/* Copyright (c) 2008-2021 Pivotal Labs Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ var jasmineRequire = window.jasmineRequire || require('./jasmine.js'); jasmineRequire.html = function (j$) { j$.ResultsNode = jasmineRequire.ResultsNode(); j$.HtmlReporter = jasmineRequire.HtmlReporter(j$); j$.QueryString = jasmineRequire.QueryString(); j$.HtmlSpecFilter = jasmineRequire.HtmlSpecFilter(); }; jasmineRequire.HtmlReporter = function (j$) { function ResultsStateBuilder() { this.topResults = new j$.ResultsNode({}, '', null); this.currentParent = this.topResults; this.specsExecuted = 0; this.failureCount = 0; this.pendingSpecCount = 0; } ResultsStateBuilder.prototype.suiteStarted = function (result) { this.currentParent.addChild(result, 'suite'); this.currentParent = this.currentParent.last(); }; ResultsStateBuilder.prototype.suiteDone = function (result) { this.currentParent.updateResult(result); if (this.currentParent !== this.topResults) { this.currentParent = this.currentParent.parent; } if (result.status === 'failed') { this.failureCount++; } }; ResultsStateBuilder.prototype.specStarted = function (result) { }; ResultsStateBuilder.prototype.specDone = function (result) { this.currentParent.addChild(result, 'spec'); if (result.status !== 'excluded') { this.specsExecuted++; } if (result.status === 'failed') { this.failureCount++; } if (result.status == 'pending') { this.pendingSpecCount++; } }; function HtmlReporter(options) { var config = function () { return (options.env && options.env.configuration()) || {}; }, getContainer = options.getContainer, createElement = options.createElement, createTextNode = options.createTextNode, navigateWithNewParam = options.navigateWithNewParam || function () { }, addToExistingQueryString = options.addToExistingQueryString || defaultQueryString, filterSpecs = options.filterSpecs, htmlReporterMain, symbols, deprecationWarnings = []; this.initialize = function () { clearPrior(); htmlReporterMain = createDom( 'div', { className: 'jasmine_html-reporter' }, createDom( 'div', { className: 'jasmine-banner' }, createDom('a', { className: 'jasmine-title', href: 'http://jasmine.github.io/', target: '_blank' }), createDom('span', { className: 'jasmine-version' }, j$.version) ), createDom('ul', { className: 'jasmine-symbol-summary' }), createDom('div', { className: 'jasmine-alert' }), createDom( 'div', { className: 'jasmine-results' }, createDom('div', { className: 'jasmine-failures' }) ) ); getContainer().appendChild(htmlReporterMain); }; var totalSpecsDefined; this.jasmineStarted = function (options) { totalSpecsDefined = options.totalSpecsDefined || 0; }; var summary = createDom('div', { className: 'jasmine-summary' }); var stateBuilder = new ResultsStateBuilder(); this.suiteStarted = function (result) { stateBuilder.suiteStarted(result); }; this.suiteDone = function (result) { stateBuilder.suiteDone(result); if (result.status === 'failed') { failures.push(failureDom(result)); } addDeprecationWarnings(result, 'suite'); }; this.specStarted = function (result) { stateBuilder.specStarted(result); }; var failures = []; this.specDone = function (result) { stateBuilder.specDone(result); if (noExpectations(result)) { var noSpecMsg = "Spec '" + result.fullName + "' has no expectations."; if (result.status === 'failed') { console.error(noSpecMsg); } else { console.warn(noSpecMsg); } } if (!symbols) { symbols = find('.jasmine-symbol-summary'); } symbols.appendChild( createDom('li', { className: this.displaySpecInCorrectFormat(result), id: 'spec_' + result.id, title: result.fullName }) ); if (result.status === 'failed') { failures.push(failureDom(result)); } addDeprecationWarnings(result, 'spec'); }; this.displaySpecInCorrectFormat = function (result) { return noExpectations(result) && result.status === 'passed' ? 'jasmine-empty' : this.resultStatus(result.status); }; this.resultStatus = function (status) { if (status === 'excluded') { return config().hideDisabled ? 