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2022-02-09 18:30:03 +01:00
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const blocking_proxy_1 = require("blocking-proxy");
const selenium_webdriver_1 = require("selenium-webdriver");
const url = require("url");
const webdriver_js_extender_1 = require("webdriver-js-extender");
const element_1 = require("./element");
const expectedConditions_1 = require("./expectedConditions");
const locators_1 = require("./locators");
const logger_1 = require("./logger");
const clientSideScripts = require('./clientsidescripts');
// TODO: fix the typings for selenium-webdriver/lib/command
const Command = require('selenium-webdriver/lib/command').Command;
const CommandName = require('selenium-webdriver/lib/command').Name;
// jshint browser: true
const DEFAULT_RESET_URL = 'data:text/html,<html></html>';
let logger = new logger_1.Logger('protractor');
// TODO(cnishina): either remove for loop entirely since this does not export anything
// the user might need since everything is composed (with caveat that this could be a
// potential breaking change) or export the types with `export * from 'selenium-webdriver'`;
* Mix in other webdriver functionality to be accessible via protractor.
for (let foo in require('selenium-webdriver')) {
exports[foo] = require('selenium-webdriver')[foo];
// Explicitly define types for webdriver.WebDriver and ExtendedWebDriver.
// We do this because we use composition over inheritance to implement polymorphism, and therefore
// we don't want to inherit WebDriver's constructor.
class AbstractWebDriver {
exports.AbstractWebDriver = AbstractWebDriver;
class AbstractExtendedWebDriver extends AbstractWebDriver {
exports.AbstractExtendedWebDriver = AbstractExtendedWebDriver;
* Mix a function from one object onto another. The function will still be
* called in the context of the original object. Any arguments of type
* `ElementFinder` will be unwrapped to their underlying `WebElement` instance
* @private
* @param {Object} to
* @param {Object} from
* @param {string} fnName
* @param {function=} setupFn
function ptorMixin(to, from, fnName, setupFn) {
to[fnName] = function () {
const args = arguments;
for (let i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
if (args[i] instanceof element_1.ElementFinder) {
args[i] = args[i].getWebElement();
const run = () => {
return from[fnName].apply(from, args);
if (setupFn) {
const setupResult = setupFn();
if (setupResult && (typeof setupResult.then === 'function')) {
return setupResult.then(run);
return run();
* Build the helper 'element' function for a given instance of Browser.
* @private
* @param {Browser} browser A browser instance.
* @returns {function(webdriver.Locator): ElementFinder}
function buildElementHelper(browser) {
let element = ((locator) => {
return new element_1.ElementArrayFinder(browser).all(locator).toElementFinder_();
element.all = (locator) => {
return new element_1.ElementArrayFinder(browser).all(locator);
return element;
* @alias browser
* @constructor
* @extends {webdriver_extensions.ExtendedWebDriver}
* @param {webdriver.WebDriver} webdriver
* @param {string=} opt_baseUrl A base URL to run get requests against.
* @param {string|webdriver.promise.Promise<string>=} opt_rootElement Selector element that has an
* ng-app in scope.
* @param {boolean=} opt_untrackOutstandingTimeouts Whether Protractor should
* stop tracking outstanding $timeouts.
class ProtractorBrowser extends AbstractExtendedWebDriver {
constructor(webdriverInstance, opt_baseUrl, opt_rootElement, opt_untrackOutstandingTimeouts, opt_blockingProxyUrl) {
// These functions should delegate to the webdriver instance, but should
// wait for Angular to sync up before performing the action. This does not
// include functions which are overridden by protractor below.
let methodsToSync = ['getCurrentUrl', 'getPageSource', 'getTitle'];
let extendWDInstance;
try {
extendWDInstance = webdriver_js_extender_1.extend(webdriverInstance);
catch (e) {
// Probably not a driver that can be extended (e.g. gotten using
// `directConnect: true` in the config)
extendWDInstance = webdriverInstance;
// Mix all other driver functionality into Protractor.
