
4614 lines
308 KiB
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2022-02-09 18:30:03 +01:00
Stencil Mock Doc (CommonJS) v2.10.0 | MIT Licensed |
var mockDoc = (function(exports) {
'use strict';
const CONTENT_REF_ID = 'r';
const ORG_LOCATION_ID = 'o';
const SLOT_NODE_ID = 's';
const TEXT_NODE_ID = 't';
const XLINK_NS = '';
const attrHandler = {
get(obj, prop) {
if (prop in obj) {
return obj[prop];
if (typeof prop !== 'symbol' && !isNaN(prop)) {
return obj.__items[prop];
return undefined;
const createAttributeProxy = (caseInsensitive) => new Proxy(new MockAttributeMap(caseInsensitive), attrHandler);
class MockAttributeMap {
constructor(caseInsensitive = false) {
this.caseInsensitive = caseInsensitive;
this.__items = [];
get length() {
return this.__items.length;
item(index) {
return this.__items[index] || null;
setNamedItem(attr) {
attr.namespaceURI = null;
setNamedItemNS(attr) {
if (attr != null && attr.value != null) {
attr.value = String(attr.value);
const existingAttr = this.__items.find((a) => === && a.namespaceURI === attr.namespaceURI);
if (existingAttr != null) {
existingAttr.value = attr.value;
else {
getNamedItem(attrName) {
if (this.caseInsensitive) {
attrName = attrName.toLowerCase();
return this.getNamedItemNS(null, attrName);
getNamedItemNS(namespaceURI, attrName) {
namespaceURI = getNamespaceURI(namespaceURI);
return (this.__items.find((attr) => === attrName && getNamespaceURI(attr.namespaceURI) === namespaceURI) || null);
removeNamedItem(attr) {
removeNamedItemNS(attr) {
for (let i = 0, ii = this.__items.length; i < ii; i++) {
if (this.__items[i].name === && this.__items[i].namespaceURI === attr.namespaceURI) {
this.__items.splice(i, 1);
[Symbol.iterator]() {
let i = 0;
return {
next: () => ({
done: i === this.length,
value: this.item(i++),
get [Symbol.toStringTag]() {
return 'MockAttributeMap';
function getNamespaceURI(namespaceURI) {
return namespaceURI === XLINK_NS ? null : namespaceURI;
function cloneAttributes(srcAttrs, sortByName = false) {
const dstAttrs = new MockAttributeMap(srcAttrs.caseInsensitive);
if (srcAttrs != null) {
const attrLen = srcAttrs.length;
if (sortByName && attrLen > 1) {
const sortedAttrs = [];
for (let i = 0; i < attrLen; i++) {
const srcAttr = srcAttrs.item(i);
const dstAttr = new MockAttr(, srcAttr.value, srcAttr.namespaceURI);
sortedAttrs.sort(sortAttributes).forEach((attr) => {
else {
for (let i = 0; i < attrLen; i++) {
const srcAttr = srcAttrs.item(i);
const dstAttr = new MockAttr(, srcAttr.value, srcAttr.namespaceURI);
return dstAttrs;
function sortAttributes(a, b) {
if ( <
return -1;
if ( >
return 1;
return 0;
class MockAttr {
constructor(attrName, attrValue, namespaceURI = null) {
this._name = attrName;
this._value = String(attrValue);
this._namespaceURI = namespaceURI;
get name() {
return this._name;
set name(value) {
this._name = value;
get value() {
return this._value;
set value(value) {
this._value = String(value);
get nodeName() {
return this._name;
set nodeName(value) {
this._name = value;
get nodeValue() {
return this._value;
set nodeValue(value) {
this._value = String(value);
get namespaceURI() {
return this._namespaceURI;
set namespaceURI(namespaceURI) {
this._namespaceURI = namespaceURI;
class MockCustomElementRegistry {
constructor(win) { = win;
define(tagName, cstr, options) {
if (tagName.toLowerCase() !== tagName) {
throw new Error(`Failed to execute 'define' on 'CustomElementRegistry': "${tagName}" is not a valid custom element name`);
if (this.__registry == null) {
this.__registry = new Map();
this.__registry.set(tagName, { cstr, options });
if (this.__whenDefined != null) {
const whenDefinedResolveFns = this.__whenDefined.get(tagName);
if (whenDefinedResolveFns != null) {
whenDefinedResolveFns.forEach((whenDefinedResolveFn) => {
whenDefinedResolveFns.length = 0;
const doc =;
if (doc != null) {
const hosts = doc.querySelectorAll(tagName);
hosts.forEach((host) => {
if (upgradedElements.has(host) === false) {
const upgradedCmp = createCustomElement(this, doc, tagName);
for (let i = 0; i < host.childNodes.length; i++) {
const childNode = host.childNodes[i];
if (proxyElements.has(host)) {
proxyElements.set(host, upgradedCmp);
get(tagName) {
if (this.__registry != null) {
const def = this.__registry.get(tagName.toLowerCase());
if (def != null) {
return def.cstr;
return undefined;
upgrade(_rootNode) {
clear() {
if (this.__registry != null) {
if (this.__whenDefined != null) {
whenDefined(tagName) {
tagName = tagName.toLowerCase();
if (this.__registry != null && this.__registry.has(tagName) === true) {
return Promise.resolve();
return new Promise((resolve) => {
if (this.__whenDefined == null) {
this.__whenDefined = new Map();
let whenDefinedResolveFns = this.__whenDefined.get(tagName);
if (whenDefinedResolveFns == null) {
whenDefinedResolveFns = [];
this.__whenDefined.set(tagName, whenDefinedResolveFns);
function createCustomElement(customElements, ownerDocument, tagName) {
const Cstr = customElements.get(tagName);
if (Cstr != null) {
const cmp = new Cstr(ownerDocument);
cmp.nodeName = tagName.toUpperCase();
return cmp;
const host = new Proxy({}, {
get(obj, prop) {
const elm = proxyElements.get(host);
if (elm != null) {
return elm[prop];
return obj[prop];
set(obj, prop, val) {
const elm = proxyElements.get(host);
if (elm != null) {
elm[prop] = val;
else {
obj[prop] = val;
return true;
has(obj, prop) {
const elm = proxyElements.get(host);
if (prop in elm) {
return true;
if (prop in obj) {
return true;
return false;
const elm = new MockHTMLElement(ownerDocument, tagName);
proxyElements.set(host, elm);
return host;
const proxyElements = new WeakMap();
const upgradedElements = new WeakSet();
function connectNode(ownerDocument, node) {
node.ownerDocument = ownerDocument;
if (node.nodeType === 1 /* ELEMENT_NODE */) {
if (ownerDocument != null && node.nodeName.includes('-')) {
const win = ownerDocument.defaultView;
if (win != null && typeof node.connectedCallback === 'function' && node.isConnected) {
const shadowRoot = node.shadowRoot;
if (shadowRoot != null) {
shadowRoot.childNodes.forEach((childNode) => {
connectNode(ownerDocument, childNode);
node.childNodes.forEach((childNode) => {
connectNode(ownerDocument, childNode);
else {
node.childNodes.forEach((childNode) => {
childNode.ownerDocument = ownerDocument;
function fireConnectedCallback(node) {
if (typeof node.connectedCallback === 'function') {
if (tempDisableCallbacks.has(node.ownerDocument) === false) {
try {
catch (e) {
function disconnectNode(node) {
if (node.nodeType === 1 /* ELEMENT_NODE */) {
if (node.nodeName.includes('-') === true && typeof node.disconnectedCallback === 'function') {
if (tempDisableCallbacks.has(node.ownerDocument) === false) {
try {
catch (e) {
function attributeChanged(node, attrName, oldValue, newValue) {
attrName = attrName.toLowerCase();
const observedAttributes = node.constructor.observedAttributes;
if (Array.isArray(observedAttributes) === true &&
observedAttributes.some((obs) => obs.toLowerCase() === attrName) === true) {
try {
node.attributeChangedCallback(attrName, oldValue, newValue);
catch (e) {
function checkAttributeChanged(node) {
return node.nodeName.includes('-') === true && typeof node.attributeChangedCallback === 'function';
const tempDisableCallbacks = new Set();
function dataset(elm) {
const ds = {};
const attributes = elm.attributes;
const attrLen = attributes.length;
for (let i = 0; i < attrLen; i++) {
const attr = attributes.item(i);
const nodeName = attr.nodeName;
if (nodeName.startsWith('data-')) {
ds[dashToPascalCase(nodeName)] = attr.nodeValue;
return new Proxy(ds, {
get(_obj, camelCaseProp) {
return ds[camelCaseProp];
set(_obj, camelCaseProp, value) {
const dataAttr = toDataAttribute(camelCaseProp);
elm.setAttribute(dataAttr, value);
return true;
function toDataAttribute(str) {
return ('data-' +
.replace(/([A-Z0-9])/g, (g) => ' ' + g[0])
.replace(/ /g, '-')
function dashToPascalCase(str) {
str = String(str).substr(5);
return str
.map((segment, index) => {
if (index === 0) {
return segment.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + segment.slice(1);
return segment.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + segment.slice(1);
// Sizzle 2.3.6
var Sizzle = (function() {
const window = {
document: {
createElement() {
return {};
nodeType: 9,
documentElement: {
nodeType: 1,
nodeName: 'HTML'
const module = { exports: {} };
/*! Sizzle v2.3.6 | (c) JS Foundation and other contributors | */
!function(e){var t,n,r,i,o,u,l,a,c,s,d,f,p,h,g,m,y,v,w,b="sizzle"+1*new Date,N=e.document,C=0,x=0,E=ae(),A=ae(),S=ae(),D=ae(),T=function(e,t){return e===t&&(d=!0),0},L={}.hasOwnProperty,q=[],I=q.pop,B=q.push,R=q.push,$=q.slice,k=function(e,t){for(var n=0,r=e.length;n<r;n++)if(e[n]===t)return n;return -1},H="checked|selected|async|autofocus|autoplay|controls|defer|disabled|hidden|ismap|loop|multiple|open|readonly|required|scoped",M="[\\x20\\t\\r\\n\\f]",P="(?:\\\\[\\da-fA-F]{1,6}"+M+"?|\\\\[^\\r\\n\\f]|[\\w-]|[^\0-\\x7f])+",z="\\["+M+"*("+P+")(?:"+M+"*([*^$|!~]?=)"+M+"*(?:'((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\'])*)'|\"((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\\"])*)\"|("+P+"))|)"+M+"*\\]",F=":("+P+")(?:\\((('((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\'])*)'|\"((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\\"])*)\")|((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\()[\\]]|"+z+")*)|.*)\\)|)",O=new RegExp(M+"+","g"),j=new RegExp("^"+M+"+|((?:^|[^\\\\])(?:\\\\.)*)"+M+"+$","g"),G=new RegExp("^"+M+"*,"+M+"*"),U=new RegExp("^"+M+"*([>+~]|"+M+")"+M+"*"),V=new RegExp(M+"|>"),X=new RegExp(F),J=new RegExp("^"+P+"$"),K={ID:new RegExp("^#("+P+")"),CLASS:new RegExp("^\\.("+P+")"),TAG:new RegExp("^("+P+"|[*])"),ATTR:new RegExp("^"+z),PSEUDO:new RegExp("^"+F),CHILD:new RegExp("^:(only|first|last|nth|nth-last)-(child|of-type)(?:\\("+M+"*(even|odd|(([+-]|)(\\d*)n|)"+M+"*(?:([+-]|)"+M+"*(\\d+)|))"+M+"*\\)|)","i"),bool:new RegExp("^(?:"+H+")$","i"),needsContext:new RegExp("^"+M+"*[>+~]|:(even|odd|eq|gt|lt|nth|first|last)(?:\\("+M+"*((?:-\\d)?\\d*)"+M+"*\\)|)(?=[^-]|$)","i")},Q=/HTML$/i,W=/^(?:input|select|textarea|button)$/i,Y=/^h\d$/i,Z=/^[^{]+\{\s*\[native \w/,_=/^(?:#([\w-]+)|(\w+)|\.([\w-]+))$/,ee=/[+~]/,te=new RegExp("\\\\[\\da-fA-F]{1,6}"+M+"?|\\\\([^\\r\\n\\f])","g"),ne=function(e,t){var n="0x"+e.slice(1)-65536;return t||(n<0?String.fromCharCode(n+65536):String.fromCharCode(n>>10|55296,1023&n|56320))},re=/([\0-\x1f\x7f]|^-?\d)|^-$|[^\0-\x1f\x7f-\uFFFF\w-]/g,ie=function(e,t){return t?"\0"===e?"\ufffd":e.slice(0,-1)+"\\"+e.charCodeAt(e.length-1).toString(16)+" ":"\\"+e},oe=function(){f();},ue=ve(function(e){return !0===e.disabled&&"fieldset"===e.nodeName.toLowerCase()},{dir:"parentNode",next:"legend"});try{R.apply(q=$.call(N.childNodes),N.childNodes),q[N.childNodes.length].nodeType;}catch(e){R={apply:q.length?function(e,t){B.apply(e,$.call(t));}:function(e,t){var n=e.length,r=0;while(e[n++]=t[r++]);e.length=n-1;}};}function le(e,t,r,i){var o,l,c,s,d,h,y,v=t&&t.ownerDocument,N=t?t.nodeType:9;if(r=r||[],"string"!=typeof e||!e||1!==N&&9!==N&&11!==N)return r;if(!i&&(f(t),t=t||p,g)){if(11!==N&&(d=_.exec(e)))if(o=d[1]){if(9===N){if(!(c=t.getElementById(o)))return r;if( r.push(c),r}else if(v&&(c=v.getElementById(o))&&w(t,c)&& r.push(c),r}else {if(d[2])return R.apply(r,t.getElementsByTagName(e)),r;if((o=d[3])&&n.getElementsByClassName&&t.getElementsByClassName)return R.apply(r,t.getElementsByClassName(o)),r}if(n.qsa&&!D[e+" "]&&(!m||!m.test(e))&&(1!==N||"object"!==t.nodeName.toLowerCase())){if(y=e,v=t,1===N&&(V.test(e)||U.test(e))){(v=ee.test(e)&&ge(t.parentNode)||t)===t&&n.scope||((s=t.getAttribute("id"))?s=s.replace(re,ie):t.setAttribute("id",s=b)),l=(h=u(e)).length;while(l--)h[l]=(s?"#"+s:":scope")+" "+ye(h[l]);y=h.join(",");}try{return R.apply(r,v.querySelectorAll(y)),r}catch(t){D(e,!0);}finally{s===b&&t.removeAttribute("id");}}}return a(e.replace(j,"$1"),t,r,i)}function ae(){var e=[];function t(n,i){return e.push(n+" ")>r.cacheLength&&delete t[e.shift()],t[n+" "]=i}return t}function ce(e){return e[b]=!0,e}function se(e){var t=p.createElement("fieldset");try{return !!e(t)}catch(e){return !1}finally{t.parentNode&&t.parentNode.removeChild(t),t=null;}}function de(e,t){var n=e.split("|"),i=n.length;while(i--)r.attrHandle[n[i]]=t;}function fe(e,t){var n=t&&e,r=n&&1===e.nodeType&&1===t.nodeType&&e.sourceIndex-t.sourceIndex;if(r)return r;if(n)while(n=n.nextSibling)if(n===t)return -1;return e?1:-1}function pe(e){return function(t){return "form"in t?t.parentNode&&!1===t.disabled?"label"in t?"label"in t.parentNode?t.parentNode.disabled===e:t.disabled===e:t.isDisabled===e||t.isDisabled!==!e&&ue(t)===e:t.disabled===e:"label"in t&&t.disabled===e}}function he
