'use strict'; const { pathElems, referencesProps } = require('./_collections.js'); exports.name = 'moveGroupAttrsToElems'; exports.type = 'perItem'; exports.active = true; exports.description = 'moves some group attributes to the content elements'; const pathElemsWithGroupsAndText = [...pathElems, 'g', 'text']; /** * Move group attrs to the content elements. * * @example * * * * * ⬇ * * * * * * @param {Object} item current iteration item * @return {Boolean} if false, item will be filtered out * * @author Kir Belevich */ exports.fn = function (item) { // move group transform attr to content's pathElems if ( item.type === 'element' && item.name === 'g' && item.children.length !== 0 && item.attributes.transform != null && Object.entries(item.attributes).some( ([name, value]) => referencesProps.includes(name) && value.includes('url(') ) === false && item.children.every( (inner) => pathElemsWithGroupsAndText.includes(inner.name) && inner.attributes.id == null ) ) { for (const inner of item.children) { const value = item.attributes.transform; if (inner.attributes.transform != null) { inner.attributes.transform = value + ' ' + inner.attributes.transform; } else { inner.attributes.transform = value; } } delete item.attributes.transform; } };