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> **siimple**: a minimal and themeable CSS toolkit for flat and clean designs.
## Links
- Documentation: https://www.siimple.xyz/docs.
- Online playground: https://www.siimple.xyz/playground.
- Report a bug or request a feature: https://github.com/jmjuanes/siimple/issues.
- Get help: https://github.com/jmjuanes/siimple/discussions.
## Features
- **Modular UI blocks**: **siimple** provides a collection of small UI blocks, called **elements**, that you can use to build complex UI components.
- **Themeable**: customize **siimple** with your project specific colors, fonts, and more!
- **Fast**: generate your customized version of **siimple** in milliseconds.
- **Tiny**: the core of **siimple** has less than 500 lines of code.
- **Pure CSS in JS implementation**: **siimple** implements a pure CSS in JS parser with no dependencies.
- **Easy to extend**: extend **siimple** with reusable styles and themes.
## Usage
### CLI usage
Make sure you have **Node.js 14.x** installed on your computer. Add **siimple** to your project running the following command:
$ npm install --save siimple
Create a file called `siimple.config.js` with your configuration:
import colors from "@siimple/colors";
import base from "@siimple/preset-base";
export default {
useRootStyles: false,
useBorderBox: true,
prefix: "",
colors: {
primary: colors.blue["500"],
secondary: colors.mint["600"],
text: colors.gray["800"],
background: "#fff",
muted: colors.gray["200"],
fonts: {
body: ["Roboto", "sans-serif"],
heading: ["Montserrat", "sans-serif"],
code: ["monospace"],
Generate your customized version of **siimple**:
$ npx siimple -c ./siimple.config.js -o ./output.css
> **Note**: **siimple** uses ECMAScript modules, so you will need to set `"type": "module"` in your `package.json` file or use `.mjs` as the extension for your configuration file (`siimple.config.mjs`).
## Configuration
A configuration file is where you can provide your custom theme scales, variants and styles for generating your customized version of **siimple** or to adapt it to your project look and feel.
Read more about the [configuration](https://www.siimple.xyz/docs/configuration/).
### Core modules (added in v4.1.0)
In the `modules` field of your configuration you can disable the core modules (elements, helpers, markup or reset) that you do not need for your project.
```js title=siimple.config.js
export default {
modules: {
button: false,
badge: false,
margin: false,
reset: false,
// ...other configuration
### Theme scales
Use the theme scales to configure the list of CSS properties specific for your project, that includes colors, fonts, sizes, and more!
```js title=siimple.config.js
import colors from "@siimple/colors";
export default {
colors: {
primary: colors.blue["500"],
secondary: colors.mint["600"],
text: colors.gray["800"],
background: "#fff",
fonts: {
body: ["Roboto", "sans-serif"],
heading: ["Montserrat", "sans-serif"],
monospace: ["monospace"],
// ...other configuration
Read more about [theming](https://www.siimple.xyz/docs/theme).
### Mixins
Mixins can be used to recycle blocks of styles and to change the look and feel of elements.
```js title=siimple.config.js
export default {
buttons: {
backgroundColor: "primary",
color: "white",
// ...other theme configuration
styles: {
"button": {
// ...other button styles
apply: "buttons",
### Custom styles
You can specify your custom styles in the configuration file, using a [CSS-in-JS styles syntax](https://www.siimple.xyz/docs/guides/styles).
export default {
// ...other configuration
styles: {
".comment": {
backgroundColor: "gray",
color: "currentColor",
padding: "1rem",
This will generate:
.comment {
background-color: gray;
color: currentColor;
padding: 1rem;
### Presets
Presets allows to extend **siimple** using reusable theme scales (like colors and fonts) and styles. Presets can be imported and used in your configuration file:
import base from "@siimple/preset-base";
export default {
// ...other configuration
## License
[MIT License](https://github.com/jmjuanes/siimple/blob/main/LICENSE).