return module.exports;
function matches(selector, elm) {
const r = Sizzle.matches(selector, [elm]);
return r.length > 0;
function selectOne(selector, elm) {
const r = Sizzle(selector, elm);
return r[0] || null;
function selectAll(selector, elm) {
return Sizzle(selector, elm);
class MockClassList {
constructor(elm) {
this.elm = elm;
add(...classNames) {
const clsNames = getItems(this.elm);
let updated = false;
classNames.forEach((className) => {
className = String(className);
if (clsNames.includes(className) === false) {
updated = true;
if (updated) {
this.elm.setAttributeNS(null, 'class', clsNames.join(' '));
remove(...classNames) {
const clsNames = getItems(this.elm);
let updated = false;
classNames.forEach((className) => {
className = String(className);
const index = clsNames.indexOf(className);
if (index > -1) {
clsNames.splice(index, 1);
updated = true;
if (updated) {
this.elm.setAttributeNS(null, 'class', clsNames.filter((c) => c.length > 0).join(' '));
contains(className) {
className = String(className);
return getItems(this.elm).includes(className);
toggle(className) {
className = String(className);
if (this.contains(className) === true) {
else {
get length() {
return getItems(this.elm).length;
item(index) {
return getItems(this.elm)[index];
toString() {
return getItems(this.elm).join(' ');
function validateClass(className) {
if (className === '') {
throw new Error('The token provided must not be empty.');
if (/\s/.test(className)) {
throw new Error(`The token provided ('${className}') contains HTML space characters, which are not valid in tokens.`);
function getItems(elm) {
const className = elm.getAttribute('class');
if (typeof className === 'string' && className.length > 0) {
return className
.split(' ')
.filter((c) => c.length > 0);
return [];
class MockCSSStyleDeclaration {
constructor() {
this._styles = new Map();
setProperty(prop, value) {
prop = jsCaseToCssCase(prop);
if (value == null || value === '') {
else {
this._styles.set(prop, String(value));
getPropertyValue(prop) {
prop = jsCaseToCssCase(prop);
return String(this._styles.get(prop) || '');
removeProperty(prop) {
prop = jsCaseToCssCase(prop);
get length() {
return this._styles.size;
get cssText() {
const cssText = [];
this._styles.forEach((value, prop) => {
cssText.push(`${prop}: ${value};`);
return cssText.join(' ').trim();
set cssText(cssText) {
if (cssText == null || cssText === '') {
cssText.split(';').forEach((rule) => {
rule = rule.trim();
if (rule.length > 0) {
const splt = rule.split(':');
if (splt.length > 1) {
const prop = splt[0].trim();
const value = splt[1].trim();
if (prop !== '' && value !== '') {
this._styles.set(jsCaseToCssCase(prop), value);
function createCSSStyleDeclaration() {
return new Proxy(new MockCSSStyleDeclaration(), cssProxyHandler);
const cssProxyHandler = {
get(cssStyle, prop) {
if (prop in cssStyle) {
return cssStyle[prop];
prop = cssCaseToJsCase(prop);
return cssStyle.getPropertyValue(prop);
set(cssStyle, prop, value) {
if (prop in cssStyle) {
cssStyle[prop] = value;
else {
cssStyle.setProperty(prop, value);
return true;
function cssCaseToJsCase(str) {
// font-size to fontSize
if (str.length > 1 && str.includes('-') === true) {
str = str
.map((segment) => segment.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + segment.slice(1))
str = str.substr(0, 1).toLowerCase() + str.substr(1);
return str;
function jsCaseToCssCase(str) {
// fontSize to font-size
if (str.length > 1 && str.includes('-') === false && /[A-Z]/.test(str) === true) {
str = str
.replace(/([A-Z])/g, (g) => ' ' + g[0])
.replace(/ /g, '-')
return str;
class MockEvent {
constructor(type, eventInitDict) {
this.bubbles = false;
this.cancelBubble = false;
this.cancelable = false;
this.composed = false;
this.currentTarget = null;
this.defaultPrevented = false;
this.srcElement = null; = null;
if (typeof type !== 'string') {
throw new Error(`Event type required`);
this.type = type;
this.timeStamp =;
if (eventInitDict != null) {
Object.assign(this, eventInitDict);
preventDefault() {
this.defaultPrevented = true;
stopPropagation() {
this.cancelBubble = true;
stopImmediatePropagation() {
this.cancelBubble = true;
class MockCustomEvent extends MockEvent {
constructor(type, customEventInitDic) {
this.detail = null;
if (customEventInitDic != null) {
Object.assign(this, customEventInitDic);
class MockKeyboardEvent extends MockEvent {
constructor(type, keyboardEventInitDic) {
this.code = '';
this.key = '';
this.altKey = false;
this.ctrlKey = false;
this.metaKey = false;
this.shiftKey = false;
this.location = 0;
this.repeat = false;
if (keyboardEventInitDic != null) {
Object.assign(this, keyboardEventInitDic);
class MockMouseEvent extends MockEvent {
constructor(type, mouseEventInitDic) {
this.screenX = 0;
this.screenY = 0;
this.clientX = 0;
this.clientY = 0;
this.ctrlKey = false;
this.shiftKey = false;
this.altKey = false;
this.metaKey = false;
this.button = 0;
this.buttons = 0;
this.relatedTarget = null;
if (mouseEventInitDic != null) {
Object.assign(this, mouseEventInitDic);
class MockEventListener {
constructor(type, handler) {
this.type = type;
this.handler = handler;
function addEventListener(elm, type, handler) {
const target = elm;
if (target.__listeners == null) {
target.__listeners = [];
target.__listeners.push(new MockEventListener(type, handler));
function removeEventListener(elm, type, handler) {
const target = elm;
if (target != null && Array.isArray(target.__listeners) === true) {
const elmListener = target.__listeners.find((e) => e.type === type && e.handler === handler);
if (elmListener != null) {
const index = target.__listeners.indexOf(elmListener);
target.__listeners.splice(index, 1);
function resetEventListeners(target) {
if (target != null && target.__listeners != null) {
target.__listeners = null;
function triggerEventListener(elm, ev) {
if (elm == null || ev.cancelBubble === true) {
const target = elm;
ev.currentTarget = elm;
if (Array.isArray(target.__listeners) === true) {
const listeners = target.__listeners.filter((e) => e.type === ev.type);
listeners.forEach((listener) => {
try {, ev);
catch (err) {
if (ev.bubbles === false) {
if (elm.nodeName === "#document" /* DOCUMENT_NODE */) {
triggerEventListener(elm.defaultView, ev);
else {
triggerEventListener(elm.parentElement, ev);
function dispatchEvent(currentTarget, ev) { = currentTarget;
triggerEventListener(currentTarget, ev);
return true;
function serializeNodeToHtml(elm, opts = {}) {
const output = {
currentLineWidth: 0,
indent: 0,
isWithinBody: false,
text: [],
if (opts.prettyHtml) {
if (typeof opts.indentSpaces !== 'number') {
opts.indentSpaces = 2;
if (typeof opts.newLines !== 'boolean') {
opts.newLines = true;
opts.approximateLineWidth = -1;
else {
opts.prettyHtml = false;
if (typeof opts.newLines !== 'boolean') {
opts.newLines = false;
if (typeof opts.indentSpaces !== 'number') {
opts.indentSpaces = 0;
if (typeof opts.approximateLineWidth !== 'number') {
opts.approximateLineWidth = -1;
if (typeof opts.removeEmptyAttributes !== 'boolean') {
opts.removeEmptyAttributes = true;
if (typeof opts.removeAttributeQuotes !== 'boolean') {
opts.removeAttributeQuotes = false;
if (typeof opts.removeBooleanAttributeQuotes !== 'boolean') {
opts.removeBooleanAttributeQuotes = false;
if (typeof opts.removeHtmlComments !== 'boolean') {
opts.removeHtmlComments = false;
if (typeof opts.serializeShadowRoot !== 'boolean') {
opts.serializeShadowRoot = false;
if (opts.outerHtml) {
serializeToHtml(elm, opts, output, false);
else {
for (let i = 0, ii = elm.childNodes.length; i < ii; i++) {
serializeToHtml(elm.childNodes[i], opts, output, false);
if (output.text[0] === '\n') {
if (output.text[output.text.length - 1] === '\n') {
return output.text.join('');
function serializeToHtml(node, opts, output, isShadowRoot) {
if (node.nodeType === 1 /* ELEMENT_NODE */ || isShadowRoot) {
const tagName = isShadowRoot ? 'mock:shadow-root' : getTagName(node);
if (tagName === 'body') {
output.isWithinBody = true;
const ignoreTag = opts.excludeTags != null && opts.excludeTags.includes(tagName);
if (ignoreTag === false) {
const isWithinWhitespaceSensitiveNode = opts.newLines || opts.indentSpaces > 0 ? isWithinWhitespaceSensitive(node) : false;
if (opts.newLines && !isWithinWhitespaceSensitiveNode) {
output.currentLineWidth = 0;
if (opts.indentSpaces > 0 && !isWithinWhitespaceSensitiveNode) {
for (let i = 0; i < output.indent; i++) {
output.text.push(' ');
output.currentLineWidth += output.indent;
output.text.push('<' + tagName);
output.currentLineWidth += tagName.length + 1;
const attrsLength = node.attributes.length;
const attributes = opts.prettyHtml && attrsLength > 1
? cloneAttributes(node.attributes, true)
: node.attributes;
for (let i = 0; i < attrsLength; i++) {
const attr = attributes.item(i);
const attrName =;
if (attrName === 'style') {
let attrValue = attr.value;
if (opts.removeEmptyAttributes && attrValue === '' && REMOVE_EMPTY_ATTR.has(attrName)) {
const attrNamespaceURI = attr.namespaceURI;
if (attrNamespaceURI == null) {
output.currentLineWidth += attrName.length + 1;
if (opts.approximateLineWidth > 0 && output.currentLineWidth > opts.approximateLineWidth) {
output.text.push('\n' + attrName);
output.currentLineWidth = 0;
else {
output.text.push(' ' + attrName);
else if (attrNamespaceURI === '') {
output.text.push(' xml:' + attrName);
output.currentLineWidth += attrName.length + 5;
else if (attrNamespaceURI === '') {
if (attrName !== 'xmlns') {
output.text.push(' xmlns:' + attrName);
output.currentLineWidth += attrName.length + 7;
else {
output.text.push(' ' + attrName);
output.currentLineWidth += attrName.length + 1;
else if (attrNamespaceURI === XLINK_NS) {
output.text.push(' xlink:' + attrName);
output.currentLineWidth += attrName.length + 7;
else {
output.text.push(' ' + attrNamespaceURI + ':' + attrName);
output.currentLineWidth += attrNamespaceURI.length + attrName.length + 2;
if (opts.prettyHtml && attrName === 'class') {
attrValue = attr.value = attrValue
.split(' ')
.filter((t) => t !== '')
.join(' ')
if (attrValue === '') {
if (opts.removeBooleanAttributeQuotes && BOOLEAN_ATTR.has(attrName)) {
if (opts.removeEmptyAttributes && attrName.startsWith('data-')) {
if (opts.removeAttributeQuotes && CAN_REMOVE_ATTR_QUOTES.test(attrValue)) {
output.text.push('=' + escapeString(attrValue, true));
output.currentLineWidth += attrValue.length + 1;
else {
output.text.push('="' + escapeString(attrValue, true) + '"');
output.currentLineWidth += attrValue.length + 3;
if (node.hasAttribute('style')) {
const cssText =;
if (opts.approximateLineWidth > 0 &&
output.currentLineWidth + cssText.length + 10 > opts.approximateLineWidth) {
output.currentLineWidth = 0;
else {
output.text.push(` style="${cssText}">`);