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(selenium_webdriver_1.WebDriver.prototype).forEach(method => {
if (!this[method] && typeof extendWDInstance[method] === 'function') {
if (methodsToSync.indexOf(method) !== -1) {
ptorMixin(this, extendWDInstance, method, this.waitForAngular.bind(this));
else {
ptorMixin(this, extendWDInstance, method);
this.driver = extendWDInstance;
if (opt_blockingProxyUrl) {'Starting BP client for ' + opt_blockingProxyUrl);
this.bpClient = new blocking_proxy_1.BPClient(opt_blockingProxyUrl);
this.element = buildElementHelper(this);
this.$ =$(this.element, selenium_webdriver_1.By);
this.$$ =$$(this.element, selenium_webdriver_1.By);
this.baseUrl = opt_baseUrl || '';
this.getPageTimeout = DEFAULT_GET_PAGE_TIMEOUT;
this.params = {};
this.resetUrl = DEFAULT_RESET_URL;
let ng12Hybrid_ = false;
Object.defineProperty(this, 'ng12Hybrid', {
get: function () {
return ng12Hybrid_;
set: function (ng12Hybrid) {
if (ng12Hybrid) {
logger.warn('You have set ng12Hybrid. As of Protractor 4.1.0, ' +
'Protractor can automatically infer if you are using an ' +
'ngUpgrade app (as long as ng1 is loaded before you call ' +
'platformBrowserDynamic()), and this flag is no longer needed ' +
'for most users');
ng12Hybrid_ = ng12Hybrid;
this.ready = this.angularAppRoot(opt_rootElement || '')
.then(() => {
return this.driver.getSession();
.then((session) => {
// Internet Explorer does not accept data URLs, which are the default
// reset URL for Protractor.
// Safari accepts data urls, but SafariDriver fails after one is used.
// PhantomJS produces a "Detected a page unload event" if we use data urls
let browserName = session.getCapabilities().get('browserName');
if (browserName === 'internet explorer' || browserName === 'safari' ||
browserName === 'phantomjs' || browserName === 'MicrosoftEdge') {
this.resetUrl = 'about:blank';
return this;
this.trackOutstandingTimeouts_ = !opt_untrackOutstandingTimeouts;
this.mockModules_ = [];
// set up expected conditions
this.ExpectedConditions = new expectedConditions_1.ProtractorExpectedConditions(this);
* The css selector for an element on which to find Angular. This is usually
* 'body' but if your ng-app is on a subsection of the page it may be
* a subelement.
* This property is deprecated - please use angularAppRoot() instead.
* @deprecated
* @type {string}
set rootEl(value) {
get rootEl() {
return this.internalRootEl;
* Set the css selector for an element on which to find Angular. This is usually
* 'body' but if your ng-app is on a subsection of the page it may be
* a subelement.
* The change will be made within WebDriver's control flow, so that commands after
* this method is called use the new app root. Pass nothing to get a promise that
* resolves to the value of the selector.
* @param {string|webdriver.promise.Promise<string>} value The new selector.
* @returns A promise that resolves with the value of the selector.
angularAppRoot(value = null) {
return this.driver.controlFlow().execute(() => {
if (value != null) {
return selenium_webdriver_1.promise.when(value).then((value) => {
this.internalRootEl = value;
if (this.bpClient) {
const bpCommandPromise = this.bpClient.setWaitParams(value);
// Convert to webdriver promise as best as possible
return selenium_webdriver_1.promise.when(bpCommandPromise).then(() => this.internalRootEl);
return this.internalRootEl;
return selenium_webdriver_1.promise.when(this.internalRootEl);
}, `Set angular root selector to ${value}`);
* If true, Protractor will not attempt to synchronize with the page before
* performing actions. This can be harmful because Protractor will not wait
* until $timeouts and $http calls have been processed, which can cause
* tests to become flaky. This should be used only when necessary, such as
* when a page continuously polls an API using $timeout.
* Initialized to `false` by the runner.
* This property is deprecated - please use waitForAngularEnabled instead.
