/* Copyright 2012-2015, Yahoo Inc. Copyrights licensed under the New BSD License. See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms. */ 'use strict'; const { FileCoverage } = require('./file-coverage'); const { CoverageSummary } = require('./coverage-summary'); function maybeConstruct(obj, klass) { if (obj instanceof klass) { return obj; } return new klass(obj); } function loadMap(source) { const data = Object.create(null); if (!source) { return data; } Object.entries(source).forEach(([k, cov]) => { data[k] = maybeConstruct(cov, FileCoverage); }); return data; } /** CoverageMap is a map of `FileCoverage` objects keyed by file paths. */ class CoverageMap { /** * @constructor * @param {Object} [obj=undefined] obj A coverage map from which to initialize this * map's contents. This can be the raw global coverage object. */ constructor(obj) { if (obj instanceof CoverageMap) { this.data = obj.data; } else { this.data = loadMap(obj); } } /** * merges a second coverage map into this one * @param {CoverageMap} obj - a CoverageMap or its raw data. Coverage is merged * correctly for the same files and additional file coverage keys are created * as needed. */ merge(obj) { const other = maybeConstruct(obj, CoverageMap); Object.values(other.data).forEach(fc => { this.addFileCoverage(fc); }); } /** * filter the coveragemap based on the callback provided * @param {Function (filename)} callback - Returns true if the path * should be included in the coveragemap. False if it should be * removed. */ filter(callback) { Object.keys(this.data).forEach(k => { if (!callback(k)) { delete this.data[k]; } }); } /** * returns a JSON-serializable POJO for this coverage map * @returns {Object} */ toJSON() { return this.data; } /** * returns an array for file paths for which this map has coverage * @returns {Array{string}} - array of files */ files() { return Object.keys(this.data); } /** * returns the file coverage for the specified file. * @param {String} file * @returns {FileCoverage} */ fileCoverageFor(file) { const fc = this.data[file]; if (!fc) { throw new Error(`No file coverage available for: ${file}`); } return fc; } /** * adds a file coverage object to this map. If the path for the object, * already exists in the map, it is merged with the existing coverage * otherwise a new key is added to the map. * @param {FileCoverage} fc the file coverage to add */ addFileCoverage(fc) { const cov = new FileCoverage(fc); const { path } = cov; if (this.data[path]) { this.data[path].merge(cov); } else { this.data[path] = cov; } } /** * returns the coverage summary for all the file coverage objects in this map. * @returns {CoverageSummary} */ getCoverageSummary() { const ret = new CoverageSummary(); Object.values(this.data).forEach(fc => { ret.merge(fc.toSummary()); }); return ret; } } module.exports = { CoverageMap };