declare const createAttributeProxy: (caseInsensitive: boolean) => any; declare class MockAttributeMap { caseInsensitive: boolean; constructor(caseInsensitive?: boolean); get length(): number; item(index: number): MockAttr; setNamedItem(attr: MockAttr): void; setNamedItemNS(attr: MockAttr): void; getNamedItem(attrName: string): MockAttr; getNamedItemNS(namespaceURI: string, attrName: string): MockAttr; removeNamedItem(attr: MockAttr): void; removeNamedItemNS(attr: MockAttr): void; [Symbol.iterator](): { next: () => { done: boolean; value: MockAttr; }; }; get [Symbol.toStringTag](): string; } declare function cloneAttributes(srcAttrs: MockAttributeMap, sortByName?: boolean): MockAttributeMap; declare class MockAttr { constructor(attrName: string, attrValue: string, namespaceURI?: string); get name(): string; set name(value: string); get value(): string; set value(value: string); get nodeName(): string; set nodeName(value: string); get nodeValue(): string; set nodeValue(value: string); get namespaceURI(): string; set namespaceURI(namespaceURI: string); } declare class MockClassList { constructor(elm: HTMLElement); add(...classNames: string[]): void; remove(...classNames: string[]): void; contains(className: string): boolean; toggle(className: string): void; get length(): number; item(index: number): string; toString(): string; } declare class MockComment extends MockNode { constructor(ownerDocument: any, data: string); cloneNode(_deep?: boolean): MockComment; get textContent(): string; set textContent(text: string); } declare function createConsole(): any; declare const enum NODE_TYPES { ELEMENT_NODE = 1, ATTRIBUTE_NODE = 2, TEXT_NODE = 3, CDATA_SECTION_NODE = 4, ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE = 5, ENTITY_NODE = 6, PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE = 7, COMMENT_NODE = 8, DOCUMENT_NODE = 9, DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE = 10, DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE = 11, NOTATION_NODE = 12 } declare const enum NODE_NAMES { COMMENT_NODE = "#comment", DOCUMENT_NODE = "#document", DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE = "#document-fragment", TEXT_NODE = "#text" } declare class MockCSSStyleDeclaration { setProperty(prop: string, value: string): void; getPropertyValue(prop: string): string; removeProperty(prop: string): void; get length(): number; get cssText(): string; set cssText(cssText: string); } declare function createCSSStyleDeclaration(): MockCSSStyleDeclaration; declare class MockCSSRule { parentStyleSheet: MockCSSStyleSheet; cssText: string; type: number; constructor(parentStyleSheet: MockCSSStyleSheet); } declare class MockCSSStyleSheet { ownerNode: any; type: string; parentStyleSheet: MockCSSStyleSheet; cssRules: MockCSSRule[]; constructor(ownerNode: MockStyleElement); get rules(): MockCSSRule[]; set rules(rules: MockCSSRule[]); deleteRule(index: number): void; insertRule(rule: string, index?: number): number; } declare function getStyleElementText(styleElm: MockStyleElement): string; declare function setStyleElementText(styleElm: MockStyleElement, text: string): void; declare class MockCustomElementRegistry implements CustomElementRegistry { constructor(win: Window); define(tagName: string, cstr: any, options?: any): void; get(tagName: string): any; upgrade(_rootNode: any): void; clear(): void; whenDefined(tagName: string): Promise; } declare function createCustomElement(customElements: MockCustomElementRegistry, ownerDocument: any, tagName: string): any; declare function connectNode(ownerDocument: any, node: MockNode): void; declare function disconnectNode(node: MockNode): void; declare function attributeChanged(node: MockNode, attrName: string, oldValue: string, newValue: string): void; declare function checkAttributeChanged(node: MockNode): boolean; declare function dataset(elm: MockElement): any; declare class MockDocumentFragment extends MockHTMLElement { constructor(ownerDocument: any); getElementById(id: string): MockElement; cloneNode(deep?: boolean): MockDocumentFragment; } declare class MockDocumentTypeNode extends MockHTMLElement { constructor(ownerDocument: any); } declare class MockDocument extends MockHTMLElement { defaultView: any; cookie: string; referrer: string; constructor(html?: string | boolean, win?: any); get dir(): string; set dir(value: string); get location(): Location; set location(val: Location); get baseURI(): string; get