* @deprecated
* @type {boolean}
set ignoreSynchronization(value) {
get ignoreSynchronization() {
return this.internalIgnoreSynchronization;
* If set to false, Protractor will not wait for Angular $http and $timeout
* tasks to complete before interacting with the browser. This can cause
* flaky tests, but should be used if, for instance, your app continuously
* polls an API with $timeout.
* Call waitForAngularEnabled() without passing a value to read the current
* state without changing it.
waitForAngularEnabled(enabled = null) {
if (enabled != null) {
const ret = this.driver.controlFlow().execute(() => {
return selenium_webdriver_1.promise.when(enabled).then((enabled) => {
if (this.bpClient) {
logger.debug('Setting waitForAngular' + !enabled);
const bpCommandPromise = this.bpClient.setWaitEnabled(enabled);
// Convert to webdriver promise as best as possible
return selenium_webdriver_1.promise.when(bpCommandPromise).then(() => enabled);
}, `Set proxy synchronization enabled to ${enabled}`);
this.internalIgnoreSynchronization = !enabled;
return ret;
return selenium_webdriver_1.promise.when(!this.ignoreSynchronization);
* Get the processed configuration object that is currently being run. This
* will contain the specs and capabilities properties of the current runner
* instance.
* Set by the runner.
* @returns {webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise which resolves to the
* capabilities object.
getProcessedConfig() {
return null;
* Fork another instance of browser for use in interactive tests.
* @example
* // Running with control flow enabled
* var fork = browser.forkNewDriverInstance();
* fork.get('page1'); // 'page1' gotten by forked browser
* // Running with control flow disabled
* var forked = await browser.forkNewDriverInstance().ready;
* await forked.get('page1'); // 'page1' gotten by forked browser
* @param {boolean=} useSameUrl Whether to navigate to current url on creation
* @param {boolean=} copyMockModules Whether to apply same mock modules on creation
* @param {boolean=} copyConfigUpdates Whether to copy over changes to `baseUrl` and similar
* properties initialized to values in the the config. Defaults to `true`
* @returns {ProtractorBrowser} A browser instance.
forkNewDriverInstance(useSameUrl, copyMockModules, copyConfigUpdates = true) {
return null;
* Restart the browser. This is done by closing this browser instance and creating a new one.
* A promise resolving to the new instance is returned, and if this function was called on the
* global `browser` instance then Protractor will automatically overwrite the global `browser`
* variable.
* When restarting a forked browser, it is the caller's job to overwrite references to the old
* instance.
* This function behaves slightly differently depending on if the webdriver control flow is
* enabled. If the control flow is enabled, the global `browser` object is synchronously
* replaced. If the control flow is disabled, the global `browser` is replaced asynchronously
* after the old driver quits.
* Set by the runner.
* @example
* // Running against global browser, with control flow enabled
* browser.get('page1');
* browser.restart();
* browser.get('page2'); // 'page2' gotten by restarted browser
* // Running against global browser, with control flow disabled
* await browser.get('page1');
* await browser.restart();
* await browser.get('page2'); // 'page2' gotten by restarted browser
* // Running against forked browsers, with the control flow enabled
* // In this case, you may prefer `restartSync` (documented below)
* var forked = browser.forkNewDriverInstance();
* fork.get('page1');
* fork.restart().then(function(fork) {
* fork.get('page2'); // 'page2' gotten by restarted fork
* });
* // Running against forked browsers, with the control flow disabled
* var forked = await browser.forkNewDriverInstance().ready;
* await fork.get('page1');
* fork = await fork.restart();
* await fork.get('page2'); // 'page2' gotten by restarted fork
* // Unexpected behavior can occur if you save references to the global `browser`
* var savedBrowser = browser;
* browser.get('foo').then(function() {
* console.log(browser === savedBrowser); // false
* });
* browser.restart();
* @returns {webdriver.promise.Promise<ProtractorBrowser>} A promise resolving to the restarted
* browser
restart() {
* Like `restart`, but instead of returning a promise resolving to the new browser instance,
* returns the new browser instance directly. Can only be used when the control flow is enabled.