output.currentLineWidth += cssText.length + 10;
else {
output.currentLineWidth += 1;
if (EMPTY_ELEMENTS.has(tagName) === false) {
if (opts.serializeShadowRoot && node.shadowRoot != null) {
output.indent = output.indent + opts.indentSpaces;
serializeToHtml(node.shadowRoot, opts, output, true);
output.indent = output.indent - opts.indentSpaces;
if (opts.newLines &&
(node.childNodes.length === 0 ||
(node.childNodes.length === 1 &&
node.childNodes[0].nodeType === 3 /* TEXT_NODE */ &&
node.childNodes[0].nodeValue.trim() === ''))) {
output.currentLineWidth = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < output.indent; i++) {
output.text.push(' ');
output.currentLineWidth += output.indent;
if (opts.excludeTagContent == null || opts.excludeTagContent.includes(tagName) === false) {
const childNodes = tagName === 'template' ? node.content.childNodes : node.childNodes;
const childNodeLength = childNodes.length;
if (childNodeLength > 0) {
if (childNodeLength === 1 &&
childNodes[0].nodeType === 3 /* TEXT_NODE */ &&
(typeof childNodes[0].nodeValue !== 'string' || childNodes[0].nodeValue.trim() === '')) ;
else {
const isWithinWhitespaceSensitiveNode = opts.newLines || opts.indentSpaces > 0 ? isWithinWhitespaceSensitive(node) : false;
if (!isWithinWhitespaceSensitiveNode && opts.indentSpaces > 0 && ignoreTag === false) {
output.indent = output.indent + opts.indentSpaces;
for (let i = 0; i < childNodeLength; i++) {
serializeToHtml(childNodes[i], opts, output, false);
if (ignoreTag === false) {
if (opts.newLines && !isWithinWhitespaceSensitiveNode) {
output.currentLineWidth = 0;
if (opts.indentSpaces > 0 && !isWithinWhitespaceSensitiveNode) {
output.indent = output.indent - opts.indentSpaces;
for (let i = 0; i < output.indent; i++) {
output.text.push(' ');
output.currentLineWidth += output.indent;
if (ignoreTag === false) {
output.text.push('</' + tagName + '>');
output.currentLineWidth += tagName.length + 3;
if (opts.approximateLineWidth > 0 && STRUCTURE_ELEMENTS.has(tagName)) {
output.currentLineWidth = 0;
if (tagName === 'body') {
output.isWithinBody = false;
else if (node.nodeType === 3 /* TEXT_NODE */) {
let textContent = node.nodeValue;
if (typeof textContent === 'string') {
const trimmedTextContent = textContent.trim();
if (trimmedTextContent === '') {
// this text node is whitespace only
if (isWithinWhitespaceSensitive(node)) {
// whitespace matters within this element
// just add the exact text we were given
output.currentLineWidth += textContent.length;
else if (opts.approximateLineWidth > 0 && !output.isWithinBody) ;
else if (!opts.prettyHtml) {
// this text node is only whitespace, and it's not
// within a whitespace sensitive element like <pre> or <code>
// so replace the entire white space with a single new line
output.currentLineWidth += 1;
if (opts.approximateLineWidth > 0 && output.currentLineWidth > opts.approximateLineWidth) {
// good enough for a new line
// for perf these are all just estimates
// we don't care to ensure exact line lengths
output.currentLineWidth = 0;
else {
// let's keep it all on the same line yet
output.text.push(' ');
else {
// this text node has text content
const isWithinWhitespaceSensitiveNode = opts.newLines || opts.indentSpaces > 0 || opts.prettyHtml ? isWithinWhitespaceSensitive(node) : false;
if (opts.newLines && !isWithinWhitespaceSensitiveNode) {
output.currentLineWidth = 0;
if (opts.indentSpaces > 0 && !isWithinWhitespaceSensitiveNode) {
for (let i = 0; i < output.indent; i++) {
output.text.push(' ');
output.currentLineWidth += output.indent;
let textContentLength = textContent.length;
if (textContentLength > 0) {
// this text node has text content
const parentTagName = node.parentNode != null && node.parentNode.nodeType === 1 /* ELEMENT_NODE */
? node.parentNode.nodeName
: null;
if (NON_ESCAPABLE_CONTENT.has(parentTagName)) {
// this text node cannot have its content escaped since it's going
// into an element like <style> or <script>
if (isWithinWhitespaceSensitive(node)) {
else {
textContentLength = trimmedTextContent.length;
output.currentLineWidth += textContentLength;
else {
// this text node is going into a normal element and html can be escaped
if (opts.prettyHtml && !isWithinWhitespaceSensitiveNode) {
// pretty print the text node
output.text.push(escapeString(textContent.replace(/\s\s+/g, ' ').trim(), false));
output.currentLineWidth += textContentLength;
else {
// not pretty printing the text node
if (isWithinWhitespaceSensitive(node)) {
output.currentLineWidth += textContentLength;
else {
// this element is not a whitespace sensitive one, like <pre> or <code> so
// any whitespace at the start and end can be cleaned up to just be one space
if (/\s/.test(textContent.charAt(0))) {
textContent = ' ' + textContent.trimLeft();
textContentLength = textContent.length;
if (textContentLength > 1) {
if (/\s/.test(textContent.charAt(textContentLength - 1))) {
if (opts.approximateLineWidth > 0 &&
output.currentLineWidth + textContentLength > opts.approximateLineWidth) {
textContent = textContent.trimRight() + '\n';
output.currentLineWidth = 0;
else {
textContent = textContent.trimRight() + ' ';
output.currentLineWidth += textContentLength;
output.text.push(escapeString(textContent, false));
else if (node.nodeType === 8 /* COMMENT_NODE */) {
const nodeValue = node.nodeValue;
if (opts.removeHtmlComments) {
const isHydrateAnnotation = nodeValue.startsWith(CONTENT_REF_ID + '.') ||
nodeValue.startsWith(ORG_LOCATION_ID + '.') ||
nodeValue.startsWith(SLOT_NODE_ID + '.') ||
nodeValue.startsWith(TEXT_NODE_ID + '.');
if (!isHydrateAnnotation) {
const isWithinWhitespaceSensitiveNode = opts.newLines || opts.indentSpaces > 0 ? isWithinWhitespaceSensitive(node) : false;
if (opts.newLines && !isWithinWhitespaceSensitiveNode) {
output.currentLineWidth = 0;
if (opts.indentSpaces > 0 && !isWithinWhitespaceSensitiveNode) {
for (let i = 0; i < output.indent; i++) {
output.text.push(' ');
output.currentLineWidth += output.indent;
output.text.push('<!--' + nodeValue + '-->');
output.currentLineWidth += nodeValue.length + 7;
else if (node.nodeType === 10 /* DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE */) {
output.text.push('<!doctype html>');
const AMP_REGEX = /&/g;
const NBSP_REGEX = /\u00a0/g;
const DOUBLE_QUOTE_REGEX = /"/g;
const LT_REGEX = /</g;
const GT_REGEX = />/g;
const CAN_REMOVE_ATTR_QUOTES = /^[^ \t\n\f\r"'`=<>\/\\-]+$/;
function getTagName(element) {
if (element.namespaceURI === '') {
return element.nodeName.toLowerCase();
else {
return element.nodeName;
function escapeString(str, attrMode) {
str = str.replace(AMP_REGEX, '&amp;').replace(NBSP_REGEX, '&nbsp;');
if (attrMode) {
return str.replace(DOUBLE_QUOTE_REGEX, '&quot;');
return str.replace(LT_REGEX, '&lt;').replace(GT_REGEX, '&gt;');
function isWithinWhitespaceSensitive(node) {
while (node != null) {
if (WHITESPACE_SENSITIVE.has(node.nodeName)) {
return true;
node = node.parentNode;
return false;
/*@__PURE__*/ const NON_ESCAPABLE_CONTENT = new Set([
/*@__PURE__*/ const WHITESPACE_SENSITIVE = new Set([
/*@__PURE__*/ const EMPTY_ELEMENTS = new Set([
/*@__PURE__*/ const REMOVE_EMPTY_ATTR = new Set(['class', 'dir', 'id', 'lang', 'name', 'title']);
/*@__PURE__*/ const BOOLEAN_ATTR = new Set([
/*@__PURE__*/ const STRUCTURE_ELEMENTS = new Set([
// Parse5 6.0.1
const e=function(e){const t=[65534,65535,131070,131071,196606,196607,262142,262143,327678,327679,393214,393215,458750,458751,524286,524287,589822,589823,655358,655359,720894,720895,786430,786431,851966,851967,917502,917503,983038,983039,1048574,1048575,1114110,1114111];var n="<22>",s={EOF:-1,NULL:0,TABULATION:9,CARRIAGE_RETURN:13,LINE_FEED:10,FORM_FEED:12,SPACE:32,EXCLAMATION_MARK:33,QUOTATION_MARK:34,NUMBER_SIGN:35,AMPERSAND:38,APOSTROPHE:39,HYPHEN_MINUS:45,SOLIDUS:47,DIGIT_0:48,DIGIT_9:57,SEMICOLON:59,LESS_THAN_SIGN:60,EQUALS_SIGN:61,GREATER_THAN_SIGN:62,QUESTION_MARK:63,LATIN_CAPITAL_A:65,LATIN_CAPITAL_F:70,LATIN_CAPITAL_X:88,LATIN_CAPITAL_Z:90,RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET:93,GRAVE_ACCENT:96,LATIN_SMALL_A:97,LATIN_SMALL_F:102,LATIN_SMALL_X:120,LATIN_SMALL_Z:122,REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER:65533},r=function(e){return e>=55296&&e<=57343},i=function(e){return 32!==e&&10!==e&&13!==e&&9!==e&&12!==e&&e>=1&&e<=31||e>=127&&e<=159},o=function(e){return e>=64976&&e<=65007||t.indexOf(e)>-1},a="unexpected-null-character",T="invalid-first-character-of-tag-name",E="missing-semicolon-after-character-reference",h="eof-before-tag-name",c="eof-in-tag",_="missing-whitespace-after-doctype-public-keyword",l="missing-whitespace-between-doctype-public-and-system-identifiers",m="missing-whitespace-after-doctype-system-keyword",p="missing-quote-before-doctype-public-identifier",A="missing-quote-before-doctype-system-identifier",u="missing-doctype-public-identifier",N="missing-doctype-system-identifier",d="abrupt-doctype-public-identifier",C="abrupt-doctype-system-identifier",O="eof-in-script-html-comment-like-text",f="eof-in-doctype",S="abrupt-closing-of-empty-comment",R="eof-in-comment",I="absence-of-digits-in-numeric-character-reference",L="end-tag-without-matching-open-element",k="misplaced-start-tag-for-head-element";const M=s;var g=new Uint16Array([4,52,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,97,98,99,100,101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109,110,111,112,113,114,115,116,117,118,119,120,121,122,106,303,412,810,1432,1701,1796,1987,2114,2360,2420,2484,3170,3251,4140,4393,4575,4610,5106,5512,5728,6117,6274,6315,6345,6427,6516,7002,7910,8733,9323,9870,10170,10631,10893,11318,11386,11467,12773,13092,14474,14922,15448,15542,16419,17666,18166,18611,19004,19095,19298,19397,4,16,69,77,97,98,99,102,103,108,109,110,111,112,114,115,116,117,140,150,158,169,176,194,199,210,216,222,226,242,256,266,283,294,108,105,103,5,198,1,59,148,1,198,80,5,38,1,59,156,1,38,99,117,116,101,5,193,1,59,167,1,193,114,101,118,101,59,1,258,4,2,105,121,182,191,114,99,5,194,1,59,189,1,194,59,1,1040,114,59,3,55349,56580,114,97,118,101,5,192,1,59,208,1,192,112,104,97,59,1,913,97,99,114,59,1,256,100,59,1,10835,4,2,103,112,232,237,111,110,59,1,260,102,59,3,55349,56632,112,108,121,70,117,110,99,116,105,111,110,59,1,8289,105,110,103,5,197,1,59,264,1,197,4,2,99,115,272,277,114,59,3,55349,56476,105,103,110,59,1,8788,105,108,100,101,5,195,1,59,292,1,195,109,108,5,196,1,59,301,1,196,4,8,97,99,101,102,111,114,115,117,321,350,354,383,388,394,400,405,4,2,99,114,327,336,107,115,108,97,115,104,59,1,8726,4,2,118,119,342,345,59,1,10983,101,100,59,1,8966,121,59,1,1041,4,3,99,114,116,362,369,379,97,117,115,101,59,1,8757,110,111,117,108,108,105,115,59,1,8492,97,59,1,914,114,59,3,55349,56581,112,102,59,3,55349,56633,101,118,101,59,1,728,99,114,59,1,8492,109,112,101,113,59,1,8782,4,14,72,79,97,99,100,101,102,104,105,108,111,114,115,117,442,447,456,504,542,547,569,573,577,616,678,784,790,796,99,121,59,1,1063,80,89,5,169,1,59,454,1,169,4,3,99,112,121,464,470,497,117,116,101,59,1,262,4,2,59,105,476,478,1,8914,116,97,108,68,105,102,102,101,114,101,110,116,105,97,108,68,59,1,8517,108,101,121,115,59,1,8493,4,4,97,101,105,111,514,520,530,535,114,111,110,59,1,268,100,105,108,5,199,1,59,528,1,199,114,99,59,1,264,110,105,110,116,59,1,8752,111,116,59,1,266,4,2,100,110,553,560,105,108,108,97,59,1,184,116,101,114,68,111,116,59,1,183,114,59,1,8493,105,59,1,935,114,99,108,101,4,4,68,77,80,84,591,596,603,609,111,116,59,1,8857,105,110,117,115,59,1,8854,108,117,115,59,1,8853,105,109,101,115,59
const docParser = new WeakMap();
function parseDocumentUtil(ownerDocument, html) {
const doc = parse(html.trim(), getParser(ownerDocument));
doc.documentElement = doc.firstElementChild;
doc.head = doc.documentElement.firstElementChild;
doc.body = doc.head.nextElementSibling;
