
1692 lines
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2022-02-09 18:30:03 +01:00
Stencil CLI v2.10.0 | MIT Licensed |
const toLowerCase = (str) => str.toLowerCase();
const dashToPascalCase = (str) => toLowerCase(str)
.map((segment) => segment.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + segment.slice(1))
const isFunction = (v) => typeof v === 'function';
const isString = (v) => typeof v === 'string';
const buildError = (diagnostics) => {
const diagnostic = {
level: 'error',
type: 'build',
header: 'Build Error',
messageText: 'build error',
relFilePath: null,
absFilePath: null,
lines: [],
if (diagnostics) {
return diagnostic;
const catchError = (diagnostics, err, msg) => {
const diagnostic = {
level: 'error',
type: 'build',
header: 'Build Error',
messageText: 'build error',
relFilePath: null,
absFilePath: null,
lines: [],
if (isString(msg)) {
diagnostic.messageText = msg;
else if (err != null) {
if (err.stack != null) {
diagnostic.messageText = err.stack.toString();
else {
if (err.message != null) {
diagnostic.messageText = err.message.toString();
else {
diagnostic.messageText = err.toString();
if (diagnostics != null && !shouldIgnoreError(diagnostic.messageText)) {
return diagnostic;
const hasError = (diagnostics) => {
if (diagnostics == null || diagnostics.length === 0) {
return false;
return diagnostics.some((d) => d.level === 'error' && d.type !== 'runtime');
const shouldIgnoreError = (msg) => {
return msg === TASK_CANCELED_MSG;
const TASK_CANCELED_MSG = `task canceled`;
* Convert Windows backslash paths to slash paths: foo\\bar foo/bar
* Forward-slash paths can be used in Windows as long as they're not
* extended-length paths and don't contain any non-ascii characters.
* This was created since the path methods in Node.js outputs \\ paths on Windows.
const normalizePath = (path) => {
if (typeof path !== 'string') {
throw new Error(`invalid path to normalize`);
path = normalizeSlashes(path.trim());
const components = pathComponents(path, getRootLength(path));
const reducedComponents = reducePathComponents(components);
const rootPart = reducedComponents[0];
const secondPart = reducedComponents[1];
const normalized = rootPart + reducedComponents.slice(1).join('/');
if (normalized === '') {
return '.';
if (rootPart === '' &&
secondPart &&
path.includes('/') &&
!secondPart.startsWith('.') &&
!secondPart.startsWith('@')) {
return './' + normalized;
return normalized;
const normalizeSlashes = (path) => path.replace(backslashRegExp, '/');
const altDirectorySeparator = '\\';
const urlSchemeSeparator = '://';
const backslashRegExp = /\\/g;
const reducePathComponents = (components) => {
if (!Array.isArray(components) || components.length === 0) {
return [];
const reduced = [components[0]];
for (let i = 1; i < components.length; i++) {
const component = components[i];
if (!component)
if (component === '.')
if (component === '..') {
if (reduced.length > 1) {
if (reduced[reduced.length - 1] !== '..') {
else if (reduced[0])
return reduced;
const getRootLength = (path) => {
const rootLength = getEncodedRootLength(path);
return rootLength < 0 ? ~rootLength : rootLength;
const getEncodedRootLength = (path) => {
if (!path)
return 0;
const ch0 = path.charCodeAt(0);
if (ch0 === 47 /* slash */ || ch0 === 92 /* backslash */) {
if (path.charCodeAt(1) !== ch0)
return 1; // POSIX: "/" (or non-normalized "\")
const p1 = path.indexOf(ch0 === 47 /* slash */ ? '/' : altDirectorySeparator, 2);
if (p1 < 0)
return path.length; // UNC: "//server" or "\\server"
return p1 + 1; // UNC: "//server/" or "\\server\"
// DOS
if (isVolumeCharacter(ch0) && path.charCodeAt(1) === 58 /* colon */) {
const ch2 = path.charCodeAt(2);
if (ch2 === 47 /* slash */ || ch2 === 92 /* backslash */)
return 3; // DOS: "c:/" or "c:\"
if (path.length === 2)
return 2; // DOS: "c:" (but not "c:d")
// URL
const schemeEnd = path.indexOf(urlSchemeSeparator);
if (schemeEnd !== -1) {
const authorityStart = schemeEnd + urlSchemeSeparator.length;
const authorityEnd = path.indexOf('/', authorityStart);
if (authorityEnd !== -1) {
// URL: "file:///", "file://server/", "file://server/path"
// For local "file" URLs, include the leading DOS volume (if present).
// Per, a host of "" or "localhost" is a
// special case interpreted as "the machine from which the URL is being interpreted".
