/** * A simple dependency graph */ /** * Helper for creating a Topological Sort using Depth-First-Search on a set of edges. * * Detects cycles and throws an Error if one is detected (unless the "circular" * parameter is "true" in which case it ignores them). * * @param edges The set of edges to DFS through * @param leavesOnly Whether to only return "leaf" nodes (ones who have no edges) * @param result An array in which the results will be populated * @param circular A boolean to allow circular dependencies */ function createDFS(edges, leavesOnly, result, circular) { var visited = {}; return function (start) { if (visited[start]) { return; } var inCurrentPath = {}; var currentPath = []; var todo = []; // used as a stack todo.push({ node: start, processed: false }); while (todo.length > 0) { var current = todo[todo.length - 1]; // peek at the todo stack var processed = current.processed; var node = current.node; if (!processed) { // Haven't visited edges yet (visiting phase) if (visited[node]) { todo.pop(); continue; } else if (inCurrentPath[node]) { // It's not a DAG if (circular) { todo.pop(); // If we're tolerating cycles, don't revisit the node continue; } currentPath.push(node); throw new DepGraphCycleError(currentPath); } inCurrentPath[node] = true; currentPath.push(node); var nodeEdges = edges[node]; // (push edges onto the todo stack in reverse order to be order-compatible with the old DFS implementation) for (var i = nodeEdges.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { todo.push({ node: nodeEdges[i], processed: false }); } current.processed = true; } else { // Have visited edges (stack unrolling phase) todo.pop(); currentPath.pop(); inCurrentPath[node] = false; visited[node] = true; if (!leavesOnly || edges[node].length === 0) { result.push(node); } } } }; } /** * Simple Dependency Graph */ var DepGraph = (exports.DepGraph = function DepGraph(opts) { this.nodes = {}; // Node -> Node/Data (treated like a Set) this.outgoingEdges = {}; // Node -> [Dependency Node] this.incomingEdges = {}; // Node -> [Dependant Node] this.circular = opts && !!opts.circular; // Allows circular deps }); DepGraph.prototype = { /** * The number of nodes in the graph. */ size: function () { return Object.keys(this.nodes).length; }, /** * Add a node to the dependency graph. If a node already exists, this method will do nothing. */ addNode: function (node, data) { if (!this.hasNode(node)) { // Checking the arguments length allows the user to add a node with undefined data if (arguments.length === 2) { this.nodes[node] = data; } else { this.nodes[node] = node; } this.outgoingEdges[node] = []; this.incomingEdges[node] = []; } }, /** * Remove a node from the dependency graph. If a node does not exist, this method will do nothing. */ removeNode: function (node) { if (this.hasNode(node)) { delete this.nodes[node]; delete this.outgoingEdges[node]; delete this.incomingEdges[node]; [this.incomingEdges, this.outgoingEdges].forEach(function (edgeList) { Object.keys(edgeList).forEach(function (key) { var idx = edgeList[key].indexOf(node); if (idx >= 0) { edgeList[key].splice(idx, 1); } }, this); }); } }, /** * Check if a node exists in the graph */ hasNode: function (node) { return this.nodes.hasOwnProperty(node); }, /** * Get the data associated with a node name */ getNodeData: function (node) { if (this.hasNode(node)) { return this.nodes[node]; } else { throw new Error("Node does not exist: " + node); } }, /** * Set the associated data for a given node name. If the node does not exist, this method will throw an error */ setNodeData: function (node, data) { if (this.hasNode(node)) { this.nodes[node] = data; } else { throw new Error("Node does not exist: " + node); } }, /** * Add a dependency between two nodes. If either of the nodes does not exist, * an Error will be thrown. */ addDependency: function (from, to) { if (!this.hasNode(from)) { throw new Error("Node does not exist: " + from); } if (!this.hasNode(to)) { throw new Error("Node does not exist: " + to); } if (this.outgoingEdges[from].indexOf(to) === -1) { this.outgoingEdges[from].push(to); } if (this.incomingEdges[to].indexOf(from) === -1) { this.incomingEdges[to].push(from); } return true; }, /** * Remove a dependency between two nodes. */ removeDependency: function (from, to) { var idx; if (this.hasNode(from)) { idx = this.outgoingEdges[from].indexOf(to); if (idx >= 0) { this.outgoingEdges[from].splice(idx, 1); } } if (this.hasNode(to)) { idx = this.incomingEdges[to].indexOf(from); if (idx >= 0) { this.incomingEdges[to].splice(idx, 1); } } }, /** * Return a clone of the dependency graph. If any custom data is