* @example
* // Running against global browser
* browser.get('page1');
* browser.restartSync();
* browser.get('page2'); // 'page2' gotten by restarted browser
* // Running against forked browsers
* var forked = browser.forkNewDriverInstance();
* fork.get('page1');
* fork = fork.restartSync();
* fork.get('page2'); // 'page2' gotten by restarted fork
* @throws {TypeError} Will throw an error if the control flow is not enabled
* @returns {ProtractorBrowser} The restarted browser
restartSync() {
* Instead of using a single root element, search through all angular apps
* available on the page when finding elements or waiting for stability.
* Only compatible with Angular2.
useAllAngular2AppRoots() {
// The empty string is an invalid css selector, so we use it to easily
// signal to scripts to not find a root element.
* The same as {@code webdriver.WebDriver.prototype.executeScript},
* but with a customized description for debugging.
* @private
* @param {!(string|Function)} script The script to execute.
* @param {string} description A description of the command for debugging.
* @param {...*} var_args The arguments to pass to the script.
* @returns {!webdriver.promise.Promise.<T>} A promise that will resolve to
* the scripts return value.
* @template T
executeScriptWithDescription(script, description, ...scriptArgs) {
if (typeof script === 'function') {
script = 'return (' + script + ').apply(null, arguments);';
return this.driver.schedule(new Command(CommandName.EXECUTE_SCRIPT)
.setParameter('script', script)
.setParameter('args', scriptArgs), description);
* The same as {@code webdriver.WebDriver.prototype.executeAsyncScript},
* but with a customized description for debugging.
* @private
* @param {!(string|Function)} script The script to execute.
* @param {string} description A description for debugging purposes.
* @param {...*} var_args The arguments to pass to the script.
* @returns {!webdriver.promise.Promise.<T>} A promise that will resolve to
* the
* scripts return value.
* @template T
executeAsyncScript_(script, description, ...scriptArgs) {
if (typeof script === 'function') {
script = 'return (' + script + ').apply(null, arguments);';
return this.driver.schedule(new Command(CommandName.EXECUTE_ASYNC_SCRIPT)
.setParameter('script', script)
.setParameter('args', scriptArgs), description);
* Instruct webdriver to wait until Angular has finished rendering and has
* no outstanding $http or $timeout calls before continuing.
* Note that Protractor automatically applies this command before every
* WebDriver action.
* @param {string=} opt_description An optional description to be added
* to webdriver logs.
* @returns {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will resolve to the
* scripts return value.
waitForAngular(opt_description) {
let description = opt_description ? ' - ' + opt_description : '';
if (this.ignoreSynchronization) {
return this.driver.controlFlow().execute(() => {
return true;
}, 'Ignore Synchronization Protractor.waitForAngular()');
let runWaitForAngularScript = () => {
if (this.plugins_.skipAngularStability() || this.bpClient) {
return this.driver.controlFlow().execute(() => {
return selenium_webdriver_1.promise.when(null);
}, 'bpClient or plugin stability override');
else {
// Need to wrap this so that we read rootEl in the control flow, not synchronously.