const scheme = path.slice(0, schemeEnd);
const authority = path.slice(authorityStart, authorityEnd);
if (scheme === 'file' &&
(authority === '' || authority === 'localhost') &&
isVolumeCharacter(path.charCodeAt(authorityEnd + 1))) {
const volumeSeparatorEnd = getFileUrlVolumeSeparatorEnd(path, authorityEnd + 2);
if (volumeSeparatorEnd !== -1) {
if (path.charCodeAt(volumeSeparatorEnd) === 47 /* slash */) {
// URL: "file:///c:/", "file://localhost/c:/", "file:///c%3a/", "file://localhost/c%3a/"
return ~(volumeSeparatorEnd + 1);
if (volumeSeparatorEnd === path.length) {
// URL: "file:///c:", "file://localhost/c:", "file:///c$3a", "file://localhost/c%3a"
// but not "file:///c:d" or "file:///c%3ad"
return ~volumeSeparatorEnd;
return ~(authorityEnd + 1); // URL: "file://server/", "http://server/"
return ~path.length; // URL: "file://server", "http://server"
// relative
return 0;
const isVolumeCharacter = (charCode) => (charCode >= 97 /* a */ && charCode <= 122 /* z */) ||
(charCode >= 65 /* A */ && charCode <= 90 /* Z */);
const getFileUrlVolumeSeparatorEnd = (url, start) => {
const ch0 = url.charCodeAt(start);
if (ch0 === 58 /* colon */)
return start + 1;
if (ch0 === 37 /* percent */ && url.charCodeAt(start + 1) === 51 /* _3 */) {
const ch2 = url.charCodeAt(start + 2);
if (ch2 === 97 /* a */ || ch2 === 65 /* A */)
return start + 3;
return -1;
const pathComponents = (path, rootLength) => {
const root = path.substring(0, rootLength);
const rest = path.substring(rootLength).split('/');
const restLen = rest.length;
if (restLen > 0 && !rest[restLen - 1]) {
return [root,];
const validateComponentTag = (tag) => {
if (tag !== tag.trim()) {
return `Tag can not contain white spaces`;
if (tag !== tag.toLowerCase()) {
return `Tag can not contain upper case characters`;
if (typeof tag !== 'string') {
return `Tag "${tag}" must be a string type`;
if (tag.length === 0) {
return `Received empty tag value`;
if (tag.indexOf(' ') > -1) {
return `"${tag}" tag cannot contain a space`;
if (tag.indexOf(',') > -1) {
return `"${tag}" tag cannot be used for multiple tags`;
const invalidChars = tag.replace(/\w|-/g, '');
if (invalidChars !== '') {
return `"${tag}" tag contains invalid characters: ${invalidChars}`;
if (tag.indexOf('-') === -1) {
return `"${tag}" tag must contain a dash (-) to work as a valid web component`;
if (tag.indexOf('--') > -1) {
return `"${tag}" tag cannot contain multiple dashes (--) next to each other`;
if (tag.indexOf('-') === 0) {
return `"${tag}" tag cannot start with a dash (-)`;
if (tag.lastIndexOf('-') === tag.length - 1) {
return `"${tag}" tag cannot end with a dash (-)`;
return undefined;
const parseFlags = (args, sys) => {
const flags = {
task: null,
args: [],
knownArgs: [],
unknownArgs: null,
// cmd line has more priority over npm scripts cmd
flags.args = args.slice();
if (flags.args.length > 0 && flags.args[0] && !flags.args[0].startsWith('-')) {
flags.task = flags.args[0];
parseArgs(flags, flags.args, flags.knownArgs);
if (sys && === 'node') {
const envArgs = getNpmConfigEnvArgs(sys);
parseArgs(flags, envArgs, flags.knownArgs);
envArgs.forEach((envArg) => {
if (!flags.args.includes(envArg)) {
if (flags.task != null) {
const i = flags.args.indexOf(flags.task);
if (i > -1) {
flags.args.splice(i, 1);
flags.unknownArgs = flags.args.filter((arg) => {
return !flags.knownArgs.includes(arg);
return flags;
const parseArgs = (flags, args, knownArgs) => {
ARG_OPTS.boolean.forEach((booleanName) => {
const alias = ARG_OPTS.alias[booleanName];
const flagKey = configCase(booleanName);
if (typeof flags[flagKey] !== 'boolean') {
flags[flagKey] = null;
args.forEach((cmdArg) => {
if (cmdArg === `--${booleanName}`) {
flags[flagKey] = true;
else if (cmdArg === `--${flagKey}`) {
flags[flagKey] = true;
else if (cmdArg === `--no-${booleanName}`) {
flags[flagKey] = false;
else if (cmdArg === `--no${dashToPascalCase(booleanName)}`) {
flags[flagKey] = false;
else if (alias && cmdArg === `-${alias}`) {
flags[flagKey] = true;
ARG_OPTS.string.forEach((stringName) => {
const alias = ARG_OPTS.alias[stringName];
const flagKey = configCase(stringName);
if (typeof flags[flagKey] !== 'string') {
flags[flagKey] = null;
for (let i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
const cmdArg = args[i];
if (cmdArg.startsWith(`--${stringName}=`)) {
const values = cmdArg.split('=');
flags[flagKey] = values.join('=');
else if (cmdArg === `--${stringName}`) {
flags[flagKey] = args[i + 1];
knownArgs.push(args[i + 1]);
else if (cmdArg === `--${flagKey}`) {
flags[flagKey] = args[i + 1];
knownArgs.push(args[i + 1]);
else if (cmdArg.startsWith(`--${flagKey}=`)) {
const values = cmdArg.split('=');
flags[flagKey] = values.join('=');
else if (alias) {
if (cmdArg.startsWith(`-${alias}=`)) {
const values = cmdArg.split('=');
flags[flagKey] = values.join('=');
else if (cmdArg === `-${alias}`) {
flags[flagKey] = args[i + 1];
knownArgs.push(args[i + 1]);
ARG_OPTS.number.forEach((numberName) => {
const alias = ARG_OPTS.alias[numberName];
const flagKey = configCase(numberName);
if (typeof flags[flagKey] !== 'number') {
flags[flagKey] = null;
for (let i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
const cmdArg = args[i];
if (cmdArg.startsWith(`--${numberName}=`)) {
const values = cmdArg.split('=');
flags[flagKey] = parseInt(values.join(''), 10);
else if (cmdArg === `--${numberName}`) {
flags[flagKey] = parseInt(args[i + 1], 10);
knownArgs.push(args[i + 1]);
else if (cmdArg.startsWith(`--${flagKey}=`)) {
const values = cmdArg.split('=');
flags[flagKey] = parseInt(values.join(''), 10);
else if (cmdArg === `--${flagKey}`) {
flags[flagKey] = parseInt(args[i + 1], 10);
knownArgs.push(args[i + 1]);
else if (alias) {
if (cmdArg.startsWith(`-${alias}=`)) {
const values = cmdArg.split('=');
flags[flagKey] = parseInt(values.join(''), 10);
else if (cmdArg === `-${alias}`) {
flags[flagKey] = parseInt(args[i + 1], 10);
knownArgs.push(args[i + 1]);
const configCase = (prop) => {
prop = dashToPascalCase(prop);
return prop.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + prop.substr(1);
