;
}; // jshint ignore:line
FS.prototype.OpenInode = function(id, mode) {
var inode = this.inodes[id];
return this.follow_fs(inode).OpenInode(inode.foreign_id, mode);
if ((inode.mode&S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR) {
var type = "";
switch(inode.mode&S_IFMT) {
case S_IFREG: type = "File"; break;
case S_IFBLK: type = "Block Device"; break;
case S_IFDIR: type = "Directory"; break;
case S_IFCHR: type = "Character Device"; break;
//message.Debug("open:" + this.GetFullPath(id) + " type: " + inode.mode + " status:" + inode.status);
return true;
FS.prototype.CloseInode = async function(id) { // jshint ignore:line
//message.Debug("close: " + this.GetFullPath(id));
var inode = this.inodes[id];
return this.follow_fs(inode).CloseInode(inode.foreign_id);
if (inode.status == STATUS_UNLINKED) {
//message.Debug("Filesystem: Delete unlinked file");
inode.status = STATUS_INVALID;
await this.DeleteData(id); // jshint ignore:line
}; // jshint ignore:line
* @return {number} 0 if success, or -errno if failured.
FS.prototype.Rename = async function(olddirid, oldname, newdirid, newname) { // jshint ignore:line
// message.Debug("Rename " + oldname + " to " + newname);
if ((olddirid == newdirid) && (oldname == newname)) {
return 0;
var oldid = this.Search(olddirid, oldname);
if(oldid === -1)
return -ENOENT;
// For event notification near end of method.
var oldpath = this.GetFullPath(olddirid) + "/" + oldname;
var newid = this.Search(newdirid, newname);
if (newid != -1) {
const ret = this.Unlink(newdirid, newname);
if(ret < 0) return ret;
var idx = oldid; // idx contains the id which we want to rename
var inode = this.inodes[idx];
const olddir = this.inodes[olddirid];
const newdir = this.inodes[newdirid];
if(!this.is_forwarder(olddir) && !this.is_forwarder(newdir))
// Move inode within current filesystem.
this.unlink_from_dir(olddirid, oldname);
this.link_under_dir(newdirid, idx, newname);
else if(this.is_forwarder(olddir) && olddir.mount_id === newdir.mount_id)
// Move inode within the same child filesystem.
const ret = await // jshint ignore:line
this.follow_fs(olddir).Rename(olddir.foreign_id, oldname, newdir.foreign_id, newname);
if(ret < 0) return ret;
else if(this.is_a_root(idx))
// The actual inode is a root of some descendant filesystem.
// Moving mountpoint across fs not supported - needs to update all corresponding forwarders.
dbg_log("XXX: Attempted to move mountpoint (" + oldname + ") - skipped", LOG_9P);
return -EPERM;
else if(!this.IsDirectory(idx) && this.GetInode(idx).nlinks > 1)
// Move hardlinked inode vertically in mount tree.
dbg_log("XXX: Attempted to move hardlinked file (" + oldname + ") " +
"across filesystems - skipped", LOG_9P);
return -EPERM;
// Jump between filesystems.
// Can't work with both old and new inode information without first diverting the old
// information into a new idx value.
const diverted_old_idx = this.divert(olddirid, oldname);
const old_real_inode = this.GetInode(idx);
const data = await this.Read(diverted_old_idx, 0, old_real_inode.size); // jshint ignore:line
// Create new inode.
const foreign_fs = this.follow_fs(newdir);
const foreign_id = this.IsDirectory(diverted_old_idx) ?
foreign_fs.CreateDirectory(newname, newdir.foreign_id) :
foreign_fs.CreateFile(newname, newdir.foreign_id);
const new_real_inode = foreign_fs.GetInode(foreign_id);
this.copy_inode(old_real_inode, new_real_inode);
// Point to this new location.
this.set_forwarder(idx, newdir.mount_id, foreign_id);
// Replace current forwarder with real inode.