return this.angularAppRoot().then((rootEl) => {
return this.executeAsyncScript_(clientSideScripts.waitForAngular, 'Protractor.waitForAngular()' + description, rootEl);
return runWaitForAngularScript()
.then((browserErr) => {
if (browserErr) {
throw new Error('Error while waiting for Protractor to ' +
'sync with the page: ' + JSON.stringify(browserErr));
.then(() => {
return this.driver.controlFlow()
.execute(() => {
return this.plugins_.waitForPromise(this);
}, 'Plugins.waitForPromise()')
.then(() => {
return this.driver.wait(() => {
return this.plugins_.waitForCondition(this).then((results) => {
return results.reduce((x, y) => x && y, true);
}, this.allScriptsTimeout, 'Plugins.waitForCondition()');
}, (err) => {
let timeout;
if (/asynchronous script timeout/.test(err.message)) {
// Timeout on Chrome
timeout = /-?[\d\.]*\ seconds/.exec(err.message);
else if (/Timed out waiting for async script/.test(err.message)) {
// Timeout on Firefox
timeout = /-?[\d\.]*ms/.exec(err.message);
else if (/Timed out waiting for an asynchronous script/.test(err.message)) {
// Timeout on Safari
timeout = /-?[\d\.]*\ ms/.exec(err.message);
if (timeout) {
let errMsg = `Timed out waiting for asynchronous Angular tasks to finish after ` +
`${timeout}. This may be because the current page is not an Angular ` +
`application. Please see the FAQ for more details: ` +
if (description.indexOf(' - Locator: ') == 0) {
errMsg += '\nWhile waiting for element with locator' + description;
let pendingTimeoutsPromise;
if (this.trackOutstandingTimeouts_) {
pendingTimeoutsPromise = this.executeScriptWithDescription('return window.NG_PENDING_TIMEOUTS', 'Protractor.waitForAngular() - getting pending timeouts' + description);
else {
pendingTimeoutsPromise = selenium_webdriver_1.promise.when({});
let pendingHttpsPromise = this.executeScriptWithDescription(clientSideScripts.getPendingHttpRequests, 'Protractor.waitForAngular() - getting pending https' + description, this.internalRootEl);
return selenium_webdriver_1.promise.all([pendingTimeoutsPromise, pendingHttpsPromise])
.then((arr) => {
let pendingTimeouts = arr[0] || [];
let pendingHttps = arr[1] || [];
let key, pendingTasks = [];
for (key in pendingTimeouts) {
if (pendingTimeouts.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
pendingTasks.push(' - $timeout: ' + pendingTimeouts[key]);
for (key in pendingHttps) {
pendingTasks.push(' - $http: ' + pendingHttps[key].url);
if (pendingTasks.length) {
errMsg += '. \nThe following tasks were pending:\n';
errMsg += pendingTasks.join('\n');
err.message = errMsg;
throw err;
}, () => {
err.message = errMsg;
throw err;
else {
throw err;
* Waits for Angular to finish rendering before searching for elements.
* @see webdriver.WebDriver.findElement
* @returns {!webdriver.WebElementPromise} A promise that will be resolved to
* the located {@link webdriver.WebElement}.
findElement(locator) {
return this.element(locator).getWebElement();
* Waits for Angular to finish rendering before searching for elements.
* @see webdriver.WebDriver.findElements
* @returns {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will be resolved to an
* array of the located {@link webdriver.WebElement}s.
findElements(locator) {
return this.element.all(locator).getWebElements();
* Tests if an element is present on the page.
* @see webdriver.WebDriver.isElementPresent
* @returns {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will resolve to whether
* the element is present on the page.
isElementPresent(locatorOrElement) {
let element;
if (locatorOrElement instanceof element_1.ElementFinder) {
element = locatorOrElement;
else if (locatorOrElement instanceof selenium_webdriver_1.WebElement) {
element = element_1.ElementFinder.fromWebElement_(this, locatorOrElement);
else {
element = this.element(locatorOrElement);
return element.isPresent();
* Add a module to load before Angular whenever Protractor.get is called.
* Modules will be registered after existing modules already on the page,
* so any module registered here will override preexisting modules with the
* same name.
* @example
* browser.addMockModule('modName', function() {
* angular.module('modName', []).value('foo', 'bar');
* });
* @param {!string} name The name of the module to load or override.
* @param {!string|Function} script The JavaScript to load the module.
* Note that this will be executed in the browser context, so it cannot
* access variables from outside its scope.
* @param {...*} varArgs Any additional arguments will be provided to
* the script and may be referenced using the `arguments` object.
addMockModule(name, script, ...moduleArgs) {
this.mockModules_.push({ name: name, script: script, args: moduleArgs });
* Clear the list of registered mock modules.
clearMockModules() {
this.mockModules_ = [];
* Remove a registered mock module.