const ARG_OPTS = {
boolean: [
number: ['max-workers', 'port'],
string: ['address', 'config', 'docs-json', 'emulate', 'log-level', 'root', 'screenshot-connector'],
alias: {
config: 'c',
help: 'h',
port: 'p',
version: 'v',
const getNpmConfigEnvArgs = (sys) => {
// process.env.npm_config_argv
// {"remain":["4444"],"cooked":["run","serve","--port","4444"],"original":["run","serve","--port","4444"]}
let args = [];
try {
const npmConfigArgs = sys.getEnvironmentVar('npm_config_argv');
if (npmConfigArgs) {
args = JSON.parse(npmConfigArgs).original;
if (args[0] === 'run') {
args = args.slice(2);
catch (e) { }
return args;
const dependencies = [
name: "@stencil/core",
version: "2.10.0",
main: "compiler/stencil.js",
resources: [
name: "rollup",
version: "2.42.3",
main: "dist/es/rollup.browser.js"
name: "terser",
version: "5.6.1",
main: "dist/bundle.min.js"
name: "typescript",
version: "4.3.5",
main: "lib/typescript.js"
const findConfig = async (opts) => {
const sys = opts.sys;
const cwd = sys.getCurrentDirectory();
const results = {
configPath: null,
rootDir: normalizePath(cwd),
diagnostics: [],
let configPath = opts.configPath;
if (isString(configPath)) {
if (!sys.platformPath.isAbsolute(configPath)) {
// passed in a custom stencil config location
// but it's relative, so prefix the cwd
configPath = normalizePath(sys.platformPath.join(cwd, configPath));
else {
// config path already an absolute path, we're good here
configPath = normalizePath(opts.configPath);
else {
// nothing was passed in, use the current working directory
configPath = results.rootDir;
const stat = await sys.stat(configPath);
if (stat.error) {
const diagnostic = buildError(results.diagnostics);
diagnostic.absFilePath = configPath;
diagnostic.header = `Invalid config path`;
diagnostic.messageText = `Config path "${configPath}" not found`;
return results;
if (stat.isFile) {
results.configPath = configPath;
results.rootDir = sys.platformPath.dirname(configPath);
else if (stat.isDirectory) {
// this is only a directory, so let's make some assumptions
for (const configName of ['stencil.config.ts', 'stencil.config.js']) {
const testConfigFilePath = sys.platformPath.join(configPath, configName);
const stat = await sys.stat(testConfigFilePath);
if (stat.isFile) {
results.configPath = testConfigFilePath;
results.rootDir = sys.platformPath.dirname(testConfigFilePath);
return results;
const loadCoreCompiler = async (sys) => {
await sys.dynamicImport(sys.getCompilerExecutingPath());
return globalThis.stencil;
const startupLog = (logger, task) => {
if (task === 'info' || task === 'serve' || task === 'version') {
const startupLogVersion = (logger, task, coreCompiler) => {
if (task === 'info' || task === 'serve' || task === 'version') {
const isDevBuild = coreCompiler.version.includes('-dev.');
let startupMsg;
if (isDevBuild) {
startupMsg = logger.yellow('[LOCAL DEV]');
else {
startupMsg = logger.cyan(`v${coreCompiler.version}`);
startupMsg += logger.emoji(' ' + coreCompiler.vermoji);;
const loadedCompilerLog = (sys, logger, flags, coreCompiler) => {
const sysDetails = sys.details;
const runtimeInfo = `${} ${sys.version}`;
const platformInfo = `${sysDetails.platform}, ${sysDetails.cpuModel}`;
const statsInfo = `cpus: ${sys.hardwareConcurrency}, freemem: ${Math.round(sysDetails.freemem() / 1000000)}MB, totalmem: ${Math.round(sysDetails.totalmem / 1000000)}MB`;
if (logger.getLevel() === 'debug') {
logger.debug(`compiler: ${sys.getCompilerExecutingPath()}`);
logger.debug(`build: ${coreCompiler.buildId}`);
else if ( {;;;
const startupCompilerLog = (coreCompiler, config) => {
if (config.suppressLogs === true) {
const { logger } = config;
const isDebug = logger.getLevel() === 'debug';
const isPrerelease = coreCompiler.version.includes('-');
const isDevBuild = coreCompiler.version.includes('-dev.');
if (isPrerelease && !isDevBuild) {
logger.warn(logger.yellow(`This is a prerelease build, undocumented changes might happen at any time. Technical support is not available for prereleases, but any assistance testing is appreciated.`));
if (config.devMode && !isDebug) {
if (config.buildEs5) {
logger.warn(`Generating ES5 during development is a very task expensive, initial and incremental builds will be much slower. Drop the '--es5' flag and use a modern browser for development.`);
if (!config.enableCache) {
logger.warn(`Disabling cache during development will slow down incremental builds.`);
const taskPrerender = async (coreCompiler, config) => {
startupCompilerLog(coreCompiler, config);
const hydrateAppFilePath = config.flags.unknownArgs[0];
if (typeof hydrateAppFilePath !== 'string') {
config.logger.error(`Missing hydrate app script path`);
return config.sys.exit(1);
const srcIndexHtmlPath = config.srcIndexHtml;
const diagnostics = await runPrerenderTask(coreCompiler, config, hydrateAppFilePath, null, srcIndexHtmlPath);
if (diagnostics.some((d) => d.level === 'error')) {
return config.sys.exit(1);
const runPrerenderTask = async (coreCompiler, config, hydrateAppFilePath, componentGraph, srcIndexHtmlPath) => {
const diagnostics = [];
try {
const prerenderer = await coreCompiler.createPrerenderer(config);
const results = await prerenderer.start({
catch (e) {
catchError(diagnostics, e);
return diagnostics;
const startCheckVersion = async (config, currentVersion) => {
if (config.devMode && ! && !currentVersion.includes('-dev.') && isFunction(config.sys.checkVersion)) {
return config.sys.checkVersion(config.logger, currentVersion);
return null;
const printCheckVersionResults = async (versionChecker) => {
if (versionChecker) {
const checkVersionResults = await versionChecker;
if (isFunction(checkVersionResults)) {
const taskWatch = async (coreCompiler, config) => {
let devServer = null;
let exitCode = 0;
try {
startupCompilerLog(coreCompiler, config);
const versionChecker = startCheckVersion(config, coreCompiler.version);
const compiler = await coreCompiler.createCompiler(config);
const watcher = await compiler.createWatcher();
if (config.flags.serve) {
const devServerPath = config.sys.getDevServerExecutingPath();