this.copy_inode(old_real_inode, inode);
// Link into new location in this filesystem.
this.link_under_dir(newdirid, idx, newname);
// Rewrite data to newly created destination.
await this.ChangeSize(idx, old_real_inode.size); // jshint ignore:line
if(data && data.length)
await this.Write(idx, 0, data.length, data); // jshint ignore:line
// Move children to newly created destination.
for(const child_filename of this.GetChildren(diverted_old_idx))
const ret = await this.Rename(diverted_old_idx, child_filename, idx, child_filename); // jshint ignore:line
if(ret < 0) return ret;
// Perform destructive changes only after migration succeeded.
await this.DeleteData(diverted_old_idx); // jshint ignore:line
const ret = this.Unlink(olddirid, oldname);
if(ret < 0) return ret;
this.NotifyListeners(idx, "rename", {oldpath: oldpath});
return 0;
}; // jshint ignore:line
FS.prototype.Write = async function(id, offset, count, buffer) { // jshint ignore:line
this.NotifyListeners(id, 'write');
var inode = this.inodes[id];
const foreign_id = inode.foreign_id;
await this.follow_fs(inode).Write(foreign_id, offset, count, buffer); // jshint ignore:line
inode.dirty = true;
var data = await this.get_data(id); // jshint ignore:line
if (!data || data.length < (offset+count)) {
await this.ChangeSize(id, Math.floor(((offset+count)*3)/2)); // jshint ignore:line
inode.size = offset + count;
data = await this.get_data(id); // jshint ignore:line
} else
if (inode.size < (offset+count)) {
inode.size = offset + count;
data.set(buffer.subarray(0, count), offset);
await this.set_data(id, data); // jshint ignore:line
}; // jshint ignore:line
FS.prototype.Read = async function(inodeid, offset, count) // jshint ignore:line
const inode = this.inodes[inodeid];
const foreign_id = inode.foreign_id;
return await this.follow_fs(inode).Read(foreign_id, offset, count); // jshint ignore:line
const data = await this.get_data(inodeid); // jshint ignore:line
return null;
return data.subarray(offset, offset + count);
}; // jshint ignore:line
FS.prototype.Search = function(parentid, name) {
const parent_inode = this.inodes[parentid];
const foreign_parentid = parent_inode.foreign_id;
const foreign_id = this.follow_fs(parent_inode).Search(foreign_parentid, name);
if(foreign_id === -1) return -1;
return this.get_forwarder(parent_inode.mount_id, foreign_id);
const childid = parent_inode.direntries.get(name);
return childid === undefined ? -1 : childid;
FS.prototype.CountUsedInodes = function()
let count = this.inodes.length;
for(const { fs, backtrack } of this.mounts)
count += fs.CountUsedInodes();
// Forwarder inodes don't count.
count -= backtrack.size;
return count;
FS.prototype.CountFreeInodes = function()
let count = 1024 * 1024;
for(const { fs } of this.mounts)
count += fs.CountFreeInodes();
return count;
FS.prototype.GetTotalSize = function() {
let size = this.used_size;
for(const { fs } of this.mounts)
size += fs.GetTotalSize();
return size;
//var size = 0;
//for(var i=0; i<this.inodes.length; i++) {
// var d = this.inodes[i].data;
// size += d ? d.length : 0;
//return size;
FS.prototype.GetSpace = function() {
let size = this.total_size;
for(const { fs } of this.mounts)
size += fs.GetSpace();
return this.total_size;
* XXX: Not ideal.