'jasmine-excluded-no-display' : 'jasmine-excluded'; } return 'jasmine-' + status; }; this.jasmineDone = function (doneResult) { var banner = find('.jasmine-banner'); var alert = find('.jasmine-alert'); var order = doneResult && doneResult.order; var i; alert.appendChild( createDom( 'span', { className: 'jasmine-duration' }, 'finished in ' + doneResult.totalTime / 1000 + 's' ) ); banner.appendChild(optionsMenu(config())); if (stateBuilder.specsExecuted < totalSpecsDefined) { var skippedMessage = 'Ran ' + stateBuilder.specsExecuted + ' of ' + totalSpecsDefined + ' specs - run all'; // include window.location.pathname to fix issue with karma-jasmine-html-reporter in angular: see https://github.com/jasmine/jasmine/issues/1906 var skippedLink = (window.location.pathname || '') + addToExistingQueryString('spec', ''); alert.appendChild( createDom( 'span', { className: 'jasmine-bar jasmine-skipped' }, createDom( 'a', { href: skippedLink, title: 'Run all specs' }, skippedMessage ) ) ); } var statusBarMessage = ''; var statusBarClassName = 'jasmine-overall-result jasmine-bar '; var globalFailures = (doneResult && doneResult.failedExpectations) || []; var failed = stateBuilder.failureCount + globalFailures.length > 0; if (totalSpecsDefined > 0 || failed) { statusBarMessage += pluralize('spec', stateBuilder.specsExecuted) + ', ' + pluralize('failure', stateBuilder.failureCount); if (stateBuilder.pendingSpecCount) { statusBarMessage += ', ' + pluralize('pending spec', stateBuilder.pendingSpecCount); } } if (doneResult.overallStatus === 'passed') { statusBarClassName += ' jasmine-passed '; } else if (doneResult.overallStatus === 'incomplete') { statusBarClassName += ' jasmine-incomplete '; statusBarMessage = 'Incomplete: ' + doneResult.incompleteReason + ', ' + statusBarMessage; } else { statusBarClassName += ' jasmine-failed '; } var seedBar; if (order && order.random) { seedBar = createDom( 'span', { className: 'jasmine-seed-bar' }, ', randomized with seed ', createDom( 'a', { title: 'randomized with seed ' + order.seed, href: seedHref(order.seed) }, order.seed ) ); } alert.appendChild( createDom( 'span', { className: statusBarClassName }, statusBarMessage, seedBar ) ); var errorBarClassName = 'jasmine-bar jasmine-errored'; var afterAllMessagePrefix = 'AfterAll '; for (i = 0; i < globalFailures.length; i++) { alert.appendChild( createDom( 'span', { className: errorBarClassName }, globalFailureMessage(globalFailures[i]) ) ); } function globalFailureMessage(failure) { if (failure.globalErrorType === 'load') { var prefix = 'Error during loading: ' + failure.message; if (failure.filename) { return ( prefix + ' in ' + failure.filename + ' line ' + failure.lineno ); } else { return prefix; } } else { return afterAllMessagePrefix + failure.message; } } addDeprecationWarnings(doneResult); for (i = 0; i < deprecationWarnings.length; i++) { var context; switch (deprecationWarnings[i].runnableType) { case 'spec': context = '(in spec: ' + deprecationWarnings[i].runnableName + ')'; break; case 'suite': context = '(in suite: ' + deprecationWarnings[i].runnableName + ')'; break; default: context = ''; } alert.appendChild( createDom( 'span', { className: 'jasmine-bar jasmine-warning' }, 'DEPRECATION: ' + deprecationWarnings[i].message, createDom('br'), context ) ); } var results = find('.jasmine-results'); results.appendChild(summary); summaryList(stateBuilder.topResults, summary); if (failures.length) { alert.appendChild( createDom( 'span', { className: 'jasmine-menu jasmine-bar jasmine-spec-list' }, createDom('span', {}, 'Spec List | '), createDom( 'a', { className: 'jasmine-failures-menu', href: '#' }, 'Failures' ) ) ); alert.appendChild( createDom( 'span', { className: 'jasmine-menu jasmine-bar jasmine-failure-list' }, createDom( 'a', { className: 'jasmine-spec-list-menu', href: '#' }, 'Spec List' ), createDom('span', {}, ' | Failures ') ) ); find('.jasmine-failures-menu').onclick = function () { setMenuModeTo('jasmine-failure-list'); return false; }; find('.jasmine-spec-list-menu').onclick = function () { setMenuModeTo('jasmine-spec-list'); return false; }; setMenuModeTo('jasmine-failure-list'); var failureNode = find('.jasmine-failures'); for (i = 0; i < failures.length; i++) { failureNode.appendChild(failures[i]); } } }; return this; function failureDom(result) { var failure = createDom( 'div', { className: 'jasmine-spec-detail jasmine-failed' }, failureDescription(result, stateBuilder.currentParent), createDom('div', { className: 'jasmine-messages' }) ); var messages = failure.childNodes[1]; for (var i = 0; i < result.failedExpectations.length; i++) { var expectation = result.failedExpectations[i]; messages.appendChild( createDom( 'div', { className: 'jasmine-result-message' }, expectation.message ) ); messages.appendChild( createDom( 'div', { className: 'jasmine-stack-trace' }, expectation.stack ) ); } if (result.failedExpectations.length === 0) { messages.appendChild( createDom( 'div', { className: 'jasmine-result-message' }, 'Spec has no expectations' ) ); } return failure; } function summaryList(resultsTree, domParent) { var specListNode; for (var i = 0; i < resultsTree.children.length; i++) { var resultNode = resultsTree.children[i]; if (filterSpecs && !hasActiveSpec(resultNode)) { continue; } if (resultNode.type === 'suite') { var suiteListNode = createDom( 'ul', { className: 'jasmine-suite', id: 'suite-' + resultNode.result.id }, createDom( 'li', { className: 'jasmine-suite-detail jasmine-' + resultNode.result.status }, createDom( 'a', { href: specHref(resultNode.result) }, resultNode.result.description ) ) ); summaryList(resultNode, suiteListNode); domParent.appendChild(suiteListNode); } if (resultNode.type === 'spec') { if (domParent.getAttribute('class') !