const { start } = await config.sys.dynamicImport(devServerPath);
devServer = await start(config.devServer, config.logger, watcher);
config.sys.onProcessInterrupt(() => {
config.logger.debug(`close watch`);
compiler && compiler.destroy();
const rmVersionCheckerLog = watcher.on('buildFinish', async () => {
// log the version check one time
if (devServer) {
const rmDevServerLog = watcher.on('buildFinish', () => {
// log the dev server url one time
const closeResults = await watcher.start();
if (closeResults.exitCode > 0) {
exitCode = closeResults.exitCode;
catch (e) {
exitCode = 1;
if (devServer) {
await devServer.close();
if (exitCode > 0) {
return config.sys.exit(exitCode);
const tryFn = async (fn, ...args) => {
try {
return await fn(...args);
catch (_a) {
// ignore
return null;
const isInteractive = (sys, config, object) => {
var _a;
const terminalInfo = object ||
tty: sys.isTTY() ? true : false,
ci: ['CI', 'BUILD_ID', 'BUILD_NUMBER', 'BITBUCKET_COMMIT', 'CODEBUILD_BUILD_ARN'].filter((v) => !!sys.getEnvironmentVar(v)).length > 0 || !!((_a = config.flags) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 :,
return terminalInfo.tty && !;
const UUID_REGEX = new RegExp(/^[0-9A-F]{8}-[0-9A-F]{4}-4[0-9A-F]{3}-[89AB][0-9A-F]{3}-[0-9A-F]{12}$/i);
// Plucked from
function uuidv4() {
return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, (c) => {
const r = (Math.random() * 16) | 0;
const v = c == 'x' ? r : (r & 0x3) | 0x8;
return v.toString(16);
* Reads and parses a JSON file from the given `path`
* @param sys The system where the command is invoked
* @param path the path on the file system to read and parse
* @returns the parsed JSON
async function readJson(sys, path) {
const file = await sys.readFile(path);
return !!file && JSON.parse(file);
* Does the command have the debug flag?
* @param config The config passed into the Stencil command
* @returns true if --debug has been passed, otherwise false
function hasDebug(config) {
return config.flags.debug;
* Does the command have the verbose and debug flags?
* @param config The config passed into the Stencil command
* @returns true if both --debug and --verbose have been passed, otherwise false
function hasVerbose(config) {
return config.flags.verbose && hasDebug(config);
* Used to determine if tracking should occur.
* @param config The config passed into the Stencil command
* @param sys The system where the command is invoked
* @param ci whether or not the process is running in a Continuous Integration (CI) environment
* @returns true if telemetry should be sent, false otherwise
async function shouldTrack(config, sys, ci) {
return !ci && isInteractive(sys, config) && (await checkTelemetry(sys));
const isTest$1 = () => process.env.JEST_WORKER_ID !== undefined;
const defaultConfig = (sys) => sys.resolvePath(`${sys.homeDir()}/.ionic/${isTest$1() ? 'tmp-config.json' : 'config.json'}`);
const defaultConfigDirectory = (sys) => sys.resolvePath(`${sys.homeDir()}/.ionic`);
* Reads an Ionic configuration file from disk, parses it, and performs any necessary corrections to it if certain
* values are deemed to be malformed
* @param sys The system where the command is invoked
* @returns the config read from disk that has been potentially been updated
async function readConfig(sys) {
let config = await readJson(sys, defaultConfig(sys));
if (!config) {
config = {
'tokens.telemetry': uuidv4(),
'telemetry.stencil': true,
await writeConfig(sys, config);
else if (!UUID_REGEX.test(config['tokens.telemetry'])) {
const newUuid = uuidv4();
await writeConfig(sys, { ...config, 'tokens.telemetry': newUuid });
config['tokens.telemetry'] = newUuid;
return config;
* Writes an Ionic configuration file to disk.
* @param sys The system where the command is invoked
* @param config The config passed into the Stencil command
* @returns boolean If the command was successful
async function writeConfig(sys, config) {
let result = false;
try {
await sys.createDir(defaultConfigDirectory(sys), { recursive: true });
await sys.writeFile(defaultConfig(sys), JSON.stringify(config, null, 2));
result = true;
catch (error) {
console.error(`Stencil Telemetry: couldn't write configuration file to ${defaultConfig(sys)} - ${error}.`);
return result;
* Update a subset of the Ionic config.
* @param sys The system where the command is invoked
* @param newOptions The new options to save
* @returns boolean If the command was successful
async function updateConfig(sys, newOptions) {
const config = await readConfig(sys);
return await writeConfig(sys, Object.assign(config, newOptions));
const isOutputTargetDocs = (o) => o.type === DOCS_README || o.type === DOCS_JSON || o.type === DOCS_CUSTOM || o.type === DOCS_VSCODE;
const DOCS_CUSTOM = 'docs-custom';
const DOCS_JSON = `docs-json`;
const DOCS_README = `docs-readme`;
const DOCS_VSCODE = `docs-vscode`;
const WWW = `www`;
* Used to within taskBuild to provide the component_count property.
* @param sys The system where the command is invoked
* @param config The config passed into the Stencil command
* @param logger The tool used to do logging
* @param coreCompiler The compiler used to do builds
* @param result The results of a compiler build.
async function telemetryBuildFinishedAction(sys, config, logger, coreCompiler, result) {
const tracking = await shouldTrack(config, sys,;
if (!tracking) {
const component_count = Object.keys(result.componentGraph).length;
const data = await prepareData(coreCompiler, config, sys, result.duration, component_count);
await sendMetric(sys, config, 'stencil_cli_command', data);
logger.debug(`${'Telemetry')}: ${logger.gray(JSON.stringify(data))}`);
* A function to wrap a compiler task function around. Will send telemetry if, and only if, the machine allows.
* @param sys The system where the command is invoked
* @param config The config passed into the Stencil command
* @param logger The tool used to do logging
* @param coreCompiler The compiler used to do builds
* @param action A Promise-based function to call in order to get the duration of any given command.
