'use strict'; require('should'); var dateFormat = require('../lib'); function createFixedDate() { return new Date(2010, 0, 11, 14, 31, 30, 5); } describe('date_format', function() { var date = createFixedDate(); it('should default to now when a date is not provided', function() { dateFormat.asString(dateFormat.DATETIME_FORMAT).should.not.be.empty(); }); it('should be usable directly without calling asString', function() { dateFormat(dateFormat.DATETIME_FORMAT, date).should.eql('11 01 2010 14:31:30.005'); }); it('should format a date as string using a pattern', function() { dateFormat.asString(dateFormat.DATETIME_FORMAT, date).should.eql('11 01 2010 14:31:30.005'); }); it('should default to the ISO8601 format', function() { dateFormat.asString(date).should.eql('2010-01-11T14:31:30.005'); }); it('should provide a ISO8601 with timezone offset format', function() { var tzDate = createFixedDate(); tzDate.getTimezoneOffset = function () { return -660; }; // when tz offset is in the pattern, the date should be in local time dateFormat.asString(dateFormat.ISO8601_WITH_TZ_OFFSET_FORMAT, tzDate) .should.eql('2010-01-11T14:31:30.005+1100'); tzDate = createFixedDate(); tzDate.getTimezoneOffset = function () { return 120; }; dateFormat.asString(dateFormat.ISO8601_WITH_TZ_OFFSET_FORMAT, tzDate) .should.eql('2010-01-11T14:31:30.005-0200'); }); it('should provide a just-the-time format', function() { dateFormat.asString(dateFormat.ABSOLUTETIME_FORMAT, date).should.eql('14:31:30.005'); }); it('should provide a custom format', function() { var customDate = createFixedDate(); customDate.getTimezoneOffset = function () { return 120; }; dateFormat.asString('O.SSS.ss.mm.hh.dd.MM.yy', customDate).should.eql('-0200.'); }); });