* @param {number} idx
* @return {string}
FS.prototype.GetDirectoryName = function(idx)
const parent_inode = this.inodes[this.GetParent(idx)];
return this.follow_fs(parent_inode).GetDirectoryName(this.inodes[idx].foreign_id);
// Root directory.
if(!parent_inode) return "";
for(const [name, childid] of parent_inode.direntries)
if(childid === idx) return name;
dbg_assert(false, "Filesystem: Found directory inode whose parent doesn't link to it");
return "";
FS.prototype.GetFullPath = function(idx) {
dbg_assert(this.IsDirectory(idx), "Filesystem: Cannot get full path of non-directory inode");
var path = "";
while(idx != 0) {
path = "/" + this.GetDirectoryName(idx) + path;
idx = this.GetParent(idx);
return path.substring(1);
* @param {number} parentid
* @param {number} targetid
* @param {string} name
* @return {number} 0 if success, or -errno if failured.
FS.prototype.Link = function(parentid, targetid, name)
return -EPERM;
const parent_inode = this.inodes[parentid];
const inode = this.inodes[targetid];
if(!this.is_forwarder(inode) || inode.mount_id !== parent_inode.mount_id)
dbg_log("XXX: Attempted to hardlink a file into a child filesystem - skipped", LOG_9P);
return -EPERM;
return this.follow_fs(parent_inode).Link(parent_inode.foreign_id, inode.foreign_id, name);
dbg_log("XXX: Attempted to hardlink file across filesystems - skipped", LOG_9P);
return -EPERM;
this.link_under_dir(parentid, targetid, name);
return 0;
FS.prototype.Unlink = function(parentid, name) {
if(name === "." || name === "..")
// Also guarantees that root cannot be deleted.
return -EPERM;
const idx = this.Search(parentid, name);
const inode = this.inodes[idx];
const parent_inode = this.inodes[parentid];
//message.Debug("Unlink " + inode.name);
// forward if necessary
dbg_assert(this.is_forwarder(inode), "Children of forwarders should be forwarders");
const foreign_parentid = parent_inode.foreign_id;
return this.follow_fs(parent_inode).Unlink(foreign_parentid, name);
// Keep the forwarder dangling - file is still accessible.
if(this.IsDirectory(idx) && !this.IsEmpty(idx))
return -ENOTEMPTY;
this.unlink_from_dir(parentid, name);
if(inode.nlinks === 0)
// don't delete the content. The file is still accessible
inode.status = STATUS_UNLINKED;
this.NotifyListeners(idx, 'delete');
return 0;
FS.prototype.DeleteData = async function(idx) // jshint ignore:line
const inode = this.inodes[idx];
inode.size = 0;
delete this.inodedata[idx];
}; // jshint ignore:line
* @private
* @param {number} idx
* @return {Uint8Array}
FS.prototype.get_data = async function(idx) // jshint ignore:line
const inode = this.inodes[idx];
dbg_assert(inode, `Filesystem get_data: idx ${idx} does not point to an inode`);
if(this.inodedata[idx]) return this.inodedata[idx];
if(inode.sha256sum && this.storage) return await this.storage.get(inode.sha256sum); // jshint ignore:line
return null;
}; // jshint ignore:line
* @private
* @param {number} idx
* @param {Uint8Array} buffer
FS.prototype.set_data = async function(idx, buffer) // jshint ignore:line
// Current scheme: Save all modified buffers into local inodedata.