* @returns void
async function telemetryAction(sys, config, logger, coreCompiler, action) {
var _a;
const tracking = await shouldTrack(config, sys, !!((_a = config === null || config === void 0 ? void 0 : config.flags) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 :;
let duration = undefined;
let error;
if (action) {
const start = new Date();
try {
await action();
catch (e) {
error = e;
const end = new Date();
duration = end.getTime() - start.getTime();
// We'll get componentCount details inside the taskBuild, so let's not send two messages.
if (!tracking || (config.flags.task == 'build' && !config.flags.args.includes('--watch'))) {
const data = await prepareData(coreCompiler, config, sys, duration);
await sendMetric(sys, config, 'stencil_cli_command', data);
logger.debug(`${'Telemetry')}: ${logger.gray(JSON.stringify(data))}`);
if (error) {
throw error;
function hasAppTarget(config) {
return config.outputTargets.some((target) => target.type === WWW && (!!target.serviceWorker || (!!target.baseUrl && target.baseUrl !== '/')));
function isUsingYarn(sys) {
var _a;
return ((_a = sys.getEnvironmentVar('npm_execpath')) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.includes('yarn')) || false;
async function getActiveTargets(config) {
const result = => t.type);
return Array.from(new Set(result));
const prepareData = async (coreCompiler, config, sys, duration_ms, component_count = undefined) => {
const { typescript, rollup } = coreCompiler.versions || { typescript: 'unknown', rollup: 'unknown' };
const { packages, packagesNoVersions } = await getInstalledPackages(sys, config);
const targets = await getActiveTargets(config);
const yarn = isUsingYarn(sys);
const stencil = coreCompiler.version || 'unknown';
const system = `${} ${sys.version}`;
const os_name = sys.details.platform;
const os_version = sys.details.release;
const cpu_model = sys.details.cpuModel;
const build = coreCompiler.buildId || 'unknown';
const has_app_pwa_config = hasAppTarget(config);
return {
packages_no_versions: packagesNoVersions,
arguments: config.flags.args,
task: config.flags.task,
system_major: getMajorVersion(system),
* Reads package-lock.json, yarn.lock, and package.json files in order to cross reference
* the dependencies and devDependencies properties. Pulls up the current installed version
* of each package under the @stencil, @ionic, and @capacitor scopes.
* @returns string[]
async function getInstalledPackages(sys, config) {
let packages = [];
let packagesNoVersions = [];
const yarn = isUsingYarn(sys);
try {
// Read package.json and package-lock.json
const appRootDir = sys.getCurrentDirectory();
const packageJson = await tryFn(readJson, sys, sys.resolvePath(appRootDir + '/package.json'));
// They don't have a package.json for some reason? Eject button.
if (!packageJson) {
return { packages, packagesNoVersions };
const rawPackages = Object.entries({
// Collect packages only in the stencil, ionic, or capacitor org's:
const ionicPackages = rawPackages.filter(([k]) => k.startsWith('@stencil/') || k.startsWith('@ionic/') || k.startsWith('@capacitor/'));
try {
packages = yarn ? await yarnPackages(sys, ionicPackages) : await npmPackages(sys, ionicPackages);
catch (e) {
packages =[k, v]) => `${k}@${v.replace('^', '')}`);
packagesNoVersions =[k]) => `${k}`);
return { packages, packagesNoVersions };
catch (err) {
hasDebug(config) && console.error(err);
return { packages, packagesNoVersions };
* Visits the npm lock file to find the exact versions that are installed
* @param sys The system where the command is invoked
* @param ionicPackages a list of the found packages matching `@stencil`, `@capacitor`, or `@ionic` from the package.json file.
* @returns an array of strings of all the packages and their versions.
async function npmPackages(sys, ionicPackages) {
const appRootDir = sys.getCurrentDirectory();
const packageLockJson = await tryFn(readJson, sys, sys.resolvePath(appRootDir + '/package-lock.json'));
return[k, v]) => {
var _a, _b, _c, _d;
let version = (_d = (_b = (_a = packageLockJson === null || packageLockJson === void 0 ? void 0 : packageLockJson.dependencies[k]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.version) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : (_c = packageLockJson === null || packageLockJson === void 0 ? void 0 : packageLockJson.devDependencies[k]) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.version) !== null && _d !== void 0 ? _d : v;
version = version.includes('file:') ? sanitizeDeclaredVersion(v) : version;
return `${k}@${version}`;
* Visits the yarn lock file to find the exact versions that are installed
* @param sys The system where the command is invoked
* @param ionicPackages a list of the found packages matching `@stencil`, `@capacitor`, or `@ionic` from the package.json file.
* @returns an array of strings of all the packages and their versions.
async function yarnPackages(sys, ionicPackages) {
const appRootDir = sys.getCurrentDirectory();
const yarnLock = sys.readFileSync(sys.resolvePath(appRootDir + '/yarn.lock'));
const yarnLockYml = sys.parseYarnLockFile(yarnLock);
return[k, v]) => {
var _a;
const identifiedVersion = `${k}@${v}`;
let version = (_a = yarnLockYml.object[identifiedVersion]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.version;
version = version.includes('undefined') ? sanitizeDeclaredVersion(identifiedVersion) : version;
return `${k}@${version}`;
* This function is used for fallback purposes, where an npm or yarn lock file doesn't exist in the consumers directory.
* This will strip away '*', '^' and '~' from the declared package versions in a package.json.
* @param version the raw semver pattern identifier version string
* @returns a cleaned up representation without any qualifiers
function sanitizeDeclaredVersion(version) {
return version.replace(/[*^~]/g, '');
* If telemetry is enabled, send a metric via IPC to a forked process for uploading.
async function sendMetric(sys, config, name, value) {
const session_id = await getTelemetryToken(sys);
const message = {
timestamp: new Date().toISOString(),
source: 'stencil_cli',
await sendTelemetry(sys, config, { type: 'telemetry', message });
* Used to read the config file's tokens.telemetry property.
* @param sys The system where the command is invoked
* @returns string
async function getTelemetryToken(sys) {
const config = await readConfig(sys);
if (config['tokens.telemetry'] === undefined) {
config['tokens.telemetry'] = uuidv4();
await writeConfig(sys, config);
return config['tokens.telemetry'];
* Issues a request to the telemetry server.