attached * to the nodes, it will only be shallow copied. */ clone: function () { var source = this; var result = new DepGraph(); var keys = Object.keys(source.nodes); keys.forEach(function (n) { result.nodes[n] = source.nodes[n]; result.outgoingEdges[n] = source.outgoingEdges[n].slice(0); result.incomingEdges[n] = source.incomingEdges[n].slice(0); }); return result; }, /** * Get an array containing the direct dependencies of the specified node. * * Throws an Error if the specified node does not exist. */ directDependenciesOf: function (node) { if (this.hasNode(node)) { return this.outgoingEdges[node].slice(0); } else { throw new Error("Node does not exist: " + node); } }, /** * Get an array containing the nodes that directly depend on the specified node. * * Throws an Error if the specified node does not exist. */ directDependantsOf: function (node) { if (this.hasNode(node)) { return this.incomingEdges[node].slice(0); } else { throw new Error("Node does not exist: " + node); } }, /** * Get an array containing the nodes that the specified node depends on (transitively). * * Throws an Error if the graph has a cycle, or the specified node does not exist. * * If `leavesOnly` is true, only nodes that do not depend on any other nodes will be returned * in the array. */ dependenciesOf: function (node, leavesOnly) { if (this.hasNode(node)) { var result = []; var DFS = createDFS( this.outgoingEdges, leavesOnly, result, this.circular ); DFS(node); var idx = result.indexOf(node); if (idx >= 0) { result.splice(idx, 1); } return result; } else { throw new Error("Node does not exist: " + node); } }, /** * get an array containing the nodes that depend on the specified node (transitively). * * Throws an Error if the graph has a cycle, or the specified node does not exist. * * If `leavesOnly` is true, only nodes that do not have any dependants will be returned in the array. */ dependantsOf: function (node, leavesOnly) { if (this.hasNode(node)) { var result = []; var DFS = createDFS( this.incomingEdges, leavesOnly, result, this.circular ); DFS(node); var idx = result.indexOf(node); if (idx >= 0) { result.splice(idx, 1); } return result; } else { throw new Error("Node does not exist: " + node); } }, /** * Construct the overall processing order for the dependency graph. * * Throws an Error if the graph has a cycle. * * If `leavesOnly` is true, only nodes that do not depend on any other nodes will be returned. */ overallOrder: function (leavesOnly) { var self = this; var result = []; var keys = Object.keys(this.nodes); if (keys.length === 0) { return result; // Empty graph } else { if (!this.circular) { // Look for cycles - we run the DFS starting at all the nodes in case there // are several disconnected subgraphs inside this dependency graph. var CycleDFS = createDFS(this.outgoingEdges, false, [], this.circular); keys.forEach(function (n) { CycleDFS(n); }); } var DFS = createDFS( this.outgoingEdges, leavesOnly, result, this.circular ); // Find all potential starting points (nodes with nothing depending on them) an // run a DFS starting at these points to get the order keys .filter(function (node) { return self.incomingEdges[node].length === 0; }) .forEach(function (n) { DFS(n); }); // If we're allowing cycles - we need to run the DFS against any remaining // nodes that did not end up in the initial result (as they are part of a // subgraph that does not have a clear starting point) if (this.circular) { keys .filter(function (node) { return result.indexOf(node) === -1; }) .forEach(function (n) { DFS(n); }); } return result; } }, /** * Get an array of nodes that have no dependants (i.e. nothing depends on them). */ entryNodes: function () { var self = this; return Object.keys(this.nodes).filter(function (node) { return self.incomingEdges[node].length === 0; }); } }; // Create some aliases DepGraph.prototype.directDependentsOf = DepGraph.prototype.directDependantsOf; DepGraph.prototype.dependentsOf = DepGraph.prototype.dependantsOf; /** * Cycle error, including the path of the cycle. */ var DepGraphCycleError = (exports.DepGraphCycleError = function (cyclePath) { var message = "Dependency Cycle Found: " + cyclePath.join(" -> "); var instance = new Error(message); instance.cyclePath = cyclePath; Object.setPrototypeOf(instance, Object.getPrototypeOf(this)); if (Error.captureStackTrace) { Error.captureStackTrace(instance, DepGraphCycleError); } return instance; }); DepGraphCycleError.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype, { constructor: { value: Error, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }); Object.setPrototypeOf(DepGraphCycleError, Error);