this.inodedata[idx] = buffer;
}; // jshint ignore:line
* @param {number} idx
* @return {!Inode}
FS.prototype.GetInode = function(idx)
dbg_assert(!isNaN(idx), "Filesystem GetInode: NaN idx");
dbg_assert(idx >= 0 && idx < this.inodes.length, "Filesystem GetInode: out of range idx:" + idx);
const inode = this.inodes[idx];
return this.follow_fs(inode).GetInode(inode.foreign_id);
return inode;
FS.prototype.ChangeSize = async function(idx, newsize) // jshint ignore:line
var inode = this.GetInode(idx);
var temp = await this.get_data(idx); // jshint ignore:line
inode.dirty = true;
//message.Debug("change size to: " + newsize);
if (newsize == inode.size) return;
var data = new Uint8Array(newsize);
inode.size = newsize;
var size = Math.min(temp.length, inode.size);
data.set(temp.subarray(0, size), 0);
await this.set_data(idx, data); // jshint ignore:line
}; // jshint ignore:line
FS.prototype.SearchPath = function(path) {
//path = path.replace(/\/\//g, "/");
path = path.replace("//", "/");
var walk = path.split("/");
if (walk.length > 0 && walk[walk.length - 1].length === 0) walk.pop();
if (walk.length > 0 && walk[0].length === 0) walk.shift();
const n = walk.length;
var parentid = -1;
var id = 0;
let forward_path = null;
for(var i=0; i<n; i++) {
parentid = id;
id = this.Search(parentid, walk[i]);
if(!forward_path && this.is_forwarder(this.inodes[parentid]))
forward_path = "/" + walk.slice(i).join("/");
if (id == -1) {
if (i < n-1) return {id: -1, parentid: -1, name: walk[i], forward_path }; // one name of the path cannot be found
return {id: -1, parentid: parentid, name: walk[i], forward_path}; // the last element in the path does not exist, but the parent
return {id: id, parentid: parentid, name: walk[i], forward_path};
// -----------------------------------------------------
* @param {number} dirid
* @param {Array<{parentid: number, name: string}>} list
FS.prototype.GetRecursiveList = function(dirid, list) {
const foreign_fs = this.follow_fs(this.inodes[dirid]);
const foreign_dirid = this.inodes[dirid].foreign_id;
const mount_id = this.inodes[dirid].mount_id;
const foreign_start = list.length;
foreign_fs.GetRecursiveList(foreign_dirid, list);
for(let i = foreign_start; i < list.length; i++)
list[i].parentid = this.get_forwarder(mount_id, list[i].parentid);
for(const [name, id] of this.inodes[dirid].direntries)
if(name !== "." && name !== "..")
list.push({ parentid: dirid, name });
this.GetRecursiveList(id, list);
FS.prototype.RecursiveDelete = function(path) {
var toDelete = [];
var ids = this.SearchPath(path);
if(ids.id === -1) return;
this.GetRecursiveList(ids.id, toDelete);
for(var i=toDelete.length-1; i>=0; i--)
const ret = this.Unlink(toDelete[i].parentid, toDelete[i].name);
dbg_assert(ret === 0, "Filesystem RecursiveDelete failed at parent=" + toDelete[i].parentid +
", name='" + toDelete[i].name + "' with error code: " + (-ret));
FS.prototype.DeleteNode = function(path) {
var ids = this.SearchPath(path);
if (ids.id == -1) return;
if ((this.inodes[ids.id].mode&S_IFMT) == S_IFREG){
const ret = this.Unlink(ids.parentid, ids.name);
dbg_assert(ret === 0, "Filesystem DeleteNode failed with error code: " + (-ret));
if ((this.inodes[ids.id].mode&S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR){
const ret = this.Unlink(ids.parentid, ids.name);
dbg_assert(ret === 0, "Filesystem DeleteNode failed with error code: " + (-ret));
/** @param {*=} info */
FS.prototype.NotifyListeners = function(id, action, info) {
// info = {};
//var path = this.GetFullPath(id);
//if (this.watchFiles[path] == true && action=='write') {
// message.Send("WatchFileEvent", path);
//for (var directory of this.watchDirectories) {
// if (this.watchDirectories.hasOwnProperty(directory)) {
// var indexOf = path.indexOf(directory)
// if(indexOf == 0 || indexOf == 1)
// message.Send("WatchDirectoryEvent", {path: path, event: action, info: info});
// }
FS.prototype.Check = function() {
for(var i=1; i<this.inodes.length; i++)
if (this.inodes[i].status == STATUS_INVALID) continue;
var inode = this.GetInode(i);
if (inode.nlinks < 0) {
message.Debug("Error in filesystem: negative nlinks=" + inode.nlinks + " at id =" + i);
const inode = this.GetInode(i);
if(this.IsDirectory(i) && this.GetParent(i) < 0) {
message.Debug("Error in filesystem: negative parent id " + i);
for(const [name, id] of inode.direntries)
if(name.length === 0) {
message.Debug("Error in filesystem: inode with no name and id " + id);
for (const c of name) {
if (c < 32) {
message.Debug("Error in filesystem: Unallowed char in filename");
FS.prototype.FillDirectory = function(dirid) {
const inode = this.inodes[dirid];
// XXX: The ".." of a mountpoint should point back to an inode in this fs.