== 'jasmine-specs') { specListNode = createDom('ul', { className: 'jasmine-specs' }); domParent.appendChild(specListNode); } var specDescription = resultNode.result.description; if (noExpectations(resultNode.result)) { specDescription = 'SPEC HAS NO EXPECTATIONS ' + specDescription; } if ( resultNode.result.status === 'pending' && resultNode.result.pendingReason !== '' ) { specDescription = specDescription + ' PENDING WITH MESSAGE: ' + resultNode.result.pendingReason; } specListNode.appendChild( createDom( 'li', { className: 'jasmine-' + resultNode.result.status, id: 'spec-' + resultNode.result.id }, createDom( 'a', { href: specHref(resultNode.result) }, specDescription ) ) ); } } } function optionsMenu(config) { var optionsMenuDom = createDom( 'div', { className: 'jasmine-run-options' }, createDom('span', { className: 'jasmine-trigger' }, 'Options'), createDom( 'div', { className: 'jasmine-payload' }, createDom( 'div', { className: 'jasmine-stop-on-failure' }, createDom('input', { className: 'jasmine-fail-fast', id: 'jasmine-fail-fast', type: 'checkbox' }), createDom( 'label', { className: 'jasmine-label', for: 'jasmine-fail-fast' }, 'stop execution on spec failure' ) ), createDom( 'div', { className: 'jasmine-throw-failures' }, createDom('input', { className: 'jasmine-throw', id: 'jasmine-throw-failures', type: 'checkbox' }), createDom( 'label', { className: 'jasmine-label', for: 'jasmine-throw-failures' }, 'stop spec on expectation failure' ) ), createDom( 'div', { className: 'jasmine-random-order' }, createDom('input', { className: 'jasmine-random', id: 'jasmine-random-order', type: 'checkbox' }), createDom( 'label', { className: 'jasmine-label', for: 'jasmine-random-order' }, 'run tests in random order' ) ), createDom( 'div', { className: 'jasmine-hide-disabled' }, createDom('input', { className: 'jasmine-disabled', id: 'jasmine-hide-disabled', type: 'checkbox' }), createDom( 'label', { className: 'jasmine-label', for: 'jasmine-hide-disabled' }, 'hide disabled tests' ) ) ) ); var failFastCheckbox = optionsMenuDom.querySelector('#jasmine-fail-fast'); failFastCheckbox.checked = config.failFast; failFastCheckbox.onclick = function () { navigateWithNewParam('failFast', !config.failFast); }; var throwCheckbox = optionsMenuDom.querySelector( '#jasmine-throw-failures' ); throwCheckbox.checked = config.oneFailurePerSpec; throwCheckbox.onclick = function () { navigateWithNewParam('oneFailurePerSpec', !config.oneFailurePerSpec); }; var randomCheckbox = optionsMenuDom.querySelector( '#jasmine-random-order' ); randomCheckbox.checked = config.random; randomCheckbox.onclick = function () { navigateWithNewParam('random', !config.random); }; var hideDisabled = optionsMenuDom.querySelector('#jasmine-hide-disabled'); hideDisabled.checked = config.hideDisabled; hideDisabled.onclick = function () { navigateWithNewParam('hideDisabled', !config.hideDisabled); }; var optionsTrigger = optionsMenuDom.querySelector('.jasmine-trigger'), optionsPayload = optionsMenuDom.querySelector('.jasmine-payload'), isOpen = /\bjasmine-open\b/; optionsTrigger.onclick = function () { if (isOpen.test(optionsPayload.className)) { optionsPayload.className = optionsPayload.className.replace( isOpen, '' ); } else { optionsPayload.className += ' jasmine-open'; } }; return optionsMenuDom; } function failureDescription(result, suite) { var wrapper = createDom( 'div', { className: 'jasmine-description' }, createDom( 'a', { title: result.description, href: specHref(result) }, result.description ) ); var suiteLink; while (suite && suite.parent) { wrapper.insertBefore(createTextNode(' > '), wrapper.firstChild); suiteLink = createDom( 'a', { href: suiteHref(suite) }, suite.result.description ); wrapper.insertBefore(suiteLink, wrapper.firstChild); suite = suite.parent; } return wrapper; } function suiteHref(suite) { var els = []; while (suite && suite.parent) { els.unshift(suite.result.description); suite = suite.parent; } // include window.location.pathname to fix issue with