* @param sys The system where the command is invoked
* @param config The config passed into the Stencil command
* @param data Data to be tracked
async function sendTelemetry(sys, config, data) {
try {
const now = new Date().toISOString();
const body = {
metrics: [data.message],
sent_at: now,
// This request is only made if telemetry is on.
const response = await sys.fetch('', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
body: JSON.stringify(body),
hasVerbose(config) &&
console.debug('\nSent %O metric to events service (status: %O)',, response.status, '\n');
if (response.status !== 204) {
hasVerbose(config) &&
console.debug('\nBad response from events service. Request body: %O', response.body.toString(), '\n');
catch (e) {
hasVerbose(config) && console.debug('Telemetry request failed:', e);
* Checks if telemetry is enabled on this machine
* @param sys The system where the command is invoked
* @returns true if telemetry is enabled, false otherwise
async function checkTelemetry(sys) {
const config = await readConfig(sys);
if (config['telemetry.stencil'] === undefined) {
config['telemetry.stencil'] = true;
await writeConfig(sys, config);
return config['telemetry.stencil'];
* Writes to the config file, enabling telemetry for this machine.
* @param sys The system where the command is invoked
* @returns true if writing the file was successful, false otherwise
async function enableTelemetry(sys) {
return await updateConfig(sys, { 'telemetry.stencil': true });
* Writes to the config file, disabling telemetry for this machine.
* @param sys The system where the command is invoked
* @returns true if writing the file was successful, false otherwise
async function disableTelemetry(sys) {
return await updateConfig(sys, { 'telemetry.stencil': false });
* Takes in a semver string in order to return the major version.
* @param version The fully qualified semver version
* @returns a string of the major version
function getMajorVersion(version) {
const parts = version.split('.');
return parts[0];
const taskBuild = async (coreCompiler, config, sys) => {
if ( {
// watch build
await taskWatch(coreCompiler, config);
// one-time build
let exitCode = 0;
try {
startupCompilerLog(coreCompiler, config);
const versionChecker = startCheckVersion(config, coreCompiler.version);
const compiler = await coreCompiler.createCompiler(config);
const results = await;
// TODO(STENCIL-148) make this parameter no longer optional, remove the surrounding if statement
if (sys) {
await telemetryBuildFinishedAction(sys, config, config.logger, coreCompiler, results);
await compiler.destroy();
if (results.hasError) {
exitCode = 1;
else if (config.flags.prerender) {
const prerenderDiagnostics = await runPrerenderTask(coreCompiler, config, results.hydrateAppFilePath, results.componentGraph, null);
if (prerenderDiagnostics.some((d) => d.level === 'error')) {
exitCode = 1;
await printCheckVersionResults(versionChecker);
catch (e) {
exitCode = 1;
if (exitCode > 0) {
return config.sys.exit(exitCode);
const taskDocs = async (coreCompiler, config) => {
config.devServer = null;
config.outputTargets = config.outputTargets.filter(isOutputTargetDocs);
config.devMode = true;
startupCompilerLog(coreCompiler, config);
const compiler = await coreCompiler.createCompiler(config);
await compiler.destroy();
const IS_NODE_ENV = typeof global !== 'undefined' &&
typeof require === 'function' &&
!!global.process &&
typeof __filename === 'string' &&
(!global.origin || typeof global.origin !== 'string');
* Task to generate component boilerplate.
const taskGenerate = async (coreCompiler, config) => {
if (!IS_NODE_ENV) {
config.logger.error(`"generate" command is currently only implemented for a NodeJS environment`);
return config.sys.exit(1);
const path = coreCompiler.path;
if (!config.configPath) {
config.logger.error('Please run this command in your root directory (i. e. the one containing stencil.config.ts).');
return config.sys.exit(1);
const absoluteSrcDir = config.srcDir;
if (!absoluteSrcDir) {
config.logger.error(`Stencil's srcDir was not specified.`);
return config.sys.exit(1);
const { prompt } = await import('../sys/node/prompts.js');
const input = config.flags.unknownArgs.find((arg) => !arg.startsWith('-')) ||
(await prompt({ name: 'tagName', type: 'text', message: 'Component tag name (dash-case):' })).tagName;
const { dir, base: componentName } = path.parse(input);
const tagError = validateComponentTag(componentName);
if (tagError) {
return config.sys.exit(1);
const extensionsToGenerate = ['tsx', ...(await chooseFilesToGenerate())];
const testFolder = extensionsToGenerate.some(isTest) ? 'test' : '';
const outDir = path.join(absoluteSrcDir, 'components', dir, componentName);
await config.sys.createDir(path.join(outDir, testFolder), { recursive: true });
const writtenFiles = await Promise.all( => writeFileByExtension(coreCompiler, config, outDir, componentName, extension, extensionsToGenerate.includes('css')))).catch((error) => config.logger.error(error));
if (!writtenFiles) {
return config.sys.exit(1);
console.log(`${config.logger.gray('$')} stencil generate ${input}`);
console.log(config.logger.bold('The following files have been generated:'));
const absoluteRootDir = config.rootDir; => console.log(` - ${path.relative(absoluteRootDir, file)}`));
* Show a checkbox prompt to select the files to be generated.
const chooseFilesToGenerate = async () => {
const { prompt } = await import('../sys/node/prompts.js');
return (await prompt({
name: 'filesToGenerate',
type: 'multiselect',
message: 'Which additional files do you want to generate?',
choices: [
{ value: 'css', title: 'Stylesheet (.css)', selected: true },
{ value: 'spec.tsx', title: 'Spec Test (.spec.tsx)', selected: true },
{ value: 'e2e.ts', title: 'E2E Test (.e2e.ts)', selected: true },
* Get a file's boilerplate by its extension and write it to disk.
const writeFileByExtension = async (coreCompiler, config, path, name, extension, withCss) => {
if (isTest(extension)) {
path = coreCompiler.path.join(path, 'test');
const outFile = coreCompiler.path.join(path, `${name}.${extension}`);
const boilerplate = getBoilerplateByExtension(name, extension, withCss);
await config.sys.writeFile(outFile, boilerplate);
return outFile;
const isTest = (extension) => {
return extension === 'e2e.ts' || extension === 'spec.tsx';
* Get the boilerplate for a file by its extension.