// Otherwise, ".." gets the wrong qid and mode.
if (!inode.updatedir) return;
inode.updatedir = false;
let size = 0;
for(const name of inode.direntries.keys())
size += 13 + 8 + 1 + 2 + UTF8.UTF8Length(name);
const data = this.inodedata[dirid] = new Uint8Array(size);
inode.size = size;
let offset = 0x0;
for(const [name, id] of inode.direntries)
const child = this.GetInode(id);
offset += marshall.Marshall(
["Q", "d", "b", "s"],
child.mode >> 12,
data, offset);
FS.prototype.RoundToDirentry = function(dirid, offset_target)
const data = this.inodedata[dirid];
dbg_assert(data, `FS directory data for dirid=${dirid} should be generated`);
dbg_assert(data.length, "FS directory should have at least an entry");
if(offset_target >= data.length)
return data.length;
let offset = 0;
const next_offset = marshall.Unmarshall(["Q", "d"], data, { offset })[1];
if(next_offset > offset_target) break;
offset = next_offset;
return offset;
* @param {number} idx
* @return {boolean}
FS.prototype.IsDirectory = function(idx)
const inode = this.inodes[idx];
return this.follow_fs(inode).IsDirectory(inode.foreign_id);
return (inode.mode & S_IFMT) === S_IFDIR;
* @param {number} idx
* @return {boolean}
FS.prototype.IsEmpty = function(idx)
const inode = this.inodes[idx];
return this.follow_fs(inode).IsDirectory(inode.foreign_id);
for(const name of inode.direntries.keys())
if(name !== "." && name !== "..") return false;
return true;
* @param {number} idx
* @return {!Array<string>} List of children names
FS.prototype.GetChildren = function(idx)
dbg_assert(this.IsDirectory(idx), "Filesystem: cannot get children of non-directory inode");
const inode = this.inodes[idx];
return this.follow_fs(inode).GetChildren(inode.foreign_id);
const children = [];
for(const name of inode.direntries.keys())
if(name !== "." && name !== "..")
return children;
* @param {number} idx
* @return {number} Local idx of parent
FS.prototype.GetParent = function(idx)
dbg_assert(this.IsDirectory(idx), "Filesystem: cannot get parent of non-directory inode");
const inode = this.inodes[idx];
return inode.direntries.get("..");
const foreign_dirid = this.follow_fs(inode).GetParent(inode.foreign_id);
dbg_assert(foreign_dirid !== -1, "Filesystem: should not have invalid parent ids");
return this.get_forwarder(inode.mount_id, foreign_dirid);
// -----------------------------------------------------
// only support for security.capabilities
// should return a "struct vfs_cap_data" defined in
// linux/capability for format
// check also:
// sys/capability.h
// http://lxr.free-electrons.com/source/security/commoncap.c#L376
// http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/capabilities.7.html
// http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man8/getcap.8.html
// http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/libcap.3.html
FS.prototype.PrepareCAPs = function(id) {
var inode = this.GetInode(id);
if (inode.caps) return inode.caps.length;
inode.caps = new Uint8Array(20);
// format is little endian
// note: getxattr returns -EINVAL if using revision 1 format.
// note: getxattr presents revision 3 as revision 2 when revision 3 is not needed.