karma-jasmine-html-reporter in angular: see https://github.com/jasmine/jasmine/issues/1906 return ( (window.location.pathname || '') + addToExistingQueryString('spec', els.join(' ')) ); } function addDeprecationWarnings(result, runnableType) { if (result && result.deprecationWarnings) { for (var i = 0; i < result.deprecationWarnings.length; i++) { var warning = result.deprecationWarnings[i].message; if (!j$.util.arrayContains(warning)) { deprecationWarnings.push({ message: warning, runnableName: result.fullName, runnableType: runnableType }); } } } } function find(selector) { return getContainer().querySelector('.jasmine_html-reporter ' + selector); } function clearPrior() { // return the reporter var oldReporter = find(''); if (oldReporter) { getContainer().removeChild(oldReporter); } } function createDom(type, attrs, childrenVarArgs) { var el = createElement(type); for (var i = 2; i < arguments.length; i++) { var child = arguments[i]; if (typeof child === 'string') { el.appendChild(createTextNode(child)); } else { if (child) { el.appendChild(child); } } } for (var attr in attrs) { if (attr == 'className') { el[attr] = attrs[attr]; } else { el.setAttribute(attr, attrs[attr]); } } return el; } function pluralize(singular, count) { var word = count == 1 ? singular : singular + 's'; return '' + count + ' ' + word; } function specHref(result) { // include window.location.pathname to fix issue with karma-jasmine-html-reporter in angular: see https://github.com/jasmine/jasmine/issues/1906 return ( (window.location.pathname || '') + addToExistingQueryString('spec', result.fullName) ); } function seedHref(seed) { // include window.location.pathname to fix issue with karma-jasmine-html-reporter in angular: see https://github.com/jasmine/jasmine/issues/1906 return ( (window.location.pathname || '') + addToExistingQueryString('seed', seed) ); } function defaultQueryString(key, value) { return '?' + key + '=' + value; } function setMenuModeTo(mode) { htmlReporterMain.setAttribute('class', 'jasmine_html-reporter ' + mode); } function noExpectations(result) { var allExpectations = result.failedExpectations.length + result.passedExpectations.length; return ( allExpectations === 0 && (result.status === 'passed' || result.status === 'failed') ); } function hasActiveSpec(resultNode) { if (resultNode.type == 'spec' && resultNode.result.status != 'excluded') { return true; } if (resultNode.type == 'suite') { for (var i = 0, j = resultNode.children.length; i < j; i++) { if (hasActiveSpec(resultNode.children[i])) { return true; } } } } } return HtmlReporter; }; jasmineRequire.HtmlSpecFilter = function () { function HtmlSpecFilter(options) { var filterString = options && options.filterString() && options.filterString().replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, '\\$&'); var filterPattern = new RegExp(filterString); this.matches = function (specName) { return filterPattern.test(specName); }; } return HtmlSpecFilter; }; jasmineRequire.ResultsNode = function () { function ResultsNode(result, type, parent) { this.result = result; this.type = type; this.parent = parent; this.children = []; this.addChild = function (result, type) { this.children.push(new ResultsNode(result, type, this)); }; this.last = function () { return this.children[this.children.length - 1]; }; this.updateResult = function (result) { this.result = result; }; } return ResultsNode; }; jasmineRequire.QueryString = function () { function QueryString(options) { this.navigateWithNewParam = function (key, value) { options.getWindowLocation().search = this.fullStringWithNewParam( key, value ); }; this.fullStringWithNewParam = function (key, value) { var paramMap = queryStringToParamMap(); paramMap[key] = value; return toQueryString(paramMap); }; this.getParam = function (key) { return queryStringToParamMap()[key]; }; return this; function toQueryString(paramMap) { var qStrPairs = []; for (var prop in paramMap) { qStrPairs.push( encodeURIComponent(prop) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(paramMap[prop]) ); } return '?' + qStrPairs.join('&'); } function queryStringToParamMap() { var paramStr = options.getWindowLocation().search.substring(1), params = [], paramMap = {}; if (paramStr.length > 0) { params = paramStr.split('&'); for (var i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { var p = params[i].split('='); var value = decodeURIComponent(p[1]); if (value === 'true' || value === 'false') { value = JSON.parse(value); } paramMap[decodeURIComponent(p[0])] = value; } } return paramMap; } } return QueryString; };