return doc;
function parseFragmentUtil(ownerDocument, html) {
if (typeof html === 'string') {
html = html.trim();
else {
html = '';
const frag = parseFragment(html, getParser(ownerDocument));
return frag;
function getParser(ownerDocument) {
let parseOptions = docParser.get(ownerDocument);
if (parseOptions != null) {
return parseOptions;
const treeAdapter = {
createDocument() {
const doc = ownerDocument.createElement("#document" /* DOCUMENT_NODE */);
doc['x-mode'] = 'no-quirks';
return doc;
setNodeSourceCodeLocation(node, location) {
node.sourceCodeLocation = location;
getNodeSourceCodeLocation(node) {
return node.sourceCodeLocation;
createDocumentFragment() {
return ownerDocument.createDocumentFragment();
createElement(tagName, namespaceURI, attrs) {
const elm = ownerDocument.createElementNS(namespaceURI, tagName);
for (let i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) {
const attr = attrs[i];
if (attr.namespace == null || attr.namespace === '') {
elm.setAttribute(, attr.value);
else {
elm.setAttributeNS(attr.namespace,, attr.value);
return elm;
createCommentNode(data) {
return ownerDocument.createComment(data);
appendChild(parentNode, newNode) {
insertBefore(parentNode, newNode, referenceNode) {
parentNode.insertBefore(newNode, referenceNode);
setTemplateContent(templateElement, contentElement) {
templateElement.content = contentElement;
getTemplateContent(templateElement) {
return templateElement.content;
setDocumentType(doc, name, publicId, systemId) {
let doctypeNode = doc.childNodes.find((n) => n.nodeType === 10 /* DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE */);
if (doctypeNode == null) {
doctypeNode = ownerDocument.createDocumentTypeNode();
doc.insertBefore(doctypeNode, doc.firstChild);
doctypeNode.nodeValue = '!DOCTYPE';
doctypeNode['x-name'] = name;
doctypeNode['x-publicId'] = publicId;
doctypeNode['x-systemId'] = systemId;
setDocumentMode(doc, mode) {
doc['x-mode'] = mode;
getDocumentMode(doc) {
return doc['x-mode'];
detachNode(node) {
insertText(parentNode, text) {
const lastChild = parentNode.lastChild;
if (lastChild != null && lastChild.nodeType === 3 /* TEXT_NODE */) {
lastChild.nodeValue += text;
else {
insertTextBefore(parentNode, text, referenceNode) {
const prevNode = parentNode.childNodes[parentNode.childNodes.indexOf(referenceNode) - 1];
if (prevNode != null && prevNode.nodeType === 3 /* TEXT_NODE */) {
prevNode.nodeValue += text;
else {
parentNode.insertBefore(ownerDocument.createTextNode(text), referenceNode);
adoptAttributes(recipient, attrs) {
for (let i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) {
const attr = attrs[i];
if (recipient.hasAttributeNS(attr.namespace, === false) {
recipient.setAttributeNS(attr.namespace,, attr.value);
getFirstChild(node) {
return node.childNodes[0];
getChildNodes(node) {
return node.childNodes;
getParentNode(node) {
return node.parentNode;
getAttrList(element) {
const attrs = => {
return {
value: attr.value,
namespace: attr.namespaceURI,
prefix: null,
return attrs;
getTagName(element) {
if (element.namespaceURI === '') {
return element.nodeName.toLowerCase();
else {
return element.nodeName;
getNamespaceURI(element) {
return element.namespaceURI;
getTextNodeContent(textNode) {
return textNode.nodeValue;
getCommentNodeContent(commentNode) {
return commentNode.nodeValue;
getDocumentTypeNodeName(doctypeNode) {
return doctypeNode['x-name'];
getDocumentTypeNodePublicId(doctypeNode) {
return doctypeNode['x-publicId'];
getDocumentTypeNodeSystemId(doctypeNode) {
return doctypeNode['x-systemId'];
isTextNode(node) {
return node.nodeType === 3 /* TEXT_NODE */;
isCommentNode(node) {
return node.nodeType === 8 /* COMMENT_NODE */;
isDocumentTypeNode(node) {
return node.nodeType === 10 /* DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE */;
isElementNode(node) {
return node.nodeType === 1 /* ELEMENT_NODE */;
parseOptions = {
treeAdapter: treeAdapter,
docParser.set(ownerDocument, parseOptions);
return parseOptions;
class MockNode {
constructor(ownerDocument, nodeType, nodeName, nodeValue) {
this.ownerDocument = ownerDocument;
this.nodeType = nodeType;
this.nodeName = nodeName;
this._nodeValue = nodeValue;
this.parentNode = null;
this.childNodes = [];
appendChild(newNode) {
if (newNode.nodeType === 11 /* DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE */) {
const nodes = newNode.childNodes.slice();
for (const child of nodes) {
else {
newNode.parentNode = this;
connectNode(this.ownerDocument, newNode);
return newNode;
append(...items) {
items.forEach((item) => {
const isNode = typeof item === 'object' && item !== null && 'nodeType' in item;
this.appendChild(isNode ? item : this.ownerDocument.createTextNode(String(item)));
prepend(...items) {
const firstChild = this.firstChild;
items.forEach((item) => {
const isNode = typeof item === 'object' && item !== null && 'nodeType' in item;
this.insertBefore(isNode ? item : this.ownerDocument.createTextNode(String(item)), firstChild);
cloneNode(deep) {
throw new Error(`invalid node type to clone: ${this.nodeType}, deep: ${deep}`);
compareDocumentPosition(_other) {
// unimplemented
return -1;
get firstChild() {
return this.childNodes[0] || null;
insertBefore(newNode, referenceNode) {
if (newNode.nodeType === 11 /* DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE */) {
for (let i = 0, ii = newNode.childNodes.length; i < ii; i++) {
insertBefore(this, newNode.childNodes[i], referenceNode);
else {
insertBefore(this, newNode, referenceNode);
return newNode;
get isConnected() {
let node = this;
while (node != null) {
if (node.nodeType === 9 /* DOCUMENT_NODE */) {
return true;
node = node.parentNode;
if (node != null && node.nodeType === 11 /* DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE */) {
node =;
return false;
isSameNode(node) {
return this === node;
get lastChild() {
return this.childNodes[this.childNodes.length - 1] || null;
get nextSibling() {
if (this.parentNode != null) {
const index = this.parentNode.childNodes.indexOf(this) + 1;
return this.parentNode.childNodes[index] || null;
return null;
get nodeValue() {
return this._nodeValue;
set nodeValue(value) {
this._nodeValue = value;
get parentElement() {
return this.parentNode || null;
set parentElement(value) {
this.parentNode = value;
get previousSibling() {
if (this.parentNode != null) {
const index = this.parentNode.childNodes.indexOf(this) - 1;
return this.parentNode.childNodes[index] || null;
return null;
contains(otherNode) {
return this.childNodes.includes(otherNode);
removeChild(childNode) {
const index = this.childNodes.indexOf(childNode);
if (index > -1) {
this.childNodes.splice(index, 1);
if (this.nodeType === 1 /* ELEMENT_NODE */) {
const wasConnected = this.isConnected;
childNode.parentNode = null;
if (wasConnected === true) {
else {
childNode.parentNode = null;
else {
throw new Error(`node not found within childNodes during removeChild`);
return childNode;
remove() {
if (this.parentNode != null) {
replaceChild(newChild, oldChild) {
if (oldChild.parentNode === this) {
this.insertBefore(newChild, oldChild);
return newChild;
return null;
get textContent() {
return this._nodeValue;
set textContent(value) {
this._nodeValue = String(value);
MockNode.ELEMENT_NODE = 1;
MockNode.TEXT_NODE = 3;
MockNode.COMMENT_NODE = 8;
class MockNodeList {
constructor(ownerDocument, childNodes, length) {
this.ownerDocument = ownerDocument;
this.childNodes = childNodes;
this.length = length;
class MockElement extends MockNode {
constructor(ownerDocument, nodeName) {
super(ownerDocument, 1 /* ELEMENT_NODE */, typeof nodeName === 'string' ? nodeName : null, null);
this.namespaceURI = null;
addEventListener(type, handler) {
addEventListener(this, type, handler);
attachShadow(_opts) {
const shadowRoot = this.ownerDocument.createDocumentFragment();
this.shadowRoot = shadowRoot;
return shadowRoot;
get shadowRoot() {
return this.__shadowRoot || null;
set shadowRoot(shadowRoot) {
if (shadowRoot != null) { = this;
this.__shadowRoot = shadowRoot;
else {
delete this.__shadowRoot;
get attributes() {
if (this.__attributeMap == null) {
this.__attributeMap = createAttributeProxy(false);
return this.__attributeMap;
set attributes(attrs) {
this.__attributeMap = attrs;
get children() {
return this.childNodes.filter((n) => n.nodeType === 1 /* ELEMENT_NODE */);
get childElementCount() {
return this.childNodes.filter((n) => n.nodeType === 1 /* ELEMENT_NODE */).length;
get className() {
return this.getAttributeNS(null, 'class') || '';
set className(value) {
this.setAttributeNS(null, 'class', value);
get classList() {
return new MockClassList(this);
click() {
dispatchEvent(this, new MockEvent('click', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, composed: true }));
cloneNode(_deep) {
// implemented on MockElement.prototype from within element.ts
return null;
closest(selector) {
let elm = this;
while (elm != null) {
if (elm.matches(selector)) {
return elm;
elm = elm.parentNode;
return null;
get dataset() {
return dataset(this);
get dir() {
return this.getAttributeNS(null, 'dir') || '';
set dir(value) {
this.setAttributeNS(null, 'dir', value);
dispatchEvent(ev) {
return dispatchEvent(this, ev);
get firstElementChild() {
return this.children[0] || null;
getAttribute(attrName) {
if (attrName === 'style') {
if (this.__style != null && this.__style.length > 0) {
return null;
const attr = this.attributes.getNamedItem(attrName);
if (attr != null) {
return attr.value;
return null;
getAttributeNS(namespaceURI, attrName) {
const attr = this.attributes.getNamedItemNS(namespaceURI, attrName);
if (attr != null) {
return attr.value;
return null;
getBoundingClientRect() {
return { bottom: 0, height: 0, left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, width: 0, x: 0, y: 0 };
getRootNode(opts) {
const isComposed = opts != null && opts.composed === true;
let node = this;
while (node.parentNode != null) {
node = node.parentNode;
if (isComposed === true && node.parentNode == null && != null) {
node =;
return node;
get draggable() {
return this.getAttributeNS(null, 'draggable') === 'true';
set draggable(value) {
this.setAttributeNS(null, 'draggable', value);
hasChildNodes() {
return this.childNodes.length > 0;
get id() {
return this.getAttributeNS(null, 'id') || '';
set id(value) {
this.setAttributeNS(null, 'id', value);
get innerHTML() {
if (this.childNodes.length === 0) {
return '';
return serializeNodeToHtml(this, {
newLines: false,
indentSpaces: 0,
set innerHTML(html) {
if (NON_ESCAPABLE_CONTENT.has(this.nodeName) === true) {
setTextContent(this, html);
else {
for (let i = this.childNodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (typeof html === 'string') {
const frag = parseFragmentUtil(this.ownerDocument, html);
while (frag.childNodes.length > 0) {
get innerText() {
const text = [];
getTextContent(this.childNodes, text);
return text.join('');
set innerText(value) {
setTextContent(this, value);
insertAdjacentElement(position, elm) {
if (position === 'beforebegin') {
insertBefore(this.parentNode, elm, this);
else if (position === 'afterbegin') {
else if (position === 'beforeend') {
else if (position === 'afterend') {
insertBefore(this.parentNode, elm, this.nextSibling);
return elm;
insertAdjacentHTML(position, html) {
const frag = parseFragmentUtil(this.ownerDocument, html);
if (position === 'beforebegin') {
while (frag.childNodes.length > 0) {
insertBefore(this.parentNode, frag.childNodes[0], this);
else if (position === 'afterbegin') {
while (frag.childNodes.length > 0) {
this.prepend(frag.childNodes[frag.childNodes.length - 1]);
else if (position === 'beforeend') {
while (frag.childNodes.length > 0) {
else if (position === 'afterend') {
while (frag.childNodes.length > 0) {