URL(): string; get styleSheets(): Element[]; get scripts(): Element[]; get forms(): Element[]; get images(): Element[]; get scrollingElement(): MockElement; get documentElement(): MockElement; set documentElement(documentElement: MockElement); get head(): MockElement; set head(head: MockElement); get body(): MockElement; set body(body: MockElement); appendChild(newNode: MockElement): MockElement; createComment(data: string): MockComment; createAttribute(attrName: string): MockAttr; createAttributeNS(namespaceURI: string, attrName: string): MockAttr; createElement(tagName: string): any; createElementNS(namespaceURI: string, tagName: string): any; createTextNode(text: string): MockTextNode; createDocumentFragment(): MockDocumentFragment; createDocumentTypeNode(): MockDocumentTypeNode; getElementById(id: string): MockElement; getElementsByName(elmName: string): MockElement[]; get title(): string; set title(value: string); } declare function createDocument(html?: string | boolean): Document; declare function createFragment(html?: string): DocumentFragment; declare function resetDocument(doc: Document): void; declare function getElementById(elm: MockElement, id: string): MockElement; declare function setOwnerDocument(elm: MockElement, ownerDocument: any): void; declare function createElement(ownerDocument: any, tagName: string): any; declare function createElementNS(ownerDocument: any, namespaceURI: string, tagName: string): any; declare class MockAnchorElement extends MockHTMLElement { constructor(ownerDocument: any); get href(): string; set href(value: string); get pathname(): string; } declare class MockButtonElement extends MockHTMLElement { constructor(ownerDocument: any); } declare class MockImageElement extends MockHTMLElement { constructor(ownerDocument: any); get draggable(): boolean; set draggable(value: boolean); get src(): string; set src(value: string); } declare class MockInputElement extends MockHTMLElement { constructor(ownerDocument: any); get list(): HTMLElement; } declare class MockFormElement extends MockHTMLElement { constructor(ownerDocument: any); } declare class MockLinkElement extends MockHTMLElement { constructor(ownerDocument: any); get href(): string; set href(value: string); } declare class MockMetaElement extends MockHTMLElement { constructor(ownerDocument: any); } declare class MockScriptElement extends MockHTMLElement { constructor(ownerDocument: any); get src(): string; set src(value: string); } declare class MockStyleElement extends MockHTMLElement { sheet: MockCSSStyleSheet; constructor(ownerDocument: any); get innerHTML(): string; set innerHTML(value: string); get innerText(): string; set innerText(value: string); get textContent(): string; set textContent(value: string); } declare class MockSVGElement extends MockElement { get ownerSVGElement(): SVGSVGElement; get viewportElement(): SVGElement; focus(): void; onunload(): void; get pathLength(): number; isPointInFill(_pt: DOMPoint): boolean; isPointInStroke(_pt: DOMPoint): boolean; getTotalLength(): number; } declare class MockBaseElement extends MockHTMLElement { constructor(ownerDocument: any); get href(): string; set href(value: string); } declare class MockTemplateElement extends MockHTMLElement { content: MockDocumentFragment; constructor(ownerDocument: any); get innerHTML(): string; set innerHTML(html: string); cloneNode(deep?: boolean): MockTemplateElement; } declare class MockTitleElement extends MockHTMLElement { constructor(ownerDocument: any); get text(): string; set text(value: string); } declare class MockCanvasElement extends MockHTMLElement { constructor(ownerDocument: any); getContext(): { fillRect(): void; clearRect(): void; getImageData: (_: number, __: number, w: number, h: number) => { data: any[]; }; putImageData(): void; createImageData: () => any[]; setTransform(): void; drawImage(): void; save(): void; fillText(): void; restore(): void; beginPath(): void; moveTo(): void; lineTo(): void; closePath(): void; stroke(): void; translate(): void; scale(): void; rotate(): void; arc(): void; fill(): void; measureText(): { width: number; }; transform(): void; rect(): void; clip(): void; }; } declare class MockEvent { bubbles: boolean; cancelBubble: boolean; cancelable: boolean; composed: boolean; currentTarget: MockElement; defaultPrevented: boolean; srcElement: MockElement; target: MockElement; timeStamp: number; type: string; constructor(type: string, eventInitDict?: EventInit); preventDefault(): void; stopPropagation(): void; stopImmediatePropagation(): void; } declare class MockCustomEvent extends MockEvent { detail: any; constructor(type: string, customEventInitDic?: CustomEventInit); } declare class MockKeyboardEvent extends MockEvent { code: string; key: string; altKey: boolean; ctrlKey: boolean; metaKey: boolean; shiftKey: boolean; location: number; repeat: boolean; constructor(type: string, keyboardEventInitDic?: KeyboardEventInit); } declare class MockMouseEvent extends MockEvent { screenX: number; screenY: number; clientX: number; clientY: number; ctrlKey: boolean; shiftKey: boolean; altKey: boolean; metaKey: boolean; button: number; buttons: number; relatedTarget: EventTarget; constructor(type: string, mouseEventInitDic?: MouseEventInit); } declare class MockEventListener { type: string; handler: (ev?: any) => void; constructor(type: string, handler: any); } declare function addEventListener(elm: any, type: string, handler: any): void; declare function removeEventListener(elm: any, type: string, handler: any): void; declare function resetEventListeners(target: any): void; declare function dispatchEvent(currentTarget: any, ev: MockEvent): boolean; interface EventTarget { } declare function setupGlobal(gbl: any): any; declare function teardownGlobal(gbl: any): void; declare function patchWindow(winToBePatched: any): void; declare function addGlobalsToWindowPrototype(mockWinPrototype: any): void; declare class MockHeaders { constructor(init?: string[][] | Map | any); append(key: string, value: string): void; delete(key: string): void; entries(): any; forEach(cb: (value: string, key: string) => void): void; get(key: string): string; has(key: string): boolean; keys(): { next(): { value: string; done: boolean; }; [Symbol.iterator](): any; }; set(key: string, value: string): void; values(): any; [Symbol.iterator](): any; } declare class MockHistory { get length(): number; back(): void; forward(): void; go(_value: number): void; pushState(_state: any, _title: string, _url: string): void; replaceState(_state: any, _title: string, _url: string): void; } declare class MockIntersectionObserver { constructor(); disconnect(): void; observe(): void; takeRecords(): any[]; unobserve(): void; } declare class MockLocation implements Location { ancestorOrigins: any; protocol: string; host: string; hostname: string; port: string; pathname: string; search: string; hash: string; username: string; password: string; origin: string; get href(): string; set href(value: string); assign(_url: string): void; reload(_forcedReload?: boolean): void; replace(_url: string): void; toString(): string; } declare class MockNavigator { appCodeName: string; appName: string; appVersion: string; platform: string; userAgent: string; } declare class MockNode { nodeName: string; nodeType: number; ownerDocument: any; parentNode: MockNode; childNodes: MockNode[]; constructor(ownerDocument: any, nodeType: number, nodeName: string, nodeValue: string); appendChild(newNode: MockNode): MockNode; append(...items: (MockNode | string)[]): void; prepend(...items: (MockNode | string)[]): void; cloneNode(deep?: boolean): MockNode; compareDocumentPosition(_other: MockNode): number; get firstChild(): MockNode | null; insertBefore(newNode: MockNode, referenceNode: MockNode): MockNode; get isConnected(): boolean; isSameNode(node: any): boolean; get lastChild(): MockNode | null; get nextSibling(): MockNode | null; get nodeValue(): string; set nodeValue(value: string); get parentElement(): any; set parentElement(value: any); get previousSibling(): MockNode | null; contains(otherNode: MockNode): boolean; removeChild(childNode: MockNode): MockNode; remove(): void; replaceChild(newChild: MockNode, oldChild: MockNode): MockNode; get textContent(): string; set textContent(value: string); static ELEMENT_NODE: number; static TEXT_NODE: number; static PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE: number; static COMMENT_NODE: number; static DOCUMENT_NODE: number; static DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE: number; static DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE: number; } declare class MockNodeList { childNodes: MockNode[]; length: number; ownerDocument: any; constructor(ownerDocument: any, childNodes: MockNode[], length: number); } declare class MockElement extends MockNode { namespaceURI: string; constructor(ownerDocument: any, nodeName: string); addEventListener(type: string, handler: (ev?: any) => void): void; attachShadow(_opts: ShadowRootInit): any; get shadowRoot(): any; set shadowRoot(shadowRoot: any); get attributes(): MockAttributeMap; set attributes(attrs: MockAttributeMap); get children(): MockElement[]; get childElementCount(): number; get className(): string; set className(value: string); get classList(): MockClassList; click(): void; cloneNode(_deep?: boolean): MockElement; closest(selector: string): this; get dataset(): any; get dir(): string; set dir(value: string); dispatchEvent(ev: MockEvent): boolean; get firstElementChild(): MockElement | null; getAttribute(attrName: string): any; getAttributeNS(namespaceURI: string, attrName: string): string; getBoundingClientRect(): { bottom: number; height: number; left: number; right: number; top: number; width: number; x: number; y: number; }; getRootNode(opts?: { composed?: boolean; [key: string]: any; }): Node; get draggable(): boolean; set draggable(value: boolean); hasChildNodes(): boolean; get id(): string; set id(value: string); get innerHTML(): string; set innerHTML(html: string); get innerText(): string; set innerText(value: string); insertAdjacentElement(position: 'beforebegin' | 'afterbegin' | 'beforeend' | 'afterend', elm: MockHTMLElement): MockHTMLElement; insertAdjacentHTML(position: 'beforebegin' | 'afterbegin' | 'beforeend' | 'afterend', html: string): void; insertAdjacentText(position: 'beforebegin' | 'afterbegin' | 'beforeend' | 'afterend', text: string): void; hasAttribute(attrName: string): boolean; hasAttributeNS(namespaceURI: string, name: string): boolean; get hidden(): boolean; set hidden(isHidden: boolean); get lang(): string; set lang(value: string); get lastElementChild(): MockElement | null; matches(selector: string): boolean; get nextElementSibling(): any; get outerHTML(): string; get previousElementSibling(): any; getElementsByClassName(classNames: string): MockElement[]; getElementsByTagName(tagName: string): MockElement[]; querySelector(selector: string): Element; querySelectorAll(selector: string): Element[]; removeAttribute(attrName: string): void; removeAttributeNS(namespaceURI: string, attrName: string): void; removeEventListener(type: string, handler: any): void; setAttribute(attrName: string, value: any): void; setAttributeNS(namespaceURI: string, attrName: string, value: any): void; get style(): any; set style(val: any); get tabIndex(): number; set tabIndex(value: number); get tagName(): string; set tagName(value: string); get textContent(): string; set textContent(value: string); get title(): string; set title(value: string); onanimationstart(): void; onanimationend(): void; onanimationiteration(): void; onabort(): void; onauxclick(): void; onbeforecopy(): void; onbeforecut(): void; onbeforepaste(): void; onblur(): void; oncancel(): void; oncanplay(): void; oncanplaythrough(): void; onchange(): void; onclick(): void; onclose(): void; oncontextmenu(): void; oncopy(): void; oncuechange(): void; oncut(): void; ondblclick(): void; ondrag(): void; ondragend(): void; ondragenter(): void; ondragleave(): void; ondragover(): void; ondragstart(): void; ondrop(): void; ondurationchange(): void; onemptied(): void; onended(): void; onerror(): void; onfocus(): void; onfocusin(): void; onfocusout(): void; onformdata(): void; onfullscreenchange(): void; onfullscreenerror(): void; ongotpointercapture(): void; oninput(): void; oninvalid(): void; onkeydown(): void; onkeypress(): void; onkeyup(): void; onload(): void; onloadeddata(): void; onloadedmetadata(): void; onloadstart(): void; onlostpointercapture(): void; onmousedown(): void; onmouseenter(): void; onmouseleave(): void; onmousemove(): void; onmouseout(): void; onmouseover(): void; onmouseup(): void; onmousewheel(): void; onpaste(): void; onpause(): void; onplay(): void; onplaying(): void; onpointercancel(): void; onpointerdown(): void; onpointerenter(): void; onpointerleave(): void; onpointermove(): void; onpointerout(): void; onpointerover(): void; onpointerup(): void; onprogress(): void; onratechange(): void; onreset(): void; onresize(): void; onscroll(): void; onsearch(): void; onseeked(): void; onseeking(): void; onselect(): void; onselectstart(): void; onstalled(): void; onsubmit(): void; onsuspend(): void; ontimeupdate(): void; ontoggle(): void; onvolumechange(): void; onwaiting(): void; onwebkitfullscreenchange(): void; onwebkitfullscreenerror(): void; onwheel(): void; toString(opts?: SerializeNodeToHtmlOptions): string; } declare function resetElement(elm: MockElement): void; declare class MockHTMLElement extends MockElement { namespaceURI: string; constructor(ownerDocument: any, nodeName: string); get tagName(): string; set tagName(value: string); get attributes(): MockAttributeMap; set attributes(attrs: MockAttributeMap); } declare class MockTextNode extends MockNode { constructor(ownerDocument: any, text: string); cloneNode(_deep?: boolean): MockTextNode; get textContent(): string; set textContent(text: string); get data(): string; set data(text: string); get wholeText(): string; } declare function parseHtmlToDocument(html: string, ownerDocument?: MockDocument): any; declare function parseHtmlToFragment(html: string, ownerDocument?: MockDocument): any; declare function parseDocumentUtil(ownerDocument: any, html: string): any; declare function parseFragmentUtil(ownerDocument: any, html: string): any; /** * */ declare class MockPerformance implements Performance { timeOrigin: number; constructor(); addEventListener(): void; clearMarks(): void; clearMeasures(): void; clearResourceTimings(): void; dispatchEvent(): boolean; getEntries(): any; getEntriesByName(): any; getEntriesByType(): any; mark(): void; measure(): void; get navigation(): any; now(): number; get onresourcetimingbufferfull(): any; removeEventListener(): void; setResourceTimingBufferSize(): void; get timing(): any; toJSON(): void; } declare function resetPerformance(perf: Performance): void; declare type MockRequestInfo = MockRequest | string; interface MockRequestInit { body?: any; cache?: string; credentials?: string; headers?: any; integrity?: string; keepalive?: boolean; method?: string; mode?: string; redirect?: string; referrer?: string; referrerPolicy?: string; } declare class MockRequest { bodyUsed: boolean; cache: string; credentials: string; headers: MockHeaders; integrity: string; keepalive: boolean; mode: string; redirect: string; referrer: string; referrerPolicy: string; constructor(input?: any, init?: MockRequestInit); get url(): string; set url(value: string); get method(): string; set method(value: string); clone(): MockRequest; } interface MockResponseInit { headers?: any; ok?: boolean; status?: number; statusText?: string; type?: string; url?: string; } declare class MockResponse { headers: MockHeaders; ok: boolean; status: number; statusText: string; type: string; url: string; constructor(body?: string, init?: MockResponseInit); json(): Promise; text(): Promise; clone(): MockResponse; } declare function matches(selector: string, elm: MockElement): boolean; declare function selectOne(selector: string, elm: MockElement): Element; declare function selectAll(selector: string, elm: MockElement): Element[]; declare function serializeNodeToHtml(elm: Node | MockNode, opts?: SerializeNodeToHtmlOptions): string; declare const NON_ESCAPABLE_CONTENT: Set; declare const WHITESPACE_SENSITIVE: Set; interface SerializeNodeToHtmlOptions { approximateLineWidth?: number; excludeTagContent?: string[]; excludeTags?: string[]; indentSpaces?: number; newLines?: boolean; outerHtml?: boolean; prettyHtml?: boolean; removeAttributeQuotes?: boolean; removeBooleanAttributeQuotes?: boolean; removeEmptyAttributes?: boolean; removeHtmlComments?: boolean; serializeShadowRoot?: boolean; } declare class MockStorage { key(_value: number): void; getItem(key: string): string; setItem(key: string, value: string): void; removeItem(key: string): void; clear(): void; } declare const nativeClearInterval: typeof clearInterval; declare const nativeClearTimeout: typeof clearTimeout; declare const nativeSetInterval: typeof setInterval; declare const nativeSetTimeout: typeof setTimeout; declare class MockWindow { URL: typeof URL; console: Console; customElements: CustomElementRegistry; document: Document; performance: Performance; devicePixelRatio: number; innerHeight: number; innerWidth: number; pageXOffset: number; pageYOffset: number; screen: Screen; screenLeft: number; screenTop: number; screenX: number; screenY: number; scrollX: number; scrollY: number; constructor(html?: string | boolean); addEventListener(type: string, handler: (ev?: any) => void): void; alert(msg: string): void; blur(): any; cancelAnimationFrame(id: any): void; cancelIdleCallback(id: any): void; get CharacterData(): any; set CharacterData(charDataCstr: any); clearInterval(id: any): void; clearTimeout(id: any): void; close(): void; confirm(): boolean; get CSS(): { supports: () => boolean; }; get Document(): any; set Document(docCstr: any); get DocumentFragment(): any; set DocumentFragment(docFragCstr: any); get DocumentType(): any; set DocumentType(docTypeCstr: any); get DOMTokenList(): any; set DOMTokenList(domTokenListCstr: any); dispatchEvent(ev: MockEvent): boolean; get Element(): any; fetch(input: any, init?: any): any; focus(): any; getComputedStyle(_: any): any; get globalThis(): this; get history(): any; set history(hsty: any); get JSON(): JSON; get HTMLElement(): any; set HTMLElement(htmlElementCstr: any); get IntersectionObserver(): typeof MockIntersectionObserver; get localStorage(): MockStorage; set localStorage(locStorage: MockStorage); get location(): Location; set location(val: Location); matchMedia(): { matches: boolean; }; get Node(): any; get NodeList(): any; get navigator(): any; set navigator(nav: any); get parent(): any; prompt(): string; open(): any; get origin(): string; removeEventListener(type: string, handler: any): void; requestAnimationFrame(callback: (timestamp: number) => void): number; requestIdleCallback(callback: (deadline: { didTimeout: boolean; timeRemaining: () => number; }) => void): number; scroll(_x?: number, _y?: number): void; scrollBy(_x?: number, _y?: number): void; scrollTo(_x?: number, _y?: number): void; get self(): this; get sessionStorage(): any; set sessionStorage(locStorage: any); setInterval(callback: (...args: any[]) => void, ms: number, ...args: any[]): number; setTimeout(callback: (...args: any[]) => void, ms: number, ...args: any[]): number; get top(): this; get window(): this; onanimationstart(): void; onanimationend(): void; onanimationiteration(): void; onabort(): void; onauxclick(): void; onbeforecopy(): void; onbeforecut(): void; onbeforepaste(): void; onblur(): void; oncancel(): void; oncanplay(): void; oncanplaythrough(): void; onchange(): void; onclick(): void; onclose(): void; oncontextmenu(): void; oncopy(): void; oncuechange(): void; oncut(): void; ondblclick(): void; ondrag(): void; ondragend(): void; ondragenter(): void; ondragleave(): void; ondragover(): void; ondragstart(): void; ondrop(): void; ondurationchange(): void; onemptied(): void; onended(): void; onerror(): void; onfocus(): void; onfocusin(): void; onfocusout(): void; onformdata(): void; onfullscreenchange(): void; onfullscreenerror(): void; ongotpointercapture(): void; oninput(): void; oninvalid(): void; onkeydown(): void; onkeypress(): void; onkeyup(): void; onload(): void; onloadeddata(): void; onloadedmetadata(): void; onloadstart(): void; onlostpointercapture(): void; onmousedown(): void; onmouseenter(): void; onmouseleave(): void; onmousemove(): void; onmouseout(): void; onmouseover(): void; onmouseup(): void; onmousewheel(): void; onpaste(): void; onpause(): void; onplay(): void; onplaying(): void; onpointercancel(): void; onpointerdown(): void; onpointerenter(): void; onpointerleave(): void; onpointermove(): void; onpointerout(): void; onpointerover(): void; onpointerup(): void; onprogress(): void; onratechange(): void; onreset(): void; onresize(): void; onscroll(): void; onsearch(): void; onseeked(): void; onseeking(): void; onselect(): void; onselectstart(): void; onstalled(): void; onsubmit(): void; onsuspend(): void; ontimeupdate(): void; ontoggle(): void; onvolumechange(): void; onwaiting(): void; onwebkitfullscreenchange(): void; onwebkitfullscreenerror(): void; onwheel(): void; } declare function createWindow(html?: string | boolean): Window; declare function cloneWindow(srcWin: Window, opts?: { customElementProxy?: boolean; }): MockWindow; declare function cloneDocument(srcDoc: Document): Document; /** * Constrain setTimeout() to 1ms, but still async. Also * only allow setInterval() to fire once, also constrained to 1ms. */ declare function constrainTimeouts(win: any): void; export { MockAttr, MockAttributeMap, MockComment, MockCustomEvent, MockDocument, MockElement, MockHTMLElement, MockHeaders, MockKeyboardEvent, MockMouseEvent, MockNode, MockRequest, MockRequestInfo, MockRequestInit, MockResponse, MockResponseInit, MockTextNode, MockWindow, NODE_TYPES, SerializeNodeToHtmlOptions, cloneAttributes, cloneDocument, cloneWindow, constrainTimeouts, createDocument, createFragment, parseHtmlToDocument, parseHtmlToFragment, patchWindow, resetDocument, serializeNodeToHtml, setupGlobal, teardownGlobal }