* @example
* browser.removeMockModule('modName');
* @param {!string} name The name of the module to remove.
removeMockModule(name) {
for (let i = 0; i < this.mockModules_.length; ++i) {
if (this.mockModules_[i].name == name) {
this.mockModules_.splice(i--, 1);
* Get a list of the current mock modules.
* @returns {Array.<!string|Function>} The list of mock modules.
getRegisteredMockModules() {
return => module.script);
* Add the base mock modules used for all Protractor tests.
* @private
addBaseMockModules_() {
this.addMockModule('protractorBaseModule_', clientSideScripts.protractorBaseModuleFn, this.trackOutstandingTimeouts_);
* @see webdriver.WebDriver.get
* Navigate to the given destination and loads mock modules before
* Angular. Assumes that the page being loaded uses Angular.
* If you need to access a page which does not have Angular on load, use
* the wrapped webdriver directly.
* @example
* browser.get('');
* expect(browser.getCurrentUrl()).toBe('');
* @param {string} destination Destination URL.
* @param {number=} opt_timeout Number of milliseconds to wait for Angular to
* start.
get(destination, timeout = this.getPageTimeout) {
destination = this.baseUrl.indexOf('file://') === 0 ? this.baseUrl + destination :
url.resolve(this.baseUrl, destination);
if (this.ignoreSynchronization) {
return this.driver.get(destination)
.then(() => this.driver.controlFlow().execute(() => this.plugins_.onPageLoad(this)))
.then(() => null);
let msg = (str) => {
return 'Protractor.get(' + destination + ') - ' + str;
return this.driver.controlFlow()
.execute(() => {
return selenium_webdriver_1.promise.when(null);
.then(() => {
if (this.bpClient) {
return this.driver.controlFlow().execute(() => {
return this.bpClient.setWaitEnabled(false);
.then(() => {
// Go to reset url
return this.driver.get(this.resetUrl);
.then(() => {
// Set defer label and navigate
return this.executeScriptWithDescription(' = "' + DEFER_LABEL + '" +;' +
'window.location.replace("' + destination + '");', msg('reset url'));
.then(() => {
// We need to make sure the new url has loaded before
// we try to execute any asynchronous scripts.
return this.driver.wait(() => {
return this.executeScriptWithDescription('return window.location.href;', msg('get url'))
.then((url) => {
return url !== this.resetUrl;
}, (err) => {
if (err.code == 13 || === 'JavascriptError') {
// Ignore the error, and continue trying. This is
// because IE driver sometimes (~1%) will throw an
// unknown error from this execution. See
// This shouldn't mask errors because it will fail
// with the timeout anyway.
return false;
else {
throw err;
}, timeout, 'waiting for page to load for ' + timeout + 'ms');
.then(() => {
// Run Plugins
return this.driver.controlFlow().execute(() => {
return this.plugins_.onPageLoad(this);
.then(() => {
// Make sure the page is an Angular page.
return this
.executeAsyncScript_(clientSideScripts.testForAngular, msg('test for angular'), Math.floor(timeout / 1000), this.ng12Hybrid)
.then((angularTestResult) => {
let angularVersion = angularTestResult.ver;
if (!angularVersion) {
let message = angularTestResult.message;
logger.error(`Could not find Angular on page ${destination} : ${message}`);
throw new Error(`Angular could not be found on the page ${destination}. ` +
`If this is not an Angular application, you may need to turn off waiting for Angular.