// magic_etc (revision=0x02: 20 bytes)
inode.caps[0] = 0x00;
inode.caps[1] = 0x00;
inode.caps[2] = 0x00;
inode.caps[3] = 0x02;
// lower
// permitted (first 32 capabilities)
inode.caps[4] = 0xFF;
inode.caps[5] = 0xFF;
inode.caps[6] = 0xFF;
inode.caps[7] = 0xFF;
// inheritable (first 32 capabilities)
inode.caps[8] = 0xFF;
inode.caps[9] = 0xFF;
inode.caps[10] = 0xFF;
inode.caps[11] = 0xFF;
// higher
// permitted (last 6 capabilities)
inode.caps[12] = 0x3F;
inode.caps[13] = 0x00;
inode.caps[14] = 0x00;
inode.caps[15] = 0x00;
// inheritable (last 6 capabilities)
inode.caps[16] = 0x3F;
inode.caps[17] = 0x00;
inode.caps[18] = 0x00;
inode.caps[19] = 0x00;
return inode.caps.length;
// -----------------------------------------------------
* @constructor
* @param {FS} filesystem
function FSMountInfo(filesystem)
/** @type {FS}*/
this.fs = filesystem;
* Maps foreign inode id back to local inode id.
* @type {!Map<number,number>}
this.backtrack = new Map();
FSMountInfo.prototype.get_state = function()
const state = [];
state[0] = this.fs;
state[1] = [...this.backtrack];
return state;
FSMountInfo.prototype.set_state = function(state)
this.fs = state[0];
this.backtrack = new Map(state[1]);
* @private
* @param {number} idx Local idx of inode.
* @param {number} mount_id Mount number of the destination fs.
* @param {number} foreign_id Foreign idx of destination inode.
FS.prototype.set_forwarder = function(idx, mount_id, foreign_id)
const inode = this.inodes[idx];
dbg_assert(inode.nlinks === 0,
"Filesystem: attempted to convert an inode into forwarder before unlinking the inode");
inode.status = STATUS_FORWARDING;
inode.mount_id = mount_id;
inode.foreign_id = foreign_id;
this.mounts[mount_id].backtrack.set(foreign_id, idx);
* @private
* @param {number} mount_id Mount number of the destination fs.
* @param {number} foreign_id Foreign idx of destination inode.
* @return {number} Local idx of newly created forwarder.
FS.prototype.create_forwarder = function(mount_id, foreign_id)
const inode = this.CreateInode();
const idx = this.inodes.length;
inode.fid = idx;
this.set_forwarder(idx, mount_id, foreign_id);
return idx;
* @private
* @param {Inode} inode
* @return {boolean}
FS.prototype.is_forwarder = function(inode)
return inode.status === STATUS_FORWARDING;
* Whether the inode it points to is a root of some filesystem.
* @private
* @param {number} idx
* @return {boolean}
FS.prototype.is_a_root = function(idx)
return this.GetInode(idx).fid === 0;
* Ensures forwarder exists, and returns such forwarder, for the described foreign inode.
* @private
* @param {number} mount_id
* @param {number} foreign_id
* @return {number} Local idx of a forwarder to described inode.
FS.prototype.get_forwarder = function(mount_id, foreign_id)
const mount = this.mounts[mount_id];
dbg_assert(foreign_id >= 0, "Filesystem get_forwarder: invalid foreign_id: " + foreign_id);
dbg_assert(mount, "Filesystem get_forwarder: invalid mount number: " + mount_id);
const result = mount.backtrack.get(foreign_id);
if(result === undefined)
// Create if not already exists.
return this.create_forwarder(mount_id, foreign_id);
return result;
* @private
* @param {Inode} inode
FS.prototype.delete_forwarder = function(inode)
dbg_assert(this.is_forwarder(inode), "Filesystem delete_forwarder: expected forwarder");
inode.status = STATUS_INVALID;
* @private
* @param {Inode} inode
* @return {FS}
FS.prototype.follow_fs = function(inode)
const mount = this.mounts[inode.mount_id];
"Filesystem follow_fs: inode should be a forwarding inode");
dbg_assert(mount, "Filesystem follow_fs: inode<id=" + inode.fid +
"> should point to valid mounted FS");
return mount.fs;
* Mount another filesystem to given path.