insertBefore(this.parentNode, frag.childNodes[frag.childNodes.length - 1], this.nextSibling);
insertAdjacentText(position, text) {
const elm = this.ownerDocument.createTextNode(text);
if (position === 'beforebegin') {
insertBefore(this.parentNode, elm, this);
else if (position === 'afterbegin') {
else if (position === 'beforeend') {
else if (position === 'afterend') {
insertBefore(this.parentNode, elm, this.nextSibling);
hasAttribute(attrName) {
if (attrName === 'style') {
return this.__style != null && this.__style.length > 0;
return this.getAttribute(attrName) !== null;
hasAttributeNS(namespaceURI, name) {
return this.getAttributeNS(namespaceURI, name) !== null;
get hidden() {
return this.hasAttributeNS(null, 'hidden');
set hidden(isHidden) {
if (isHidden === true) {
this.setAttributeNS(null, 'hidden', '');
else {
this.removeAttributeNS(null, 'hidden');
get lang() {
return this.getAttributeNS(null, 'lang') || '';
set lang(value) {
this.setAttributeNS(null, 'lang', value);
get lastElementChild() {
const children = this.children;
return children[children.length - 1] || null;
matches(selector) {
return matches(selector, this);
get nextElementSibling() {
const parentElement = this.parentElement;
if (parentElement != null &&
(parentElement.nodeType === 1 /* ELEMENT_NODE */ ||
parentElement.nodeType === 11 /* DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE */ ||
parentElement.nodeType === 9 /* DOCUMENT_NODE */)) {
const children = parentElement.children;
const index = children.indexOf(this) + 1;
return parentElement.children[index] || null;
return null;
get outerHTML() {
return serializeNodeToHtml(this, {
newLines: false,
outerHtml: true,
indentSpaces: 0,
get previousElementSibling() {
const parentElement = this.parentElement;
if (parentElement != null &&
(parentElement.nodeType === 1 /* ELEMENT_NODE */ ||
parentElement.nodeType === 11 /* DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE */ ||
parentElement.nodeType === 9 /* DOCUMENT_NODE */)) {
const children = parentElement.children;
const index = children.indexOf(this) - 1;
return parentElement.children[index] || null;
return null;
getElementsByClassName(classNames) {
const classes = classNames
.split(' ')
.filter((c) => c.length > 0);
const results = [];
getElementsByClassName(this, classes, results);
return results;
getElementsByTagName(tagName) {
const results = [];
getElementsByTagName(this, tagName.toLowerCase(), results);
return results;
querySelector(selector) {
return selectOne(selector, this);
querySelectorAll(selector) {
return selectAll(selector, this);
removeAttribute(attrName) {
if (attrName === 'style') {
delete this.__style;
else {
const attr = this.attributes.getNamedItem(attrName);
if (attr != null) {
if (checkAttributeChanged(this) === true) {
attributeChanged(this, attrName, attr.value, null);
removeAttributeNS(namespaceURI, attrName) {
const attr = this.attributes.getNamedItemNS(namespaceURI, attrName);
if (attr != null) {
if (checkAttributeChanged(this) === true) {
attributeChanged(this, attrName, attr.value, null);
removeEventListener(type, handler) {
removeEventListener(this, type, handler);
setAttribute(attrName, value) {
if (attrName === 'style') { = value;
else {
const attributes = this.attributes;
let attr = attributes.getNamedItem(attrName);
const checkAttrChanged = checkAttributeChanged(this);
if (attr != null) {
if (checkAttrChanged === true) {
const oldValue = attr.value;
attr.value = value;
if (oldValue !== attr.value) {
attributeChanged(this,, oldValue, attr.value);
else {
attr.value = value;
else {
if (attributes.caseInsensitive) {
attrName = attrName.toLowerCase();
attr = new MockAttr(attrName, value);
if (checkAttrChanged === true) {
attributeChanged(this, attrName, null, attr.value);
setAttributeNS(namespaceURI, attrName, value) {
const attributes = this.attributes;
let attr = attributes.getNamedItemNS(namespaceURI, attrName);
const checkAttrChanged = checkAttributeChanged(this);
if (attr != null) {
if (checkAttrChanged === true) {
const oldValue = attr.value;
attr.value = value;
if (oldValue !== attr.value) {
attributeChanged(this,, oldValue, attr.value);
else {
attr.value = value;
else {
attr = new MockAttr(attrName, value, namespaceURI);
if (checkAttrChanged === true) {
attributeChanged(this, attrName, null, attr.value);
get style() {
if (this.__style == null) {
this.__style = createCSSStyleDeclaration();
return this.__style;
set style(val) {
if (typeof val === 'string') {
if (this.__style == null) {
this.__style = createCSSStyleDeclaration();
this.__style.cssText = val;
else {
this.__style = val;
get tabIndex() {
return parseInt(this.getAttributeNS(null, 'tabindex') || '-1', 10);
set tabIndex(value) {
this.setAttributeNS(null, 'tabindex', value);
get tagName() {
return this.nodeName;
set tagName(value) {
this.nodeName = value;
get textContent() {
const text = [];
getTextContent(this.childNodes, text);
return text.join('');
set textContent(value) {
setTextContent(this, value);
get title() {
return this.getAttributeNS(null, 'title') || '';
set title(value) {
this.setAttributeNS(null, 'title', value);
onanimationstart() {
onanimationend() {
onanimationiteration() {
onabort() {
onauxclick() {
onbeforecopy() {
onbeforecut() {
onbeforepaste() {
onblur() {
oncancel() {
oncanplay() {
oncanplaythrough() {
onchange() {
onclick() {
onclose() {
oncontextmenu() {
oncopy() {
oncuechange() {
oncut() {
ondblclick() {
ondrag() {
ondragend() {
ondragenter() {
ondragleave() {
ondragover() {
ondragstart() {
ondrop() {
ondurationchange() {
onemptied() {
onended() {
onerror() {
onfocus() {
onfocusin() {
onfocusout() {
onformdata() {
onfullscreenchange() {
onfullscreenerror() {
ongotpointercapture() {
oninput() {
oninvalid() {
onkeydown() {
onkeypress() {
onkeyup() {
onload() {
onloadeddata() {
onloadedmetadata() {
onloadstart() {
onlostpointercapture() {
onmousedown() {
onmouseenter() {
onmouseleave() {
onmousemove() {
onmouseout() {
onmouseover() {
onmouseup() {
onmousewheel() {
onpaste() {
onpause() {
onplay() {
onplaying() {
onpointercancel() {
onpointerdown() {
onpointerenter() {
onpointerleave() {
onpointermove() {
onpointerout() {
onpointerover() {
onpointerup() {
onprogress() {
onratechange() {
onreset() {
onresize() {
onscroll() {
onsearch() {
onseeked() {
onseeking() {
onselect() {
onselectstart() {
onstalled() {
onsubmit() {
onsuspend() {
ontimeupdate() {
ontoggle() {
onvolumechange() {
onwaiting() {
onwebkitfullscreenchange() {
onwebkitfullscreenerror() {
onwheel() {
toString(opts) {
return serializeNodeToHtml(this, opts);
function getElementsByClassName(elm, classNames, foundElms) {
const children = elm.children;
for (let i = 0, ii = children.length; i < ii; i++) {
const childElm = children[i];
for (let j = 0, jj = classNames.length; j < jj; j++) {
if (childElm.classList.contains(classNames[j])) {
getElementsByClassName(childElm, classNames, foundElms);
function getElementsByTagName(elm, tagName, foundElms) {
const children = elm.children;
for (let i = 0, ii = children.length; i < ii; i++) {
const childElm = children[i];
if (tagName === '*' || childElm.nodeName.toLowerCase() === tagName) {
getElementsByTagName(childElm, tagName, foundElms);
function resetElement(elm) {
delete elm.__attributeMap;
delete elm.__shadowRoot;
delete elm.__style;
function insertBefore(parentNode, newNode, referenceNode) {
if (newNode !== referenceNode) {
newNode.parentNode = parentNode;
newNode.ownerDocument = parentNode.ownerDocument;
if (referenceNode != null) {
const index = parentNode.childNodes.indexOf(referenceNode);
if (index > -1) {
parentNode.childNodes.splice(index, 0, newNode);
else {
throw new Error(`referenceNode not found in parentNode.childNodes`);
else {
connectNode(parentNode.ownerDocument, newNode);
return newNode;
class MockHTMLElement extends MockElement {
constructor(ownerDocument, nodeName) {
super(ownerDocument, typeof nodeName === 'string' ? nodeName.toUpperCase() : null);
this.namespaceURI = '';
get tagName() {
return this.nodeName;
set tagName(value) {
this.nodeName = value;
get attributes() {
if (this.__attributeMap == null) {
this.__attributeMap = createAttributeProxy(true);
return this.__attributeMap;
set attributes(attrs) {
this.__attributeMap = attrs;
class MockTextNode extends MockNode {
constructor(ownerDocument, text) {
super(ownerDocument, 3 /* TEXT_NODE */, "#text" /* TEXT_NODE */, text);
cloneNode(_deep) {
return new MockTextNode(null, this.nodeValue);
get textContent() {
return this.nodeValue;
set textContent(text) {
this.nodeValue = text;
get data() {
return this.nodeValue;
set data(text) {
this.nodeValue = text;
get wholeText() {
if (this.parentNode != null) {
const text = [];
for (let i = 0, ii = this.parentNode.childNodes.length; i < ii; i++) {
const childNode = this.parentNode.childNodes[i];
if (childNode.nodeType === 3 /* TEXT_NODE */) {
return text.join('');
return this.nodeValue;
function getTextContent(childNodes, text) {
for (let i = 0, ii = childNodes.length; i < ii; i++) {
const childNode = childNodes[i];
if (childNode.nodeType === 3 /* TEXT_NODE */) {
else if (childNode.nodeType === 1 /* ELEMENT_NODE */) {
getTextContent(childNode.childNodes, text);
function setTextContent(elm, text) {
for (let i = elm.childNodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const textNode = new MockTextNode(elm.ownerDocument, text);
class MockComment extends MockNode {
constructor(ownerDocument, data) {
super(ownerDocument, 8 /* COMMENT_NODE */, "#comment" /* COMMENT_NODE */, data);
cloneNode(_deep) {
return new MockComment(null, this.nodeValue);
get textContent() {
return this.nodeValue;
set textContent(text) {
this.nodeValue = text;
class MockDocumentFragment extends MockHTMLElement {
constructor(ownerDocument) {
super(ownerDocument, null);
this.nodeName = "#document-fragment" /* DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE */;
this.nodeType = 11 /* DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE */;
getElementById(id) {
return getElementById(this, id);
cloneNode(deep) {
const cloned = new MockDocumentFragment(null);
if (deep) {
for (let i = 0, ii = this.childNodes.length; i < ii; i++) {
const childNode = this.childNodes[i];
if (childNode.nodeType === 1 /* ELEMENT_NODE */ ||
childNode.nodeType === 3 /* TEXT_NODE */ ||
childNode.nodeType === 8 /* COMMENT_NODE */) {
const clonedChildNode = this.childNodes[i].cloneNode(true);
return cloned;
class MockDocumentTypeNode extends MockHTMLElement {
constructor(ownerDocument) {
super(ownerDocument, '!DOCTYPE');
this.nodeType = 10 /* DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE */;
this.setAttribute('html', '');
class MockCSSRule {
constructor(parentStyleSheet) {
this.parentStyleSheet = parentStyleSheet;
this.cssText = '';
this.type = 0;
class MockCSSStyleSheet {
constructor(ownerNode) {
this.type = 'text/css';
this.parentStyleSheet = null;
this.cssRules = [];
this.ownerNode = ownerNode;
get rules() {
return this.cssRules;
set rules(rules) {
this.cssRules = rules;
deleteRule(index) {
if (index >= 0 && index < this.cssRules.length) {
this.cssRules.splice(index, 1);
insertRule(rule, index = 0) {
if (typeof index !== 'number') {
index = 0;
if (index < 0) {
index = 0;
if (index > this.cssRules.length) {
index = this.cssRules.length;
const cssRule = new MockCSSRule(this);
cssRule.cssText = rule;
this.cssRules.splice(index, 0, cssRule);
return index;
function getStyleElementText(styleElm) {
const output = [];
for (let i = 0; i < styleElm.childNodes.length; i++) {
return output.join('');
function setStyleElementText(styleElm, text) {
// keeping the innerHTML and the sheet.cssRules connected
// is not technically correct, but since we're doing
// SSR we'll need to turn any assigned cssRules into
// real text, not just properties that aren't rendered
