[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/jasmine/jasmine-npm.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/jasmine/jasmine-npm) # The Jasmine Module The `jasmine` module is a package of helper code for developing Jasmine projects for Node.js. The core of jasmine lives at https://github.com/jasmine/jasmine and is `jasmine-core` in npm. ## Contents This module allows you to run Jasmine specs for your Node.js code. The output will be displayed in your terminal by default. ## Documentation http://jasmine.github.io/2.5/node.html ## Installation ```sh # Local installation: npm install --save-dev jasmine # Global installation npm install -g jasmine ``` ## Initializing To initialize a project for Jasmine `jasmine init` To seed your project with some examples `jasmine examples` ## Usage To run your test suite `jasmine` ## Configuration Customize `spec/support/jasmine.json` to enumerate the source and spec files you would like the Jasmine runner to include. You may use dir glob strings. More information on the format of `jasmine.json` can be found in [the documentation](http://jasmine.github.io/2.4/node.html#section-Configuration) Alternatively, you may specify the path to your `jasmine.json` by setting an environment variable or an option: ```shell jasmine JASMINE_CONFIG_PATH=relative/path/to/your/jasmine.json jasmine --config=relative/path/to/your/jasmine.json ``` ## Support Documentation: [jasmine.github.io](https://jasmine.github.io) Jasmine Mailing list: [jasmine-js@googlegroups.com](mailto:jasmine-js@googlegroups.com) Twitter: [@jasminebdd](http://twitter.com/jasminebdd) Please file issues here at Github Copyright (c) 2008-2017 Pivotal Labs. This software is licensed under the MIT License.