const getBoilerplateByExtension = (tagName, extension, withCss) => {
switch (extension) {
case 'tsx':
return getComponentBoilerplate(tagName, withCss);
case 'css':
return getStyleUrlBoilerplate();
case 'spec.tsx':
return getSpecTestBoilerplate(tagName);
case 'e2e.ts':
return getE2eTestBoilerplate(tagName);
throw new Error(`Unkown extension "${extension}".`);
* Get the boilerplate for a component.
const getComponentBoilerplate = (tagName, hasStyle) => {
const decorator = [`{`];
decorator.push(` tag: '${tagName}',`);
if (hasStyle) {
decorator.push(` styleUrl: '${tagName}.css',`);
decorator.push(` shadow: true,`);
return `import { Component, Host, h } from '@stencil/core';
export class ${toPascalCase(tagName)} {
render() {
return (
* Get the boilerplate for style.
const getStyleUrlBoilerplate = () => `:host {
display: block;
* Get the boilerplate for a spec test.
const getSpecTestBoilerplate = (tagName) => `import { newSpecPage } from '@stencil/core/testing';
import { ${toPascalCase(tagName)} } from '../${tagName}';
describe('${tagName}', () => {
it('renders', async () => {
const page = await newSpecPage({
components: [${toPascalCase(tagName)}],
html: \`<${tagName}></${tagName}>\`,
* Get the boilerplate for an E2E test.
const getE2eTestBoilerplate = (name) => `import { newE2EPage } from '@stencil/core/testing';
describe('${name}', () => {
it('renders', async () => {
const page = await newE2EPage();
await page.setContent('<${name}></${name}>');
const element = await page.find('${name}');
* Convert a dash case string to pascal case.
const toPascalCase = (str) => str.split('-').reduce((res, part) => res + part[0].toUpperCase() + part.substr(1), '');
const taskTelemetry = async (config, sys, logger) => {
const prompt = logger.dim(sys.details.platform === 'windows' ? '>' : '$');
const isEnabling = config.flags.args.includes('on');
const isDisabling = config.flags.args.includes('off');
const INFORMATION = `Opt in or our of telemetry. Information about the data we collect is available on our website: ${logger.bold('')}`;
const THANK_YOU = `Thank you for helping to make Stencil better! 💖`;
const ENABLED_MESSAGE = `${'Enabled')}. ${THANK_YOU}\n\n`;
const DISABLED_MESSAGE = `${'Disabled')}\n\n`;
const hasTelemetry = await checkTelemetry(sys);
if (isEnabling) {
const result = await enableTelemetry(sys);
? console.log(`\n ${logger.bold('Telemetry is now ') + ENABLED_MESSAGE}`)
: console.log(`Something went wrong when enabling Telemetry.`);
if (isDisabling) {
const result = await disableTelemetry(sys);
? console.log(`\n ${logger.bold('Telemetry is now ') + DISABLED_MESSAGE}`)
: console.log(`Something went wrong when disabling Telemetry.`);
console.log(` ${logger.bold('Telemetry:')} ${logger.dim(INFORMATION)}`);
console.log(`\n ${logger.bold('Status')}: ${hasTelemetry ? ENABLED_MESSAGE : DISABLED_MESSAGE}`);
console.log(` ${prompt} ${'stencil telemetry [off|on]')}
${logger.cyan('off')} ${logger.dim('.............')} Disable sharing anonymous usage data
${logger.cyan('on')} ${logger.dim('..............')} Enable sharing anonymous usage data
const taskHelp = async (config, logger, sys) => {
const prompt = logger.dim(sys.details.platform === 'windows' ? '>' : '$');
${logger.bold('Build:')} ${logger.dim('Build components for development or production.')}
${prompt} ${'stencil build [--dev] [--watch] [--prerender] [--debug]')}
${logger.cyan('--dev')} ${logger.dim('.............')} Development build
${logger.cyan('--watch')} ${logger.dim('...........')} Rebuild when files update
${logger.cyan('--serve')} ${logger.dim('...........')} Start the dev-server
${logger.cyan('--prerender')} ${logger.dim('.......')} Prerender the application
${logger.cyan('--docs')} ${logger.dim('............')} Generate component docs
${logger.cyan('--config')} ${logger.dim('..........')} Set stencil config file
${logger.cyan('--stats')} ${logger.dim('...........')} Write stencil-stats.json file
${logger.cyan('--log')} ${logger.dim('.............')} Write stencil-build.log file
${logger.cyan('--debug')} ${logger.dim('...........')} Set the log level to debug
${logger.bold('Test:')} ${logger.dim('Run unit and end-to-end tests.')}
${prompt} ${'stencil test [--spec] [--e2e]')}
${logger.cyan('--spec')} ${logger.dim('............')} Run unit tests with Jest
${logger.cyan('--e2e')} ${logger.dim('.............')} Run e2e tests with Puppeteer
${logger.bold('Generate:')} ${logger.dim('Bootstrap components.')}
${prompt} ${'stencil generate')} or ${'stencil g')}
// TODO(STENCIL-148) make this parameter no longer optional, remove the surrounding if statement
if (sys) {
await taskTelemetry(config, sys, logger);
${prompt} ${'stencil build --dev --watch --serve')}
${prompt} ${'stencil build --prerender')}
${prompt} ${'stencil test --spec --e2e')}
${prompt} ${'stencil telemetry on')}
${prompt} ${'stencil generate')}
${prompt} ${'stencil g my-component')}
const taskInfo = (coreCompiler, sys, logger) => {
const details = sys.details;
const versions = coreCompiler.versions;
console.log(`${logger.cyan(' System:')} ${} ${sys.version}`);
console.log(`${logger.cyan(' Plaform:')} ${details.platform} (${details.release})`);
console.log(`${logger.cyan(' CPU Model:')} ${details.cpuModel} (${sys.hardwareConcurrency} cpu${sys.hardwareConcurrency !== 1 ? 's' : ''})`);
console.log(`${logger.cyan(' Compiler:')} ${sys.getCompilerExecutingPath()}`);
console.log(`${logger.cyan(' Build:')} ${coreCompiler.buildId}`);