* @param {string} path
* @param {FS} fs
* @return {number} inode id of mount point if successful, or -errno if mounting failed.
FS.prototype.Mount = function(path, fs)
dbg_assert(fs.qidcounter === this.qidcounter,
"Cannot mount filesystem whose qid numbers aren't synchronised with current filesystem.");
const path_infos = this.SearchPath(path);
if(path_infos.parentid === -1)
dbg_log("Mount failed: parent for path not found: " + path, LOG_9P);
return -ENOENT;
if(path_infos.id !== -1)
dbg_log("Mount failed: file already exists at path: " + path, LOG_9P);
return -EEXIST;
const parent = this.inodes[path_infos.parentid];
const ret = this.follow_fs(parent).Mount(path_infos.forward_path, fs);
if(ret < 0) return ret;
return this.get_forwarder(parent.mount_id, ret);
const mount_id = this.mounts.length;
this.mounts.push(new FSMountInfo(fs));
const idx = this.create_forwarder(mount_id, 0);
this.link_under_dir(path_infos.parentid, idx, path_infos.name);
return idx;
* @constructor
function FSLockRegion()
this.type = P9_LOCK_TYPE_UNLCK;
this.start = 0;
this.length = Infinity;
this.proc_id = -1;
this.client_id = "";
FSLockRegion.prototype.get_state = function()
const state = [];
state[0] = this.type;
state[1] = this.start;
// Infinity is not JSON.stringify-able
state[2] = this.length === Infinity ? 0 : this.length;
state[3] = this.proc_id;
state[4] = this.client_id;
return state;
FSLockRegion.prototype.set_state = function(state)
this.type = state[0];
this.start = state[1];
this.length = state[2] === 0 ? Infinity : state[2];
this.proc_id = state[3];
this.client_id = state[4];
* @return {FSLockRegion}
FSLockRegion.prototype.clone = function()
const new_region = new FSLockRegion();
return new_region;
* @param {FSLockRegion} region
* @return {boolean}
FSLockRegion.prototype.conflicts_with = function(region)
if(this.proc_id === region.proc_id && this.client_id === region.client_id) return false;
if(this.type === P9_LOCK_TYPE_UNLCK || region.type === P9_LOCK_TYPE_UNLCK) return false;
if(this.type !== P9_LOCK_TYPE_WRLCK && region.type !== P9_LOCK_TYPE_WRLCK) return false;
if(this.start + this.length <= region.start) return false;
if(region.start + region.length <= this.start) return false;
return true;
* @param {FSLockRegion} region
* @return {boolean}
FSLockRegion.prototype.is_alike = function(region)
return region.proc_id === this.proc_id &&
region.client_id === this.client_id &&
region.type === this.type;
* @param {FSLockRegion} region
* @return {boolean}
FSLockRegion.prototype.may_merge_after = function(region)
return this.is_alike(region) && region.start + region.length === this.start;
* @param {number} type
* @param {number} start
* @param {number} length
* @param {number} proc_id
* @param {string} client_id
* @return {!FSLockRegion}
FS.prototype.DescribeLock = function(type, start, length, proc_id, client_id)
dbg_assert(type === P9_LOCK_TYPE_RDLCK ||
type === P9_LOCK_TYPE_WRLCK ||
type === P9_LOCK_TYPE_UNLCK,
"Filesystem: Invalid lock type: " + type);
dbg_assert(start >= 0, "Filesystem: Invalid negative lock starting offset: " + start);
dbg_assert(length > 0, "Filesystem: Invalid non-positive lock length: " + length);
const lock = new FSLockRegion();
lock.type = type;
lock.start = start;
lock.length = length;
lock.proc_id = proc_id;
lock.client_id = client_id;
return lock;
* @param {number} id
* @param {FSLockRegion} request
* @return {FSLockRegion} The first conflicting lock found, or null if requested lock is possible.