const sheet = styleElm.sheet;
sheet.cssRules.length = 0;
function updateStyleTextNode(styleElm) {
const childNodeLen = styleElm.childNodes.length;
if (childNodeLen > 1) {
for (let i = childNodeLen - 1; i >= 1; i--) {
else if (childNodeLen < 1) {
const textNode = styleElm.childNodes[0];
textNode.nodeValue = => r.cssText).join('\n');
function createElement(ownerDocument, tagName) {
if (typeof tagName !== 'string' || tagName === '' || !/^[a-z0-9-_:]+$/i.test(tagName)) {
throw new Error(`The tag name provided (${tagName}) is not a valid name.`);
tagName = tagName.toLowerCase();
switch (tagName) {
case 'a':
return new MockAnchorElement(ownerDocument);
case 'base':
return new MockBaseElement(ownerDocument);
case 'button':
return new MockButtonElement(ownerDocument);
case 'canvas':
return new MockCanvasElement(ownerDocument);
case 'form':
return new MockFormElement(ownerDocument);
case 'img':
return new MockImageElement(ownerDocument);
case 'input':
return new MockInputElement(ownerDocument);
case 'link':
return new MockLinkElement(ownerDocument);
case 'meta':
return new MockMetaElement(ownerDocument);
case 'script':
return new MockScriptElement(ownerDocument);
case 'style':
return new MockStyleElement(ownerDocument);
case 'template':
return new MockTemplateElement(ownerDocument);
case 'title':
return new MockTitleElement(ownerDocument);
if (ownerDocument != null && tagName.includes('-')) {
const win = ownerDocument.defaultView;
if (win != null && win.customElements != null) {
return createCustomElement(win.customElements, ownerDocument, tagName);
return new MockHTMLElement(ownerDocument, tagName);
function createElementNS(ownerDocument, namespaceURI, tagName) {
if (namespaceURI === '') {
return createElement(ownerDocument, tagName);
else if (namespaceURI === '') {
return new MockSVGElement(ownerDocument, tagName);
else {
return new MockElement(ownerDocument, tagName);
class MockAnchorElement extends MockHTMLElement {
constructor(ownerDocument) {
super(ownerDocument, 'a');
get href() {
return fullUrl(this, 'href');
set href(value) {
this.setAttribute('href', value);
get pathname() {
return new URL(this.href).pathname;
class MockButtonElement extends MockHTMLElement {
constructor(ownerDocument) {
super(ownerDocument, 'button');
patchPropAttributes(MockButtonElement.prototype, {
type: String,
}, {
type: 'submit',
class MockImageElement extends MockHTMLElement {
constructor(ownerDocument) {
super(ownerDocument, 'img');
get draggable() {
return this.getAttributeNS(null, 'draggable') !== 'false';
set draggable(value) {
this.setAttributeNS(null, 'draggable', value);
get src() {
return fullUrl(this, 'src');
set src(value) {
this.setAttribute('src', value);
patchPropAttributes(MockImageElement.prototype, {
height: Number,
width: Number,
class MockInputElement extends MockHTMLElement {
constructor(ownerDocument) {
super(ownerDocument, 'input');
get list() {
const listId = this.getAttribute('list');
if (listId) {
return this.ownerDocument.getElementById(listId);
return null;
patchPropAttributes(MockInputElement.prototype, {
accept: String,
autocomplete: String,
autofocus: Boolean,
capture: String,
checked: Boolean,
disabled: Boolean,
form: String,
formaction: String,
formenctype: String,
formmethod: String,
formnovalidate: String,
formtarget: String,
height: Number,
inputmode: String,
max: String,
maxLength: Number,
min: String,
minLength: Number,
multiple: Boolean,
name: String,
pattern: String,
placeholder: String,
required: Boolean,
readOnly: Boolean,
size: Number,
spellCheck: Boolean,
src: String,
step: String,
type: String,
value: String,
width: Number,
}, {
type: 'text',
class MockFormElement extends MockHTMLElement {
constructor(ownerDocument) {
super(ownerDocument, 'form');
patchPropAttributes(MockFormElement.prototype, {
name: String,
class MockLinkElement extends MockHTMLElement {
constructor(ownerDocument) {
super(ownerDocument, 'link');
get href() {
return fullUrl(this, 'href');
set href(value) {
this.setAttribute('href', value);
patchPropAttributes(MockLinkElement.prototype, {
crossorigin: String,
media: String,
rel: String,
type: String,
class MockMetaElement extends MockHTMLElement {
constructor(ownerDocument) {
super(ownerDocument, 'meta');
patchPropAttributes(MockMetaElement.prototype, {
charset: String,
content: String,
name: String,
class MockScriptElement extends MockHTMLElement {
constructor(ownerDocument) {
super(ownerDocument, 'script');
get src() {
return fullUrl(this, 'src');
set src(value) {
this.setAttribute('src', value);
patchPropAttributes(MockScriptElement.prototype, {
type: String,
class MockStyleElement extends MockHTMLElement {
constructor(ownerDocument) {
super(ownerDocument, 'style');
this.sheet = new MockCSSStyleSheet(this);
get innerHTML() {
return getStyleElementText(this);
set innerHTML(value) {
setStyleElementText(this, value);
get innerText() {
return getStyleElementText(this);
set innerText(value) {
setStyleElementText(this, value);
get textContent() {
return getStyleElementText(this);
set textContent(value) {
setStyleElementText(this, value);
class MockSVGElement extends MockElement {
// SVGElement properties and methods
get ownerSVGElement() {
return null;
get viewportElement() {
return null;
focus() {
onunload() {
// SVGGeometryElement properties and methods
get pathLength() {
return 0;
isPointInFill(_pt) {
return false;
isPointInStroke(_pt) {
return false;
getTotalLength() {
return 0;
class MockBaseElement extends MockHTMLElement {
constructor(ownerDocument) {
super(ownerDocument, 'base');
get href() {
return fullUrl(this, 'href');
set href(value) {
this.setAttribute('href', value);
class MockTemplateElement extends MockHTMLElement {
constructor(ownerDocument) {
super(ownerDocument, 'template');
this.content = new MockDocumentFragment(ownerDocument);
get innerHTML() {
return this.content.innerHTML;
set innerHTML(html) {
this.content.innerHTML = html;
cloneNode(deep) {
const cloned = new MockTemplateElement(null);
cloned.attributes = cloneAttributes(this.attributes);
const styleCssText = this.getAttribute('style');
if (styleCssText != null && styleCssText.length > 0) {
cloned.setAttribute('style', styleCssText);
cloned.content = this.content.cloneNode(deep);
if (deep) {
for (let i = 0, ii = this.childNodes.length; i < ii; i++) {
const clonedChildNode = this.childNodes[i].cloneNode(true);
return cloned;
class MockTitleElement extends MockHTMLElement {
constructor(ownerDocument) {
super(ownerDocument, 'title');
get text() {
return this.textContent;
set text(value) {
this.textContent = value;
class MockCanvasElement extends MockHTMLElement {
constructor(ownerDocument) {
super(ownerDocument, 'canvas');
getContext() {
return {
fillRect() {
clearRect() { },
getImageData: function (_, __, w, h) {
return {
data: new Array(w * h * 4),
putImageData() { },
createImageData: function () {
return [];
setTransform() { },
drawImage() { },
save() { },
fillText() { },
restore() { },
beginPath() { },
moveTo() { },
lineTo() { },
closePath() { },
stroke() { },
translate() { },
scale() { },
rotate() { },
arc() { },
fill() { },
measureText() {
return { width: 0 };
transform() { },
rect() { },
clip() { },
function fullUrl(elm, attrName) {
const val = elm.getAttribute(attrName) || '';
if (elm.ownerDocument != null) {
const win = elm.ownerDocument.defaultView;
if (win != null) {
const loc = win.location;
if (loc != null) {
try {
const url = new URL(val, loc.href);
return url.href;
catch (e) { }
return val.replace(/\'|\"/g, '').trim();
function patchPropAttributes(prototype, attrs, defaults = {}) {
Object.keys(attrs).forEach((propName) => {
const attr = attrs[propName];
const defaultValue = defaults[propName];
if (attr === Boolean) {
Object.defineProperty(prototype, propName, {
get() {
return this.hasAttribute(propName);
set(value) {
if (value) {
this.setAttribute(propName, '');
else {
else if (attr === Number) {
Object.defineProperty(prototype, propName, {
get() {
const value = this.getAttribute(propName);
return value ? parseInt(value, 10) : defaultValue === undefined ? 0 : defaultValue;
set(value) {
this.setAttribute(propName, value);
else {
Object.defineProperty(prototype, propName, {
get() {
return this.hasAttribute(propName) ? this.getAttribute(propName) : defaultValue || '';
set(value) {
this.setAttribute(propName, value);
MockElement.prototype.cloneNode = function (deep) {
// because we're creating elements, which extending specific HTML base classes there
// is a MockElement circular reference that bundling has trouble dealing with so
// the fix is to add cloneNode() to MockElement's prototype after the HTML classes
const cloned = createElement(this.ownerDocument, this.nodeName);
cloned.attributes = cloneAttributes(this.attributes);
const styleCssText = this.getAttribute('style');
if (styleCssText != null && styleCssText.length > 0) {
cloned.setAttribute('style', styleCssText);
if (deep) {
for (let i = 0, ii = this.childNodes.length; i < ii; i++) {
const clonedChildNode = this.childNodes[i].cloneNode(true);
return cloned;
let sharedDocument;
function parseHtmlToDocument(html, ownerDocument = null) {
if (ownerDocument == null) {
if (sharedDocument == null) {
sharedDocument = new MockDocument();
ownerDocument = sharedDocument;
return parseDocumentUtil(ownerDocument, html);
function parseHtmlToFragment(html, ownerDocument = null) {
if (ownerDocument == null) {
if (sharedDocument == null) {
sharedDocument = new MockDocument();
ownerDocument = sharedDocument;
return parseFragmentUtil(ownerDocument, html);
class MockHeaders {
constructor(init) {
this._values = [];
if (typeof init === 'object') {
if (typeof init[Symbol.iterator] === 'function') {
const kvs = [];
for (const kv of init) {
if (typeof kv[Symbol.iterator] === 'function') {
for (const kv of kvs) {
this.append(kv[0], kv[1]);
else {
for (const key in init) {
this.append(key, init[key]);
append(key, value) {
this._values.push([key, value + '']);
delete(key) {
key = key.toLowerCase();
for (let i = this._values.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (this._values[i][0].toLowerCase() === key) {
this._values.splice(i, 1);
entries() {
const entries = [];
for (const kv of this.keys()) {
entries.push([kv, this.get(kv)]);
let index = -1;
return {
next() {
return {
value: entries[index],
done: !entries[index],
[Symbol.iterator]() {
return this;
forEach(cb) {
for (const kv of this.entries()) {
cb(kv[1], kv[0]);
get(key) {
const rtn = [];
key = key.toLowerCase();
for (const kv of this._values) {
if (kv[0].toLowerCase() === key) {
return rtn.length > 0 ? rtn.join(', ') : null;
has(key) {
key = key.toLowerCase();
for (const kv of this._values) {
if (kv[0].toLowerCase() === key) {
return true;
return false;
keys() {
const keys = [];
for (const kv of this._values) {
const key = kv[0].toLowerCase();
if (!keys.includes(key)) {
let index = -1;
return {
next() {
return {
value: keys[index],
done: !keys[index],
[Symbol.iterator]() {
return this;
set(key, value) {
for (const kv of this._values) {
if (kv[0].toLowerCase() === key.toLowerCase()) {
kv[1] = value + '';
this.append(key, value);
values() {
const values = this._values;
let index = -1;
return {
next() {
const done = !values[index];
return {
value: done ? undefined : values[index][1],
[Symbol.iterator]() {
return this;
[Symbol.iterator]() {
return this.entries();
class MockRequest {
constructor(input, init = {}) {
this._method = 'GET';
this._url = '/';
this.bodyUsed = false;
this.cache = 'default';
this.credentials = 'same-origin';
this.integrity = '';
this.keepalive = false;
this.mode = 'cors';
this.redirect = 'follow';
this.referrer = 'about:client';
this.referrerPolicy = '';
if (typeof input === 'string') {
this.url = input;
else if (input) {
Object.assign(this, input);