console.log(`${logger.cyan(' Stencil:')} ${coreCompiler.version}${logger.emoji(' ' + coreCompiler.vermoji)}`);
console.log(`${logger.cyan(' TypeScript:')} ${versions.typescript}`);
console.log(`${logger.cyan(' Rollup:')} ${versions.rollup}`);
console.log(`${logger.cyan(' Parse5:')} ${versions.parse5}`);
console.log(`${logger.cyan(' Sizzle:')} ${versions.sizzle}`);
console.log(`${logger.cyan(' Terser:')} ${versions.terser}`);
const taskServe = async (config) => {
config.suppressLogs = true;
config.flags.serve = true;
config.devServer.openBrowser =;
config.devServer.reloadStrategy = null;
config.devServer.initialLoadUrl = '/';
config.devServer.websocket = false;
config.maxConcurrentWorkers = 1;
config.devServer.root = isString(config.flags.root) ? config.flags.root : config.sys.getCurrentDirectory();
const devServerPath = config.sys.getDevServerExecutingPath();
const { start } = await config.sys.dynamicImport(devServerPath);
const devServer = await start(config.devServer, config.logger);
console.log(`${config.logger.cyan(' Root:')} ${devServer.root}`);
console.log(`${config.logger.cyan(' Address:')} ${devServer.address}`);
console.log(`${config.logger.cyan(' Port:')} ${devServer.port}`);
console.log(`${config.logger.cyan(' Server:')} ${devServer.browserUrl}`);
config.sys.onProcessInterrupt(() => {
if (devServer) {
config.logger.debug(`dev server close: ${devServer.browserUrl}`);
const taskTest = async (config) => {
if (!IS_NODE_ENV) {
config.logger.error(`"test" command is currently only implemented for a NodeJS environment`);
return config.sys.exit(1);
try {
config.buildDocs = false;
const testingRunOpts = {
e2e: !!config.flags.e2e,
screenshot: !!config.flags.screenshot,
spec: !!config.flags.spec,
updateScreenshot: !!config.flags.updateScreenshot,
// always ensure we have jest modules installed
const ensureModuleIds = ['@types/jest', 'jest', 'jest-cli'];
if (testingRunOpts.e2e) {
// if it's an e2e test, also make sure we're got
// puppeteer modules installed and if browserExecutablePath is provided don't download Chromium use only puppeteer-core instead
const puppeteer = config.testing.browserExecutablePath ? 'puppeteer-core' : 'puppeteer';
if (testingRunOpts.screenshot) {
// ensure we've got pixelmatch for screenshots
config.logger.warn(config.logger.yellow(`EXPERIMENTAL: screenshot visual diff testing is currently under heavy development and has not reached a stable status. However, any assistance testing would be appreciated.`));
// ensure we've got the required modules installed
const diagnostics = await config.sys.lazyRequire.ensure(config.rootDir, ensureModuleIds);
if (diagnostics.length > 0) {
return config.sys.exit(1);
// let's test!
const { createTesting } = await import('../testing/index.js');
const testing = await createTesting(config);
const passed = await;
await testing.destroy();
if (!passed) {
return config.sys.exit(1);
catch (e) {
return config.sys.exit(1);
const run = async (init) => {
const { args, logger, sys } = init;
try {
const flags = parseFlags(args, sys);
const task = flags.task;
if (flags.debug || flags.verbose) {
if ( {
if (isFunction(sys.applyGlobalPatch)) {
if (task === 'help' || {
await taskHelp({ flags: { task: 'help', args }, outputTargets: [] }, logger, sys);
startupLog(logger, task);
const findConfigResults = await findConfig({ sys, configPath: flags.config });
if (hasError(findConfigResults.diagnostics)) {
return sys.exit(1);
const ensureDepsResults = await sys.ensureDependencies({
rootDir: findConfigResults.rootDir,
dependencies: dependencies,
if (hasError(ensureDepsResults.diagnostics)) {
return sys.exit(1);
const coreCompiler = await loadCoreCompiler(sys);
if (task === 'version' || flags.version) {
startupLogVersion(logger, task, coreCompiler);
loadedCompilerLog(sys, logger, flags, coreCompiler);
if (task === 'info') {
await telemetryAction(sys, { flags: { task: 'info' }, outputTargets: [] }, logger, coreCompiler, async () => {
await taskInfo(coreCompiler, sys, logger);
const validated = await coreCompiler.loadConfig({
config: {
configPath: findConfigResults.configPath,
if (validated.diagnostics.length > 0) {
if (hasError(validated.diagnostics)) {
return sys.exit(1);
if (isFunction(sys.applyGlobalPatch)) {
await sys.ensureResources({ rootDir: validated.config.rootDir, logger, dependencies: dependencies });
await telemetryAction(sys, validated.config, logger, coreCompiler, async () => {
await runTask(coreCompiler, validated.config, task, sys);
catch (e) {
if (!shouldIgnoreError(e)) {
logger.error(`uncaught cli error: ${e}${logger.getLevel() === 'debug' ? e.stack : ''}`);
return sys.exit(1);
const runTask = async (coreCompiler, config, task, sys) => {
config.flags = config.flags || { task };
config.outputTargets = config.outputTargets || [];
switch (task) {
case 'build':
await taskBuild(coreCompiler, config, sys);
case 'docs':
await taskDocs(coreCompiler, config);
case 'generate':
case 'g':
await taskGenerate(coreCompiler, config);
case 'help':
taskHelp(config, config.logger, sys);
case 'prerender':
await taskPrerender(coreCompiler, config);
case 'serve':
await taskServe(config);
case 'telemetry':
// TODO(STENCIL-148) make this parameter no longer optional, remove the surrounding if statement
if (sys) {
await taskTelemetry(config, sys, config.logger);
case 'test':
await taskTest(config);
case 'version':
config.logger.error(`${config.logger.emoji('❌ ')}Invalid stencil command, please see the options below:`);
taskHelp(config, config.logger, sys);
return config.sys.exit(1);
export { parseFlags, run, runTask };