FS.prototype.GetLock = function(id, request)
const inode = this.inodes[id];
const foreign_id = inode.foreign_id;
return this.follow_fs(inode).GetLock(foreign_id, request);
for(const region of inode.locks)
return region.clone();
return null;
* @param {number} id
* @param {FSLockRegion} request
* @param {number} flags
* @return {number} One of P9_LOCK_SUCCESS / P9_LOCK_BLOCKED / P9_LOCK_ERROR / P9_LOCK_GRACE.
FS.prototype.Lock = function(id, request, flags)
const inode = this.inodes[id];
const foreign_id = inode.foreign_id;
return this.follow_fs(inode).Lock(foreign_id, request, flags);
request = request.clone();
// (1) Check whether lock is possible before any modification.
if(request.type !== P9_LOCK_TYPE_UNLCK && this.GetLock(id, request))
// (2) Subtract requested region from locks of the same owner.
for(let i = 0; i < inode.locks.length; i++)
const region = inode.locks[i];
dbg_assert(region.length > 0,
"Filesystem: Found non-positive lock region length: " + region.length);
dbg_assert(region.type === P9_LOCK_TYPE_RDLCK || region.type === P9_LOCK_TYPE_WRLCK,
"Filesystem: Found invalid lock type: " + region.type);
dbg_assert(!inode.locks[i-1] || inode.locks[i-1].start <= region.start,
"Filesystem: Locks should be sorted by starting offset");
// Skip to requested region.
if(region.start + region.length <= request.start) continue;
// Check whether we've skipped past the requested region.
if(request.start + request.length <= region.start) break;
// Skip over locks of different owners.
if(region.proc_id !== request.proc_id || region.client_id !== request.client_id)
"Filesytem: Found conflicting lock region, despite already checked for conflicts");
// Pretend region would be split into parts 1 and 2.
const start1 = region.start;
const start2 = request.start + request.length;
const length1 = request.start - start1;
const length2 = region.start + region.length - start2;
if(length1 > 0 && length2 > 0 && region.type === request.type)
// Requested region is already locked with the required type.
// Return early - no need to modify anything.
if(length1 > 0)
// Shrink from right / first half of the split.
region.length = length1;
if(length1 <= 0 && length2 > 0)
// Shrink from left.
region.start = start2;
region.length = length2;
else if(length2 > 0)
// Add second half of the split.
// Fast-forward to correct location.
while(i < inode.locks.length && inode.locks[i].start < start2) i++;
inode.locks.splice(i, 0,
this.DescribeLock(region.type, start2, length2, region.proc_id, region.client_id));
else if(length1 <= 0)
// Requested region completely covers this region. Delete.
inode.locks.splice(i, 1);
// (3) Insert requested lock region as a whole.
// No point in adding the requested lock region as fragmented bits in the above loop
// and having to merge them all back into one.
if(request.type !== P9_LOCK_TYPE_UNLCK)
let new_region = request;
let has_merged = false;
let i = 0;
// Fast-forward to requested position, and try merging with previous region.
for(; i < inode.locks.length; i++)
inode.locks[i].length += request.length;
new_region = inode.locks[i];
has_merged = true;
if(request.start <= inode.locks[i].start) break;
inode.locks.splice(i, 0, new_region);
// Try merging with the subsequent alike region.
for(; i < inode.locks.length; i++)
if(!inode.locks[i].is_alike(new_region)) continue;
new_region.length += inode.locks[i].length;
inode.locks.splice(i, 1);
// No more mergable regions after this.