Please see`);
return angularVersion;
}, (err) => {
throw new Error('Error while running testForAngular: ' + err.message);
.then((angularVersion) => {
// Load Angular Mocks
if (angularVersion === 1) {
// At this point, Angular will pause for us until angular.resumeBootstrap is called.
let moduleNames = [];
let modulePromise = selenium_webdriver_1.promise.when(null);
for (const { name, script, args } of this.mockModules_) {
let executeScriptArgs = [script, msg('add mock module ' + name), ...args];
modulePromise = modulePromise.then(() => this.executeScriptWithDescription.apply(this, executeScriptArgs)
.then(null, (err) => {
throw new Error('Error while running module script ' + name + ': ' + err.message);
return modulePromise.then(() => this.executeScriptWithDescription('window.__TESTABILITY__NG1_APP_ROOT_INJECTOR__ = ' +
'angular.resumeBootstrap(arguments[0]);', msg('resume bootstrap'), moduleNames));
else {
// TODO: support mock modules in Angular2. For now, error if someone
// has tried to use one.
if (this.mockModules_.length > 1) {
throw 'Trying to load mock modules on an Angular v2+ app is not yet supported.';
.then(() => {
// Reset bpClient sync
if (this.bpClient) {
return this.driver.controlFlow().execute(() => {
return this.bpClient.setWaitEnabled(!this.internalIgnoreSynchronization);
.then(() => {
// Run Plugins
return this.driver.controlFlow().execute(() => {
return this.plugins_.onPageStable(this);
.then(() => null);
* @see webdriver.WebDriver.refresh
* Makes a full reload of the current page and loads mock modules before
* Angular. Assumes that the page being loaded uses Angular.
* If you need to access a page which does not have Angular on load, use
* the wrapped webdriver directly.
* @param {number=} opt_timeout Number of milliseconds to wait for Angular to start.
refresh(opt_timeout) {
if (this.ignoreSynchronization) {
return this.driver.navigate().refresh();
return this
.executeScriptWithDescription('return window.location.href', 'Protractor.refresh() - getUrl')
.then((href) => {
return this.get(href, opt_timeout);
* Mixin navigation methods back into the navigation object so that
* they are invoked as before, i.e. driver.navigate().refresh()
navigate() {
let nav = this.driver.navigate();
ptorMixin(nav, this, 'refresh');
return nav;
* Browse to another page using in-page navigation.
* @example
* browser.get('');
* browser.setLocation('api');
* expect(browser.getCurrentUrl())
* .toBe('');
* @param {string} url In page URL using the same syntax as $location.url()
* @returns {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will resolve once
* page has been changed.
setLocation(url) {
return this.waitForAngular()
.then(() => this.angularAppRoot())
.then((rootEl) => this.executeScriptWithDescription(clientSideScripts.setLocation, 'Protractor.setLocation()', rootEl, url)
.then((browserErr) => {
if (browserErr) {
throw 'Error while navigating to \'' + url +
'\' : ' + JSON.stringify(browserErr);
* Deprecated, use `browser.getCurrentUrl()` instead.
* Despite its name, this function will generally return `$location.url()`, though in some
* cases it will return `$location.absUrl()` instead. This function is only here for legacy
* users, and will probably be removed in Protractor 6.0.
* @deprecated Please use `browser.getCurrentUrl()`
* @example
* browser.get('');
* expect(browser.getLocationAbsUrl())
* .toBe('');
* @returns {webdriver.promise.Promise<string>} The current absolute url from
* AngularJS.
getLocationAbsUrl() {
logger.warn('`browser.getLocationAbsUrl()` is deprecated, please use `browser.getCurrentUrl` instead.');
return this.waitForAngular()
.then(() => this.angularAppRoot())
.then((rootEl) => this.executeScriptWithDescription(clientSideScripts.getLocationAbsUrl, 'Protractor.getLocationAbsUrl()', rootEl));
* Determine if the control flow is enabled.
* @returns true if the control flow is enabled, false otherwise.
controlFlowIsEnabled() {
if (selenium_webdriver_1.promise.USE_PROMISE_MANAGER !== undefined) {
return selenium_webdriver_1.promise.USE_PROMISE_MANAGER;
else {
// True for old versions of `selenium-webdriver`, probably false in >=5.0.0
return !!selenium_webdriver_1.promise.ControlFlow;
* @type {ProtractorBy}
ProtractorBrowser.By = new locators_1.ProtractorBy();
exports.ProtractorBrowser = ProtractorBrowser;