"use strict"; /** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license */ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.scheduleByTarget = exports.scheduleByName = void 0; const core_1 = require("@angular-devkit/core"); const rxjs_1 = require("rxjs"); const operators_1 = require("rxjs/operators"); const api_1 = require("./api"); const progressSchema = require('./progress-schema.json'); let _uniqueId = 0; async function scheduleByName(name, buildOptions, options) { const childLoggerName = options.target ? `{${api_1.targetStringFromTarget(options.target)}}` : name; const logger = options.logger.createChild(childLoggerName); const job = options.scheduler.schedule(name, {}); let stateSubscription; const workspaceRoot = await options.workspaceRoot; const currentDirectory = await options.currentDirectory; const description = await job.description.toPromise(); const info = description.info; const id = ++_uniqueId; const message = { id, currentDirectory, workspaceRoot, info: info, options: buildOptions, ...(options.target ? { target: options.target } : {}), }; // Wait for the job to be ready. if (job.state !== core_1.experimental.jobs.JobState.Started) { stateSubscription = job.outboundBus.subscribe((event) => { if (event.kind === core_1.experimental.jobs.JobOutboundMessageKind.Start) { job.input.next(message); } }, () => { }); } else { job.input.next(message); } const logChannelSub = job.getChannel('log').subscribe((entry) => { logger.next(entry); }, () => { }); const s = job.outboundBus.subscribe({ error() { }, complete() { s.unsubscribe(); logChannelSub.unsubscribe(); if (stateSubscription) { stateSubscription.unsubscribe(); } }, }); const output = job.output.pipe(operators_1.map((output) => ({ ...output, ...(options.target ? { target: options.target } : 0), info, })), operators_1.shareReplay()); // If there's an analytics object, take the job channel and report it to the analytics. if (options.analytics) { const reporter = new core_1.analytics.AnalyticsReporter(options.analytics); job .getChannel('analytics') .subscribe((report) => reporter.report(report)); } // Start the builder. output.pipe(operators_1.first()).subscribe({ error() { }, }); return { id, info, // This is a getter so that it always returns the next output, and not the same one. get result() { return output.pipe(operators_1.first()).toPromise(); }, output, progress: job .getChannel('progress', progressSchema) .pipe(operators_1.shareReplay(1)), stop() { job.stop(); return job.outboundBus .pipe(operators_1.ignoreElements(), operators_1.catchError(() => rxjs_1.EMPTY)) .toPromise(); }, }; } exports.scheduleByName = scheduleByName; async function scheduleByTarget(target, overrides, options) { return scheduleByName(`{${api_1.targetStringFromTarget(target)}}`, overrides, { ...options, target, logger: options.logger, }); } exports.scheduleByTarget = scheduleByTarget;