this.headers = new MockHeaders(input.headers);
Object.assign(this, init);
if (init.headers) {
this.headers = new MockHeaders(init.headers);
if (!this.headers) {
this.headers = new MockHeaders();
get url() {
if (typeof this._url === 'string') {
return new URL(this._url, location.href).href;
return new URL('/', location.href).href;
set url(value) {
this._url = value;
get method() {
if (typeof this._method === 'string') {
return this._method.toUpperCase();
return 'GET';
set method(value) {
this._method = value;
clone() {
const clone = { ...this };
clone.headers = new MockHeaders(this.headers);
return new MockRequest(clone);
class MockResponse {
constructor(body, init = {}) {
this.ok = true;
this.status = 200;
this.statusText = '';
this.type = 'default';
this.url = '';
this._body = body;
if (init) {
Object.assign(this, init);
this.headers = new MockHeaders(init.headers);
async json() {
return JSON.parse(this._body);
async text() {
return this._body;
clone() {
const initClone = { ...this };
initClone.headers = new MockHeaders(this.headers);
return new MockResponse(this._body, initClone);
function setupGlobal(gbl) {
if (gbl.window == null) {
const win = (gbl.window = new MockWindow());
WINDOW_FUNCTIONS.forEach((fnName) => {
if (!(fnName in gbl)) {
gbl[fnName] = win[fnName].bind(win);
WINDOW_PROPS.forEach((propName) => {
if (!(propName in gbl)) {
Object.defineProperty(gbl, propName, {
get() {
return win[propName];
set(val) {
win[propName] = val;
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
GLOBAL_CONSTRUCTORS.forEach(([cstrName]) => {
gbl[cstrName] = win[cstrName];
return gbl.window;
function teardownGlobal(gbl) {
const win = gbl.window;
if (win && typeof win.close === 'function') {
function patchWindow(winToBePatched) {
const mockWin = new MockWindow(false);
WINDOW_FUNCTIONS.forEach((fnName) => {
if (typeof winToBePatched[fnName] !== 'function') {
winToBePatched[fnName] = mockWin[fnName].bind(mockWin);
WINDOW_PROPS.forEach((propName) => {
if (winToBePatched === undefined) {
Object.defineProperty(winToBePatched, propName, {
get() {
return mockWin[propName];
set(val) {
mockWin[propName] = val;
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
function addGlobalsToWindowPrototype(mockWinPrototype) {
GLOBAL_CONSTRUCTORS.forEach(([cstrName, Cstr]) => {
Object.defineProperty(mockWinPrototype, cstrName, {
get() {
return this['__' + cstrName] || Cstr;
set(cstr) {
this['__' + cstrName] = cstr;
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
const WINDOW_PROPS = [
['CustomEvent', MockCustomEvent],
['Event', MockEvent],
['Headers', MockHeaders],
['KeyboardEvent', MockKeyboardEvent],
['MouseEvent', MockMouseEvent],
['Request', MockRequest],
['Response', MockResponse],
['HTMLAnchorElement', MockAnchorElement],
['HTMLBaseElement', MockBaseElement],
['HTMLButtonElement', MockButtonElement],
['HTMLCanvasElement', MockCanvasElement],
['HTMLFormElement', MockFormElement],
['HTMLImageElement', MockImageElement],
['HTMLInputElement', MockInputElement],
['HTMLLinkElement', MockLinkElement],
['HTMLMetaElement', MockMetaElement],
['HTMLScriptElement', MockScriptElement],
['HTMLStyleElement', MockStyleElement],
['HTMLTemplateElement', MockTemplateElement],
['HTMLTitleElement', MockTitleElement],
const consoleNoop = () => {
function createConsole() {
return {
debug: consoleNoop,
error: consoleNoop,
info: consoleNoop,
log: consoleNoop,
warn: consoleNoop,
dir: consoleNoop,
dirxml: consoleNoop,
table: consoleNoop,
trace: consoleNoop,
group: consoleNoop,
groupCollapsed: consoleNoop,
groupEnd: consoleNoop,
clear: consoleNoop,
count: consoleNoop,
countReset: consoleNoop,
assert: consoleNoop,
profile: consoleNoop,
profileEnd: consoleNoop,
time: consoleNoop,
timeLog: consoleNoop,
timeEnd: consoleNoop,
timeStamp: consoleNoop,
context: consoleNoop,
memory: consoleNoop,
class MockHistory {
constructor() {
this.items = [];
get length() {
return this.items.length;
back() {
forward() {
go(_value) {
pushState(_state, _title, _url) {
replaceState(_state, _title, _url) {
class MockIntersectionObserver {
constructor() {
disconnect() {
observe() {
takeRecords() {
return [];
unobserve() {
class MockLocation {
constructor() {
this.ancestorOrigins = null;
this.protocol = ''; = '';
this.hostname = '';
this.port = '';
this.pathname = ''; = '';
this.hash = '';
this.username = '';
this.password = '';
this.origin = '';
this._href = '';
get href() {
return this._href;
set href(value) {
const url = new URL(value, '');
this._href = url.href;
this.protocol = url.protocol; =;
this.hostname = url.hostname;
this.port = url.port;
this.pathname = url.pathname; =;
this.hash = url.hash;
this.username = url.username;
this.password = url.password;
this.origin = url.origin;
assign(_url) {
reload(_forcedReload) {
replace(_url) {
toString() {
return this.href;
class MockNavigator {
constructor() {
this.appCodeName = 'MockNavigator';
this.appName = 'MockNavigator';
this.appVersion = 'MockNavigator';
this.platform = 'MockNavigator';
this.userAgent = 'MockNavigator';
class MockPerformance {
constructor() {
this.timeOrigin =;
addEventListener() {
clearMarks() {
clearMeasures() {
clearResourceTimings() {
dispatchEvent() {
return true;
getEntries() {
return [];
getEntriesByName() {
return [];
getEntriesByType() {
return [];
mark() {
measure() {
get navigation() {
return {};
now() {
return - this.timeOrigin;
get onresourcetimingbufferfull() {
return null;
removeEventListener() {
setResourceTimingBufferSize() {
get timing() {
return {};
toJSON() {
function resetPerformance(perf) {
if (perf != null) {
try {
perf.timeOrigin =;
catch (e) { }
class MockStorage {
constructor() {
this.items = new Map();
key(_value) {
getItem(key) {
key = String(key);
if (this.items.has(key)) {
return this.items.get(key);
return null;
setItem(key, value) {
if (value == null) {
value = 'null';
this.items.set(String(key), String(value));
removeItem(key) {
clear() {
const nativeClearInterval = clearInterval;
const nativeClearTimeout = clearTimeout;
const nativeSetInterval = setInterval;
const nativeSetTimeout = setTimeout;
const nativeURL = URL;
class MockWindow {
constructor(html = null) {
if (html !== false) {
this.document = new MockDocument(html, this);
else {
this.document = null;
this.performance = new MockPerformance();
this.customElements = new MockCustomElementRegistry(this);
this.console = createConsole();
addEventListener(type, handler) {
addEventListener(this, type, handler);
alert(msg) {
if (this.console) {
else {
blur() {
cancelAnimationFrame(id) {
cancelIdleCallback(id) {
get CharacterData() {
if (this.__charDataCstr == null) {
const ownerDocument = this.document;
this.__charDataCstr = class extends MockNode {
constructor() {
super(ownerDocument, 0, 'test', '');
throw new Error('Illegal constructor: cannot construct CharacterData');
return this.__charDataCstr;
set CharacterData(charDataCstr) {
this.__charDataCstr = charDataCstr;
clearInterval(id) {
clearTimeout(id) {
close() {
confirm() {
return false;
get CSS() {
return {
supports: () => true,
get Document() {
if (this.__docCstr == null) {
const win = this;
this.__docCstr = class extends MockDocument {
constructor() {
super(false, win);
throw new Error('Illegal constructor: cannot construct Document');
return this.__docCstr;
set Document(docCstr) {
this.__docCstr = docCstr;
get DocumentFragment() {
if (this.__docFragCstr == null) {
const ownerDocument = this.document;
this.__docFragCstr = class extends MockDocumentFragment {
constructor() {
throw new Error('Illegal constructor: cannot construct DocumentFragment');
return this.__docFragCstr;
set DocumentFragment(docFragCstr) {
this.__docFragCstr = docFragCstr;
get DocumentType() {
if (this.__docTypeCstr == null) {
const ownerDocument = this.document;
this.__docTypeCstr = class extends MockNode {
constructor() {
super(ownerDocument, 0, 'test', '');
throw new Error('Illegal constructor: cannot construct DocumentType');
return this.__docTypeCstr;
set DocumentType(docTypeCstr) {
this.__docTypeCstr = docTypeCstr;
get DOMTokenList() {
if (this.__domTokenListCstr == null) {
this.__domTokenListCstr = class MockDOMTokenList {
return this.__domTokenListCstr;
set DOMTokenList(domTokenListCstr) {
this.__domTokenListCstr = domTokenListCstr;
dispatchEvent(ev) {
return dispatchEvent(this, ev);
get Element() {
if (this.__elementCstr == null) {
const ownerDocument = this.document;
this.__elementCstr = class extends MockElement {
constructor() {
super(ownerDocument, '');
throw new Error('Illegal constructor: cannot construct Element');
return this.__elementCstr;
fetch(input, init) {
if (typeof fetch === 'function') {
return fetch(input, init);
throw new Error(`fetch() not implemented`);
focus() {
getComputedStyle(_) {
return {
cssText: '',
length: 0,
parentRule: null,
getPropertyPriority() {
return null;
getPropertyValue() {
return '';
item() {
return null;
removeProperty() {
return null;
setProperty() {
return null;
get globalThis() {
return this;
get history() {
if (this.__history == null) {
this.__history = new MockHistory();
return this.__history;
set history(hsty) {
this.__history = hsty;
get JSON() {
return JSON;
get HTMLElement() {
if (this.__htmlElementCstr == null) {
const ownerDocument = this.document;
this.__htmlElementCstr = class extends MockHTMLElement {
constructor() {
super(ownerDocument, '');
const observedAttributes = this.constructor.observedAttributes;
if (Array.isArray(observedAttributes) && typeof this.attributeChangedCallback === 'function') {
observedAttributes.forEach((attrName) => {
const attrValue = this.getAttribute(attrName);
if (attrValue != null) {
this.attributeChangedCallback(attrName, null, attrValue);
return this.__htmlElementCstr;
set HTMLElement(htmlElementCstr) {
this.__htmlElementCstr = htmlElementCstr;
get IntersectionObserver() {
return MockIntersectionObserver;
get localStorage() {
if (this.__localStorage == null) {
this.__localStorage = new MockStorage();
return this.__localStorage;
set localStorage(locStorage) {
this.__localStorage = locStorage;
get location() {
if (this.__location == null) {
this.__location = new MockLocation();
return this.__location;
set location(val) {
if (typeof val === 'string') {
if (this.__location == null) {
this.__location = new MockLocation();
this.__location.href = val;
else {
this.__location = val;
matchMedia() {
return {
matches: false,
get Node() {
if (this.__nodeCstr == null) {
const ownerDocument = this.document;
this.__nodeCstr = class extends MockNode {
constructor() {
super(ownerDocument, 0, 'test', '');
throw new Error('Illegal constructor: cannot construct Node');
return this.__nodeCstr;
get NodeList() {
if (this.__nodeListCstr == null) {
const ownerDocument = this.document;
this.__nodeListCstr = class extends MockNodeList {
constructor() {
super(ownerDocument, [], 0);
throw new Error('Illegal constructor: cannot construct NodeList');
return this.__nodeListCstr;
get navigator() {
if (this.__navigator == null) {
this.__navigator = new MockNavigator();
return this.__navigator;
set navigator(nav) {
this.__navigator = nav;
get parent() {
return null;
prompt() {
return '';
open() {
return null;
get origin() {
return this.location.origin;
removeEventListener(type, handler) {
removeEventListener(this, type, handler);
requestAnimationFrame(callback) {
return this.setTimeout(() => {
}, 0);
requestIdleCallback(callback) {
return this.setTimeout(() => {
didTimeout: false,
timeRemaining: () => 0,
}, 0);
scroll(_x, _y) {
scrollBy(_x, _y) {
scrollTo(_x, _y) {
get self() {
return this;
get sessionStorage() {
if (this.__sessionStorage == null) {
this.__sessionStorage = new MockStorage();
return this.__sessionStorage;
set sessionStorage(locStorage) {
this.__sessionStorage = locStorage;
setInterval(callback, ms, ...args) {
if (this.__timeouts == null) {
this.__timeouts = new Set();
ms = Math.min(ms, this.__maxTimeout);
if (this.__allowInterval) {
const intervalId = this.__setInterval(() => {
if (this.__timeouts) {
try {
catch (e) {
if (this.console) {
else {
}, ms);
if (this.__timeouts) {
return intervalId;
const timeoutId = this.__setTimeout(() => {
if (this.__timeouts) {
try {
catch (e) {
if (this.console) {
else {
}, ms);
if (this.__timeouts) {
return timeoutId;
setTimeout(callback, ms, ...args) {
if (this.__timeouts == null) {
this.__timeouts = new Set();
ms = Math.min(ms, this.__maxTimeout);
const timeoutId = this.__setTimeout(() => {
if (this.__timeouts) {
try {
catch (e) {
if (this.console) {
else {
}, ms);
if (this.__timeouts) {
return timeoutId;
get top() {
return this;
get window() {
return this;
onanimationstart() {
onanimationend() {
onanimationiteration() {
onabort() {
onauxclick() {
onbeforecopy() {
onbeforecut() {
onbeforepaste() {
onblur() {
oncancel() {
oncanplay() {
oncanplaythrough() {
onchange() {
onclick() {
onclose() {
oncontextmenu() {
oncopy() {
oncuechange() {
oncut() {
ondblclick() {
ondrag() {
ondragend() {
ondragenter() {
ondragleave() {
ondragover() {
ondragstart() {
ondrop() {
ondurationchange() {
onemptied() {
onended() {
onerror() {
onfocus() {
onfocusin() {
onfocusout() {
onformdata() {
onfullscreenchange() {
onfullscreenerror() {
ongotpointercapture() {
oninput() {
oninvalid() {
onkeydown() {
onkeypress() {
onkeyup() {
onload() {
onloadeddata() {
onloadedmetadata() {
onloadstart() {
onlostpointercapture() {
onmousedown() {
onmouseenter() {
onmouseleave() {
onmousemove() {
onmouseout() {
onmouseover() {
onmouseup() {
onmousewheel() {
onpaste() {
onpause() {
onplay() {
onplaying() {
onpointercancel() {
onpointerdown() {
onpointerenter() {
onpointerleave() {
onpointermove() {
onpointerout() {
onpointerover() {
onpointerup() {
onprogress() {
onratechange() {
onreset() {
onresize() {
onscroll() {
onsearch() {
onseeked() {
onseeking() {
onselect() {
onselectstart() {
onstalled() {
onsubmit() {
onsuspend() {
ontimeupdate() {
ontoggle() {
onvolumechange() {
onwaiting() {
onwebkitfullscreenchange() {
onwebkitfullscreenerror() {
onwheel() {
function resetWindowDefaults(win) {
win.__clearInterval = nativeClearInterval;
win.__clearTimeout = nativeClearTimeout;
win.__setInterval = nativeSetInterval;
win.__setTimeout = nativeSetTimeout;
win.__maxTimeout = 30000;
win.__allowInterval = true;
win.URL = nativeURL;
function cloneWindow(srcWin, opts = {}) {
if (srcWin == null) {
return null;
const clonedWin = new MockWindow(false);
if (!opts.customElementProxy) {
srcWin.customElements = null;
if (srcWin.document != null) {
const clonedDoc = new MockDocument(false, clonedWin);
clonedWin.document = clonedDoc;
clonedDoc.documentElement = srcWin.document.documentElement.cloneNode(true);
else {
clonedWin.document = new MockDocument(null, clonedWin);
return clonedWin;
function cloneDocument(srcDoc) {
if (srcDoc == null) {
return null;
const dstWin = cloneWindow(srcDoc.defaultView);
return dstWin.document;
* Constrain setTimeout() to 1ms, but still async. Also
* only allow setInterval() to fire once, also constrained to 1ms.
function constrainTimeouts(win) {
win.__allowInterval = false;
win.__maxTimeout = 0;
function resetWindow(win) {
if (win != null) {
if (win.__timeouts) {
win.__timeouts.forEach((timeoutId) => {
if (win.customElements && win.customElements.clear) {
for (const key in win) {
if (win.hasOwnProperty(key) && key !== 'document' && key !== 'performance' && key !== 'customElements') {
delete win[key];
if (win.document != null) {
try {
win.document.defaultView = win;
catch (e) { }
// ensure we don't hold onto nodeFetch values
win.fetch = null;
win.Headers = null;
win.Request = null;
win.Response = null;
win.FetchError = null;
function resetWindowDimensions(win) {
try {
win.devicePixelRatio = 1;
win.innerHeight = 768;
win.innerWidth = 1366;
win.pageXOffset = 0;
win.pageYOffset = 0;
win.screenLeft = 0;
win.screenTop = 0;
win.screenX = 0;
win.screenY = 0;
win.scrollX = 0;
win.scrollY = 0;
win.screen = {
availHeight: win.innerHeight,
availLeft: 0,
availTop: 0,
availWidth: win.innerWidth,
colorDepth: 24,
height: win.innerHeight,
keepAwake: false,
orientation: {
angle: 0,
type: 'portrait-primary',
pixelDepth: 24,
width: win.innerWidth,
catch (e) { }
class MockDocument extends MockHTMLElement {
constructor(html = null, win = null) {
super(null, null);
this.nodeName = "#document" /* DOCUMENT_NODE */;
this.nodeType = 9 /* DOCUMENT_NODE */;
this.defaultView = win;
this.cookie = '';
this.referrer = '';
if (typeof html === 'string') {
const parsedDoc = parseDocumentUtil(this, html);
const documentElement = parsedDoc.children.find((elm) => elm.nodeName === 'HTML');
if (documentElement != null) {
setOwnerDocument(documentElement, this);
else if (html !== false) {
const documentElement = new MockHTMLElement(this, 'html');
documentElement.appendChild(new MockHTMLElement(this, 'head'));
documentElement.appendChild(new MockHTMLElement(this, 'body'));
get dir() {
return this.documentElement.dir;
set dir(value) {
this.documentElement.dir = value;
get location() {
if (this.defaultView != null) {
return this.defaultView.location;
return null;
set location(val) {
if (this.defaultView != null) {
this.defaultView.location = val;
get baseURI() {
const baseNode = this.head.childNodes.find((node) => node.nodeName === 'BASE');
if (baseNode) {
return baseNode.href;
return this.URL;
get URL() {
return this.location.href;
get styleSheets() {
return this.querySelectorAll('style');
get scripts() {
return this.querySelectorAll('script');
get forms() {
return this.querySelectorAll('form');
get images() {
return this.querySelectorAll('img');
get scrollingElement() {
return this.documentElement;
get documentElement() {
for (let i = this.childNodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (this.childNodes[i].nodeName === 'HTML') {
return this.childNodes[i];
const documentElement = new MockHTMLElement(this, 'html');
return documentElement;
set documentElement(documentElement) {
for (let i = this.childNodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (this.childNodes[i].nodeType !== 10 /* DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE */) {
if (documentElement != null) {
setOwnerDocument(documentElement, this);
get head() {
const documentElement = this.documentElement;
for (let i = 0; i < documentElement.childNodes.length; i++) {
if (documentElement.childNodes[i].nodeName === 'HEAD') {
return documentElement.childNodes[i];
const head = new MockHTMLElement(this, 'head');
documentElement.insertBefore(head, documentElement.firstChild);
return head;
set head(head) {
const documentElement = this.documentElement;
for (let i = documentElement.childNodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (documentElement.childNodes[i].nodeName === 'HEAD') {
if (head != null) {
documentElement.insertBefore(head, documentElement.firstChild);
setOwnerDocument(head, this);
get body() {
const documentElement = this.documentElement;
for (let i = documentElement.childNodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (documentElement.childNodes[i].nodeName === 'BODY') {
return documentElement.childNodes[i];
const body = new MockHTMLElement(this, 'body');
return body;
set body(body) {
const documentElement = this.documentElement;
for (let i = documentElement.childNodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (documentElement.childNodes[i].nodeName === 'BODY') {
if (body != null) {
setOwnerDocument(body, this);
appendChild(newNode) {
newNode.parentNode = this;
return newNode;
createComment(data) {
return new MockComment(this, data);
createAttribute(attrName) {
return new MockAttr(attrName.toLowerCase(), '');
createAttributeNS(namespaceURI, attrName) {
return new MockAttr(attrName, '', namespaceURI);
createElement(tagName) {
if (tagName === "#document" /* DOCUMENT_NODE */) {
const doc = new MockDocument(false);
doc.nodeName = tagName;
doc.parentNode = null;
return doc;
return createElement(this, tagName);
createElementNS(namespaceURI, tagName) {
const elmNs = createElementNS(this, namespaceURI, tagName);
elmNs.namespaceURI = namespaceURI;
return elmNs;
createTextNode(text) {
return new MockTextNode(this, text);
createDocumentFragment() {
return new MockDocumentFragment(this);
createDocumentTypeNode() {
return new MockDocumentTypeNode(this);
getElementById(id) {
return getElementById(this, id);
getElementsByName(elmName) {
return getElementsByName(this, elmName.toLowerCase());
get title() {
const title = this.head.childNodes.find((elm) => elm.nodeName === 'TITLE');
if (title != null && typeof title.textContent === 'string') {
return title.textContent.trim();
return '';
set title(value) {
const head = this.head;
let title = head.childNodes.find((elm) => elm.nodeName === 'TITLE');
if (title == null) {
title = this.createElement('title');
title.textContent = value;
function createDocument(html = null) {
return new MockWindow(html).document;
function createFragment(html) {
return parseHtmlToFragment(html, null);
function resetDocument(doc) {
if (doc != null) {
const documentElement = doc.documentElement;
if (documentElement != null) {
for (let i = 0, ii = documentElement.childNodes.length; i < ii; i++) {
const childNode = documentElement.childNodes[i];
childNode.childNodes.length = 0;
for (const key in doc) {
if (doc.hasOwnProperty(key) && !DOC_KEY_KEEPERS.has(key)) {
delete doc[key];
try {
doc.nodeName = "#document" /* DOCUMENT_NODE */;
catch (e) { }
try {
doc.nodeType = 9 /* DOCUMENT_NODE */;
catch (e) { }
try {
doc.cookie = '';
catch (e) { }
try {
doc.referrer = '';
catch (e) { }
const DOC_KEY_KEEPERS = new Set([
function getElementById(elm, id) {
const children = elm.children;
for (let i = 0, ii = children.length; i < ii; i++) {
const childElm = children[i];
if ( === id) {
return childElm;
const childElmFound = getElementById(childElm, id);
if (childElmFound != null) {
return childElmFound;
return null;
function getElementsByName(elm, elmName, foundElms = []) {
const children = elm.children;
for (let i = 0, ii = children.length; i < ii; i++) {
const childElm = children[i];
if ( && === elmName) {
getElementsByName(childElm, elmName, foundElms);
return foundElms;
function setOwnerDocument(elm, ownerDocument) {
for (let i = 0, ii = elm.childNodes.length; i < ii; i++) {
elm.childNodes[i].ownerDocument = ownerDocument;
if (elm.childNodes[i].nodeType === 1 /* ELEMENT_NODE */) {
setOwnerDocument(elm.childNodes[i], ownerDocument);
exports.MockAttr = MockAttr;
exports.MockAttributeMap = MockAttributeMap;
exports.MockComment = MockComment;
exports.MockCustomEvent = MockCustomEvent;
exports.MockDocument = MockDocument;
exports.MockElement = MockElement;
exports.MockHTMLElement = MockHTMLElement;
exports.MockHeaders = MockHeaders;
exports.MockKeyboardEvent = MockKeyboardEvent;
exports.MockMouseEvent = MockMouseEvent;
exports.MockNode = MockNode;
exports.MockRequest = MockRequest;
exports.MockResponse = MockResponse;
exports.MockTextNode = MockTextNode;
exports.MockWindow = MockWindow;
exports.cloneAttributes = cloneAttributes;
exports.cloneDocument = cloneDocument;
exports.cloneWindow = cloneWindow;
exports.constrainTimeouts = constrainTimeouts;
exports.createDocument = createDocument;
exports.createFragment = createFragment;
exports.parseHtmlToDocument = parseHtmlToDocument;
exports.parseHtmlToFragment = parseHtmlToFragment;
exports.patchWindow = patchWindow;
exports.resetDocument = resetDocument;
exports.serializeNodeToHtml = serializeNodeToHtml;
exports.setupGlobal = setupGlobal;
exports.teardownGlobal = teardownGlobal;
if (typeof module !== "undefined" && module.exports) {
module.exports = exports;
return exports;